Stella Creasy … for this shit (it’s behind a paywall but the headline does the job):
Tory response in pinknews of all outlets:
And then there’s this from ISaC’s favourite, Ms Dodds (again, behind a paywall, but the headline tells it):
In the meantime, my MP, Claudia ‘Race Card’ Webbe has lost her appeal against a conviction of harassment.
I have voted Labour most of my life (voted for Doris twice as London mare (sic)).
Where do I go now? I’m a social conservative. I’m not voting Labour, obvs, but I can’t vote for Doris The Fat.
Nominated by: Dark key cunt
I’m voting ‘ SS Death Camp Criminal Battalion ‘It’s time for a new broom. ?
JTC@ – Thanks for the vote JTC – much appreciated! ??
You are Oskar Dirlewanger, and I claim my 5 million Roggenmarken. (About enough for a pint)
DKC is like a lot of us experiencing political homelessness.
I can’t vote for any party either.
That header pic above,
2 miners grafting and opposite 2 mincers gurning.
Edith Lizard the tranny and acclaimed martial artist Owen Jones.
Them alone put me off ever voting Labour again.
As has been said on here previously, if there’s no-one standing who you can support, spoil your ballot paper.
Write ALL CUNTS or something across it – spoilt ballot papers are read by the candidates and declared at the count. I know because my wife is a polling station official.
I suspect it is what I will do at the next election, especially if Johnson remains leader of the Conservative Party.
Glad to see you correctly refer to the fat bastard as “Johnson” and not “Boris”.
I doubt the term “couldn’t lie straight in bed” has ever been more apt for any political charlatan.
Those two blokes in the photo are absolutely filthy. The two miners could do with a wash as well.
What you seem to be missing is the fact that so many of our top politicians have passed through the World Economic Forum’s school for “young global leaders” and are quietly on board with the Great Reset – a system run by technocrats. Before Klaus Schwab and his merry gang at the WEF can make a grab for power, the democratic system needs to be seen by the public as no longer fit for purpose. That’s what’s happening. We’re watching a well scripted theatrical production performed by political actors, designed to pave the way for technocracy. All it needs now is another major crisis to convince the people that they need something new. We’ll be offered something “new” but it won’t be better…..
They’re so overrun with trannies, benders, gobby feminists and peacefuls that they’ve made themselves completely unelectable. Although the peaceful vote gets peacefuls in in peaceful areas (not racism when they only vote for their own I notice!), no matter what they’ve done in the past.
And Eddie Izzard now has tits, it seems.
The entire party should be in a circus.
It’s only right that Eddie now has tits considering the length of time he’s been a cunt.
O my I laughed loud and hard at that comment!
Kudos moggie!
I seriously wonder if Starmer is a closet homosexual, with a transvestite bent.
I used to be Labour. But Satan Blair ruined that. Never voted for them since then, and they are now a bigger joke than ever. Those cunts, Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott The Hutt were the gruesome nadir. But Starmer, Dirty Angie, and the tranny freak womens officer aren’t far behind. Labour will not be in power again for at least a generation. If they ever get in again at all…
I’m not so sure. With Jellyfish intent on pissing off every traditional Tory voter I can see them sitting on their hands and staying at home. Then you could have some sort of Labour/SNP/Lib Dumb coalition, a fucking nightmare. You can also factor in the Left’s capacity for ballot rigging, as shown in America. Most of the cunts who count the votes are Local Government workers who have a personal interest in maintaining overwhelming bureaucracy and the power of the Sate.
You could be right, Freddie, What with the amount of gimmigrnants, rapeugees, and other sundry peacefuls, chear spuckers, and dooshkas with their wiped arses postal votes…. So, I suppose, yes, it’s unfortunately possibe.
Never ever vote labour. Don’t be a sheep. I’d rather die poor than giving away a nation which use to have respect.
And, when I look back at it, even in the 80s, they were shite. Kinnock was a joke. Maggie simply didn’t take him seriously, and neither did anybody else. Regardless of whether one loved or hated Maggie, Kinnock and his lot were so bad that there was no other choice really.
Someone once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We are limited to a two party system because the loon dems will never be electable, and the other two are not fit for purpose.
What we effectively have is three publicly funded companies all in the same business being forced to share one office and work together on project UK. Any real progress or change has always been stymied and watered down because they are too concerned with infighting and the all consuming need for power and preservation of the profitable status quo.
No mainstream party are electable, the fringe parties have no policies of any value and it is now at the point where voting is pointless – if it made a difference they would not let us do it but the pretence of democracy and fair play has to be maintained to keep the masses placated.
We hire them, employ them and pay them to serve us, they have not done for a long time if ever and it’s time they were gone and replaced by a coalition of politically independent right leaning nationalist candidates who will serve under new rules which they are fired for if they break them – no more chowing at the trough on our money and surfacing to tell us how lucky we are, and if you are caught with your fingers in the till or lying to your employers you are out the fucking door and quite possibly off to Court.
We get rid of them or they will get rid of us – this is the simple and stark reality of what we face and God help us if we don’t, because I can guarantee no fucker else will.
Apologies for the somewhat bleak and cynical post but I have followed politics for many years and they have always by and large been useless greasy fuckers who consider themselves “above the common Man” but since Blair there is something else behind a lot of “Government” and political policy and I do not believe they are planning anything for our benefit.
We are the last generation not to be reaped in war or groomed and brainwashed by the “education system” and when we are gone it’s pretty much game over unless a lot of things change fast and radically. It took a million years for any semblance of humankind to colonise the world and a single lifetime to destroy ours.
This is no accident.
Bang on the money Vern
Very well spoken, and sadly all too true.
A revolution is required.
Yeah the same people who fought in the last revolution funny enough. All them ‘Dumb’ Brexiteers. We do not serve politicalians in this county we serve the people of the country get it right.
Spot on…..☠️
Great post Vern, sadly sums up the reality of where we are today, politically speaking.
I think it was Farage who properly coined the phrase ‘the establishment’ and whether it’s Red or Blue, Left or Right it’s just an ‘establishment’.
Whilst Labour was started to defend and stand up for the working classes it was taken over after the death of John Smith by neo Marxist’s, Trots (yes Blair was a Trot in his university days) and an establishment just to the left of the one on the right.
No concern for the working classes, just a need to con them in an attempt to borrow their vote once every 4/5
Years to gain power so they can shape the world in their middle class metropolitan elitist view.
And look what happens when finally somebody comes to power who genuinely offers something different.
Step forward the Donald the first self made non politician who isn’t owned by anybody and look what happened to him.
The ‘establishment’ both on the left and the right turned their entire arsenal against him.
Why? Because for the first time ever he genuinely presented a clear and present danger to the status quo.
And that is exactly why we will always get what we got.
John Smith was another murder victim of the Grand Cuntmaster Miranda.
I can believe that easily
What a lovely photo, and how thoughtful of Pretty Boy Owen to wipe the shite off the microphone after giving Ready Eddie’s bumhole a good pounding with it.
Claudia Webbe was convicted in a white man’s court. A miscarriage of justice. No way is she a viscious mean nasty cunt with a chip on her shoulders.
As for the Labour Party. They are a fucking joke. Anti-semitism now hidden but woke fucking lunacy has taken it’s place.
Stella Creasy may well have a bell end. Who knows?
She’s a bellend.
Maybe Stella can explain how she can have that baby she is always flashing about while her chickwithadick friends can’t?
Izzard and Owen are dangerous because of the damage their doing to society with there promoting of bummery and getting our schools to raise limp wristed boys who cannot tell the difference between a cock and a fanny.
I would drop them over the Dombass region , after the Ivan’s have finished with them they could take a plank of wood sideways up there filthy arseholes.
So, you want to reward them?
What a cracking pair Edwina Izzard has! When he gets his bra off, I’d bet that those juicy jugs look entirely authentic.
One can only imagine what sort of indescribable hömo filth him and that mincing little fağgot Owen Jones are going to indulge in.
Let’s hope they both step on a land mine.
Thomas @
Offer a tenner to let us breastfeed!
Nipples like walnut whips!!!?
‘it’s discriminatory or transphobic to refuse to date a transsexual person.’
That will be the future. In fact I can forsee Eddie being a part of it. He will be the Enforcer.
Yes, you will be led into a new Room 101 and Eddie will be sat there with his ‘juicy Jugs’ out. You have to suck on them for at least two minutes. You have to gurgle with pleasure to show how much you are enjoying it. If Eddie thinks you are pretending you will be taken out and shot. If he believes in you you walk free.
I suggest Cunters start practicisng with a child’s dummy for an hour before sleep.
If one is male and happens to fancy women, well one might, will have to, go underground. Heterosexual is the new Punk.
I cannot believe that i would ever envisage these days when young
I am never voting for Liebour.The jellyfish is a puppet for a sinister new dawn.We are all screwed over.Next election comes I will write on my ballot paper “None of the above”.A shambles.We need Guy Fawkes to return.
Combine the old and the new like this fella tried to do in the 70’s–
Nice pair of tits
Looks more like a right pair of cunts to me ?
That miner on the left is hung like a racehorse. My missus spotted that you do understand.
Vote Boris the Pig, get socialism. Vote Labour, get the unfettered promotion of deviance. Vote Liberal Democrats, get the EU Nazis. They’re all different cheeks of the same arse. A revolution is required, my friends.
In their minds, they ARE the revolution.
And we are the “establishment” to be overthrown…
well put, Baron
Well said
I’d quite happily leave the cunts in a wilderness.
Populated by bears and wolves.
Watching politicians become even more shallow and corporate has been so rewarding.
Vile pigs at the trough.
And cannibals just to be sure.
Not very fussy cannibals, obviously, given the greasy, fatty, malodorous meat they’ll be chowing down on…
JK Rowling IS wrong in what she said…
…she, instead, should have said “Stella Creasy IS a penis”.
Well I hope to fuck that the Labour Party can pull itself around and offer an alternative to the last 12 years of Conservative government… By Christ ,we need something other than the bunch we’ve got now.
All a shower of shit
That shower of shit are just the same as the current turds always have been.
Vote “NON OF THE ABOVE”. Wonder what would happen if everyone did that….One can only hope…..????
“An empty taxi pulled up, and the Prime Minister got out.”
Our Party looks after its opponents. Free rail travel to our Hoilday camps ( may not include fun )
Showers ( water not included) Tattoo studios, barbers ( One style only ) and lots of dogs with wagging tails. Travel bags to heavy. Not to worry we will sort it out for you ( Literally).
Our expert Doctors are on hand 24/7 to help you along the path to a better life. Dad do you need time off from the family ? then dont worry we will insure you can relax without the moaning wife and annoying children..
Even try your hand at Geology at our purpose built Quarry or try your hand at the obstacle course ( may or may not include electric )
To apply just wear a badge stating your beliefs. Only 20 million places left hurry fast to avoid disappointment.. *please note all our sites are wheelchair friendly .
I will never vote labour, I’ve got family legal protection on my house insurance. Proper lawyers not affiliated to parties. If they vote labour after so be it it but I’m not paying for a cunts wages.
The photo showing Owen Jones and Daisy Izzard makes Jones look quite masculine – we all know he is a Vaseline arsed little bender, but Izzard is such a woofter you can just see him becoming an MP on North London (so amusing duckies), mincing on to the front bench being “mentored” by Chris Bryant – and Bryant won’t even have to strip to his underpants – just treat Izzard like a lady. It just shows how sick Labour are – and some people favour them over Boris. The mind boggles…
I think a stay on North Sentinel island would suit Messers Jones and Izzard. If we can film the landing it would be entertaining.
When B. Liar murdered John Smith (allegedly), he killed the Labour Party.
Just saying.
Because the “working class” basically said fuck your rebellion, we are pleased with our better pay, foreign holidays etc. the Labour Party went from supporting them to supporting immigrants, lgbhytrdse, criminals blah blah. Most of the movers and shakers in the Labour Party have as much in common with me as I have with Mahatma Gandhi. They always make sure that one or two of the senior positions are filled with persons of working class connections look at Tony the cunt employing Prescot. Problem is over the last 30 yrs the stock of “working class”;bodies has reduced rather a lot.
99% of politicians are cunts anyway, likewise many members of the civil service if their attitude to tougher immigration rules is anything to go by.
That shit stain Izzard…go and live on a council estate in Middlesbrough for a month on Job Seeker’s Allowance. Find an NHS dentist and a GP who you can actually talk to in person. Just tired of it all…we are fucked…
There haven’t been any MP’s worth voting for since Thatcher and Tebbit! The working man stuck 2 fingers up to the Labour Party and now the LP have reciprocated the gesture to the working man by pandering to the absolute fucking minimalist, mentalist laughing stock scum that make up a tiny percentage of society! They know full well that they will never win a general election so occupy themselves by being a big fucking nuisance. Let’s face it, most of the dyed in the wool labour voters are thick cunts anyway.