Whilst trying to have half an hours peace and quiet at work having my dinner in the lunch room. I’m constantly aggravated by jabbering foreigners who never come up for air.
Fuck knows what they talk about that warrants a constant stream of noise for 30 minutes.
Starting to give me indigestion the cunts. Are they trying to impress us English or something? Look at me I speak two languages.
Fuck off. Either shut the fuck up or ship out to your own country and jabber away to your hearts content.
Nominated by: Bob Frapples
Seconded by: Shackledragger cunt
I would most emphatically second this cunting.
Not only in the lunch room which also reeks of the foreign muck they eat that would kill a brown dog but also the smoking area, work stations, the fucking bogs which should be a sanctuary of peace whilst having a massive grog bog and the buses to and from there.
It’s even worse when they’re assorted suntanned ethnics and resort to speaking English, albeit broken or Pidgin and therefore you can sort of understand the drivel they’re prattling on about.
I’m determined now when I retire to move into a black house in the eastern Highlands surrounded by a minefield with nowt but dogs and the occasional visit by a mute whore for company.
The stench of the offal and bizarre vegetables they cook,together with the inevitable rank body odour is enough to make anyone consider self-unemployment.
Noisy foreign cunts, jabbering bollocks at work?
You have just accurately described many of the cunts who warm the benches in the House of Commons .
or any hospital corridor in the land.
Surely it depends on the culture and individual person?
I work with 6 Poles, 3 birds and 3 blokes and they’re amongst the nicest people I’ve ever met, both on a personal and professional level.
When I asked one of the women about their opinions on darkıes, turns out they (the Polish) blatantly just think of blacks as apes!
At least we’re all in agreement on blacks. Morning all.
I was sat in my step daughters garden on Saturday enjoying her little long weekend food fest. I was banging on about darkies for some reason, can’t remember why. My missus piped up to calm it down as the neigbours would here. I mentioned the fact the were Polish and hated the cunts more than me but this didn’t go down too well. I blame my age for my minor indiscretions. Plus, I’m part Polish (great grandma) I thank her for my peccadillos.
BCDCO@ – So lucky I wasn’t there – “Well they wouldn’t hear if they were in fkin Africa would they!”
I rarely receive two invites anywhere..
What always worries me is when you see Parking Stanley’s or buses – even more alarming on tube trains – and they are jabbering away in Arabic . Allah knows what they are talking about- they might be polanning another July 7th 2005 for all we know, but then as Suckdick Khan always says “diversity is our strength”.
Also what else boils my piss is Chinky women and men who sound like a 33 rpm record playing at 45 rpm – and they always looks o fucking condescening. We ought to have seperate carriages for them, so they can enjoy the stench of garlic and dirty socks by themselves. The chinkys can travel with them. They usually stink of cooking oil. Rank in the summertime.
Welcome to the future. English will soon be a minority language.
East Euros are the worst for this. Polaks, Romanians, Lithuanians, all dooshka-dooshka-ing in those fucking annoying languages non-fucking-stop and usually loud.
Nay dobjay, nay dobjay
O Bojay English people
Korrr-va Korrr-va Korr-vaa
Worse than than Chînks or Ooga-Doogas.
I miss working with other cultures and ethnicities.
Diversity is our strength.
When working nights I was shocked that when eating chicken africunts eat the bones too!
And that Stanley’s can blush!
We would put on soft porn and they’d giggle an blush?
Never notified the noise to be honest?
I miss the banter
“You’ve got Aids”
“I’ll get you deported”
“That’s got pig in it”
But got to say I enjoyed working with all of them.
All were a good laugh.
I have seen this issue before at places I have worked – shouting “Ungowa!”, herding them into nets then chaining the blighters onto a boat – that sorts this noisy nonsense out!
Probably some fkin law against it these days..
Highly unamusing when on the phone to a customer and the background noise sounds like the set of Tarzan.
June 6th today. 78 years ago. If those blokes could have seen forward into the future do you think they would have bothered?
Sadly no.
It appears that it was all in vain.
The country would be unrecognisable to them.
It is to me.
FtF@ – No, I do not think they would.
They were our very best, and I am saddened that these brave lads were reaped to be replaced by the very worst.
Feeling rather down today, my golf partner has died of heart complications – need to buy a pair of shoes and look half human for the funeral.
Life is short, uncertain and precious.
Strangely enough I was out in Normandy for the 65th anniversary and was talking to a chap who was there. He told me about a lot of things that never made it to documentary, like the fact they used a bulldozer to move all the dead bodies in Omaha and then cover the piles of corpses with tarps so the next wave of troops wouldn’t see them. I then asked him “Given what you’ve seen the YK turn into, was it worth it?” I was expecting a mouthful when he turned to the church and pointed a finger. He said “Son, I’ve been coming here every single year, and when I’ve paid my respects to the lads in this cemetery I go into the church and write 4 words in the visitors book, and those words are…. Was it worth it?” I couldn’t say anything else
I can just imagine it:
“Right lads! Before you run into a shower of bullets remember why you are doing this…..”
“For Christian girls in Lincolnshire to be free to wear a hijab or get called Islamaphobic.”
“For the police to protect people who burn books they don’t like and call it tolerance.”
“To let Germany ignore its payments to NATO so its industry can grow unconstrained by military debts.”
“For Labour leaders to take the knee to defund the police and destroy the nuclear family.”
“For brave men like Philip Schofield to lie to his wife for nearly 30 years and have affairs and risk her health.”
“For Islam, gender studies, tolerance of the intolerant, to join a club and be unable to leave, for men to walk into ladies’ toilets dressed as women, for peace, progress and 86 Iranians to appear on our shore escaping EU27! Charge!!”
I have absolutely no experience in this whatsoever. Therefore I declare it a Cunt on you fellow cunters say so.
Never worked with anyone who wasn’t British and who couldn’t speak English, with the exception of a couple Geordie s.
Off topic but can you help.
I havent had radio or TV on for a week.
Has the arse licking marathon finished? Is it safe to listen to Today without some cunt putting their tongue up royal arse?
I think you will be safe. The news agenda moves on and today it will be all about the Jellyfish possibly getting his arse kicked down the road. The BBC will be rubbing their hands in an orgy of self congratulations.
I’d hang fire while tomorrow.
By then the Big Doris Vote Off will be all the rage.
Oh the joy and wonder of working with beautiful Africans and Asians. Don’t they put a big smile on your face with. The repulsive stink of their microwaved fish & rice muck having to endure the endless inane jabbering all through your lunch break to some other fucking ethnic twat. I have been their more than once in my working life… Thank fuck I’m out of it.
Foreigners should know their fucking place when in England, keep quiet and out of sight, including Jocks, Taffs and Oirish.
The Stanleys are worst on the phone, non stop jibber jabbing and don’t seem to understand that the technology doesn’t require increased volume if the are speaking to some cunt in Islamabad.
The buzz phrase for today ‘The PM has my full support’, in a secret ballot hehe.
Soi@ – Hmm, I wonder if Doris can “rely on a Truss for maximum support”..
I imagine there will be some “noisy foreign cunts at work” in the Commons today..
My vote is for anyone who –
Scraps the Green Agenda and Sinks the dinghies mid channel.
I wonder what liberal progressive will be brought in to keep the Uniparty scam going…..
Taffs are actually fine. The reason why the vote was won is due to the southwest and the welsh so stfu.
Oh and it’s cunts like this that got it wrong. How very unforeign of me.https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/research/news-features/challenge-cardiff/understanding-a-welsh-brexit
https://www.houseofnames.com/ifan-family-crest wiped the smile off his face didn’t it the stupid cunt. He will be a fan of licking bumholes for the rest of his life. Are you being served Ifan?
No experience of jabbering Jonny foreigner at work, aerospace engineering doesn’t employ low brow shite….?
JM@ – Interesting point – I have worked as a call monkey in Capita contact centres – they will literally take any dross that slouch through the door and it is littered with dusky types, Stanleys etc – deafening, thick and always looking for an angle to grift, not do any work and claim waaycism.
I worked in the underwriting department of an insurance company that insures some of the richest people and structures in the world – 100% white and around 70% Male, I was told on the first day that they choose who they require, not who they are told to and that they only employ “the best of the best” – I presume they mistook me for someone competent!
Morning Mr Fox…Capita, eh?
Have you had the pleasure of terrorising an old lady whose telly licence direct debit has failed?!
I know someone who works for Capita, and he certainly qualifies as dross. Unfailing in his liberal views as well; Trump-hater and licker of EU commission arsehole.
Another pen-pusher on public money who can’t drive, part-time can’t go out more than once a month due to jealous nutcase wife, and full-time sad cunt.
JM….I worked in aerospace design for 20 years before going into working on classic race cars.
Absolutely tons of bloody Indians in Airbus. They worked exclusively in the stress physics teams.
Clever cunts (they were Indian Indian, not British Indian), but by Christ, did they smell pungent! BO and spices galore.
most engineering professions are full of the cunts.
Eventually you just use the excuse “it’s fine” even though it fucking isn’t because tossers always have an opinion and I’m not one for taking yes for an answer. I’d rather leave than be unhappy in a job. Imagine being a fucking guard on Birkenau and just going along with it. Don’t worry you get paid until you end up in the fucking oven too.
TtCE@ – Afternoon Thomas – I was one of the team working on the VW “dieselgate” nonsense – I would not work for rats who use (I have experienced this personally so it is not libel) illegal lies and bullying tactics to intimidate people into letting them in, one of them was laughing about how much bonus he got for doing it, I threatened to smack him in the mouth.
He was a bit quieter then was fatty!
hm. I was an engineer in oil and gas design fro years. There was a concerted effort by the contracting companies to get more and more Indians into the UK. They are mostly fucking useless, but cheap. The process goes like this – Company X advertises for engineers at shit money. No white British engineers apply because money is crap. Company X goes to government and says that they can’t find any “highly skilled” engineers, so can they have loads of work permits for Indians. There you go – the whitey fucked over again. And the worst thing is that the visas are open ended – I know fuckers who have been here for years, raised kids, sent then to local schools and universities, again, taking up places which should be for British kids. I’m glad I’m out of it.
Oh, and it was nice to see so many Ukrainian “refugees” at my local park – another load of cunts who will never go home.
JM I did a seven year stint developing satcom at Racal Avonics. Some time after I fucked off the Racal group was sold to Thales who cherry picked which parts were going garlic, the rest was outsourced to India. After the inevitable train wreck, they were ‘nearsourced’, i.e. brought to Blighty and the locals were forced (job/pension) to train them to do their own jobs, then torched. Moral being, some countries view some things as strategic whilst others will happily shit on you for a few bucks. Have a nice day.
Not when you are subbed out to one of Uncle Sam’s projects…..??
I can’t stand any noisy cunts in the office, foreign or not.
Absolutely, the loud-mouthed mockney cunt who occupies the office downstairs with his colleague (his company not mine) is a fucking obnoxious arsehole.
He shouts non-stop plus he hogs the single bog we have – conducts his business on the phone whilst turning out yards of brown cable. Locks himself in for 1/2 hour morning and afternoon. It takes him around 3-4 flushes to rid the bowl of the King Kong finger(s) he has just laid.
Utterly charmless.
…and luckily I am moving my growing company to bigger and better premises this month. Yay!
When the buggers are yapping on for minutes on the gogglebox spouting dozens of words in they own language, why do the subtitles only ever show 2 or 3 words.
Why do these Dooshka cunts insist on talking so loud? Once in the kidney unit there was this Czech bloke. Right noisy bastard and totally inconsiderate to other patients and staff. The fat cunt wouldn’t use headphones, had his telly on top whack, and he was on his phone non-stop for four hours. And his cunt of a wife was even louder than him. All fucking night… ‘Booshka! Kooshka! Vooshka! Dooshka!’ at an ear splitting volume. I said to one of the nursing staff: ‘Tell Robert Maxwell to turn it down now. Or I will get up an shove his iphone up his fat arse. Dialysis machine or no dialysis machine. Cunts like that shouldn’t be allowed in there. Thank God he frigged off back to Prague. Good bastard riddance to the cunt.