Contributing To Your Own Demise

I am feeling less and less sympathy for those who decide its a great idea to perhaps go film tribes in the amazon, who are then used a target practice by cannibals.

It would not be the same if said persons we shot by maneaters perhaps getting their mail at home. But they are not.

I don’t know why they think filming themselves at the local market where no one has seen a white man before let alone a group of (no doubt Hipster) Camera People trying to get the best latest shot. To pass on to a cunt no doubt like Attenborough to then spit his way through a sleep enduing commentary.

This is not gorillas in the mist.

Reuters Link.

In addition, the cunting extends to the outcry of mercenaries sent to death by Ivan, when going to fight for Ukraine. Putin is a weapons grade cunt, but if one chooses to go front line his people, if they have to then wave the white flag they cant expect the reception of a dinghy sailor coming over from Calais.

Sly News Link.

Whilst i commend anyone that wants to uphold their right, they need to do so understanding the risk.

The amazon and Donbass were no go zones, before these cunts decided to go.

If it was easy, every cunt would do it.

Nominated by: King Cunt

82 thoughts on “Contributing To Your Own Demise

  1. Great nom, leave the fuckers to it, you want to get lost and killed in deepest darkest Peru or be a soldier of fortune in the Ukraine, paddle around the world on your own good luck to you, enjoy your adventure, but when it all goes to rat shit you need to remember you put yourself in that situation and its not for others to come and rescue you.
    So fuck off selfish cunts…

  2. The ‘film crews’ ostensibly searching for these cannibal tribes in the Amazon are, in reality, Democrat immigration agents with ties to real insurrectionists (rhymes with A Reefer).

    So desperate are the insidious US Democratics about the upcoming midterms that they are looking to further reinforce their imported voter force. As a bonus the useful idiots can get the cannibals to terrorise and eat a Republican, perhaps a judge or two.

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