The Benefits System (2)

I read this pile of trash in this morning’s Guardian and in particular a piece about a single mother called Sayeeda. She has 3 kids and living in Yorkshire. The article doesn’t mention where her husband/boyfriend is, or if she has a job. But it would seem she receives £1600+/m in benefits, which according to her isn’t enough due to the discriminatory Two-Child rule.

It would seem that after paying all her bills she only has £20/day to live on!

She complains that if the two-child limit was lifted she would receive an additional £250/m in benefits, which might make her life a little easier!

She is in debt to the gas/electric people, and was recently fined £300 for driving a car while uninsured (the article makes no judgement on that!) But she seems to think the Tory government is very mean and isn’t doing enough for people like her and the Guardian seems to endorse this view.

Therefore, she wants a mere £2k+ per month from the Taxpayer to look after her family. And she is just one example of the millions of “entitled” cunts out there who expect every working person to dig them out of a hole but won’t make any effort to save themselves.


Guardian News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

65 thoughts on “The Benefits System (2)

  1. If the “benefits system” was not there at all people would be forced to make better choices and be productive. Instead the incentive is for the opposite.
    At the very least being “on benefits” should forfiet ones right to vote. That would change things cataclysmically.

  2. Sayeeda? That’s all I need to know. Don’t like it fuck off back to your own fucking country. In fact, fuck off back there anyway.

    • Sayeeda the breeder.
      My heart breaks.
      Eat the 3rd kid .

      Then fuck off back where you belong.

  3. The benefits system should be a safety net and not a lifestyle choice. There is this blanket assumption that everyone using a foodbank is poor and can’t afford decent healthy food, if you went through everyone and cut out the cigarettes, booze, Sky TV subscriptions and load of other shit that people can do without these numbers would fall drastically. The same cunts whining about the cost of living crisis are the same cunts happy to see us pay close to £5m a day to house dinghy parasites in four star hotels.

  4. Two kid rule (whatever the fuck that is ) must be wracist because it discriminates against BAME s seeing as they appear to have many more kids to honky s.

    • The peacefuls like lots of sons as they always bank on a couple going on jihad to some Middle East shithole and getting blown up so like a couple spare to drive taxis in economically depressed northern towns.

  5. I recently saw on the BBC News website that a 38 year old single mother ( a music student- like we we need more of those) of one was complaining that her £1,300 benefits was insufficient.
    Neither the woman nor the BBC seemed to be aware that she she was getting twice the amount that a state pensioner gets after 35 years of contributions.

  6. If you’re white and British for some reason the benefit system doesn’t seem to help at all.

    • although I know a bloke (white English) who is on £2800/month benefits. How the fuck he does it, or whether it’s bullshit, I don’t know. That’s in his pocket – plus all he other things it gives you access to. And Boris is going to give this free-loading cunt another £300 to help with the cost of living!!!

      • Some lenders even take into account child tax credits for mortgage payments. They are for the fucking children for crying out loud. People argue they need a house, well so do I. I have to rent or live with the misses because I cannot afford it. I’ve not had children for this precise reason. I am responsible.

  7. Mmmmmm.

    This thing probably wants extinguishing along with the tribe of brats it’s pushing out.

    However, I’m also going to advocate we extinguish every last fucker that encourages the filth to come to this country, the likes of the Graunad, The BBC and all politicians, activists and shrils that enable the benefits systems to function and allow this shit to happen, and finally any cunt that votes for a party or politician that does nowt to change the current status quo,

    As I’ve said before, because of the cunts in it, this country is fucked.

  8. Why is there a white woman feeding a brown cunt in a stroller on the article, there’s the true root of the problem, poke and run chiggun shop frequenters, don’t pay a fucking penny towards their future aspiring architects and expect me “da white man” to foot the bill, hopefully Rwanda is calling these cunts, but I won’t be holding my breath!

  9. My brother is blind and is in receipt of benefits. As far as I know, they are nowhere near the amount this woman gets. I’m constantly giving him money and food every month. Also, despite being severely disabled, there’s no room at the inn social housing wise. I had to find private accommodation for him when he lost his sight.

    He worked up until he lost his vision and paid taxes. Our father and mother paid taxes as did theirs and so on as far as I know.

    Sayeeda Doesn’t sound like a British name either. My brother didn’t ask to go blind, this woman made a choice to have kids.

    I’ve seen first hand that a real, white British citizen who has lost his sight gets next to nothing from the government, whereas people from other countries who actually detest us are housed in luxurious flats and houses and receive thousands a month in handouts for them and their spawn.

    How is that right?

    • It fucking isn’t right mate but say anything and you’re instantly branded a racist. I hate this country, it no longer has bollocks.

      • Mate. Our family had to take care of him, we have applied over and over for some safe social housing for him, Nothing, Big block of nice flats have just gone up around here. Guess what it’s filled up with.

        And the sad thing is, I bet my brother’s issues are far from unique.

      • Horace, that is a disgrace, I bet the BBC wouldn’t be interested and I wonder why.

      • No, the BBC wouldn’t give a tuppeny one mate. For one simple reason; he’s white. If that isn’t the definition of racially inequality, then well, I have no idea what is.

        I just feel bad for people in his position without family. I dread to think what they have to do. probably top themselves (and its never reported no doubt).

        But say a hurty word to a muslim or black…well, we cant have them feeling bad can we. Better throw some more cash at them.

      • How is arguing fleecing the taxpayer racist. It’s a fucking joke, it’s a moral dilemma. Fuck the wokie shit.

  10. Zero bennies unless you’ve paid in a decent amount.

    Too many malingering, scrounging cunts.

  11. Way of life now. Home grown cunts and immigrants choose not to work. Choose to have kids they cant support. Never mind, the thick cunt taxpayers will pick up the bill.
    Disability routinely faked. My wife worked amongst these cunts and the way the system is rigged is fucking unbelievable. Aided and abetted by the cunts who administer it. Disability cars for fit cunts. Carer’s allowance the same. Discounts on rent and council tax. Contribution fuck all.
    Sayeeda should fuck off to Karachi and take the Guardian pillocks with her.

  12. Is it right they only pay child benefit for the first two kids?

    I bet the dakis and pikies have found a fucking loophole.

    Once played in a football team with a daki winger. He told me he was ok of 20 kids and they’d been given two Georgian terraces in a nice part of town that’d been knocked into one home by the council.

    Obviously, neither parent worked.

    I remember being so fucking angry I wanted to knock him out lol.

    But I’m not buying the cunts don’t know a loophole.

    • Yeah 8 wives. Which is illegal in this country, but who cares? Compatible? No comprende.

  13. The rot well and truly set in when payment of welfare benefits was no longer linked to National Insurance paid.

    It’s a free for all with genuine cases lumped with outright lying cunts.

    As with so many things it’s become such a behemoth that it can never be untangled or made just.

    It’s one of the main reasons that foreign rubbish come here, they know they won’t get left on the street.

    For that reason alone 80% of the benefit system should be closed and the savings passed to the taxpayer.

    Money not enough.?

    Free oven.

    • Yes.
      Paid into the system for 40 years?
      Entitled to 40 years bennies.
      Paid fuck all?
      Entitled to fuck all.
      Except for a flight back to whatever fly-blown toilet you came from (we’ll send you the bill, and if you don’t pay it we’ll have you sewing mailbags as payment next time you cross our borders).
      Or the oven solution, as you say (which I prefer).

  14. You can be sure that her name suggests the cunt responsible for her three brats will be hiding away somewhere, probably got a council house which he is subletting illegally while he is back in Stanley Land organising more family members to come to the land of milk and honey. Has to be careful to keep well out of the way so she doesn’t loose her benefits….. She is entitled!
    It’s all bullshit, the benefits should be reduced not increased, make the cunts work, if they can’t find a job there are plenty of jobs to do in the community, Pay for work, not Benefits for life.

    The poor will get the first instalment of the £650 handout, £325 on July 14th, I will bet my fucking house that as soon as that money hits their accounts there will be a spike in scratch card sales, I wonder if anyone from the ONS will be checking ?

  15. Diversity is our strength. I’m busting my gut at work to support this free loading cunt? Really don’t know why I bother, a white working class, employed male in country is just pond life, a cunt to work to support feckless cunts sat on their arses then with their legs open, breeding. And they wonder why I’m right wing???????

  16. I used to be a proud Englishman but now I hate this place. Not to worry! When we have a government made up exclusively of foreigners, black people, brown people, women, homosexuals, hermaphrodites, psychologically disturbed people, people who can’t speak English, Islamists, Black Power revolutionaries, illegal aliens, criminals, religious nutters, terrorists on parole and wannabe terrorists then suddenly the Magic of Diversity will kick in, and we’ll have the best government possible, making the best decisions that could possibly be made. Oh, and we better have one white British heterosexual family man in there, just so that whenever he opens his mouth, all the others know exactly what NOT to do.

  17. Being self employed an running a business is hard graft,
    If it wasn’t for my unemployment benefits I’d never be able to afford designer underwear and euromillions tickets .

    This country is fucked!!

      • Only joking Bob,
        No benefits for me I am old fashioned in that I take care of myself and believe they should be for the genuine needy.
        Like Horace’s brother.

        As for sayeeda I’d give her a taxpayer free dose of zyclon B.
        Enough for all the family.

  18. When your an inbred your going to be of no use to anyone or any nation. None of the cunt arriving on our beaches will ever make a contribution to this country. I’m voting Hitler.

    • Old Adolf would be surprised to learn in 2022 he’d win by a landslide in the UK.

      Something has to give.
      And soon,
      People are getting pissed off with these cheeky cunts.

      • He done just as much damage, he should have stuck to his own country and died eating Eva’s smelly fanny the prick. The tossers in the EU are starting from where he left off. Freemovent to terrorise other nations.

      • Dear old Adolf. A fun loving , vegetarian who just wanted to turn Eastern Europe into a post industrial green agrarian society with millions less people. A cuddly David Attenborough.

  19. I wonder how many people currently claiming disability have said that they have long covid?
    How I detest the press, for publishing shite like this in order to wind working people up.

  20. Piss boiling again!
    What do women like this actually think of their place in society?
    Do they think ‘I’m a cunt and I’ll grab everything I can off the hard working people’?
    Or do they think they’re providing us with a service by breeding what I’m sure will be more utterly useless pond life scumbags?

  21. All new housing developments must have ‘affordable housing’ in the mix, built to house the Sayeedas of this world. To get one they have to be single mothers.
    The owner of a company who build new developments told me that after 6 months he has to go round each property to see if there are any problems that need sorting. Every ‘single’ mum he visits always has a bloke living in the house.
    Quel surprise.

    • It snowed here on 1st April, and today it’s over 30C. If that doesn’t prove global warming I don’t know what does.

  22. I knew a couple of sponging cunts a few years ago. The alarm bells rang a few weeks after i first met them.
    ‘Some people just aren’t mean’t to work’ is a common observation of these warped, entitled cunts. Won’t have anything to do with them now as they’re beneath pathetic. They did nothing to help themselves, made childish excuses for not working or even cooking meals, often told me that they ‘needed’ to borrow money to by a star wars model and computer game rather than ASKING if they could, and it should’ve been for essentials (they were in their late 30s/early 40s)
    Social anxiety kept the woman from looking for work but not enjoying trips to Thorpe Park or pub lunches thanks to soft-as-shit relatives and dopey liberal ‘non-judgemental’ friends, many who work in the public sector.

    They’re also compulsive liars, lying about not being told of an appeal hearing after their bennies were changed. Much wailing and hand-wringing on Facebook.
    After a little bit of digging, the dopey male cunt of the two admiitted he’d probably thrown the letter in the bin. The same cunt also threatened to kill himself if his Work Capability Assessment found him and his demented missus fit for work.
    ‘We’ll die in each others’ arms’ he lamented.
    So, you’d rather die than get a job?

    Isn’t that the benefits system in a nutshell. The saddest thing is they weren’t the usual chav types but lower-middle class and college educated twats who just never tried in life.

    Stone quarry (especially in today’s weather) or Terry’s oven for these grasping infantile spoiled cunts.

    • Both: stoned to death then oven cooked for free school meals for umbongo’s and peacefuls.

      • “needed to borrow money for a star wars model”…
        Hehehe ??

  23. ‘Responsibility’ is a word not even in the vocabulary of those commie cunts at the Guardian, BBC etc, unless it’s “It’s the government’s responsibility to pay Sayeeda and her ilk top dollar for doing fuck all except breeding like flies.”

    • According to them it’s always the Tories fault. I mean imagine what shipping containers full of people are doing to your taxes, well duh….. I cannot comprehend the stupidity of these ignorant pricks. One thing I will say is the Tories aren’t tough enough, they need to get their heads down focus and get on with it. Suck it up, like it or lump it.

  24. £560 a month spare AFTER paying all the bills?
    Plenty of people with a job don’t have that kind of spare cash, and this filthy parasite rat from the religion of blown to pieces is welcome to fuck off to any muslim Country and see how much she can scrounge there.
    Anyone who vows to stop this invasion and destruction will be elected at the next clownfest.
    Broken hand today so can’t do any groundwork, but given my “delicate colouring! I would have been fried anyway.

  25. I have been unemployed in my past – £20 a MONTH spare would have been good, but there was never any spare.

  26. People don’t know hardship these days and expect to have what they want when they want it.

    Expensive plimsoles and clothes, subscription TV, silly mobile phones, shitty German cars on “mobility” and all paid for by your (and mine) taxes.

    We live in country of scrounging lazy degenerates.

    • This young lady has made her contribution, she’s provided our country with three offspring and all we can do is moan about the benefits she’s being paid. God we’re a miserable set of bastards.

      • Allan@ – The only “contribution” this filth will make is to jihad.
        The enemy within, aided and abetted by rich white traitors.

  27. When i stay in Poland i notice how hard people work especially youngsters who study for a good future . Why you ask ? because there is no Benefits system and the fear of being unemployed sharpens the mind.
    Any of those Peacefuls that got into Poland through Belarus i can assure you they didn’t stop till they got to Blighty or any other nation that gave out benefits.

    • Which, Fenton, is exactly why, having left their war torn countries, they cross loads of peaceful countries and flog their way to France, and the Channel, to come here.
      If we adopted the same policy, no free anything, maybe they wouldn’t be so desperate to come here.
      I’d have everyone of them litter picking to earn their keep.
      Young men of fighting age, we’re invaded already. The enemy is already here.

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