(Pic taken from a genuine news article about “Gender Ideology” on the Ohio Star news site! – Day Admin)
This an American report but what happens in America…as the saying goes.
A new kind of Parents Evening comes to mind- The headmistress-‘little Johnny is good at maths and English but we are worried about his sexual development so he sees ‘Satin Doll’ our resident Drag Queen to discuss his problems.’
The slogan for proponents of this –‘DRAG your kids to school’.
Always hated Drag. And for some bloody reason we did go to see them quite a bit when we were young. I don’t know why.
A memory of Hilda Baker introducing drag acts at some place in Sheffield.
There was a place in Barnsley -‘Antonio’s’. The stench of perfume.
That dreadful Ru Paul programme. Some of them on there look positively demonic.
It’s all couched in that language isn’t it-‘helping people explore their sexuality’. Freedom see.
But these people haven’t reached pubity yet. Er…they are ‘kids’.
You use the word in your slogan–‘DRAG your ‘kids” to school’
But then they say its ‘fun’.
When I was a young I played pass the parcel or musical chairs for fun.
I cannot help but notice that the politician encouraging this is homosexual. I know people say that there are perfectly ‘ordinary’ homosexual couples who deplore all this. But I just cannot help making the connection.
Its all on a spectrum to me. Perversion that is.
I remember doing RE with Sister Collette. She was dressed funny but I don’t think it did me any real harm.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
Sinister as fuck.
The last people you want hanging around your kids.
I’ve never liked drag queens
Never thought they were funny, or entertaining,
Certainly never thought they had anything worthwhile to teach children.
America is a sick country.
And we’re heading the same way.
A drag queen for every morgue is a catchier slogan..
The is yet another example of the insidious degeneracy that is like a cancer in the western world, couched as “modern thinking”.
Little wonder kids are leaving school with no direction in life when they are being failed by token tickturds like Dana Nessel. This is one step away from lesboes with strapons becoming a complementary act to the mutants dressed up in women’s clothes.
Fucking deviants should be allowed nowhere near kids.
Spot on Paul ! This sort of outrage would have been rewarded with a lengthy prison sentence thirty years ago. Soon, failure to embrace this lunacy will result in a similar sentence.
There is something seriously wrong with anyone who promotes any sort of sexual deviancy at children.
That educators encourage it defies belief.
Bizarre alternative lifestyle choices are for adults to decide upon for themselves privately.
The photo is the excellent nom says it all..
A vile troupe of mentally ill cunts who need locking up,not sending to a primary school.
UT@ Morning Unkle/all – they now call themselves MAPs “Minor Attracted Persons” as it is less obvious what they are. But you ain’t fooling us.
Leave them kids un boned!
Be dragging the dirty Peter Phile bastards to A&E if they try this shit round my way.
Still no suspect identified in the “rainbow flag vandalising and burning” which has been occuring where I live..
Was it your relative, Lawrence Fox?
I see the gentleman his managed to piss off the entire alphabet squad and some luvvies with his rather artistic and thoroughly accurate interpretation of their flag.
Is that MNC on the left?
It’s my cousin the black sheep of the family.
Depraved northern cunt.?
Made me laugh out loud MNC!
It’s Banana Splits time. Tra la la, lalalalaaaa
The indoctrination and boundary pushing will never cease. It’s just one more step towards normalising abject deviancy. In the not too distant future the argument will be made, and accepted by some, that intergenerational sexual relations is perfectly natural, especially between Peaceful males and White girls – as it’s a ‘cultural’ thing. If you deny this right then you are practicing some ‘ism’ and must be cancelled.
How many of these fucks could pass an enhanced DBS check. How many of these degenerates could pass a simple look at their social media accounts to be allowed anywhere near children. The people organising this want to fuck your kids. Its as simple as that.
My child goes to a proper school , rub by people who aren’t cunts and would never entertain this sort of abuse. I feel for those not so fortunate
Run by I mean
“Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun.”
So says district attorney general Dana Nessel, who should be given the same treatment as Ghislaine Maxwell. Don’t be surprised if you see those words being trumpeted by the BBC very soon.
‘Drag queens make everything better’
And the evidence for this is?
None whatsoever as far as I can tell. Maybe they kiss their victims ring piece better after reaming it out.
These fucks should just lay it on the table, be honest with what they want.
Art with Rolf Harris
Biology with Stephen port
Geography with Fred the weather man
Maths with the Moors murderers
Just leave kids at the mercy of any unhinged deviant passing.
If you allow your kid to meet these freaks,
You may as well butter his ringpiece and handcuff him to the school railings overnight.
One of these came anywhere near my kids I’d snap his neck.
Police be fucked
Courts be fucked
The dirty fucker could be buried in its favourite frock because I’d slay the freak.
Agree 100%.
If they tried passing this shit off at my kid’s school I’d get arrested for my actions.
As I’m a newbie here I’ll leave it at that.
Why do we never see any protests at schools where this deviance occurs?
Surely there are no schools where all the parents think this is a good idea?
I wonder if these ‘stunning and brave’ creatures offer these sessions at the local mosque or peaceful schools in East London.
One way to get the cock operation for free I guess
This is a generational exercise for these cunts and their fellow alphabet buddies.
They know they can’t organise large scale deviance as the majority of the right thinking population will never wear it.
So, indoctrinate the kids to believe this is natural and voila 20 years later …..
You have the shittest nation on earth, fuck this , the only reason I’m gutted about Brexit is because it’s made it harder for me to move to Hungary
Dirty degenerates.Stay clear of schools.Push them all in front of a bus.
O.P. said if it happens in the U.S. it will happen here.
Too late sadly, check out this freak….. Some perverted fella in drag calling himself “Flow Job” and reading to Primary school kids.
So fuckin wrong on every level IMO.
How the fuck did he get out of that school alive??
I’ve been a law abiding citizen my whole life but I shudder to think what I’d do if that guy went anywhere near one of mine.
He deserves a kicking
Superb nom Mikes?
I watched a Lotus Raters podcast recently, which showed one of these deviant cunts, reading in a nursery school, with the full support of the lefty, wimminz teachers?
They showed a clip from his “social media”, where the fucking dirty cunt was singing:
“All you kids who idolise me, can suck my “D”!”
Or similar.
A group of the school children’s fathers stormed the classroom and told the deviant ducking cunt to leave-stating:
“Go! Your not safe here!”!
Also calling the wimminz teachers “Godless whores!”
Dark times…
“Lotus Eaters”
FU ?
There is hope when people respond in this way.
However, what useless fucking cunt of a government allows this in the first place?
The Head should be fired and stuck off the teaching register for life and that n o n ce locked up.
You just know the next step will be the legalisation of Peter Fillia.
Already, kids at school are being taught critical race theory, revised British history, diversity, inclusion, globalism, the environment and white privilege.
They’re now being told to accept transformers, and that they can “identify” as anything they want without the say-so of their parents. Which means school boys can enter the changing rooms/rest rooms of girls because its their right as a “trans girl!”
But now the Alphabets will want to formerly add “P” to the LGBTQ+, and teach kids that “it’s okay boys/girls/them/they, for adults to explore your naked young bodies as you go through the difficult years of puberty. And you must likewise explore the naked bodes of old men and women to make them happy too. That way, everyone is happy!”
This or any future government will bend at the demands of Peter Files and allow them to fiddle kids to their heart’s content. This will bring joy/relief to Peter Files of all creeds and shades, not least those groomers up North, who will probably be released from prison, pardoned and given some compo.
Then there will be more dancing in the streets by the Alphabets, and perhaps another spare month will be allocated to “Adults and Children in Love Month”, and the BBC will lap it up.
Thinnest of wedges, spring to mind. And no one in power seems to give a shit.
‘No one gives a shit’ they are all too busy taking us back to the Stone Age with insane carbon neutral taxes.
Suppose the reason for not having school outings to investigate local cottaging, dogging sites and dirty Abdul’s kebab and taxi emporium is the amount of HS paperwork and no overtime.
No wonder half the kids are having trouble deciding which gender to claim.
The Jimmy Saville Road Show…coming to a school near you !
The cunt even bragged about it.
Definitely wouldn’t see that kind of depraved shit at a Catholic school. The drag stuff I mean, not the child molesting, there’s plenty of that. Always has been. ?
I had no idea this brand of grooming (because that is exactly what it is) could even happen legally let alone be endorsed by the powers that be. It all seems extremely coercive at the very least. Very very wrong indeed.
Degeneracy is now normalised. The West is fucked. This is what Putin and Xi see.
Saw a poster in the public library for storytime reading for under 5’s by a Drag Queen.
Fucking degeneracy.
Any parent who takes their kids to this sort of thing is compliant with dėvienćy.
Always thought this transvestism was an insult to women.
I agree cuntalugs. Women’s clothing is designed to complement a woman’s body and figure. Why a dude would want to parade around in it is beyond me. They must be divorced from reality and deep into sequel perversion.
So glad I home school my kid.
Evil cunts.
Sexual not sequel.
Fucking phone
This is how it’s done…….a journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step. One step follows another until you reach your destination. That’s what is happening here. If you try to halt one of those small steps you are defined and labelled. You know the terms……..
Old fashioned
Far right
Hate speech
All ugly terms loaded with disapproval and opprobrium. You are now part of the out group. We have excluded you. How do you feel now cunt?
This is how you get mincers parading down the street, hailed as a great fun family event on your telly. This is how you get “LGTBQ history month”, this is how you get trannies called “Flow Job” teaching your children. And, eventually, it’s how you get Chairman Mao’s little red book.
One step at a time, that’s how it’s done.
Make a stand against the bullshit and the courts kick it out
Court in Poland has ruled that 4 towns scrap their LGBTQ free zones.
Schools are for education not to be exposed to some fucking deviant activities.
Fuck me. I never a thought a country like Poland would back down to that kind of shit.
Never understood the appeal, personally. As a child I considered drag queens to be at best boring and at worst embarrassing. A bit like those cunts who dress up as Disney characters and harass people in shopping malls. Or those twats who go on protest marches wearing masks depicting the faces of politicians they revile. Andy Warhol’s “superstars” were simply tragic.
On the other hand, people like Stanley Baxter, Dick Emery, Barry Humphries and various Monty Pythons in drag were and remain fucking hilarious.
Mrs. Shufflewick was OK, both my Grannies had friends – female – that looked like her.
Saw on BBC Cymru news about 2 years ago, some drag queen in a class of 4/5 year olds. Just looked a right twat.
On a similar Welsh note, I see that Wetmonster plod have relieved that skidmark Steve Bray of his amplification equipment. I’d have shoved it up his arse so hard he’d have got a free tonsilectomy, the twat.
What gets me on this is that the liberals of this world say of the children and their sexuality/gender…. “let them make up their own mind” and the next thing you know they are being actively encouraged to sit on the knee of some fucking fudge gorilla in a dress.
I’m sorry but I don’t think that is letting them make up their own mind. It is the liberals forcing their opinion on the kids as they do everyone else once again. I wonder how things would go if the fudgy gorilla was dressed as a kinky Hitler.
What do drag queens have to do with school kids? Absolutely fucking nothing. The only people getting anything from placing drag queens in school is the alphabet soup community. Introduce something to young children and tell them it’s normal and to be celebrated and they will accept it as gospel.
When the Nazis began shaping the curriculum in Germany it was with the aim of creating more Nazis, Catholic schools want to create more Catholics there’s no difference in the strategy.
Drag queens are born of the gay club scene, it’s all about sex, deviant sex. The alphabet lobby has been smart about promoting their preferences, everyone knows about them but very few people know the very ugly side of the gay scene and the media avoids any discussion of what it’s really like.
There’s a reason monkey pox is prominent with gay men and it’s down to the fact they will shag each other in public toilets without so much as an introduction. In the states I know some of the drag queens have turned out to be on a register of offenders, not a surprise to me.
This is another example of a situation where the good do nothing and evil prospers.
That header pic is extremely troublesome, not least because of the “guy” in the middle holding the two girls in his lap.
What’s to say he doesn’t have a boner, or has slipped his dick out for some extra “emotional bonding”?
Am I right in thinking that Father Christmas can no longer put kids on his lap at those Chrimbo events purely because those very same libtards think its wrong for a man in fancy dress to be holding kids in a provocative way?
Pros – Members of the wig-making industry support these weirdos.
Cons – everything else.
Minge Juice Bottler, above, said Stanley Baxter, Dick Emery, etc. were hilarious in drag, but maybe they inadvertently set in motion the appalling situation we now have with complacent schools. Those comedians ‘broke barriers’ with their drag acts, which may have encouraged these modern deviants to more public performances.
I’m ready with a baseball bat if any go near my grandsons’ school.