A cunting for the Guardian and yet more fucking racism.
Apparently there is a report by an unnamed Historian that shows government legislation was designed to reduce the number of black people in the UK.
Yes and they have linked it to Windrush (sick of hearing about fucking Windrush), this was all blown out of proportion because when the home office had a push to deport illegals many of the Windrush generation were classified as illegal because they didn’t have the required proof that they were legal.
The home office drive wasn’t aimed at Windrush, it was any cunt who was illegal, but you can be sure that all the Blicks will always be the victims.
The government have refused to make the report public and the usual suspects (Abbott) are shouting racist, well nothing new there.
The bullshit never ends.
Nominated by: Sick of it
Legislation has been designed to reduce the UK’s non-white population.
Well it hasn’t fucking worked then.
Don’t worry we’ll all be coming back when the CCP are invited to take over by Albanese.
Archive footage aboard the Windrush
I wonder if anybody has tried to get David Jason to apologise for this or get him cancelled? There are some right cunts out there
Think I’ll report him…bored of those “Only Fools and Horses ” repeats…. went to shit after the early episodes anyhow. Also didn’t like Jason as Inspector Frost…daft little Cunt.
Cancel the coffin-dodging old Wanker.
Watched it religiously.
Nice one Mis. That was one of my favourite songs whilst ripped to the tits on acid.
Unnamed historian? How many black commie historians are there?
I’ll take a guess and say David Olusoga. His entire academic and TV career has been built on crying about racism.
If we had racist immigration laws we wouldnt have a million of the cunts turning up last year. We are fucking mugs putting up with this constant bollocks. I remember being a non racist back in the day. Now id vote for Hitler.
Well this alleged government legislation obviously fucking failed miserably then.
Racism my left bollock. An immigrant from Africa can illegally rack up at Kent and be rewarded with free housing, food, pocket money, as well as the swiftest, finest legal representation available to avoid being sent back home. Cunts.
“Commissioned by the Home Office to educate its 35000 employees.”
Translation……brainwashing bullshit from the posh libtard cunts who run the Home Office, because it sure ain’t Priti Useless. No wonder the Flabbopotamus and the Guardian want it published………which it will be.
Windrush, wheres a U-boat when you need one?
Apparently it was populated with heroes?
Like Jason and the Argonauts with fuzzy felt heads.
They’re worshipped nowadays, simply for going abroad for work?!!
Well what about ten pound poms going to Australia?
What about Oz, Neville, Dennis, Bomber, Wayne, Moxy, etc in aug weidershen pet?
They went to Germany
No fuckin red carpet for them lads!
Apart from Pat Roache ( Bomber) the whole lot of them could have fucking stayed there for me….Oz..a common yob. Neville..a wimp ( and,I suspect, A Fruity Gentleman). Dennis.. moaning old Cunt. Wayne..Cockney Wanker. Moxy…Scouse Git…and fucking Barry..a dull, elephant-man lookalike.
I’d have locked their shed door and bulldozed it while the Cunts were asleep.
I always hated the theme tune.-
Hard graf jjust listening to it.
I saw pat Roache wrestle at Bellevue when I was a kid.
He looked fuckin massive to my 8yr old eyes.
He died in 2004,
Was in loads of films including being that big hard German that fights Indiana Jones.
RIP big man?
I knew his daughter years back. Right fat bitchy cunt.
Proper fat, like 20 stone can’t wipe her own arse fat. She would’ve been in her early 20s then.
Gobby and spoiled.
So ugly that I never bothered stalking her, like I do with most lasses I meet. The judges never seem to accept my reasoning that ‘Good morning’ is sometimes telekinetic code for ‘please hide in my potting shed and wank, as I walk around my bedroom with the curtains open.’
Worth eighteen months and signing at the cop shop once a month, apparently.
Fucking piss taking cunts.
Ah yes Windrush.Fucking nonsense.
What it’s really about is building a claim for compensation.
Everyone involved knows it.
Doris could gain some votes by calling the cunts out on it,but it’s beyond the fat cunt.
Anyhow,the bleating vermin are no good for this country and it’s morale so they should all be forcibly deported.
Resistance quelled by immediate oven.
Whoever first thought that immigration from Africa, the Caribbean and south east Asia was a good idea should have been strung up by his balls, it has caused nowt but trouble since day one.
Never understood it to be honest. There were millions of displaced white people looking for somewhere to live after ww2. Instead we imported the world’s trash.
The whole top echelons of the Home Office should be sacked en masse. If I had my way I’d hang the traitors,
The end goal is to put Windrush on par and eventually replace great historic events and people from British history. Kids in the future will probably be taught that the culturally backward native population post-war 1950’s were living in the woods eating squirrels and worshiping haystacks until they were saved by a boatload of road sweepers, nurses and bus drivers. It will be as if Nelson, Waterloo, the Spanish Armada, Darwin and Shakespeare never happened. Written out of our own history. Cunts.
There’s a Windrush Square in Brixton. It’s full of cunts most hours of the day.
Wouldn’t wipe my dog’s arse with the Guardian.
I found that the dogs arse cleans the paper. Used to use the guardian to line rabbit hutches really quality news print our bunnies loved it.
Remember: it’s only a small number of woketard bell-ends making all this fucking noise.
Slowly but surely, the push back is happening ??
So true CG a small number of cunts with fuck all else to do make much noise.
Few cunts in civil service and the msn and the World hears their cries aided and abetted by social media.
As regulars know I am proud to be racist.
You are David Lammy and I claim my £5
I’ve worked my fingers to the bone helping race relations in this country,
And what thanks do I get?
The ungrateful smelly cunts!!
A travesty Miserable, fucking Mandela and his peace prize, sitting on his arse for 27 years then walks into a job? Pha!
And a Knights of (some shit or other) enoblement.Services rendered presumably for hot-necklacing and Marxism.
That Nelson Mandela LL,
Always wore the same clothes didn’t he?
All that money and only had one shirt?
Scruffy fuckin dosser.
That shirt must of fallen off him near the end?
New clothes for the funeral though!?
Smartened himself up?
Mandela was a shit dancer as well, always with that stupid arms swing to one side, then to the other, grinning lik a grateful simpleton who’d avoided the burning tyre necklaces.
Mind you, he never re-offended after his release!
It’s like all the Grenfell bollocks – nobody gives a fuck about Windrush or the cunts that died in Grenfell. It’s just that it’s not worth the grief saying so. At the moment, the silent majority still have the right to vote for who they like without anyone knowing – whether that lasts is anyone’s guess. Trouble is, there is no-one with the balls to say so – especially the fat cunt in number 10.
oh fuck me – just seen this:
Makes your eyes bleed don’t it
It seems everything has to have it fair share of Blicks, we will have to import more cos there ain’t enough to go round ?
Oh fuck me so now Glastonbury is raaaaay-sist !! It couldn’t be that they just don’t like that shitty music or they don’t want to sit in a field with those white posh middle class p*nces talking about veganism and climate fucking change.
Oh no, it must be fucking raaaaaaaaaaaay-sism.
Some interesting noms coming up about Sir Lenworth.
I’m am sick beyond measure of all of this fucking shit. Oven if only.
Time for a new Empire Windrush vessel, about 20 miles long and 10 miles wide – load the chippy c**ns on it, fuck off back where you came from if you don’t like the UK and “waaycist whitey”.
Time to start naming and shaming these racists shitbags.
The whinging gimmegrants are constantly trying to play up the benefit of having the Windrush people who, “Rebuilt Britain after WWII”.
My arse.
A quick check reveals 1027 people arrived on the Windrush, whereas 1415 sailors were lost onboard HMS Hood alone. Anyone telling me just over a thousand immigrants replaced the worth of all our combatants lost in action is a cunt of the first order.
Besides which, I know which ship I would have preferred to have sunk, and which one to have arrived safely.
The government tried to reduce the number of black people on the UK? When?
The evidence says different!
More propaganda, if people stopped bestowing victimhood solely down to colour then nom whites might be given the same expectations to live up to as we are.
I’m not blaming black people because I’ve never met one who said they felt like a victim, I only hear it from woke lefty cunts who hate this country.
Oops I forgot Sir Lenny fucking Henry!
Institutio Nal?
Didn’t they win the Argentine league in the 70s?
The Guardian, is still a ‘thing’ bloody heck.
Have they reconciled their past, as the ‘Manchester Guardian’ founded amongst other things via the profits of slavery.
How noble of them to mention the effniks and Grendel tower.
I thought Lenny Henry didn’t want more white saviors? So lets see your arse departing these shores. We won’t fucking miss you. Promise, while you are at it take that fucking unfunny cunt of an ex with you.
I am slowly turning into a right winger with all this shit being levelled at me on a constant basis.
Cuntymort @
“I’m slowly turning into a right-winger”…?
Fuck me,
The inner ranks of the SS would ask me to tone it down a bit..
Same here mate. I’m having a uniform crafted in the finest field gray with runic symbols on the collar.
I’m sick of this shit, which is why I’m relocating to an island in the Atlantic where the locals show their disgust for anything with a darker hue than a latte.
The last time I visited, I counted a total of 12 jam Spoons in two weeks and claimed that the place was going to the Dogs.
Mrs Odin did put me straight and mentioned that half of them were American tourists and that I had counted the same one four times, just in different clothes.
Guess who the local police round up every time something shiny goes missing. ?
What was the capacity on the Windrush? Must have been hundreds of thousands, because there seems to be no shortage of old fellas who look like extras from Desmond’s whining about compo in the Grauniad or the BBC London news. And where’s the proof that a British government actively tried to lower the number of blacks in this country?
Going back to the days of MacMillan we’ve been a soft touch on immigration, there’s plenty of fucking well documented proof of that.
Fuck these ‘historians’ with agendas. British history will be just a big fairy tale of leftie prejudices and wishful thinking for future generations.
I see Prince Baldybollocks and his old woman attended the Grenfell memorial service today. I’ve never seen a single one of them turn up for the memorial service for Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich.
Cunts! The lot of them.
Well said Freddie.
Anything that downplays the true evil of uncontrolled illegal immigration is lauded.
As is anything anti British.
We are well overdue a very good clear out.
Spot on Freddie. Grenfell will rumble on longer than Hillsborough. Fuck Zeebrugge, the Manchester arena, the IRA bombings, the Hatfield train crash. Fucking virtue signalling cunts.
Leonard Henry is full of shite.
The Robertson’s don’t go to Glastonbury because they don’t want to pay £200 to watch fuckin Coldplay!!
Or sit with Crispin the eco warrior and eat a £30 soyburger.
Lenny hasn’t any mates to go with because he’s always whining about waycism the boring black cunt,
He’s not funny
And looks like he’s got bulimia.
I hope he has AIDS.
Can you get terminal bulemia?
I think he’s got pox.
He’ll be on my next Dead Pool selection.