Imagine, if you will, that Britain never conquered most of the world some 2-300 years ago. Imagine if Africa, India, Australia, Canada, the Caribbean and most other countries currently (and formerly) under the banner of the British Commonwealth, had not been invaded for good intentions (trade) or bad (slavery)
Focus in particular on the Caribbean and parts of Africa (South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana etc.). Had the UK not invaded these countries, would the UK itself not have been quite so racist as it appears to be today by the woke and the usual race baiters?
The likes of David Lammy, Abbott, Butler, Lenny Henry, Gina Miller et al, may not have been around had their parents and grandparents stayed in their indigenous countries.
In such a scenario it would be extremely unlikely none of them would be in the positions as they are today, thanks chiefly to the enterprising and forward thinking UK, despite all its faults.
The problem is, you ask this question to any libtard or baiter and they will just ignore you, resorting to their default reply to any difficult question that has any resonance of a truthful answer. “You’re a racist!”
Had the UK not resorted to empire building, where would they be now?
Nominated by: Technocunt
Slavery would be even more rife in Africa than it is now and probably dominated by Arabs. The rule of law wouldnt exist except for here. The US would be German with no constitution, South America would still be a slave infested Portugese and Spanish shit hole,(no change there). There would be no black people in this country and modern medicine wouldnt exist so most black people around today would all be dead.
You say that as if it’s a bad thing.
It would be a good thing. Hope that clarifies my position
I’m with Saint David Attenborough on this one.
Well they built Hadrian’s wall!!
Maybe they built other stuff?
Isambard kingdom Brunel,
Sounds like a Robertson name,
And I bet they had something,
Sorry! Sumfink to to do with the Industrial Revolution,
After all George Floyd invented the Banana sandwich ®
A small step to steam powered engines and the mechanisation of the loom.
If it wasn’t for bloody colonialism there’d just be a sea of white faces,
Low crime, next to no drug issues,
What’d we be meant to do?
Stab ourselfs?!!!
It’d be a different country all together.
What do you mean Paradise?!!
No Black and White Minstrels either, wholesome family entertainment for all ages. Al Jolson and Justin Trudeau, no more blackface for you!
Interesting question.
Maybe we would be a quiet backwater, but if no-one else had colonised Africa, then I’m sure it would not contain one decent building, not one railway and would be rife with disease.
How very waycist of me to say so obviously
Rubbish, we all know that the British held them back and they would now have populated outer space otherwise.
Well, they’ve populated every other fucking space!
There was a time when the sun never set on the British Empire. Now the darkey ages are being enthusiastically ushered in.
The sun never rises nowadays without some accusation of Racism being the headline.
Colonialism was a double-edged sword. One the one hand, it brought great technology, literacy, medicines, etc. to millions of people. One the other hand, it brought the brutality of slavery, which had not been seen since ancient Rome. All for the lust for sugar by the Portuguese, slavery was brought back to the western nations and they became empires that brought great things are stomach-churning things.
The past 6,000 years have seen almost every kind of human behaviour and we were all hoping in the 21st Century we would see a kind of Golden Age, a moral renaissance or at least a more FUN age. It has yet to happen, but it will, it’s inevitable as we can’t sink any further. Hit it, Elvis…
Slavery existed amongst non-whites long before colonialism (& continues today where whites have left control to natives) Berbers enslaved Europeans across the Mediterraen long before the cross-Atlantic trade carried out by whites (supplied with suitable victims by other ethnic Africans) – the Europeans did not have to venture far inland from Goree Island, as the ‘helpful’ tribes brought their captives to the coast.
Ancient Rome’s vile habits have never ceased.
Yeah, history in general, is a cunt!
The Vikings were slavers too.
And like us they built a empire,
Made cutting edge advances in ship building,
Got wealthy,
And had a marvelous time!
Like us they discovered distant lands and traded.
If someone didn’t want to trade, the kicked fuck out of them.
Slavery is as old as mankind.
Ancient Rome didn’t invent it!
It’s much older than that,
The Egyptians build the pyramids using slaves.
I must say slavery is much maligned by modern times.
It’s done some wonderful things!!
Three cheers for slavery!
Hip hip…
Le Cunt@ Have to disagree with you about the “colonialism bringing the brutality of slavery” bit in your post – slavery has been occurring since the first days of humankind, is still going on today in the African and arab parts of the world and if you imagine the history of slavery as a clock face white British people got involved at 11:59:59, stopped it at midnight and have been the only fuckers daft enough to beg forgiveness and throw our money around like a drunk at the races to chippy shit who have an incredibly privileged life thanks entirely to “waaycist whitey”.
Pretty much every Country in the world has had an empire of sorts and engaged in slavery at some point in their history, and I am so sick and tired of cunts (not you I hasten to add LC! ?) blaming English whitey for all “da slavery” in the history of the world I just do not bother listening to their shit anymore – any tolerance I had is long gone and any who give me the chops stand the very serious risk of a fucking fist in them.
And sink that Empire Windrush fore we all get bleedin rabies!
Yeah, I almost rewrote that bit, knowing someone would pounce on it, but fuck it! Slavery is the most brutal for of human behaviour when you think about it. I’d rather be killed than enslaved for the rest of my life.
The Belgian Congo was brutal.
See ‘Heart of Darkness’ Joseph Conrad.
I think the King of Belgium is there now trying to make ammends.
“George Foreman is..a Belgian!!”
Muhammad Ali
Rumble in the jungle
‘Conrad recalled the theme of Heart of Darkness by calling the greedy and immoral European invasion of Africa the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience”
Sounds a right little drama queen.
Most African footballers would be getting rather rapey at border checkpoints.
France pretty much wouldn’t have a football team.
HNC@ – Afternoon HNC – your Stockport Cousin Mnc told me a very good tip for dealing with chippy or excitable shit flingers – shout “UNGOWA!” loudly whilst simultaneously giving the blighters a good lashing with one of Captain Quimsons sjamboks!
Common sense solutions from the North..
I wish we had more Melanin Men in the Scotland national team, we could use some Black Power up from and score goals!
“At it’s 4-0 Scotland! A hat-trick by Umbogwe MacBumferrty has sealed Brazil’s fate here in Madrid! The World Cup will be housed in Edinburgh the next four years!”
Wokegates 11 has 8x Melanin enhanced purveyors of the “beautiful game” on the pitch last night.
I hear the Hungarian players, manager and fans are still pausing themselves at the “performance”.
Nom9nations that mention Nigeria are hugely enjoyable because gags about it can be utilised.
How do you throw a party in Nigeria?
You stick a piece of bread to the ceiling
All those Nigerian princes and chieftans would have had to resort to selling Dave soap and Dolce & Banana underpants and the local market rather than conning UK pensioners with fake lottery wins.
EEF, yoo don like ma proDUCTS, YOO kan KEES ma ASS, LeebuhRAL Liqui-DAY-tor. AH ees gud biz-NISS-man. NO ree-FUNDS.
Please send bank dee-TAILS.
The British Empire eh?
“British Go Home” they wrote on the walls and chanted in the streets.
So we did…….but they didn’t tell us they would follow us home did they? And they’re still fucking following us!
So we couldn’t have been that bad could we?
I piss on immigrants
The whole world should be eternally grateful for Great Britain and it’s Empire.
The prime reason for this gratitude is that without our international adventures and colonisation the Nazis would in all likelihood have won WW2.
No Empire troops ?
The Afrika Korp would have overrun Egypt and pushed on into Persia,cutting off our oil supplies and easy access to the Far East and India.
Good luck moaning about racism and the hideous treatment of every foreigner in this country when you are working as a slave at a V2 rocket site or have simply been gassed.
The disgusting pigshit thick cunts.
In 1781 the captain of the Zong slaving ship had to throw 130 slaves overboard,
And slaves were expensive!!
It came about over running low on drinking water,
Decisions had to be made.
Long voyage from Liverpool (awww hey) to Jamaica (innit)
The captain quite understandably tossed them overboard.
Now, not one could swim!
Didn’t even try.
And that’s the lesson here.
You won’t get anywhere with out trying.
Don’t be lazy.
Imagine if he had a Diane Abbott sized slave?
First mate – “Cap’t, land whale in the hold has some flesh eatin disease. We estimate she has about three to five years left”.
Apparently the terrible British were the only Colonialists because nobody mentions the Krauts, the Frogs, the Italians, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Belgians, the Ruskies and fuck knows who else. No just the British…….probably because we were the best as we are the best at everything. Everybody copies us because we’re the best, never forget that. ?? We don’t need foreigners, they need us.
So they can fuck off.
If a jobs worth doing………..
Well said.
The British Empire is nothing to be ashamed of.
It’s something to be proud of!
A little island that ruled the world and invented,
Well… pretty much everything!
If they didn’t like slavery they should of run faster.
I say bring it back .
The English language is one of if not our biggest and most successful export. Trade, culture , diplomacy, its all there. Yeah I know foreigners talk funny and bastardise it but learning it is like getting a degree in some shitholes.
Even the tiddlywinks are sticking the boot in now and saying that Hong Kong was never a British colony in school textbooks. So we have these cunts in the east denying that colonialism happened and other cunts in the west who never shut up about it. It makes you wonder why we even bothered to civilise half the world.
Yeah, and we may as well have let Hitler have Europe while we were at it. Why did we dig out cunts who were always our enemies and still are?
As far as empires go, the British was probably the best and relatively humane of them all.
Yes countries were exploited by London for their natural resources. But we also brought better communications, roads, railways, infrastructure, laws and courts. British territories never saw the excesses of cruelty inflicted, for instance, by the Belgians on the Congo. British rule was never arbitrary or cruel. We were the first nation to ban slave trading and the Royal Navy tirelessly rooted out slave trading activities in the Atlantic. In most of the countries we occupied we left a legacy of infrastructure, justice and humane administration. That some of the countries we left have turned their backs on this is to be expected, but it’s not our fault.
We have nothing to be ashamed of. Ex-colonies should be apologising to us for destroying the legacy we left them, not the other way around. Cunts.
The Belgians WERE atrocious.
Poirot was based on a real one, and Agatha’s descriptions of Poirot were none too flattering.
I always find it funny when he is mistaken for a Frog.
I’m proud that my little nation conquered most of the planet at one point. The biggest empire the world has ever seen, no less.
All done by glorious honky Brits.
Now, our armed forces seem to be busy guarding peacefuls praying during battles, or trying to recruit ‘stong’ dark key wimmins as pilots because they’re good at puzzle games on da phones innit?
The ‘clip round the ear’ and ‘He fell down the stairs guv’ policing changed to dancing with the gays and sucking off the dark keys and Joe dakis.
This country is fucked.
The largest mistake ever was to venture into slavery, Africa as a continent is more than capable of housing every Black person in the world and I for one wish that that’s where they were right now.!
That cunt Lenny Henry needs to shut his fucking gob. Not only has he had kids with whitey, he’s reaped the benefits of this country more than most whites. On top of that, does anyone remember him taking the piss out of blacks for a living? Ooooo kkkkkk and K’Tanga my friend spring to mind. I wonder how much his house is worth? More than mine I know that.
Lenny, you most un-funny of cunts. If you feel so badly about the country and people that made you rich, give the money, fame and influence back and hop on a flight to Africa. No? I didn’t think so.
I could not agree more. Hallllo der was one of his I believe. I will never forget going into the General Post Office with my dad in High Wycombe as a kid and we get to the front of the queue and the old man comes out with “hallllo der” in a big booming West Indian accent. He them looks up and the face of a 20 stone jigress has a propper scowl on.
“Jigress” hahaha. Yep, the black man that launched a decade of racist catchphrases is hardly in a position to preach is he.
Of course we remember Sir Lenworth taking the p*ss out of his bruvvers and sistas , and so do they.
Theopolis T. Wildebeest also springs to mind.
So I expect that someone, sometime soon, will kidnap him and punt him into the cage containing wildebeest.
I have a little truck with a small hihab at my disposal, although I don’t drive.
Anyone up for it?
Theopolis T. Wildebeest, indeed!
What a two faced cunt!
He’s typical of the western jungle bunny. Got it all on a plate, but wants to be the victim. Greedy cunts. Must be an evolutionary thing about storing coconuts for leaner times.
Famous baboons are actually the worst. I wonder how many bling bling rappers give to their breadbins in bongo bongo land?
Remember the black artist’s Live Aid? Nor can I.
It’s ‘Shame’ that Lenny is trying to rid himself of, a dancing minstrel a coconut at the start of his career
And this’Shame’ will follow the unfunny cunt to his grave
Oh and Shame for hangin’ Out of the back of that even unfunnier fat cunt he was married to
They need to put down their book called “how to get shit for free, in’it blud” and do a little reading about the Barbary slave trade before they start pointing fingers about how their own great great great grandad willingly sold his children to the white man.
Do you really think we could be bothered to head off into the stinking jungle to catch them when we could just pay a greedy man to give up hi family and friends.
Cunts to a man.
My first day at school in London. Aged four or five. Older black boy liked my toy plane and just took it. A pattern I noticed with them. From that day to this I won’t give them the steam. No respect for personal property. Monkey see, monkey take. As long as monkey happy, no one else’s feelings matter.
I read an article once from a woman infant school teacher who wanted to remain anonymous (to keep her job). The thing I took from it was when she said that black kids have no concept of personal property. If they see something they like, they will just take it and feel no guilt about it. It exists, they like it, they take it. Other kids toy, old ladies hand bag, white woman’s fanny.
Said teacher felt constantly tired by the extra attention the niglets needed. They are a drain on society from day one.
Plane to Rwanda.
And punted out of the cargo bay, sans parachute.
Over the channel…right above the flotilla of dinghies.
? Still more majestic shalt thou rise
More dreadful from each foreign stroke
More dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke
As the loud blast, the blast that tears the skies
Serves but to root thy native oak
Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves
Britons never never shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves
Britons never never shall be slaves ?
What would Britain be like if we never colonised.
What’s Britain like now?
So no change, just different invaders.
Obviously only Britain had colonies, no one was doing it before us and no one else was doing it at the same time or after.
Let us pause for a moment and consider Germany 1933 to 1945. Can someone explain why Germany has been able to totally distance itself from events much more recent? Germany is allowed to blame everything on NAZIS, not Germans but Nazis and no one mentions the war to them in case their feelings get hurt.
But anything ever done by anyone British or descendants of the British has to hear about how evil our nation and its people are on a daily basis.
Narrative is everything and facts are nothing!
Of course not.
Belgium, Spain, Portugal et al were only maintaining a “watching brief”.
Of course they were, the lovely, benign people they were. Nice to know that those countries were there, looking out for the native population.
I’m taking my tongue out of my cheek, now.
The likes of David Lammy, Abbott, Butler, Lenny Henry, Gina Miller et al, may not have been around had their parents and grandparents stayed in their indigenous countries.
I wish to God they all fucking had done…
Post War we gave up the Empire piece by piece because it was actually fucking costing us. The savages had got used to the life we had established for them and were sucking the shit out of us at a time when we had a war to pay for. That was the sensible economic decision at the time but letting the cunts in was a disaster, only seen and predicted by a certain E.Powell MP.
You make yourself a registered charity and every cunt wants a piece of you, like moths attracted to the candle.
I revel in my country’s history and my white British privilege.
Every other country is an also ran.
Nobody will emulate us, ever.
Get To Fuck ??????????
There are countless others,making our country beyond compare.
Amen to that Norman. Lammy would be selling fake designer sunglasses on the beach, Lenny Henry would be in a part-time Bob Marley tribute band and Flabbott would still be an ignorant fat cunt.
And Banana Gob Gina would be an over- expensive prossie.
Oh wait…..?
Lammy’s parents came from Guyana so if they hadn’t been allowed here he would have been selling bananas in some street market and spending his evenings smoking da ganja and impregnating little slags. But don’t expect him to acknowledge that.
Whitey is always trying to keep him down.
That fat fuck ate all the bananas. May he shove the stalk up his arse sideways.
A friend living in my former city of Birmingham, informs me that there will be mass protests and demos when the city hosts the commonwealth games in a month or two’s time
Most of the protests will be about how the commonwealth came to being through slavery and exploitation.
Should be fun to watch. And no doubt the BBC will spend more time on that than the events themselves.
The wealth was never common though was it, not even for the the locals.
Devils advocate reporting, live from the scene we are witnessing.
This apologist/appeasement crap is gone too far now. I’ve even noticed the BBC News website referring to Mohammad as “the prophet Mohammad” every time a rag head gets upset over a perceived slight against the child molesting cunt. I don’t see them referring to Jesus as “our lord and saviour or whatever. I don’t see them adding a suffix to any other religion’s deity. Nor should they, it’s a fucking news website. It’s meant to deal with facts objectively.
Give it another five years and “peace be upon him” will be tacked to the paki nonce’s name.
I think the BBC should be put on trial for treason myself, but what do I know? I’m just white.