Marvin Rees (3) – Former Bristol Mayor

Marvin Rees , outgoing Mayor of Bristol and perennial thorn in the side of all the well-adjusted folk living here in Bristol, deserves a further cunting, despite only having one a few weeks ago.

It has come to light that after taking credit ( if you can) for declaring Bristol as the first UK city to recognise climate emergency, and pledging to cut carbon emissions in Bristol to nil by 2030, the silly cunt went on a 9000 mile jolly last month to Toronto to give a speech which apparently lasted 14 minutes.

This 14 minute speech consisted of bragging what a great place Bristol is, and about all the measures taken by city mayors in the UK in the climate change fight. They apparently have been ‘leading beyond authority’. I don’t know if that is supposed to sound like a good thing, but to me it sounds like getting above yourself and pissing about with other people’s money.

As regards great initiatives in Bristol, presumably he is not aware of ( for instance) the Bristol City Council devised mind-boggling ritual of sorting the rubbish for bin day into all the different coloured receptacles and putting them in the right place on the right day.

This includes a large blue nylon type bag for the cardboard, which could easily end up in the next county on a windy day. Who knows what people will think in a few hundred years time when they come across all these plastic boxes with BCC logos on them. I can only remember us having one dustbin when I was a kid.

I wish these people would just be up-front about it and say ” I need my car/plane but I would prefer it if you did not use yours or go anywhere, you insignificant cunt”.

Wasn’t there a Duke who commented back in the early days of the railways that they ” would just encourage the lower orders to move about”? It’s exactly the same thing.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

Extra supporting link from Morello Felch

BBC News Link

48 thoughts on “Marvin Rees (3) – Former Bristol Mayor

  1. I see, in the photo, he’s got some kind of EU arselicking banner behind him. Well there’s a surprise. He sounds like he’s got all the characteristics of the wokie elite. Flying 9000 miles to lecture fellow elitists on “How to Keep the Peasants off the Roads” sounds par for the course.
    I do hope he met Blackface Trudeau while he was there. What an honour!

  2. ‘shee-ittte, goddamn muddafuckin jiveass peckerwoods.
    Dissin me like dat.
    Fuck you fool.
    Git chore camera outta my face!
    All racist n shit, ain’t no justice for a brother.

    -press release by The mayor’s office of Bristol

  3. Chippy Guy Gibsons dog? Check.
    Champagne socialist? – Check.
    Hypocrite “do as I say but not as I do” cunt? – Check.
    Filling his furry pockets at our expense laughing at us from behind the foliage? – Check.
    Politician? Check.
    Two years, all must be gone – we cut out this disease or we die from it.
    The revolution will not be televised.

  4. I could make Bristol carbon free tomorrow, it may register on a Geiger counter for a while but after one Big Bang all the carbon would be gone forever ?

    Bradford are advertising their clean air zone starting in September, pity they aren’t making it P*ki free because that would do more for clean air than any other measure.

    The more power these little tin gods get the more it just causes inconvenience to the general public, they are all cunts.

    • How the fuck can you have a clear air zone and parking stanleys in the same area? Or sentence come to think of it?
      Scientifically impossible.

  5. Yet another race baiting half caste Labour politician – Clive Lewis but a few inches taller.

  6. They love “ leading beyond authority” . It’s what the police do with their non crime hate bollox even when they’ve been told to pack it in by the elected government, the blue uniformed ,useless ,cunts.

  7. All councils are cunts. Dictating their own agendas and telling central government to keep their nose out but always want more money from central government in order to find their madcap schemes.

    But then whinge that there’s no money left for ordinary services that affect the majority of local tax payers while claiming huge expenses for pointless foreign junkets.

  8. Bristol is proudly woke/left.
    Wear it like a badge of honour.
    Like Islington but with Wurzel Gummidge accents.

    Marvin the bolshy malteser headed twat fitted them as a mayor.
    Virtue signalling
    Not willing to abide by rules set out for others

    He was a soy latte away from being perfect.

    • As little as possible for as much as possible. Trying to become as hated as possible. Viz Suckdick Khunt. Marvin is just collateral damage in the race to the bottom. Fnaar fnaar.

  9. Ps
    Graffiti festival!!
    Oooooohhh come on now Marvin that’s not on.

    Graffiti uses loads of aerosols, which we all know is bad for the ozone layer.
    I’m surprised none of the thousands of eco warriors of Bristol haven’t objected?

    Should ban it immediately in my opinion.
    Especially in a climate crisis ?

  10. As regards sorting the rubbish (and no, I’m not referring to the ethnics), I well remember hearing on the radio a few years ago two people being interviewed on this very subject. One was a “green” campaigner who put the case that it was essential that we do this at home. The other guy was from a big waste handling company who let the green goblin dribble on at length and then replied that by far the most efficient method would be to chuck everything in the bin and leave his boys to sort it and sort it correctly every time. The goblin spluttered and gagged like a cat pulled out of the cut and I could only think he had just given the game away. Priceless.

  11. Further thoughts/ramblings; I think I may adopt the mnemonic GGD for folks of marvin’s shade.

  12. Hypocrisy is the name of the game with these green bastards. At least Greta did sail across the Atlantic.
    It’s just a shame they had to fly a crew out there to bring the fucker back.


    • FtF@ – Afternoon Freddie – Mongberg was rowed across a tiny stretch of ocean for the benefit of the cameras.
      Had the cameras panned around a bit they would have spotted around a dozen diesel powered support vehicles a safe distance behind so the wind didn’t blow drool in their faces.

  13. Canoe
    Pogo stick
    Space hopper
    Roller skates
    Pony & trap

    All green modes of transportation.

    All perfectly suited to getting around a town/city centre .

    All earmarked for priority over motorists.

  14. Bristol’s one redeeming feature is its Airport, ensuring a swift getaway is possible (at least, most of the time…).

  15. Last time I went to Bristol was to attend a concert at Colston Hall. Oh shit!……..what have I said? I mean of course The Bristol Beacon. I note that Colston School, a centuries old posh private school is now called The Collegiate School. I wonder how long they spent thinking up another word beginning with C so they wouldn’t have to change their logo?

    Bunch of fucking cunts.

  16. It’s hot as fuck here?
    And meant to be hotter tomorrow ?

    Bet it’s like the fuckin Serengeti darn sarf?

    Hate this fuckin weather.
    My head’s like fuckin Marvin’s
    Only perfectly shaped.

  17. It’s fucking boiling here in Stabistan. Bad news for the Polar Bears but good news for the Dinghy Raiders. I hear they are landing in Devon now. Who is piloting those boats…….Francis fucking Drake?
    Next target, the Bristol Channel.

    • They’re following their ancestors’ route and heading for Lundy Island, Freddie. Once there they’ll set up as Barbary Pirates and start raiding Cornwall for white slaves to be sold in the North African slave markets.
      If I lived in Cornwall I’d get the fuck out of there.

  18. 9000 miles in the wrong direction. Rwanda is lovely at this time of the year I’m told.

    On Rwanda. I’ve read we paid £150M upfront, no refund. I guarantee £149M of that has gone into the pockets of their government and I bet if you speak to Rolls Royce or Bentley dealerships they’ve suddenly seen an increase in orders… Not forgetting Ruskie AK-47’s…

    What disgusts me is the flight didn’t fucking leave the tarmac, and I suspect subsequent flights won’t because some slippery Dame Kweer human rights lawyer in his shiny suit is representing these cunts.

    I hear one case, where some cunt from Iraq has been freed into the land of milk and honey. Left Iraq because he felt unsafe I hear, wanted to come to the UK. Now, my geography is not that bad actually, but, if he felt that unsafe then surely the next nearest safe country might be, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, etc. etc.

    No, apparently the UK was the safest place for him – fucking bet it was – utter cunts. No less safe than paying a few ££££’s to get into some blow up doll for a dinghy and risking the Channel – pathetic excuses and I would have still let the plane fly, strapped parachutes onto all onboard Ali Baba Airlines and kicked them out over Rwanda..

    • It’s hotter here than Rwanda.

      If you go to Rwanda take a jumper so you don’t catch a chill.

    • CM@ – Get rid of the people and laws that cause the problem and the problem will be resolved.
      2 years and counting..

  19. Bristol, the Brighton of the West. Oo Arrr.

    They deserve this bellend.

  20. Technically, certain Nazis led beyond authority in occupied Poland, seeing as no official orders to be murdering bastards has actually ever been discovered. Is there a similarity here?

  21. Have his expenses been investigated thoroughly?
    I imagine a stay at Her Majesty’s pleasure, in an environmentally friendly cell beckons?

  22. Is there anywhere left that hasn’t gone bonkers yet?
    Leicester City Council have been blocking roads, introducing speed limits that would worry a snail, putting bike lanes in silly places and now want a workplace driving levy so they can ‘improve public transport’.
    Is there anywhere left that is sane?

  23. think it was the duke of wellington who said they ” would just encourage the lower orders to move about”

  24. Blah blah blah blah blah Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks to him and throw him in the oven

  25. How come most of these so called mayors are uninvited foreign cunts that are useless anyways and who elects them and why do we put up with these money wasting non job arseholes dictating shit and fucking our cities up

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