86 thoughts on “Kurt “Cat-Kicker” Zouma (2)

  1. Well you see, in the mind of the n*gnog there is no such thing as a pet, only animals that are raised for eating and then wear their skins as a tribal headdress! It’s in their culture, you see. Never accept an invitation to dinner.

    • The cunts were eating each other for magical powers before we turned up. No surprise to see how they view animals.

  2. OK, so call a simian a hurty name on the internet and loose your job, friends and maybe end up in the pokey (if you are a honky). That just won’t do.

    Physically attack a real living creature on the internet, get a slap on the wrist, keep your highly paid “job”.

    I think we all know the real reason this savage got off so lightly.

    They get housed before us, they get a free pass to Oxbridge, preferential treatment at job interviews to fill quotas and basically get carte blanche for most things that we have to work hard for. Then there’s all the money spent on them we provide through taxes (take a look at any inner city’s expenditure…you’ll always find special classes for them to go and piss about with drum machines and microphones or footballs while our kids have to knuckle down if they want to get on and do the real jobs that keep society running)…but this country is wasist! They dont get a chance innit. They are repressed by the white man innit.

    Utter bollocks and everyone knows it.

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