Klaus please tell me how I can rent underpants, not own them and be happy? The ones I own get quite nasty after a week of not washing myself, all to save precious water during this grave time of climate change. Is there a scheme for renting underpants and being happy?
(No link, this ‘own nothing and be happy’ is in common knowledge)
Nominated by Cuntologist
(More info here: Day Admin – Sociable News Link )
Old Klause is one A1 grade cunt. Basically he and his cronies want all the global wealth in exchange for giving the minnions a standard income which will give a very basic lifestyle. A lifestyle where we are told what we can or cannot do, have restrictions placed upon us, a lifestyle where we are financially controlled and if we step out if line we are punished. It’s basically your common model of socialism dressed up as something else.
And in the meantime Klause and his cronies live the lives of kings and queens.
Saros is another one. If it wasn’t so serious they would be perfect Bond villains.
People often quote this Schwab guy saying this, but does anyone know what it means? Are they privvy to the details of how the entire world is going to change so that only rich people will have possessions, only they can travel, own property etc?
Proper ‘tards are saying the war in Ukraine is all sideshow, pre planned, with the blessing of all involved, just so it can bring about this ‘event’
Most have only looked into the events happening in Ukraine since Christmas, and are experts in the region within hours of some good old bitchute research.
That this has been brewing for twenty years, and has been reported for as long, has passed them completely by. Why? Because the tinfoil network were obsessing over some other scam or other.
Talking of scams, does anyone really believe that monkeypox was a scam that didn’t work? A cluster of reportable cases, followed by news that existing treatments were available, it’s effects limited to a small section of society, so it went swiftly back to normal.
No panic, no fanfare, no restrictions, no problem. The end.
It has been said that ‘whats the difference between conspiracy theory and reality? About 48 hours’. What bollocks. Not a single big conspiracy theory has ever been proven to be true. None. JFK, 9/11, moon landing, Titanic, you name it, none of them has come close to being remotely proven. None.
I’ll be called a fool for saying that, a shill, a sheeple, whatever. Easier that than PROVE me wrong. ?
Well, I’ve stopped fucking them now.
Over my head that.
You ask for proof, where was the proof that Oswald shot JFK, never proved, never found guilty, never had a defence. You have to wonder why somebody didn’t want him to have his day in court and it certainly wasn’t because some mafia hood wanted to spare Jackie’s feelings.
There’s plenty of evidence, both physical and circumstantial, that that Oswald was in the room, with his rifle, at the time of the assassination.
The is absolutely no proof of anyone else involved.
Hearsay, conjecture, fantasy, but no proof.
None whatsoever.
I blame Oliver Stone, great film, but full of nonsense and made up characters.
You have a closed mind on the subject, JFK has fascinated me for over 40 years long before Oliver Stone. The evidence against Oswald is a made up narrative to fit the lone nut job. There are many facts that prove there were multiple shooters and LHO many or may not have been one of them. The front entry wound in the neck proves a shot from the front.
That’s where your are wrong, I don’t have a closed mind. I have been interested in this since the 70s, and my opinion has changed many times, as new evidence is uncovered, and new theories have been put forward.
However, for the last 20 years, nothing that has come along has made a difference.
If it does in the future, I will happily change my opinion.
You keep spouting on about evidence but you provide nothing not even the made up narrative, you have refuted nothing I have written.
I stated above that the evidence says that Oswald was in the book depository with his rifle, overlooking the motorcade, and had, in his mind anyway, motive to assassinate Kennedy.
I’m not challenging the official narrative, so I have no need to provide evidence.
What is it that you don’t understand about this?
Bloody right Jaguarpig. I have an autographed photo of one of the shooters (Badge Man) behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, taken at the precise moment he shot his load into Kennedy’s face! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, GJ.
What constitutes “proof”?
Do you believe that Covid 19:
a. Came from bat meat sold as a delicacy in a Chinese wet market in Wuhan and then jumped species to travel the world.
b. Was developed in a Chinese lab in Wuhan and was either released or escaped into the general population.
Please provide “proof” of whichever you believe.
There is no proof that can be given. China is not a reliable source of information at the best of times.
A is possible, however B is looking more likely, but my opinion is that is was released by accident because of poor bio security rather than any of the myriad of conspiracy theories, all of which have no proof to support them, although that doesn’t stop them being extremely popular.
Hey Gutstick,
Thanks for the reply. My question was perhaps a bit rhetorical as I firmly believe that 2 intelligent people can witness the same series of events and come to different conclusions.
I believe that Covid was engineered in a Chinese lab. There is plenty of evidence to support that including e-mails from that vile cunt Dr. Fauci showing that we (USA) provided funds for “gain of function” research.
I believe it was released intentionally into the environment to further the ends of the “Great Reset” advocates. If you go to the website weforum (World Economic Forum) or The Great Reset website you can see how enthusiastic they were about the opportunities Covid presented to advance their agenda.
This does not constitute proof in a legal or even philosophical sense. But it does seem likely to me based on circumstances. And sometimes circumstances are all we have to go on.
Reasonable people sit on juries and convict people of crimes based on circumstantial evidence every day.
Or at least they did until the advent of television shows like CSI where definitive proof is always found based on irrefutable “scientific” evidence.
However, the point remains…2 intelligent people*…provided they are acting in good faith…can differ in their interpretation of events. (As I believe we do.)
Cuntster, General (Deceased)
*Perhaps I take liberties with an estimation of my own intelligence.
No problem General, nice to debate with someone who doesn’t take it personally.?
Re. the monkey pox there wasn’t half the alarmist new coverage and doomsday soothsaying that there was with Covid.
I wonder if it has become a case of the boy/girl/non-binary/ gender-fluid who cried wolf.
Offbeat a mo’ but I couldn’t help but notice the lack of coverage from the BBC and the Guardian about Ezra Miller.
Ezra identifies as a “they” except he’s only ever been known to have relationships with women. More to the point though is that there are lots of allegations flying around about him grooming and coercing young women into doing awful things.
I’ve got him in in my dead pool as a wildcard.
If you think a handful of room temperature IQ, goat-fucking bacon dodgers pulled off 9/11… you are an absolute sausage sir.
Who was it, space Nazis?
Legion of Doom?
Bet it was freemasons?!!!
The Titanic sabotaged by seamonkeys and fuckin Flipper the dolphin?
The iceberg says he’s been framed man!
there’s knowns and unknowns and some knowns are untrue and unknowns become what ever the heavies say it is to be.
Don’t believe a word
For words are only spoken
And our heart is like a promise
Meant to be broken
That’s ok minge, you’re entitled to your opinion, on me, and 9/11, but without any real evidence whatsoever, that’s all it will ever be, an opinion.
As for the racial stereotype about them all being thick, you’ve made the classic mistake of underestimating the enemy, pretty much the mistake US intelligence made.
As I said, I need proof to change my mind, not opinions, theories, rhetoric and lies. ?
Japseye, do you mean ‘racial stereotypes’ like your old avatar?
Looked a bit “waaaaycist” to me.
The US failed in Afghanistan for the same reason the British and Soviets did; terrain.
Vietnam anyone ? The slopes are way more intelligent than goat fuckers.
911, listen to the official line and apply your own thought process. Building 7 fell down out of sympathy ??
20 minutes after its destruction was reported by the BBC ??
From a correspondent filming from another high rise with Building 7 intact in the background??
Sure not cast iron, what do you want,a signed confession??
So many lies,so many gullible,lazy people, the voting public no less.
Jesus wept.
Firstly, I used the word racial, not the word racist, as it wasn’t an accusatory point I was making, more about the dismissal of the people involved on regional stereotypes.
Secondly, terrain. Are you serious? If you genuinely think that, then there is little hope.
Plenty of stuff to debunk the WTC 7 conspiracy theories online, try looking for that instead of feeding your obvious conformation bias.
Quoting you verbatim: racial stereotype”.
Yes ,terrain,Tora Bora ,mountains,caves …not the tundra. Agent Orange to use the Vietnam example.
How about come up with your own hypothesis, or factual truth if that’s what you’re so keen on?
No comment on Building 7 or your waaaaycist avatar then ?
Gutstick’s previous avatar racist? Only to wokies and those with a sense of humour bypass.
I’m racist, I’m also sure japseye can handle himself.
There’s certainly an influx of fucking arseholes that have permeated this site, recently, Ruff. What was a haven for comedy and venting your spleen has been infiltrated by The David Icke Fan Club and a few chancers praying for the Fourth Reich. Problem being, they fuck off the ‘Normal’ for want of a better word, posters, so they leave, and you’re left with their inane ramblings.
The problem is that it is difficult to have discussion or debate with these, as they have closed minds on the subjects and nothing you can say will change that view.
Especially when they throw that sun reader type of insult with the ‘waaaycism’ comment, usually from someone who is upset they can’t be openly racist for the sake of it, and will find a racist argument anywhere.
Even the noms that aren’t about these topics are hijacked with this type of crap and blatant political rabble rousing.
And yes, my previous avatar was a racial stereotype, a WW2 American propaganda poster that was counterproductive because it made light of the Japanese fighting prowess which was considerable and inhuman.
Too many good cunters have left because of this stuff, and it’s becoming a proper echo chamber.
Please don’t be nasty to my David – he’s very “special”…….
Right, I’m off to fuck another monkey – condoms only from now on now mind.
I bet you thought that ‘Capricorn One’ was a documentary, didn’t you?
“If you think a handful of room temperature IQ, goat-fucking bacon dodgers pulled off 9/11… you are an absolute sausage sir”
You mean the ‘room temperature IQ, goat-fucking bacon dodgers’ that have seen off the Russian army and the Coalition forces?
Christ on a fucking Segway.
9/11 was committed by Islamic terrorists. The amount of evidence pointing to this is fucking enormous.
The only conspiracy was the conspiracy the terrorists were plotting.
What are the odds that Queen Greta will be elevated to some globalist president of an organisation not too dissimilar to the WEF!
That would really be the icing on the cake for the woke eco-charmers to see their adoring little chipmunk telling the world what to do, with the full backing of the WEF foundation behind her.
it will happen sooner or later
The “poor Greta she’s just a kid/just being used” excuse doesn’t wash with me, she’s an evil, nasty little cow in her own right.
Most likely an MK-Ultra product.It never went away,just morphed into-Project Mannequin or Monarch (see Britney,Katy,Taylor Beyonce et al) for the showbiz element and Greta has handlers no doubt answering to Soros and co.
Soros was financing her early US tours.
As he does with BLM, Antifa etc, etc, etc
Monarch, that’s from Godzilla right?
All hail the Goblin
All hail the Goblin
I sacrifice this Polar bear and Pandas blood for the almighty Goblin
i hope this keeps from been cancelled Goblin Thundershite
I beg you please i beg you all wise sage of future doom
I can’t see it. She will go off the rails pretty soon. Look at her, she’s obviously never had a length as no one out there is that fucking stoned.
But as her fame grows and her hormones rage some poor cunt will end up stabbing it, we have all done it.
She will never be the same again. I see her as at best only a fluffer from there on in.
She will have her little mini me on OK magazine front page feeling all nurturing and kind hearted as the till goes “Ching Ching” for her cunt parents
Her legion of subscribers will say how lovely her little baby Goblin looks just like her.
I hope baby Goblin becomes a rebel without a cause
A fitting end to the bullshit
Greta Thunberg is the perfect argument for the pro-abortion lobby.
Somebody said it!
It’s rumoured that she has a preference for a cold bath.