“Own Nothing and Be Happy!”

Klaus please tell me how I can rent underpants, not own them and be happy? The ones I own get quite nasty after a week of not washing myself, all to save precious water during this grave time of climate change. Is there a scheme for renting underpants and being happy?

(No link, this ‘own nothing and be happy’ is in common knowledge)

Nominated by Cuntologist

(More info here: Day Admin – Sociable News Link )

158 thoughts on ““Own Nothing and Be Happy!”

    • I rent my underpants and I’ve never been happier.
      Pay as you go,
      With unlimited skids.

      No way in the current economic climate I’m risking buying!
      Besides, my credit rating is poor.

      • You mad, decadent fools. Why waste spending good money in underpants. Be like me and go Commando. You know it makes sense!

  1. Colonel Kurt hon Strohm looks as if death is near. He will own nothing, see nothing, feel nothing, and be nothing very soon. Give him his due though; ‘Allo ‘Allo was a funny programme.

  2. Go commando or use Angela Rayner’s – she only uses them in winter and then only tokeep her ankles warm in shop doorways.

    If you don’t mind your own company except for a thousand flies and like to live dangerously – use AnalEase Dodd’s

  3. Ah.Reliable Uncle Klaus.As much use as a condom machine in the Vatican.Kiss my arse you old scroat bag.Shuffle off and die.

  4. These cunts are using “1984” as a textbook. It’s only when you look at the future through their eyes that all this wokie madness makes sense. We are being manoeuvred, little by little, but increasingly rapidly, into a fucking nightmare. We are being classified, reclassified, stamped, indexed and filed. You ARE a number and NOT a free man.
    Resist and you know who pays you a visit don’t you? Yes, the Mental Elf.
    He’s waiting for you and it’s all for your own good. You know it makes sense!

      • Don’t forget the weapon that’s holding your ‘phone, the ‘phone that the aliens are using to track your EVERY move.

      • Not a tinfoil hat enthusiast but I do suspect that we are being frog marched into some cunts shitty idea of “Utopia” whilst distracted by other events.
        The alternative could of course be that all the leaders of the western world are just massively incompetent.
        Surely not…. ???

      • Yes – worldwide political incompetence. That’s all it is.

        Elected politicians, sincerely, diligently trying to enact the will of the people (who allegedly voted them in to power and sometimes in record breaking numbers) but all of them (especially the Davos clique) appear unable to do so and are rather unfortunately suffering from this global virus of ineptitude.
        Wherever this political ineptitude virus came from – it’s certainly catching on and the earliest detectable symptom is removing one’s tie to appear relaxed.
        Especially contagious in the geopolitical region formerly known as the West.

        Nothing to see here and get to fuck.

  5. When the wake up happens it will be ( as usual ) far far too late. That is why I fully endorse assassination attempts, and could only wish would be assassins the best of look, good aim and goodbye. .

  6. They have vending machines for panties in Tokyo. Maybe the Japs are ahead of the game on this one.

    Shit and go type thing I guess.

  7. As usual none of what is being proposed applies to the elites only us prols.
    Again, the Middle class is being made extinct.
    Private property should be sacred and protected by law and order.
    Soon we.will all be living in the equivalent of cold War Russia.

  8. What a load of old tosh. I see videos of rich people all the time preaching this because guess what, they have enough cash that they don’t have to worry about the financial legacy they leave behind for their spawn.

    Utter cunts.

  9. I’m pretty sure these cunts are having a right laugh about pricing everyone into a gulag,direct from Amazon or Meta.

    Laugh it up.

    History seems to indicate such matters eventually get very messy,very violent and all the money in the world will count for fuck all.

    I’d prep that rocket for launch if I were that mutant bog eyed cunt Bezos.

    • Bezos isn’t a player,just the shop front for an organization with a pre-determined agenda.He provides the requisite ‘rags to riches’ buisnessman fig-leaf fairy-tale for his Blackrock/C.I.A/Rothschild overlords and let no-one tell you different.

  10. “Yoo vill own nossink and yoo vill ve happy!”

    Ok Klaus. If you say so pal.

    This owning nothing cuntishness and the great reset et al, is still at the conspiracy theory stage.

    • It’s the way it’s phrased that bothers me. Even I suspect what he really means is ‘(even though) you will own nothing, you will be happy’, it comes across to me as ‘you will own nothing, and you (fucking well) will be happy (or else, you cunt!)’.

  11. It’s time we set the Guillotines up . Let’s get chopping with this cunt first up on the block.

  12. Thanks for the heads up – just back from clearing Marks & Sparks shelves of their undercrackers. I’m alright Jack.

    Or should that be Klaus?

  13. Klaus Schwab’s the Devil.
    And he’s here to do the devils business.
    Satan Klaus.

    Not only does he wear Ming the merciless’s cast off robes
    He talks/looks like a war criminal hiding out in Argentina.

    He’s dreams up the evil the political pigs dish up.

    I hope he chokes on his fuckin tongue the old twat.

    • His projenator made a fortune during wwll manufacturing flamethrowers for his nazi affiliated company and was heavily into nuclear weapon technology,as well as being an SS officer to boot.Satan Klaus,if you look closely at the black robe he occasionally dons,has a 666 logo in plain but reduced sized.He’s likely a Bavarian lodge of the Illuminati honcho.They work as the emminence grice of Freemasonery which is the glue binding these evil societies of control together.Dan Brown’s pathetic books were designed to divert attention away from real scrutiny via Hollywood stardust deployment as is their role.Masonry at 33rd degree and above is where serious power resides and is essentially a Talmudic/Cabalistic religion of Luciferianism that keeps the ‘elites’ shit-show on the road.What’s occuring now across the world is the these demonics are a busted flush and they’re resorting to their only but lethal weapon of fearmongery via the mockingbird-media they assiduously control.Change is a coming folks but not without pain as the structures we know capitulate by the day yielding place to the new.

      • And the moonmen.
        He worked with them on the reanimation of Frankensteins Monster.

      • I doubt that SS officer’s were that keen on the Talmud?
        I might of heard wrong but I was under the impression they didn’t care much for the tribes of Israel?

        Fuck me.
        I demand my cigarettes nurse Ratchet!!

      • Don’t forget The Wombles, either… No place to run, no place to hide.

      • MNC – “I doubt that SS officer’s were that keen on the Talmud?”

        No, because they were well aware of the sheer anti-social supremacist psychopathy of its content.

        Julius Streicher’s disdainful observation of the post Nuremberg hangings as he stepped on to the scaffold just before they ‘black bagged’ him…

        “pffft… a Purim fest!”

      • “…Grassy Knollington eat yer heart out! ”

        There’s no tinfoilery here Ruff, they’re spelling it out for you chapter and verse.
        You shall know the man by the company he keeps and here’s just one example of the greezy little megalomaniacal shits who sit at his shoulder…

        Yuval Noah Harari – HACKABLE HUMANS
        Do we need to draw pictures here?

      • Renegade tribune, that looks a stoic read. Ooh look, a picture of Jews with lizard heads.
        It goes beyond tinfoil into religious crackpot territory.

  14. The world elites are trusting each other more and more but the great unwashed think they are cunts (taken from the link but not word for word).

    The apathy only lasts as long as the great unwashed (all us ordinary people) get to live in a nice house and have money to spend, start removing our ‘privileges’ and there will be consequences.
    No one gives a fuck about the poor, they are just an inconvenience and would never be happy even if they progressed into the great unwashed.

    When all starts to go tits up, the only way out is war, the Russian invasion of Ukraine could easily escalate, I can’t remember which politician or general said it but he was right. ‘The risk of world war has never been greater’.

    • There’s a school of thought that Putin is simply purging Ukraine which was once the bulk of Khazaria’s empire of it’s current ancestral remnants who consist of Ashkh(NAZI) tribes-aka (false jews) who were originally turfed out by a Russian Tsar who tired of their warmongering and child-sacrificing practices around the 8th century.They were given the option to convert to one of 3 Abrahamic religions to avoid expulsion.They opted for Judaism while still continuing covert blood-ritual-magic and usury and were finally expelled only to re-establish their power base in Europe via Babylonian money magic-aka-usury.The bulk of what passes for Jewery is not the true Hebrew tribe of Israel (the word Jew itself a fairly recent term) but the Khazarian/Ashkenazi who are blood-oathed against Russia.This is what’s playing out today((( Nuland,Schiff,Blinken,Zelensky))) chicken swingers all and ultimately origined from the Sumerian and Babylonian empires.
      Winterwatch is a good site for this stuff,The real McCoy history and not western embroidered empire of lies bs to paraphrase ol Vlad.

  15. You’ll find that people who want you to have nothing and be happy are not so keen on following that themselves…like Labour being for the working man, yeah right.

    You shouldn’t fly but I use a private jet.

    You shouldn’t drive but I have a fleet of gas guzzling monster 4x4s

    You should own houses or other property but I have several mansions and more money than I could ever spend in the bank and I don’t pay tax.

    The list goes on.

    As Mcready said in The Thing…Burn em

  16. On another note, I see the daughter of Captain Tom owns a lot…

    Allegations of coat tailing over her fathers name and setting up a foundation (hasten to add the charity set up in his name is not in question).


    Never liked the look of this slippery sideshow bob pube haired lookalike.

    Using my investigation skills and quick search for this cunts hubby notes he’s got his fingers in a lot of pies according to company’s house (51 appointments) and she looks like she’s more of a Bollinger than Babycham type of lady. Looks like he’s a chartered accountant so in my book he is guilty already…

    If it transpires this slapper and her husband have been up to no good (some of the allegations centre around intellectual property and trademarks associated with Captain Tom and their use of it, probably for financial gain) this dirty slut bag and her dodgy man should be shacked up and have their wealth removed and distributed to some daki fresh off the boat at Dover.

    • You could tell this shifty fucker was after feathering her own nest, loved being centre stage on the idiot box when the old scroat was wobbling about on his zimmer.

      Didn’t the old boy die after a charitable jolly to fucking “BARBADOS “…!!

      • Like my old man used to tell me……”wherever there’s money floating about there’s some cunt with his fingers in the till”. Correct then and correct now.

      • Speaking of which some ex SNP MP bitch got 2 years today for nicking 25 grand from 2 pro independence groups.
        Call me a cunt but I had to laugh.

    • I though she was dodgy the second I saw on her. Fuck charity, except little local ones. We have a local one devoted to saving ex racing Greyhounds, they get my vote but big organised charities can fuck off.

      • Common thread re large charities.

        All the bosses are on six figure salaries…plus generally more chiefs than Indians taking money out of the pot.

        Fuck em..!

      • I won’t give to charity now, unless they can get off their arses, and shake a tin in the high street. I’m sick of chugger with wads of direct debit forms. Ivd gladly give a quid occasion ally, but not a minimum of a tenner a month.

    • That whole family smells of fish heads and you can be sure that even if what they have been up to is legal it still gives of the smell of moral shite.

      That whole thing should’ve been wound up last year, it’s obvious to me that they intend to try and get rich (richer) on the back of the old goat…fair play to Tom though, God rest his soul.

    • Poor old Captain Tom, his greasy greedy family have now come down to arguing about “intellectual property management.”

      Grubby individuals, they should be ashamed.

    • All the millions that were collected in his name spunked away on fat nurses snacks as the NHS is NOT a fucking charity it’s paid for by us and thus they can’t except a penny.

  17. So, if the elites got rich through capitalism, and they are doing away with capitalism, how are they going to stay rich?

      • They might be in for a rude awakening mind as my Grandad bought me a slice of the moon for my 18th, and it’s all mine so they can’t land there so they can’t. I’ll be furious.

    • If they’re already rich to the tune of billions, others poverty won’t affect them in the slightest. Prevent any competition.

      • “…They are in the club and we aren’t .”

        Up to this point the ‘millionaires’ thought they’d also be part of that club and thus immune to their predation… sorry fellahs but you’re next in the cross hairs as Blackrock, State Street, Vangauard, Bear Sterns et al begin their buying up of bankrupted commercial holdings and property portfolios for cents on the dollar.

    • I think they want a capitalist system like the Chinese. A few with all the dosh, workers kept down and tracked and ‘permitted’ luxuries ( such as beer and hols), with the politicians effectively dictators

      • Which, strangely enough, is how communism and socialism always turn out…

      • “…workers kept down and tracked and ‘permitted’ luxuries”
        That’s why they’re so desperate to introduce a fully integrated central bank digital ‘currency’. Your mobile phone will be the principle vector by which it will be enabled/enforced. Boiled frogs anyone?

  18. The untouchables are fuckin touched, crazy ruthless scheming the next trick for gain. It’s plain to see that clearly they need to be wiped off the face of the planet.
    But there fucking untouchable the cunts, so on and on the Getty cunts go

  19. “You will own nothing and be happy” is the dictate of the Davos crowd…whose roster reads like an IsaC Hall of Fame…to the Great Unwashed.

    As misery must be made desirable, slogans like this have always been an important part of the Progressive/Facist/Totalitarian quest to bring about their Utopian Brave New World Order. The Great Reset…Build Back Better…Sustainable Markets…The Green New Deal…Environmental/Social Justice are all euphemisms for the evil these cunts plan to bring about.

    Yet even in the midst of this evil…as it manifests itself before us in real time…there are still those who scoff at its existence.

    Be advised:

    “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

    • Isn’t that the advertising line for the film ‘the usual suspects ‘?*

      “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist!”

      Who is Keyser Sòze?

      Sounds dead dramatic!!

      I also like

      “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance
      Baffle them with bullshit”

      * Originally Baudelaire

  20. Had I told anyone two years ago that we would be forced into taking medical experimentation pretending to be a “vaccine” that does not vaccinate, does not prevent transmission and does not prevent reinfection, locked in our own homes, police acting like the 2022 SS, every dissenting voice silenced, demonised, dismissed and removed entirely from the MSM, “politicians” making a fortune from their pharma and medical supply connections, hospitals which opened and closed without treating a patient, lies, propaganda and utter fantasy from every branch of the media, people being removed permanently from social media platforms for disagreeing with fake “NHS Nurse” accounts which originated from a bot farm in Asia, the biggest theft of democratic rights and liberties in the history of our Country, cold and flu deaths miraculously disappearing completely for the first time in the history of humankind, forged and fraudulent death certificates for propaganda and profit, elderly and infirm patients being locked in nursing and care homes to die alone and politicians drinking, partying and fucking as we go to hell they would have called me fucking nuts. (And a hell of a lot of people did – unfortunately I can no longer debate with four of them as three are dead of heart conditions and one is in a permanent vegetative state, due to the shots)
    Well here we are, and our spineless, cowardly apathy and denial has brought us here.
    Keep your diaries free for the “smallpox pandemic” in December – the “variants” scam didn’t work, the “monkeypox” scam didn’t work so they will invent something else.
    And if they do, and people actually fall for it, we deserve everything we fucking get.
    Time to step up and stop this.
    Time for revolution or elimination.

      • LS@ – Afternoon your Lordship – I am still trying to get my head around the fact the freedom and liberty millions gave their lives to defend and preserve not so long ago has been stolen in my lifetime, and 99% of the sheeple either do not know or could not give a fuck.
        Of all the shit that could have brought us down I never figured it would get to the stage where treachery and treason from within would destroy every good and decent thing we ever had in less than a hundred years – but here we are.
        We won the wars but we have had the peace stolen.
        RIP “Great Britain” – we did not fight hard enough to save you, so will the last one out please finish the worlds longest suicide note and turn the Chinese made lights off.

      • Yes but er, you know, um, tin foil laughy emoji etc etc etc.
        Its for your own good they said, take part in the trial, buy some tobacco product,lock yourself at home and drink to excess,follow the science,our science not yours.
        Time will tell, bit fucking late if it wasn’t a ‘theory’.

    • Energy rationing, already being muted in Italy and France, everyone will have to learn to live with less. Cost of living isn’t a crisis it’s a mechanism to ensure we use less of everything.
      Airports cancelling flights, not enough staff, the easy solution is restrict the number of bags per passenger, but it’s all aimed at slowing everything down.
      Fuel costs, petrol, diesel, gas, if it’s too expensive use less.
      Covid won’t be a factor this winter, those eligible for the flu jab will be offered a covid jab, the war in Ukraine will have either reached an equilibrium (the best scenario) or we could all be fucked.

      Whatever else happens there will be a winter of discontent ?

      Watch out for the autumn budget, Rishi and great giveaway ?

      Come on Vern, when are we going to storm the Palace of Westminster, I have got my Viking horns and woad on order from Amazon and a fucking great axe from Robert Dias ?

      • Soi@ – Afternoon Sicky – The revolution will be velvet as opposed to black and red.
        They have robbed us, pissed on us and hollowed us out.
        So we do the same – destroy the nest from within.
        I will go down in infamy as the most rebellious, bad tempered and unpleasant independent MP this Country has ever seen.
        I require, need and look forward to the fight.
        Vote Fox, or Fiddler will be round to find out why!

    • You were forced to take the “vaccine”, Vern? I’m sorry to her that. Hopefully you didn’t suffer too many side effects.

      • RTC@ Afternoon Ruffers, no, I prefer medication with proven efficacy which does not have death as a side effect.
        I am more fortunate (and clued up) than those who were coerced.
        Say no more.

      • I’d be willing to bet that there are considerably many more younger healthy people who now regret taking the experimental shot than there are those who regret not taking it.

      • Jaguarpig@ – Evening – I don’t think it’s so much a question of heads up arses, more a campaign of misinformation being constantly pushed on people with a more trusting nature than mine.
        Understandable – we have been brought up to trust the politicians and the media.
        I would be stood at the gallows glaring at the offenders.

      • I was stood at the bar with my mate many years ago slagging off some corrupt politician when this twat piped up they know what’s best for us, Mate and I doubled over in fits, my disdain for the cunts is as strong today as it was then, just didn’t think they could ever get away with this shit show so easily, then I think back to the twat at the bar.

      • “…when this twat piped up they know what’s best for us,”

        Hold my pint!

  21. There was a rather large girl at our school. The word on the street, back then was that her parents, rented hers from the local marque company.

  22. You realise Mrs C, that following your admission to not washing for a week half the men who post on here are now shut in the bathroom abusing themselves?

  23. Cuntologist@ – You clarty mare! Just rob washing lines like we, er, like “these friends of ours do”!
    You will own stolen undies and be happy..

      • “…‘Clarty.’ ”

        Ahhh there’s a blast from the past, being a Durham lass Ma Chops used to use it.

  24. Another cunting, this time for the Royals.

    Why is Fuckingham Palace not publishing it’s enquiry into the Darkie Markie bullying of staff claims.

    These cunts are heavily funded my the likes of me and you and I want to fucking know what has happened, end of.

    Problem is when cunts like Boris do what they want and get away with it, the Royals most likely concede it’s OK for them.

    Then you have that big eared cunt (not Linecunt) Charlie boy accepting ££££’s in plastics bags under the table at Fornum and Mason’s after giving a handjob to some Sheikh Your Ass, or whoever he was.

    Couldn’t make this shit up if I wanted to!

    • I hear Chas adopted the old tried and tested Nigerian Prince letter stunt.
      “I am hier to the throne of a once great nation, now sadly ruined by decades of incompetent cunts running my once great country. I offer still much sought after knighthoods and lordships, plus I can offer a weekend away in one of my expansive properties and you can have Sunday lunch with my mother Queen Liz. All I ask in return is £5 million pounds delivered in a shopping bag so not to raise suspicion.”

      Prince Chas of England.

  25. I have said it many times previously, but is happening now is not a war between races, genders and social ideology such as going-green. But this really all about class war, and yet no one seems to have cottoned on to realise it yet.

    The Woke, the Establishment, the Fourth Estate, the Political Classes and the likes of WEF all seem to be in collaboration in order to bring about a New World Order.

    But to do this they want to create fractious conflicts between those very same races, genders and social ideologists so that we’re all fighting each other while completely missing the true intentions of this motley crew of Ne’er-do-wells.

    Celebrities, sportspeople, CEOs of big business, financiers, so-called philanthropists and 2-bit mouthy cunts like Greta Thundertits, have all been given free reign to speak their minds unchallenged, with the help of the MSM and social media. And when you look at these people, not only are they part of this motley crew, but also for the fact they’re all quite, quite rich!

    When you have power, money and influence along with the backing of said groups you can do no wrong. And the Great Unwashed will either be absorbed into this Build Back Better/New World Order shite, or face being “cancelled” as part of the problem if they don’t tow the line.

    Forget about black vs white, man vs woman vs trans, straight vs gay, petrol vs electric, or meat eaters vs vegans. This is all about class. And the wealthy few really do want to rule over the relatively poor many. And they will try any method possible to make it happen, sooner rather than later.

    • That seems to be right, but not many people appear to be capable of working this out. They love to suckle at the teat of government and/or get their info spoon fed to them.

    • Precisely why the ‘elites’…(nexus of Black-Nobility,Venetians and Babylonian bloodlines-aka the 1%) have declared genocide on the ‘useless eaters’ a phrase coined by arch-Rothschild-bagman-Henry Kissinger ,without any shots being fired unless you count those that entered billions of folks arms due to the rampant fearmongery they are very adept at.They’ve been building a technological prison around us for decades but the bars aren’t visible and the technologies for achieving this have only recently been perfected.This is war that’s going down,spiritual/biblical/technological but the bulk of the populace are too TV hyponotized and educationally disenfranchised to comprehend the awesome scope of what’s been unleashed.

  26. Spot the cunts in there cars at private gates on the shores of lake Geneva or lake combo or other exclusive settings.
    Life is what they don’t want to share and I’m not talking about money
    Surely there are some powerful people who are trying to fight these cunt piranhas but I’m at a loss to see.
    They will fuck it up and continue to fuck it like the beast they stab it ,with there steely knives

  27. I believe this is a cynical attempt by the Moonmen to steal our undies!
    Mnc and DCI know our, er, THEIR evil plan, and hopefully they will keep it on the down! ?
    Shifty no good evil fkin Moonmen..

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