Contributing To Your Own Demise

I am feeling less and less sympathy for those who decide its a great idea to perhaps go film tribes in the amazon, who are then used a target practice by cannibals.

It would not be the same if said persons we shot by maneaters perhaps getting their mail at home. But they are not.

I don’t know why they think filming themselves at the local market where no one has seen a white man before let alone a group of (no doubt Hipster) Camera People trying to get the best latest shot. To pass on to a cunt no doubt like Attenborough to then spit his way through a sleep enduing commentary.

This is not gorillas in the mist.

Reuters Link.

In addition, the cunting extends to the outcry of mercenaries sent to death by Ivan, when going to fight for Ukraine. Putin is a weapons grade cunt, but if one chooses to go front line his people, if they have to then wave the white flag they cant expect the reception of a dinghy sailor coming over from Calais.

Sly News Link.

Whilst i commend anyone that wants to uphold their right, they need to do so understanding the risk.

The amazon and Donbass were no go zones, before these cunts decided to go.

If it was easy, every cunt would do it.

Nominated by: King Cunt

82 thoughts on “Contributing To Your Own Demise

  1. I agree totally with this nom. Some people have a death wish, or it appears they have. The Amazon is a place to get cheap stuff from and not to explore. Sting’s mates are not the friendly type, probably related in some way to the Welsh. The cunts deserve everything they get.

    • There was some yank missionary the other year insisted he could bring Christianity to the indigenous people of North sentinel island.

      He was told the tribe is very hostile to outsiders,
      Throwing spears at passing boats and helicopters.
      He was denied permission to go.
      He went anyway,
      He knew best.
      They slaughtered him like a pig on the beach in view of his mates.

      Took the army to recover his body?

      Daft cunt.

    • Mecca pride
      I take it this is a bingo event cuntsable. Surely you can’t mean the other Mecca ???

    • Evening Cuntstable.

      A friendly warning… those inappropriate horns you get on Pride marches will be the death of you!

  2. You wouldn’t fuck around with wild and dangerous animals so the same principle applies to wild and dangerous people. You wouldn’t walk down Railton Road carrying a lap top, talking into a flashy phone unless you are some sort of cunt. Look what happened to Amir Khan. He may be a P*ki but he doesn’t know not to walk around P*kiland in Londonstabistan with a fifty grand watch on your wrist. Thick cunt.

  3. Admin
    Could we possibly have a new Cunt of the Year category? I’m sure we’d all like to vote for our favourite Darwin Award Winner each time around. ‘Stupidest Cunt of the Year’ perhaps?

    (Nice thought. We will take it on board, share a few drinks, weigh up the pros and cons, have a few more drinks, give it some serious consideration, develop a project plan, have a few more drinks, give it some further blue-sky thinking and reach out to some interested parties before deciding “fuck it, pub time!” – Day Admin)

  4. Fuck them!
    All this “paying tribute” shite is precisely that – shite!
    They ignored the dangers and took no self-responsibility for their own safety. Instead they go and poke their noses into other people’s business and ultimately tell the world about these tribes, who just want to be left alone rather than being “civilised” with a bit of religion.

    No different to some do-gooder cunt wandering into the dark depths of Handsworth, Aston on Lozells in Birmingham at 1am of a Friday night. You’d never get out alive!

    • This journalist killed in the Amazon?
      I’m guessing he was covering the logging companies and the tactics they use.

      It’s a dangerous place.

      Lot of stories about the loggers shooting indigenous tribes deep in the Amazon
      And mass deforestation of tropical hard woods.

      He’ll of thought he was untouchable,
      Plummy voice,
      BBC credentials,
      Sense of lefty rightousness

      Till shot and hacked up with a machete.

      Why didn’t he have armed bodyguards?

      If I know it’s a bad idea surely he would?

      • And who can afford these mahogany and teaks, the billionaire bastards that’s who
        fucking Reset my hole

  5. Other peoples Space, to boldly go where no man has gone before and not come back. these are the voyages of the deluded video bloggers.

  6. Excellent nom. If you decide to fuck about doing ‘missionary work’ in medieval shit holes or doing Rambo impersonations in someone else’s war, you really can’t complain when it comes on top. In a way, these people could qualify for their own kind of Darwin Awards. Maybe they could call it Long Darwin, seeing as their route to eternity is usually drawn out somewhat.

    (It’s even more annoying when these cunts are kidnapped by indigenous tribes and then the family expects the government to do something about releasing them, usually at the Taxpayer’s expense! Sound familiar? – Day Admin)

  7. Those type of cunts always make me laugh, karma smacks hits them like a kick in the nuts. If they want sympathy they can find it in the dictionary between “shit” and “syphilis” as that’s the only way they’ll get it.

  8. The majority of these types are lefties with their heads up their arses.

    “Isn’t Guatemala wonderful Cecily? ”

    “Oh goodness! why is that horrid chap pulling my knickers down whilst wielding a machete? ”

    Next stop dead down a ravine.

    • I make an exception for the two scandanavian women beheaded whilst hiking in Morocco.

      The pigs that murdered them should be burnt at the stake and their families shot out of hand.


      • some Germans travel in military vehicles throughout the Riff and Atlas mountain regions. Saw it with my own eyes fucking large bullet proof 6 wheelers army all terrain yokes.
        i had the pleasure of dealing with the carpet sellers as i was using local buses, fucking Biblical

    • Wacky Races too – big thank you for that happy memory overload.

      • I always wanted them to catch that smart arsed fucking pigeon.
        And when Tom & Jerry was on I was rooting for the cat…

      • Destined to fail.
        Large, ungainly ugly, sweaty.
        Against the sleek coated, ultra urban, clued in little shit.
        Tom and Jerry.
        I’m amazed the put the cats name first.

      • Humbled and corrected, CM – good spot indeed. My basic error being that they are in a fucking plane!

  9. The most recent example must be Nazanin Zaghary-Ratcliffe, a more extreme example of dumbfuckery you couldn’t wish to meet. The Foreign Office advice has always been don’t travel to Iran and then she is surprised when she gets arrested. She has dual nationality, which is not recognised by Iran, and therefore according to International Diplomatic protocol HMG should not have got involved.
    Anyway it ended up costing us £400million to get her out and then the bloody woman couldn’t even express any gratitude to the government or indeed the people of this country for getting her out. Fuck me I bet the Iranians were glad to get rid of her.
    There is an Anglo-American bloke who was meant to be released at the same time but having been released from prison he was re-arrested before he could get on the aeroplane. I would much rather have him back.

    • I bet she gave her guards some fucking earache Wanksock.

      There is a cunt on YouTube called Miles Routledge who does ‘danger tourism’ and has travelled to various war zones like Ukraine and last year to Afghanistan when the Taliban were peacefully retaking the country.

    • IMO Nazanin Zaghary-Ratcliffe deserves her very own “is a cunt” nomination. I’m just pleased knowing I’m not alone in thinking she’s an ungrateful bitch. I’m still stumped as to why we paid £400 million for the bint when we have her type roll up on our beaches everyday.

  10. ‘Two Britons who were captured by Russian forces while fighting in Ukraine have been sentenced to death, state-owned Russian news agency RIA Novosti has said’

    They were captured in Mariupol in April during the intense fight for control of the port city, before appearing in court in the separatist Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR)

    In response to the sentencing, Conservative MP Robert Jenrick, who is Mr Aslin’s MP said: “this is an extremely concerning situation”, adding that there is “no evidence to back up the charges”.

    I’m trying to rack my brains here to understand which part of reality Robert Jenrick is getting.

    Perhaps he thinks Aiden and Shaun went for a lads weekend to Mariupol in fancy dress, the invite saying ‘come dressed as something beginning with S’.

    Utter bullshit faux outrage.

    • Like most “members”, that cunt Jenrick has a car that I and I sure many other cunters, would never tire of punching?

      • Car?
        What-the FUCK?
        I typed “face”.

        ?-you have excelled yourself.

  11. What about people who go up mountains in a pair of plimmies and then expect us to fork out for a helicopter?

    • Or ( if you are familiar with the Somerset coast) cunts who try to walk across to Brean Down from Weston when the tide is out , because they think it looks near. One cunt did this twice in one day with his small children in tow and had to be rescued by lifeboats.

  12. The stupid cunts that do parkour.

    The even more stupid cunts that expect us to feel sorry for some parkour fuckwit who falls off a crane jib doing a one handed handstand while taking a selfie.

    See also: Urban explorers who break into buildings with fucking massive ‘KEEP OUT – UNSAFE STRUCTURE’ signs all over them and the barbed wire fences surrounding them.

    Zero sympathy.

    • The world is full of puddled cunts.
      Round every corner is a headtheball.
      They know best!

      No talking nutters out of doing something stupid.
      Best just to keep nodding at arms length,
      Hope you get something nice in the will?

      Maybe encourage them a bit for your own amusement?

      History is full of these fuckers,

      The empty head leading a cavalry charge into a bottleneck canyon,

      The firebrand who led the revolt and got everyone hung,

      The cunt who questioned the laws of gravity (they’re lying to us!!) And tests it by jumping off a 150ft ledge wearing a batman costume.

      It’s as we know Darwin’s Law.

      The gung ho, live forever, ‘itll be fine” are best avoided,
      While your screaming being eaten alive by lions they’ll wander off unscathed.

  13. Here’s somewhere you should avoid. It’s London Pride this weekend so avoid central Stabistan like the plague (monkey pox in this case). The place will be teeming with poofs, lezzas, trannies and freaks of every description………all of them looking for cock, bum and fanny depending on their predilection. Very dangerous for normal people. Stay away!!

    • Here’s hoping some of the more “explosive” “Dingy-riders” act on their inner beast against the trannies.
      It. Puns be the most exciting sporting clash that the capital has seen since 1966?

    • Got an email from Ryanair,
      Don’t miss out on pride festivals this summer
      You must be laughing your bollocks off daily , O Leary

    • I’ve been avoiding Londonistabistan for decades.
      It’s definitely the smart choice.
      Full of cunts.
      With terrible diseases.
      Jellied eels.
      What the fuck’s that about ?
      The North is where it’s at.
      All reet, lad ?

  14. Steve Irwin springs to mind.
    Poking and annoying wild animals is not the brightest idea.

    • What a cracking good idea. That bitch Zahary-Ratstails would owe us a few bob under that system.

  15. I have never understood why those with a death wish go to expensive, far-away places like the Amazon when Peckham, Cleveland and Bradford are on their doorsteps.

  16. I have often contributed to my own demise, I have a big mouth and a bad attitude when I meet jerks – I have none of Fiddlers “skills in international diplomacy” but even I am not daft enough to fuck off to a foreign hell hole filled with savage natives and innumerable dangers – if I was up for that nonsense I would drive to Bradford!
    Darwinism for fuckwits.

  17. Unusual nom.

    Too early to tell how much I’ve contributed to my own demise. Was a 40 a day man for many years, thankfully still no sign of the Big C.

    Perhaps I’ll buy it next time I choose to get on a plane or cross the road…

    Or maybe Mrs Minge will club me to death in my sleep tonight? Never should have married that shrew in nymph’s clothing!

    • Having lived that situation in the past, I heartily recommend getting her first…

  18. Such stupidity should be encouraged…I still laugh thinking about Rod Hull’s touchdown after trying to tune his aerial…and,although it unfortunately wasn’t terminal, took great pleasure and amusement from the result of Terry Waite’s busybodying.

    • Evening Fiddler, its a small miracle that Harvey Price hasn’t dry humped Katie into submission and crushed her under his bulk or she with her habit of crashing pink Land Rovers into ditches.

      • Evening,LL…..I’m living in hope that someone tells Harvey that the father who deserted him was a black footballing Cunt and an enraged Harvey subsequently beats Gary Lineker to death.

      • That’s brilliant Sir Fiddler! I’m nicking that one if you don’t mind?
        Well……I’m nicking it anyway.

      • If I could edit this,I’d have said a “high profile black footballer who appears on Match of the Day”….at least that way we’d have the consolation of a badly beaten Ian Wright if that Cunt Lineker wasn’t available when Harvey went on the rampage.


    • I think Rods mistake was taking Emu up on the roof to give him a hand DF.

      ‘Hey Emu, could you just hold this Ariel for a………..’

      He really should have known better.

      • I like to imagine Rod furiously flapping his arms on the way down… like an emu that can’t fly.


      • To make matters “worse”, Poor Rod (Msn Utd fan) missed the Champions League Final and thr culmination of the (real) treble?

      • Evening Dick.

        I’ve imagined the scenario for many years, Rod asks Emu to hold the aerial just to the left, Emu snarls at him and attacks as if it’s Grace Jones.


  19. As we are all gentlemen and ladies of taste on this site I’ll be enjoying my early demise at this year’s Shitting Hill stabbfest as I entertain the locals doing my hilarious Adolf Jolson black minstrel/ Nazi routine.

  20. Could it be said, that anybody subscribing to:

    the BBC

    Is contributing to their own downfall?

  21. What about that silly peaceful cunt. Who the other year, in some zoo somewhere, thought it was a good idea to break in to the lion enclosure, & go & have a ‘chat’ with the lions! No pride there, the daft cunt got eaten!

  22. Do you know, there was a moment when I thought that my comments were being deleted.
    I was wrong.
    They are all there.
    I really must get some sleep!

    • I’ve let myself down.
      I’ve let the party down.
      I’ve let the country down.
      But mostly, I’ve let Boris down because I didnt get my leg over.

  23. So many people have this loony notion that all people are lovely, thus negating the need to think that the odd looking cunt with the feathers sticking out his arse and the carved penis gourd waving a head hunting axe and running towards them screaming iggy do fandango is intent on doing them serious harm.
    It’s their culture innit. Women walking in the hills in which dwell hundreds of infidel raping ragheads, sailing a yacht along the coast of Somalia thus falling prey to Somali pirates.and so on. But fear not brave souls if shit happens because of your fuckwittery the GB taxpayer is ready to help. Have these cunts ever heard of consequence? Life is not a fucking action film.

    • Well said BB, nor is it a Disney Wonderland production either
      Lets jump, Jump, off a fucking cliff for the selfie of selfies and posted on insta shite before one hits the rocks of certain death.
      fucking delusionals running around trying to loosen their load of makey uppy shit box sitting in front of nothing screens all their young lives, and all thanks to the rich tv tower cunts that subjected to this diet.
      Fucking crisis is with the young , Wake Up you rich overlord Cunts

  24. I think it’s high time that opinionated n*gnog Lewis Hamilcunt-Flatulence or whatever his fucking name is, embraced religion and goes to these far flung places to spread the word of Christianity. I think Afghanistan would be an excellent place to start!

  25. I hope the Amazonian pygmies ate the daft cunts with HP Sauce.?

    As for the Ivans? Stay well out of it, if you have got any sense…?

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