
(For a limited time, we’re upping the number of Noms published from 3 to 4 per day at 7am, 10am, 1pm and 4pm – Day Admin)

A nomination for all the cunts who are trying to stop the removal of channel cunts from our shores to Rwanda.

The latest bullshit is that 15 ‘refugees’ or cunts are in Gatwick detention centre and have been notified of the intention to fly them out for a nice long holiday in sunny Rwanda.
You would think they would be happy that they were being fast tracked through the asylum system but no, they have gone on hunger strike (like we give a fuck).

The link show an example what the UK government is up against and the fucking BBC are interviewing Care4Cunts so they can stick their two pence worth in as well.

If you don’t fancy a trip to Rwanda, stay in France.

News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

62 thoughts on “Care4Cunts

  1. Unless they fly out 500 cunts a day this bollox will make no difference. Fighting the cunts on the beaches is the only thing that will.

  2. It’d be funny if they came from Rwanda, got sent back to a detention centre in Rwanda and could see the mud hut that they’d left 2 months previously in the distance from their cell window.

  3. I see the Government are delaying the publication of the FULL details of the last Census.
    I wonder why?

    • I posted a comment about this, we will get the basics this week or next week but the autumn before we find out how many fucking ethnics are infesting our country

      • No, we won’t. Expect to be able to add at least another million to the official figures to cover the ones here illegally.

      • Very true, it’s was a estimated 1 million a good few years back, more likely 2 million.
        I have no faith in the government figures to net migration after the woeful estimate of the number of EU citizens here, only out by 2.5 million ?

        No idea why they do a census, it’s only the law abiding population who actually bother to enter details. Whatever the figure add on a couple of million who didn’t complete the task and another two million illegals ?

  4. That gimmiegrunt loving whore Zoe Gardner in the Twatter feed deserves a huge cunting.

  5. Those well-meaning, flannel bloomered old virgins of Care 4 Calais, when they are not listening to Wimminz Hour, and wishing they had burnt their bras 50 years ago or mistake The Archers for Farming Today, have probably read of the rapey tendencies of the rubber boat ponces, and are just hoping one of them (or better yet, a gang of them) will provide her with a bit of dick with her Book At Bedtime.

  6. I wonder if old Clare Moseley, founder of Care 4 Calais has managed to bag herself a Syrian lover? I recall she was having ‘relations’ with one of the Tunisian ‘refugees’ she had become very fond of, before it all went a bit Pete Tong and the rascal attempted to to their offices when she spurned his affections and blackmail her.

    You got to hand it to her, she is very dedicated to her job. You can’t better better Care than a warm welcome, a hot meal and a hot nosh from Clare.

    • Once you’ve played the black bugle you’ll never go back to white…I’m sure old Claire here can testify to that?

  7. ‘Care4Cunts’ is appropriate really, because 4 is probably the total number of dinghy cunts that our hopeless Government will ever manage to send to Rwanda.

  8. This mess won’t be sorted out by following rules,injunctions and every other bit of blather that crops up.

    Most of this countries problems have been caused by the above superceding national interests.

    Illegal immigration is a national emergency,the financial cost is ruinous and the effect on infrastructure untenable.

    I know no politician has the guts to use force so instead a straightforward solution is to offer these foreign chances one thing:

    Absolutely nothing….no housing,money,health care..nothing at all.

    Let the hippies and charity workers feed and house them.

    The barrel of festering vermin.

    • Oh and seeing as CuntsforCalais seem to only be interested in enabling entering a country other than via border control is a serious offence…treat them as what they are:

      A network of traitors,on a par with the very popular “people smugglers”.

      Seek them out and put them up against a wall.

    • UT@ – Afternoon Unkle – what did Victor Orban say? Something along the lines of “cross our border illegally and we will fucking shoot you”.
      Number of islamic terrorist atrocities in Hungary? – 0.
      Number of islamic Peter Phile gangs in Hungary? – 0.
      Vote Orban! ??

      • Quite so.

        Some countries put their national interests and security above fashionable causes.

        How very quaint.

  9. This is the worse thing that’s happened to Britain since the Blitz.
    We are watching the collapse of society here while Lefty do gooders and greedy lawyers prevent common sense from prevailing with there endless virtue signaling .
    I fucking despair for us .

    • Spot on Fenton. Immigration is out of control. The young will suffer – on top of that, we have all the cunting Ukrainians. I saw a family of them near me the other day – in a Ukrainian registered SUV, so fucking big it almost had its own moons. Next time I talk to my cousin in Newcastle, and he’s telling me how tough it is, I’ll remind him not to moan about his 20 year old Citroen as there are hard-up Ukrainians to think of.

      • The whole Ukranian thing smells of rotten fish heads.

        More fucking fucking pavel dreggs, more drugs, dangerous driving, more load on an already failing health and education infrastructure.

        Boris that fucking cunt dancing law breaking pile of blubber cunt should look at what’s going on in his own back yard before swanning off to booska land to hand out more of our money.

        A wolrd crisis coupled with a weak dishonest government is a recipe for disaster.

  10. Couldenhove-Kalergi plan.
    That is all.
    Perhaps Clare Noshley could be boiled in excrement instead.

  11. Fine.
    Everyone who wants these vile, murderous Peter Phile shit here has to take two of them into their homes – at their expense – for ten years.
    But they don’t want them in THEIR leafy suburbs driving the property prices down and worrying little Poppy as she climbs into the Range Rover for her trip to her pwivate school – they are dumping them in the most deprived areas of the UK which then become (inevitably) even more deprived as these leeches monopolise local services and have their hand out for every penny – and then steal the fucker if they don’t get it.
    Vote for clowns, get a circus.
    2 years to save Great Britain.

    • I live in Kensington. We are not immune.

      There are 300 of the cunts being put up in the Olympia hotel at my fucking expense.

      Car crime through the roof, monkey scrawl grafitti everywhere and shoplifting in Tesco is now totally ignored, unless the security guards feel like getting stabbed for the sake of a sandwich and a tube of pringles.

  12. Hunger strike my arse. These cunts have come here for all the handouts not to fucking starve themselves. They needn’t bother anyway, they ain’t going anywhere with all these bleeding heart libtards licking their arses.
    Jellyfish needs to get his useless finger out. Fuck off the ECHR and change the fucking law if you have to. You fucking cunt!

  13. Traitors.Hang them.I have had enough bullshit for a lifetime.We don’t want these brown water rats.End of.

    • We don’t, EW, but it seems that the feckless globalists wankstains that run the country, aided and abetted by a left wing media, libtard charidy cunts etc, are making a fucking good fist of changing Britain for ever. It’s a massive pile of cunt.

      • ????????.Balls to these Doctors, Nuclear Scientists and Brain Surgeons.What boils my piss is when they arrive they smile and say We love you UK.Bollocks.We are a walk over.Send the bastards back.

    • See how long before they give in to the glorious whiff of a freshly fried bacon butty.

  14. It seems a report on grooming and sexual abuse in Oldham has shown up shortcomings in plis and soshul services.
    Denies any cover-up. What a feckin surprise…
    In the light of these (non-} findings, I think ankle bracelets are an excellent idea. Especially if they can detected under-age female hormones, and give the wearer a massive electro-shock.

  15. I like the one in one of the Saw films with shotgun cartridges round the necklace which blow your head off when activated.

  16. Strive as I may, I couldn’t find the recent YouTube clip of the London March for refugees, when a ‘reporter’ was going through the crowd with a clip board asking them if they’d sign up to house a refugee. They either said no immediately or said they couldn’t because they were renting. Hilarious

  17. Where’s the Home Guard when you need them? Bring back Captain Mainwaring and Corporal Jones. Even Private Pike would do a better job than the so called “Border Force.”
    In fact even Mrs Pike would be of more use than that bunch of poofs.

  18. Some bad news…….Jellyfish went to hospital this morning but, unfortunately, came out alive.
    He is now back at his desk working hard to give our money away to fucking foreign cunts and fuck the country up.

    • I think you’re being very unfair. He may be a bumbling idiot and a pathological liar, but he is a right winger and that’s what matters. And you have to admire his determination to hold onto his job. True British bulldog spirit. We need more like him.

    • And attack dogs.Razor wire.Searchlights.Machine gun posts.STOP THEM COMING ACROSS.Smeg off back to Africa.

  19. Probably the same type of hunger strike safari radcliffes hubby went on.

    That Mard Arse didn’t look to have lost any weight,
    One can only hope they start shipping the scrounging Muslim filth by the plane load ASAP…..????

    • They’re used to eating fuck all anyway, and drinking buffalo piss by the bucketful, supplied by little M’bongo who had to walk 796 miles with a wooden leg, accompanied by his 56 siblings who’ve all had their eyes eaten by flies and need us all to donate £200 NOW so they can get a Man Utd t-shirt and a Rolex. Sorry, I mean an eye op..

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