Prince William (5)

Prince William is a cunt.

BBC News Link

Now I know it’s usually his dick brother who graces the pages of this hallowed website, but William has scored an own goal. How so? Well, he decided to weigh in on the US Capital riots of January 2020 by writing a “sorry for your loss” letter to the widow of a police officer who died.

It’s a blatant attempt to connect riotous behaviour by alleged Trump supporters and the death of a police officer who was on duty when said behaviour took place.

Trouble is, that police officer did not die at the Capitol building nor as a result of any non-existent injury sustained during the so called riots. He actually died of natural causes brought on by strokes the following day.

Liberty Nation News Link

Unfortunately, that doesn’t fit the narrative of the left accusing Trump supporters of killing police officers trying to protect cunt politicians and uphold law, order and democracy. Neither does the fact that Capitol building security freely let into the building a large number of protestors, before the trouble makers showed up and caused the aggro.

But don’t let facts get in the way of trashing Trump or his supports. And especially don’t attempt to divert attention away from the absolute train wreck of a president Biden has been since he took office. Everything’s fine, things are going well, nothing to see here. Orange Man still bad.

William, this has fuck all to do with you, so shut it. I suggest to stop taking virtue signalling lessons from your out-of-touch father and sycophant brother. Cunt.

Nominated by: Imitation Yank

76 thoughts on “Prince William (5)

  1. I guess his only news source is the BBC??If so he obviously believes the bullshit he’s saying.
    He should use his position to stand against the grooming of children with drag shows in school.
    Do some actual good you royal cunt! How about a little something back for the obscene opulence the taxpayers bestow on you?
    Take a stand. You’re not up for election.

  2. U.S. capital riots?????

    I’ve been to stag do’s rougher than that.

    On a side note, isn’t odd how the black police officer that shot and killed an unarmed white woman at this shindig got away with it and nobody said a fuckin thing on the left.

    • Oh shit….almost forgot, yeah Wills is a cunt….. a lucky cunt. I’d love a go on his Mrs.

      • What ever happened to her sister – shed be gagging for it by now one would think. And yes Wils is a cunt.

    • Hfc@ – Yep – Michael Leroy Byrd, the “Man” who murdered Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.
      “You’ve got guns – use them!”
      Direct quote from US “Republican” Senator Lindsey Graham, speaking to Capitol Hill Police and security staff shortly before the Capitol Hill electronic doors were opened by a member of staff and Ashli Babbitt was executed.

      • Well said. And R.I.P. Ashli Babbitt.

        I mean no disrespect by not mentioning Ashli’s name in my initial post. That was poor form on my part.

  3. Was a fan of the Queen until she didn’t speak out against the covid restrictions, but I’d prefer if the royals kept quiet on all matters. Instead, the rest of the family are now spouting the same woke lefty save-the-planet trump-is-bad bollocks.
    Maybe William can team up with Lineker and claim he’s black next

  4. Maybe someone will bung him a few brief cases full of money?

    His father is a cunt, his brother is a cunt, his uncle is a cunt, are we surprised he’s a cunt?

  5. I don’t recall Prince cuntflake writing any letters of condolences to the Families of Ashli Babbitt after this unarmed Woman breaking no law was shot and killed by Michael Byrd or Rosanne Boyland, the Woman who was filmed being beaten, kicked and stamped to death by Capitol Hill Police Officers outside – no tear stained missives for them baldybitch? Do me a favour daft lad – cut some ribbons, wave a bit, jump back in the limo and shut the fuck up.
    Latest fuckshit coming from the J6 witch hunt”?
    “Trump tired to gab the wheel when he found out he was not being taken to Capitol Hill!”
    So could anyone explain to me, when Presidential Limo “The Beast” is the size of a stretch Lambrinimobile – how the fuck could Trump get forward around 12 feet, past trained bodyguards, through a security plate and grab the steering wheel? Why aren’t these obvious and provable lies not being exposed by people?
    Oliver Cromwell had the right way of dealing with traitor fucking “royals”.

    • I see the MSM are running the “Trump tried to grab the steering wheel” story. They conveniently miss out the part that 2 other people in the car (one of them being the driver) state this never happened.

      No doubt the usual gullible lefty cuntards believe the likes of the BBC.

  6. When the Queen is dead it is time to have a referendum on whether we want a Royal Family.
    NO REPUBLIC, I don’t want a gurning degenerate snake like Blair or jellyfish as “President” – just “Great Britain”.
    Fucking parasite traitors – and it’s time to fuck “The Commonwealth” off as well.

    • They can all fuck off up to Immoral Castle to live as unfortunately it is time to get rid of Sturgeon et al too- they will be a monkey on our back until they finally fuck off and unfortunately the demographic up there will win in time. Imagine sorting out that border with the chocolate guzzling kiddy feedlers in Brussels!

      Apparently Sturgeon was nicknamed “seaweed” at University back in the day allegedly because not even the tide would take her oot!

  7. Billy, Halfwit and his dad are inbred interfering pretend woke cunts born into unimaginable privilege with no knowledge of the real world. They need to keep their fairyland thoughts to themselves and practice their waving.

  8. Not just jumping on the anti Trump bandwagon but apologising for slavery, constantly crying about mental elf and recently photographed selling the Big Issue on the streets of Stabistan. If these royal freeloaders think that going woke is going to save their privileged arses they are dreaming. The wokies want to see them working in Tesco’s and living in a tower block no matter what they say or do. At the same time they are alienating the natural supporters of Royalty……..the normals who are patriotic and are proud of their country’s history and culture.
    People aren’t going to turn up at Buck House waving their flags when the wanker inside is slagging them off and calling them cunts. They are making the same mistake as Jellyfish Johnson………digging their own graves.

  9. He’s definitely a jewel encrusted cunt.

    After all,why bother with daft letters and speeches and opening stuff..

    If he had anything about him he’d be in Biarritz having a large g&t weighing up the skirt.

    Bring back Princess Margaret..she had more balls than these other lightweight freeloaders.

    Fuck off.

    • I wonder why the left and the woke are so afraid of Donald Trump?

      If you are insane enough to believe the MSM then surely he was the worst President ever and utterly clueless?

      And yet the investigations and campaigns seem never ending in their quest to bury him..

      Donald doesn’t play by their rules and they are all shit scared he will run again and bury Sleepy old Joe.

  10. Bald, sickly looking inbred cunt. Knows fuck all except unearned wealth and privilege. As half witted as his father and half brother.

  11. “An appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last”.
    Do these rat bastards REALLY think anyone will be coming to save them when it finally does kick off?
    History has repeatedly shown how totalitarian dictatorships treat their “useful idiots” when they are no longer of use.

    • It makes me laugh that these utter twats are alienating, slagging off, jailing, infuriating, you name it, the very people that they will soon be screaming to come and save them. I hope to live long enough to laugh in their faces as they are, one by one, wiped out by the filth they are protecting, even promoting.

  12. Will it ever dawn on the great unwashed,
    ” You are being made a fool of by this royal gangster family ”

    They have untold wealth stolen from the people. The first born takes over when the incumbent head of the family dies, if you cross them you end up dead, no one dares to criticise them, if you witness any foul play you dare not speak out ( Diana’s survivor bodyguard ).
    These cunts aren’t called the firm for nothing.

    Time to be rid of them…☠️

  13. There seems to be a real fear that Trump could run again and everything is being done to try to make sure he doesn’t.

    If Trump is/was so bad why the fuck are they so afraid, surely if he did get through to the run off against Kamiltoe she would piss it ?

    William should stick to banging Kate, lucky bastard ?

  14. When Her Maj goes the whole lot of them can fuck off as far as I’m concerned. I don’t need some unelected know nothing cunt lecturing me and telling me what to think. If I wanted that I would have voted Remoan.
    Queen Victoria must be spinning in her grave. She’ll feel even worse when the wokies start tearing down her statues all over what was once the Glorious British Empire.

    • You mention states, isn’t odd how the lefty bitty chasers have no issue with a statue of Nelson Mandela in London considering he was a convicted terrorist.

  15. I did have high hopes for William a few years ago. But typically the woke have grabbed him by the balls and turned him into the same kind of apologist cunt as his twat of a brother Harry.

    Charles is next for the throne, and he can fucking eat shit and die for all I care, the eco-greeny, two-faced, shagging-a-horse-faced-slag-behind-Diana’s-back shitbag.

    But once he fucks off we’ll have William – he’ll be very popular with the Zoomers and Alphas, because he is now morphing into some kind of libtard twat who doesn’t know the realities of life just so long as he looks good in the MSM.

    That said, I’d still love to take his missus up the Marble Arch given half the chance!

    • Yeah…. Kate would be a right fuckin goer.

      I’d give her the best 3 minutes of my life.

    • I don’t know what you cunts see in that dull old trollop. Mind you I couldn’t see why cunts lusted after the Diana bike either. But Fergie in her prime…….I could have banged that all day long. I bet she knows some tricks the posh old slag.

      • Imagine a 6-way sex orgy between:-

        a young Princess Anne
        a young Fergie
        a young Diana
        Kate before she met William
        and Sparkletits for dessert!

      • You are right about Anne. In her prime she was fucking hot. She’s also the only one who keeps her gob shut and doesn’t make a cunt of herself. You could say the same about her children.

      • Fergie at any age, TC? ?
        You sick, sick man.
        She’s always been a foul ginger hog.
        Unlike Zara Phillips…

      • Ah, but it’s the ginger bit I like TCE ……..and the tits and being dumb as fuck. A bit like Front Bench Angie.

      • I have it on VERY GOOD authority, Princess Anne loves the cock.
        Oh yeah!

      • @ Freddie.

        I used to have a good mate / drinking buddy, his fantasy was to plough Diana in the car wreck she died in.

        He was a fuckin great bloke. He was Scottish so I’d imagine it was a hate fuck he was thinking of.

      • I’d have Kate anytime, before or after she met William, no holes barred, 24 fucking 7. The rest I’d consign to the dustbin of history where they belong.

      • Fergie was tasty, but a tad scraggy now.
        I’d happily ride Sophie Wessex, very tasty.

  16. It’s only just gone noon and I’m dreaming about scatting the future Queen… and still Ewan McWokies miss too.

  17. I really hope Trump runs for President at the next election and wins. The woke libtard lefty cunts going into meltdown will be a sight to behold.

    • If he runs he will win the nomination but he won’t win the election. They rigged it last time they can do it again. The Establishment are terrified of the cunt.

  18. A nonentity.

    No-one would give a fuck about the identikit bullshit spouted by this wanker – or his vacuous missus and his idiot half-brother – if he wasn’t a ‘royal.’ Be lucky to get a job stacking shelves at Lidl.

    Can’t stand his old man and couldn’t stand his ‘bury me in a Y-shaped coffin’ mother.

    Would bang Sarah Ferguson though.

    • I assume you have a VPN?

      Just a quick internet search shows the stories Charlies had banned in the UK regarding some of his male staff and what they did in private.

      I don’t want to risk a ban so I’ll leave it at that.

  19. The man is a dick. Im not keen on this false “chummy” persona that the Royals have adopted ( for a trial period ) it fools no one. I saw last weeks fucking set up where he was volunteering to feed the homeless, complete with camera crew, lighting Technicians and Make Up. So fucking false it nearly made me puke.

    If we have to have a King, then lets have a fucking proper King, not a foppy Domino Delivery today and Home to the Palace at night. ! Load of shite.

    After Liz is gone, give the crown to Anne and after that….shove it up some Parky’s arse

    • Let’s offer the crown to first man who cakes himself in goose fat, swims the channel (backstroke) and force feeds Macron endless handfuls of nasty Nagging Rugmunchetties dirty sweaty skiddy g-strings whist shouting “not so fucking keen on the British dirty foie gras are you Jupiter you self important little fuck, tax that import you cunt….”

      Just a quiet afternoon thought.

  20. That William is a fucking lucky cunt. Would give my right bollock for a dirty night with Kate Middleton…………bet she’s a dirty cow. Would fuck her in the arse, then get her to piss on me……. and she would love it.

    (feel better now)

  21. I was just going to say CC this site is spiralling out of control and into a state of depravity.


  22. With “role models” like that vey punchable cunt Justin Welby following him around like a bad smell, that won’t dissipate. & that awful father of his, it’s no wonder he has ended up the cunt he has now become.

  23. What’s Willy Bollockhead on about?
    Yank shite?
    What’s it got to do with him?
    Keep your nose out and your yap shut.

    No one takes a professional wavers opinions seriously!

    An stop crying about your mam you fuckin Barnardo’s kid.

  24. When the Queen does snuff it it will mean new coinage with Jugears on all the notes and coins.

    But then again hopefully he won’t be around too long before this cunt ends up on our coins and notes probably insisting that the union flag should be rainbow coloured and stripy rather than what it looks like now in order to remove ourselves from our terrible history.

    And God help us if Halfwit should ever become King. Imagine Sparkletits lording it at Buck House and refusing to attend Remembrance Day!

    Nah, fuck the lot of them!

  25. I am a firm believer in the Royal Family. But I must admit lately I am really going off them because of all this woke bollocks. The real surviving Royals are the House of Beaufort.

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