Despite the prejudices of some of the cunts on this site – Wales leads again.
”World Cup 2022: LGBT Wales fans vow to boycott Qatar tournament”
Yes, no Llanelli lifters, Monmouth mincers, Barry benders or syphilitics from Sengenedd will go to Qatar. As a protest against corruption, yewman rights, modern slavery, the subjugation of women?
Er, no.
”Tracy Brown, of Wales’ official LGBTQ+ supporters’ group, said many members did not believe it was safe to travel to the Middle East in November. Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar and punishable with prison sentences.”
That’ll teach the cunts.
Welsh uphill gardeners and rug munchers will be proudly boycotting. No shirts will be lifted in the stadium toilets. There will be no frotting in the stands.
Apart from watching on the telly that is.
Well, you can only go so far.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Alas, the Welsh will be unable to watch on the television as electricity is unavailable in Wales due to them all living either in a cave or down a mine. They’ll have to clamber into their rickety carts, pulled by gloomy ponies and lumber over the border into Bristol and shout their phlegm-filled hatred of the English in whatever pub is desperate enough for their custom, assuming the pub will allow payment for beer via leeks and mutton.
Afternoon Cuntstable…?
Your virulent Welshism has been reported to Drakeford. Expect a knock from the Heddlu.
For fucks sake! Is it not possible to stop mincing about and bumming each other for a couple of weeks? It’s a football tournament for fucks sake not a fa**ot convention. It’s not compulsory for homosexuals to wave the rainbow flags and shout “we’re gay and here to stay”.
Get over yourselves.
I recall a few decades ago Julian Clary being distraught on discovering that uphill garden was illegal in NZ . ‘But I am going there for two days!’ the poor soul wailed.
Just imagine, Welsh and gay…. fuck me, shit cards them.
Diddums.Not interested.Bore off you Welsh alphabets.
It would be great if Matt Lucas could revive his character, Daffyd Thomas. He could mince around the streets shouting “I’m the only gay in Qatar!”
Sadly he has since gone woke and apologised for the “offence” he caused.
Fucking prick.
…and lost shit loads of weight…the ‘not now so fat’ cunt
I fucking hope so?
Speaking of the gayness and football, I clicked on this on the beeb:
I’m guessing it’s a lezza, if not she’d struggle to get cock. Also how the fuck is it ever going to take a throw in? Or substitute in goal? The BBC describe the affliction as a ‘limb difference’
Her indoors was watching a shite cooking program on telly last night, they had a chef on there with a withered arm, it looked all sad and limp and tiny, like a poor mans Jeremey Beadle. How on earth is this cunt going to dice an onion?
Reminds me of the spazzy linesman they had at Arsenal once. I think he had the flag taped to his stub or something. Quite unsavoury really.
Carson Pickett! Now that’s a name I won’t forget.
I’ll bet the Qataris are gutted.
Yeah – sheep eyes, goat eyes, gay Welsh eyes. All highly prized.
Doesn’t make the blindest bit of difference. Because the cunts (Planet of the Apes Bale and all) will be knocked out and home pretty sharpish.
As long as they get to take the knee it’ll be mission accomplished.
Not sure which to ignore the most.
Murderous sand wiggers hosting a corrupt football tournament
A few benders and sheep ? worriers not travelling to watch said football tournament!
I’ll sit on the fence and ignore both equally. Cunts.
Professional footballers are all puffs, it’s a well known fact. Be surprised if any British team gets past Qatar immigration, let alone their pea-brained alphabet followers.
Fortunately the sheepshaggers will be ok. I mean……sheep…..goats…..what’s the difference?
You’re getting your zoophilic slurs mixed up Freddie. Goatshaggers are Pakistani or Bangladeshi. Qataris are in the Camelshaggers catergory.
No need to thank me.
sheep….goats…what’s the difference?
Sheep have an upper lip that is divided by a distinct philtrum (groove). The goat does not. Male goats have glands beneath their tail. Sheep have face or tear glands beneath their eyes and foot or scent glands between the toes.
Which has the tightest arsehole though?
Has to be Prince William.
Oh dear what a shame..I was looking forward to the religious police battering them like piñatas..maybe wokegate can fill the void..bound to be more entertaining than the football
There was a way they could have gone – just form groups with all of Labour’s mincers and benders, many of whom profess to like football, and hire some coaches. Not even the dago police would dare to beat up Kyle, Screeching, and especially not Russell-Moyle, who would just squeam and squeam and squeam. They would get a discount by all going as a group from “Mr. Keir’s Hairdressing Salon for Dowager Duchesses”.
I always remember how Blair, Byers, mincing Milburn and Hutton all went t’match on Saturday afternoons. They spent ten minutes being photographed at the game, and an hour in the changing room.
Didn’t Blair say he’d seen Jackie Milburn play or some such shite.
So they’re not actually “boycotting” it at all, they’re just afraid that the gayness sniffing Qatari border patrol dogs will sniff them out, whereupon they’ll be thrown into a Qatari jail and “re-educated”.
Can’t see a downside, frankly. We should set up a GoFundMe page, buy them all tickets and force them on the plane at gunpoint, for misappropriation of the word “boycott” at least.
Bunch of big girls blouses.
I wonder if the dogs have been trained to discriminate against ‘vulnerable minority groups’ like Fiddlers hounds, JP?
For certain, LL.
Besides, I get the impression that if Lord Fiddlers hounds don’t tear your throat out ( if uninvited), Lord Fiddler would.
These cunts spoil everything they infect.
I was right looking forward to them getting a fucking good hiding from a load of demented Arab secret police.
Now it’s all been ruined!
Couldn’t a fucking good hiding be arranged on their home turf?
How many of them could actually afford to go, it won’t be cheap that’s for sure.
The roly poly in foreground of the header would be welcome, don’t the A-rabs like fat birds ?
Homosexuals insist that being gay is not a mental illness, but all evidence points to the fact that it is.
There is no aspect in their sad lives that is not governed by their Gayness.
The lunatics cannot even watch a football match without their sexual preferences being at the forefront.
It seems that absolutely everything is seen by them as being gay or straight.
Their entire existence is all about what they are instead of who they are.
And the cunts have fuck all to be ‘proud’ about.
Well that’s the best thing I’ve read on the internet today.
Militant benders are like militant vegans.
Their life choices seem to be their only validation.
As Tommy Doc would say, They’ll be home before the postcards.
I wonder if Bale is taking his rubber tire swing with him?
No phlegm in Catarrh?
Oh ducky darling..
If they were proper welshabets they’d go and accept their rightful punishment.
Lezzes eh. If Ronaldo offered they’d all have their knickers off in a jiffy.
Those fish suppers in the header pic?
No fit ones you notice?
The fat one looks a bit like a chubby cheeked Jimmy Tarbuck.
Wouldn’t bother watching if they went all fingers an tongues on each other.
Come on tuppence lickers!
Tart yourself up a bit!
No wonder you can’t get boyfriends.
Scissoring, pass the sick bucket.
What about the English pooftahs ( not the ones on the pitch)? Aren’t they shitting their Calvin Kleins at the prospect of getting thrown into a Qatari jail and getting bum raped by filthy A-rabs?
No…….probably not.
Fuck me! This is the equivalent of the Frank family boycotting the Nuremberg rally, they aren’t fucking welcome anyway. The Qataris are hardy going to cancel are they?
The only downside, and it is a big one, is that we won’t see these cunts get a kicking off the Qatari old bill before being slung in prison. Still, at least we won’t have to hear their relatives pleading for their release on every news bulletin for weeks on end. And besides, these islands have their anointed LGBT+ representatives in the shape of Wokegate and his team of knee benders.
I’ve always thought of the Qatar world cup as being a bad idea, but moments like this make me change my mind somewhat. It’s got to be an improvement on playing in Bayern Munich’s fucking rainbow stadium.
what about all their rights to be, whatever they want to be
So brave of them to take a stand on this issue from the comfort of their home o
Subbuteo is not diversely gay enough and should now be banned to protect the children from wicked heterosexuality portrayed by a minority they would have you believe.
the A rabs have plenty quare hawks so if they kept quiet about it they would have a ball or two literally, fuckin quares no pleasing them
Welsh lezzies boycotting Catarrh.
That’ll impact sweet fuck all.
I’ve never understood boycotting anything!!
I’m not coming!
“So what”
I’m not until I get what I want!
” I couldn’t give a fuck”
Ive shown you now!
Not graced you with my presence!
“Try holding your breath “
I think its all a bit overblown Miserable, these lot are just the official alphabet supporters group and I think there will be some Welsh Gays travelling in small groups or discreetly in pairs. As long as they don’t attract attention and act Caerphilly they should be OK.
Well I’ll happily point out suspect disco dancers and fish suppers for the cattaghi officials if paid well!
They’ll probably get a good hiding for their sinful behaviour don’t you think?
The sound of camp Welsh screams from the interrogation cell!
Jobs a good un?
Wow, I’m just impressed the people of Wales are fucking their own species.
Sales of velcro gloves must have slumped due to this.
“Rainbow coloured sheep breathe sigh of relief”..
I could not give a flying fuck what these degenerate freaks are whining about today.
Or any day.
Nor I, Vern.
I suppose these freaks support this total cunt. I can only hope he is accidentally shot in the head.
I bet he’s so, so proud of beating a 13 year old girl!
A beating is what he needs. I’m sure there’s a local chapter of very nice motorcyclist people who would oblige.
Go, Crips!
Who gives a fuck anyway? Lifters and wimminz have ruined football as a spectator sport. Back in the day football was a good place to go for a fight, now cunts actually want to watch the game.
Only surprise here is Wales had a football team? Who’d have known?
What next, are other deprived English counties going to be sending teams to international matches?
We get transpoofterism shoved down our throats every half time at the emirates library. Oh for the days if gobbing in away fans in the chicken run at arsenal station.
Wokegate won’t help them, he’ll keep his gob shut on the topic once he arrives in Qatar. Fucking hypocrite. Not sure who the Boyos manager is. Like TTCE hinted at, I guess it must be some toothless simpleton that randomly breaks into song, who’s been kept in a mine checking for gas leaks for the last 20 years, so he’ll be of no use.
It’s a shame because there’s nothing I’d like to see more than Wokegate and his band of cunts take to the field, with pro bumming flags as they’re led out by a bunch of scantily clad trannies. The Arabs will lynch the cunts before they can take the knee.
Take the knee? They’ll take your bloody bonce off if you start the trannie shite.
And that player who’s been bumming trannies better be bloody careful out there.
Be a real shame if he wasn’t.
Yeah, there are loads of contradictions here but that’s wokism for you. As always money is the bottom line.
Oops, unintended pun there. No offence.
Where men are men ?
& so are the women ?*
(& the sheep are worried)*2
*Catherine Zeta Jones is ridiculously beautiful-no wonder Michael Douglas spent so many hours down below ?
Lucky cunt!
*2 -reminds me of a joke a Taff mate told me:
Two muzzies from Caaaaadith we’re caught by the police, sheep rustling.
When questioned and charged by the CPS, one of the muzzles told the police to “fuk off!”, cause they were Is-lambs.
I know, I know…..
Knowing that many male Arabs are more than happy to slip a man a length, seems a sensible precaution.
As they say in Arabia, women are for babies, boys are for fun.