(Pic taken from a genuine news article about “Gender Ideology” on the Ohio Star news site! – Day Admin)
This an American report but what happens in America…as the saying goes.
A new kind of Parents Evening comes to mind- The headmistress-‘little Johnny is good at maths and English but we are worried about his sexual development so he sees ‘Satin Doll’ our resident Drag Queen to discuss his problems.’
The slogan for proponents of this –‘DRAG your kids to school’.
Always hated Drag. And for some bloody reason we did go to see them quite a bit when we were young. I don’t know why.
A memory of Hilda Baker introducing drag acts at some place in Sheffield.
There was a place in Barnsley -‘Antonio’s’. The stench of perfume.
That dreadful Ru Paul programme. Some of them on there look positively demonic.
It’s all couched in that language isn’t it-‘helping people explore their sexuality’. Freedom see.
But these people haven’t reached pubity yet. Er…they are ‘kids’.
You use the word in your slogan–‘DRAG your ‘kids” to school’
But then they say its ‘fun’.
When I was a young I played pass the parcel or musical chairs for fun.
I cannot help but notice that the politician encouraging this is homosexual. I know people say that there are perfectly ‘ordinary’ homosexual couples who deplore all this. But I just cannot help making the connection.
Its all on a spectrum to me. Perversion that is.
I remember doing RE with Sister Collette. She was dressed funny but I don’t think it did me any real harm.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
Clowns are spooky enough for the kids to be subjected to without being proven nonces. These are simply grooming noncey clowns. Boner or no there is zero well meaning or community spirit here.
15yr old arrested in West Yorkshire ” section 5 terrorism act”
Right wing …?
JM@ – “Initial reports are that 15 year old white heterosexual child walked by library not displaying Peter Phile flags”..
A teacher shows an image of head carpet riding n**ce – five hundred dirty p*Ado savages demand he is executed.
A clear and obvious Peter Phile slithers into a primary school with the full approval of the teachers and the system and the gawping, slack jawed, Just Eat munching, Love Island watching faecesbook ballast do FUCK ALL.
And THAT is the real problem here.
Get people in place who will stop this, complaining does fuck all.
2 years and counting.
Up to us, but if we do fuck all this time they will make sure we will never receive another opportunity.
Exactly.We are heading down the toilet thanks to Pasty Patel and those woketards.Thanks a smegging bunch.Twats.
Very good post Vernon
The ‘people’ who order through Just Eat and watch Love Island should be jailed.
Their cirme? Wanton degeneracy.
If there are gay people who deplore this they are keeping very quiet.
The way to fight back? Tell them you oppose Drag Queen Story Hour because it’s tacky.
Gay men believe they are the arbiters of good taste in all things. Calling the drag stuff “tacky” will send them into a tizzy.
Or “unfashionable” works too.
They target kids because so many of them are raving rhymes with bonces.
Never liked drag in any form. Definitely not a fan of having them go to schools, as children shouldn’t have to confront sexuality until at least twelve, and then it should be regarding biology rather than sexual behaviour. But I think the same applies to religion and politics, both should be left til a child is old enough to have learned to make rational judgements.
Also, I wonder how many drag fuckers have been arrested or convicted of child abuse? And how does that compare to other adults who attend schools, such as teachers, or religious representatives?
Child abuse is a well known topic/trope that political or religious agitators use to incense rabble into rousing, and you can easily spot those with an agenda rather than a genuine concern for children who they single out certain groups for anger, and totally ignore other, often far more prolific groups.
As is always the case here.
Any reason why my comment was removed?
Evening Gutstick.
Jüdgements is a moderation trigger word.
Evening Ruff, ahh of course, I forgot about that fucker. ?
Here’s hoping they take the show on the road to some of the more religious states.. and end up on a bonfire with a pitchfork up the jacksy..
What the fucks that on the left of the picture?? RuPauls let herself/himself go a bit. You go girlfriend/boyfriend!!! The world has gone mad.
Free hardcore porn has a lot to do with this shit , fucking up the minds of kids before they are teenagers
And nothing is being done to stop it,
Somebody once told me that they had a a nightmare. It involved Nazis looking like they were from Ru Paul’s Drag Racce. These ‘Drag SS’ were persecuting normal men and women and putting coloured stickers on their victims.
Just a daft dream? Probably. But something that could maybe happen in decades to come? Possibly…. If BLM don’t beat them to it, that is…
An old teacher friend of mine and ex-colleague -now in her 60s – is still teaching in Australia. But she is horrified by all this teaching kids about trannies shit. She told me that these cunts are forcing this stuff onto kids and telling them that ‘it’s the right way to go’. She has also voiced her misgivings, but is always shouted down by the woke stasi. She will probably end up resigning, like I did when Satan Blair and his fuzzie wuzzies ruined Manchester’s colleges
I think about what life was like when I was at school.
I’ve blanked out the taunts and endemic bullying. I learnt jujitso, and grew to kick the shit out of the bully.
I think about the world, and school, when my daughters were attending. Safe and protected from nastiness.
I think about the world today, where you have to be careful about everything you say, and my grand daughter in a school that may think its OK to promote deviancy, and I despair.
Drag is insecurity. The gay man who has to perform as a woman because he’s ashamed of liking men.
I’m not a fan. Drop the act and just be a gay man, for fuck’s sake.
Any man who thinks he’s a woman is fooling one person, get with the program you deluded idiot, you should not be allowed within 6 miles of any school, give yourself a serious talking too and embrace the sex you were born with.!
The reason these deviants wear woman’s clothes is to get their jollies. They tried on their mums clothes at a young age, it got them excited and now cross dressing is a central part of their adult sexual psyche. Everyone knows this, but few will acknowledge it. Therefore whilst in drag, they are in a state of sexual arousal.
So, with that established, what have we here…
Middle aged, homosexual men in a state of sexual arousal who are not only in close proximity to very young kids, but actively touching them, letting them sit on their laps etc.
Can anyone explain to me what tinniest part of this debacle is OK?