South Yorkshire police and the fucking appeasing labour controlled council of same town, cunts idle vermin appeasing wankers of Himalayan altitude.
I, sadly, know young women who are now dead because of the in actions of these I Cunt here.
I have not that long ago cunted Lord pe d o Ahmed from Rotherham but reading the link above made me so angry ? I felt a need to Cunt Rotherham plod council.
Trash the whole shebang may all those guilty of allowing girls to be groomed, raped and die because of their ineptitude
rot in hell.
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
And Everyonesacunt is in a bit a of roll. Here’s another one, this time about groomers and Human Rights…
What to Cunt here?
P aki peaceful grooming gangs?
Human rights courts Eu version?
Politicians than allowed this ?
Fuck it I Cunt all three. Abomination and eternity of brimstone and hell fire ? to all three.
May scum rot in hell always. If hell exists.
( miles)
And this morning ( Daily Mail ) The Ringleader managed to ditch his Pakistani Citizenship in time to thwart a deportation order. It means, he is of British Citizenship, and has no other country in which to abide. This is indeed a fucking slap in the face, that a cunt like this can avoid deportation simply because he renounces his former citizenship.
Fuck ECHR and the fuckers who didn.t see this coming.
Diversity is our strength.
Get fucked.
Sounds like it came straight out of 1984.
This pile of shite cost £6m and took years to investigate.
They could have saved themselves time and money by just printing one page saying “Lessons will be learned”, the favourite fall back position for every incompetent arse covering cunt from Baby P to Jimmy Savile.
” Taking back control of our Borders and Laws” is going well,isn’t it ?
This national disgrace makes me sick.
Child molesters
The lawyers that represent them
The council officials
The police
Fuck this arsewipe of a report..
Everyone who knew about the vile abuse and covered it up is complicit.
Hang every last one of them for the parasitic evil cunts they are.
Oh and the fact that all these charades are funded by the taxpayer is a scandal in itself.
Certain crimes should at the very least be excluded..foreigners convicted of child abuse should have no ability to appeal unless they pay all the costs themselves in full up front.
Then shoot the cunts anyway.
Assume all P*ki cunts are guilty of something until, well nothing actually, they are all fucking scum bags.
The Police are cunts for not sorting these bastards out 30 years ago and all the bullshit about not being able to deport them, if they are P*ki then there is no fucking question or excuse, on a plane and drop the cunts in Islamabad, refusing to sign a form, fuck off, smack the cunts head repeatedly on a hard surface until he begs to be on a plane to Stani Land.
Diversity will be our fucking downfall, along with human rights.
The police and criminal justice system are a fucking disgrace. We are the softest fucking country in the world which is why every scrounger and low life criminal wants to come here. Bad weather in the Channel yesterday so only 142 bags of human trash turned up.
Meanwhile that fucking slob in Downing Street does fuck all except fly around the world trying to be an “International Statesman.” Clearly the Eton twat has studied the career of that cunt Blair and is looking to fill his pockets after he has finished fucking up this country.
He’s a cunt!
How about we stop looking for scapegoats?
This shit happens because we allow it. If we as a nation truly gave a fuck about the things we constantly moan about the government would be forced to act.
Imagine a National strike until immigration was seriously tackled.
Imagine mass non payment of council tax or a portion of it until services were improved.
We do fuck all but complain and the government doesn’t give a fuck because we will likely still elect them at the next election.
We complain about the problems but until we take ownership of the solutions nothing will change.
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin’ for today
Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace…
You may say I’m a dreamer…
Which millionaire was it that said Imagine no possessions?
John “massive hypocrite” Lennon
There’s a different from imaging what could happen if people took action than imagining world communism or having a massive cock.
We all enjoy coming here to vent but unless we are willing to stand up and be counted it’s all hot air isn’t it?
SV@ – Yep – we are fucked unless we start giving a fuck.
Both west Yorkshire and south Yorkshire police are a shower of shite.
The report says that ‘some officers failed to empathise with the victims ‘..
Hinting that they’re just not trained properly.
Finding a 12yr old girl getting fucked off a paki and doing nothing doesn’t make you a bad police officer.
It makes you a fuckin sociapath.
‘It makes you a fuckin sociopath.’
Pretty normal for police up and down the land, particularly the Met.
MNC I truly despair at what has gone off and what continues to go on. Tears of heartbreak and for the love of what was my country Cunts doesn’t do justice to these X%^&9)@lp[[ …Add your own expletives..
I agree totally, dunno about you but I’m of the mind that it’s to far gone to save?
This country is unrecognisable from the country I grew up in.
Not only that,
The people are different.
Different priorities,
Different moral code
Like they want the downfall of society and are hellbent on ushering it along.
Funny, I’m like my dad in lots of ways, views, etc
But my kids are nothing like me.
I’ve more in common with someone from 100yrs ago than a millennial.
This sums up where we are.
Apparently these animals have yewman rites so cant be deported. Children, apparently dont unless they have come over in a dinghy.
Human rights should apply to humans, and not animals.
Raping kids for a thousand years and still going strong.
And before the fourth Reich kick off, I’m not the one with the blind spot. They should all get thrown into a ditch, regardless of religion, colour, status.
Molesting and raping kids whilst having the temerity to then pray to God.
Obviously something they all have in common.
The hottest corner of hell is the only place for such cunts.
Afternoon HJ.
Personally I’d prefer they were subject to the strongest punishment available on earth, as A, there’s no such thing as heaven and hell, it’s a fairytale construct that a child could see through, and B, these cunts beliefs allow them to be forgiven for the heinous shit they do.
They could get into ‘paradise’ regardless of what they do, and I’d go to purgatory, because I wear condoms and don’t throw people I don’t like or agree with off roofs.
Difference, I feel, being, is that these Catholic gropey types are N 0 n ces who happen to be in the Catholic Church, and, as someone just recently pointed out, know that they will be forgiven or moved sideways by their church so as not to bring shame to the region, etc blah.
The Cunts to whom this cunting refers are happily following orders PRESCRIBED by their religion. Their religious ‘duty’ is to inflict ji had on the infidel by means of violence, rape, infiltration, take-over and dismantling of other cultures. It is religious-sanctioned rape. As one of the perpetrators Adhil Khan, a Rochdale ‘groomer’ claimed in court, “We have not committed that big a crime”. It’s instilled into the fabric of their existence by their holy book and ranty prayers on a Friday.
So fuck em, they are a special species of shite. And no apologies for coming over all “4th Reich”, this menace needs to be seen for what it is.
I think with that mindset you have found your spiritual home.
It’s a hot topic for the myopic.?
Fucking bastards, my piss was boiled before work this morning, shoot the cunts plus their fucking families. Shut down the peedaloo shops they pray in.
That is the real problem with modern day Grrat Britain.
Total. Fucking. Apathy.
Prison means nothing to these bastards. They get their special food, have their prayer meetings, which the screws are excluded from, and generally run the place. Deportation would be a real punishment for the cunts……an end to their cushy life p*ncing off the Infidel. Back to the filthy shitholes they came from where they have to work for a living and no soft coppers and courts to give you an easy ride. That’s the only thing they really fear.
So it’s a fashion accessory for some girl to have an aged, bearded Islamic fundamentalist in a dress and funny hat hanging of her arm?
It would be funny if it weren’t tragic.
I don’t know what Rwandan for “peedooo” is but we could find out and spend the tax payers money tattooing it on their dirty greasy foreheads before sending them to a maximum security establishment in Rwanda.
Gas mark 6 in Unkle Terry’s oven
I’ve said it before, but the white working class are the bottom of the pile in their own fucking country. All Britain’s institutions from the top down treat us with utter, sneering contempt, putting the rights of foreign deviants before the indigenous. Multiculturalism is a catastrophic failure and should be reversed. A revolution is required.
Maybe we could ask Nelson Piquet if he’s interested in a job running our immigration policies for us!
If there was a website for nominating totally brilliant and worthy non cunts then he’s the man of the day!
Yeah, he made Hamilcunt cry. That’s worth a knighthood in my book.
Just means that Lewis and the outraged media will be dining on this scandal for the next 3 years unfortunately.
Expect the Brazilian Grand Prix to be cancelled.
To any of the rotten, bereft of a backbone cunts who prioritised their personal/professional reputation as someone who’s definitely “not a racist” over the doing of their actual jobs correctly by prioritising the safety of vulnerable children at the hands of “racist” (interestingly enough) gang rapist scum – well done you – bravo ?? (sarcasm)
Your promotion is in the post.
They’ve fucked and disgraced the town, so every last one of the cunts should be deported. Capistran won’t take them? Drop them all off by parachute over the country anyway.
Been going on for fucking years, but the ‘commundy’ ignores it, shelters the guilty, even.
“White slags asking for it, innit?”
Biggest mistake ever letting these cunts in.
I hate these yewman rites lawyer cunts. Absolute trash the lot of them. Jellyfish could have a law in place by the end of the week to stop legal aid for deportation cases. But he won’t because Princess Nut Nut will refuse to nosh him off. Of course the cunts would do it anyway pro bono just for the virtue signalling points but at least they wouldn’t be filling their fat pockets with our money. Fucking leeches.
This has been happening all over the working class areas of the UK since the 1950’s.
Everyone has known about it, I have faced harassment from the police for highlighting it and have been threatened with arrest and imprisonment, as well as the usual snowflake chants of “racist”, islamaphobe”, etc.
This has been swept under the flying carpet for decades, still is being and ALL who knew and did nothing should be facing whole life jail terms.
That would also have the beneficial effect of clearing out around 90% of politicians, because these fuckers acted together to silence people and issue wave after wave of denials and laughable assertions of the benign intentions of “the religion of peace” – how fucking stupid do they think we are?
I see piss flaps Patel has extended the licence to house shit at Linton-on-Ouse up to 2026 – what will it take for the people to actually realise that this is not “incompetence” or “lack of organisation” – it is a premeditated, well funded and determined attempt to destroy our Country by traitors who work for anyone but us.
Diving in from all over the world like vultures circling over a dying Man, outbreeding white people three and four to one, bringing their Families in to do the same and one day, not too far in the future, we will be bowing or beheaded and wondering why the fuck we meekly looked at the floor and allowed our own destruction.
Well said Vernon
Hear fucking hear
Spot on mate
It’s perfectly clear that ped o phila runs through the judiciary, police and councils.
Yeah and the majority LBGTqppppppp+ community. It’s pathetic.
The Met Police have just been put on “special measures.” About fucking time. They are a fucking hopeless shambles.
A shower of shit
I bet Dick of Cock Green is laughing her bony arse off now its some other cunts mess to clear up what she helped create.
Useless bint
Can you imagine what would happen if it was,
Let’s be honest even white rapists won’t stoop that low.
True. Sheep are about as low as white rapists are prepared to stoop.
Straight answer John;
The shit would hit the fan.
John, please man. I’m trying to have me tea.
Some imam has been done for raping a slime girl in mosque bogs…
I wonder if he will put in a plea of blindness. Whatever was he thinking??
It wouldn’t be rape as animals don’t have the cognitive ability to consent.
Unless I’m blind it appears I’ve had a comment removed.
Not sure how I offended anyone by calling these rapists a bunch of sand people spear throwing goat fuckers.
Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years – would have been 60 but plea-bargained to keep schtum re Clintons, Trump, Prince Andrew, et al.
The Clintons appear to be untouchable. In defence of Trump he only went to nonce island once and that was with his wife, I know many people hate him but I wouldn’t put him down as a kiddy botherer.
I despise reality TV but a camera in her cell would be an interesting watch of an evening. I wonder if peeeeadooo Jeeff left a razor blade or two up her hoop just a precautionary measure – obviously.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that she deserves every fucking second of it.. Just a shame they managed to stop it from going even further up the hill of arrogant untoucheable fuckery…. they will all meet their maker one day.
Dear indigenous British people,
The feelings and rights of degenerate foreign child rapists are more important to us than the lives of your children.
Yours sincerely,
The British government, its police force and social services.
Oh and keep paying those high taxes so every piece of vermin on the planet can come here and live for free.