Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council

This council is telling cyclists to use the road, instead of a dedicated cycling lane.

Telegraph News Link

This is so that cyclists are more visible to drivers, forcing them to slow down.
Remind us again BCP, what is a cycling lane for in the first place?

This wouldn’t be the first piece of traffic cuntery from BCP. They massively increased the pedestrian area in the town centre, creating a tiny chokepoint for the buses, causing congestion and pollution.

More recently, they wasted more local taxpayers’ money on widening the pavement and decreasing the road width on a very busy stretch near the centre – a road full of shops and businesses where there are always loads of delivery vehicles. So, more congestion and pollution.

We probably have to thank the cuntish greens and lefties on the council for all of this.

Nominated by: mystic maven

47 thoughts on “Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council

  1. Im not familiar with Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole council,
    But can take a wild guess they’re like most councils,
    I.e- absolutely useless on a wide range of matters.

    Why the claiming of the highways for the use of the one demographic that doesn’t pay for its upkeep?

    A lot of these measures cause traffic build up (more pollution) and put cyclists in danger.

    It’s this ‘green agenda’ , net zero , that the political pigs have fallen in love with,
    Carried out by councils with no idea what theyre doing.
    Ill thought out and bound to set tempers fraying .

    They like the revenue motorists bring in though don’t they?

    • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – obviously I would never ride a bicycle (or just have bought a Specialized Hardrock 29er – laaaarvly off road monster – a proper animal! ??) but this, ahem, friend of mine does..
      I am heartily sick and tired of arrogant, entitled cunts on bikes OR on foot who seem to think the new laws mean they can do what the fuck they please – already I have narrowly avoided wiping three idiots out in the the panzer – I am a good driver with fast reactions honed from many years of surviving on bikes and motorcycles (I am so incredibly old I passed my motorcycle test in 1986 and celebrated with a wheelie away from the test centre!) – they will not be so lucky when they try it with one of the “Honda dawdlers”.
      If cyclists want extra facilities over the PRIVILEGE of using the road without paying a penny for doing so then by all means stop the monthly Direct Debits to The Grauniad, BLM, Save the LGBTQ gurnards, Immigration Appeasers inc, etc etc and pay for it them fucking selves.
      I cycle on the favour of everyone who actually PAYS for the tarmac I use, and I never forget that – perhaps it’s time for some Guardian reading lefty cunts to remember that as well.
      And close that bleedin tunnel fore we all get rabies!

  2. Yet another prime example of STUPID.
    We will have insect lanes and dedicated little duckling lanes in the near future.

  3. All designed to keep the peasants out of cars. You will own nothing and be happy.

  4. Yet more ultra vires cuntishness by a cuntcil staffed to the rafters with blue-haired transexual Corbyn worshippers.

    If Central Govt wasn’t preoccupied with lockdown scandals and ministers being arrested for sex offences then they might have a keener eye on the nonsense shenanigans going on in the name of ‘net zero’.

    • …..but isn’t Central Govt. the one who is really pushing this “net zero” nonsense ?….
      2021….The Net Zero Strategy sets out how the UK will deliver on its commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

      Nah,sorry,,Mr.Corbyn and his supporters have Fuck All to do with with “Net Zero” is a Tory initiative.


      • Good morning Dick.

        According to the link, The Cuntcil itself has declared a climate emergency.

        Hence my comment regarding their action as ultra vires.

      • Oh I quite agree that they are a bunch of mental Cunts…but “Net Zero” is the umbrella that allows…encourages…so many of these ridiculous policies. The local Council could declare as many emergencies as it fancied but the very least..tacit Govt. approval for their fanciful “planet-saving” schemes, they wouldn’t get very far.

    • my local council has declared a ‘nature emergency’. a ‘fucking why is the town full of immigrants emergency and all the buszinesses leaving emergency’ would be more apt

  5. These wise people know that cars are bad for us so it’s essential that using them is made as painful as possible.

    Only when we are all cycling about like demented Chinemen will our betters be satisfied.

    They just need a tax to stop us buying the Devil’s Juice,petrol now…anyone’s council tax gone down recently?


    • “anyone’s council tax gone down recently?”….I didn’t even get the £150 refund…wrong band,apparently….£2,000 a year to get the fucking bin emptied.

      • I stick all my rubbish in street bins. My two bins are always completely empty and my neighbours think I’m a green nutcase.

      • Dick, I think that you will find that your vast holdings fall into band V.

        So don’t be expecting the £150 rebate anytime soon.

      • For the privilege of driving on the shittest potholed roads and bin emptying we pay £2600 and we were also 1 band too high to get the £150 cash.

      • It’s bands A-D I’ve just checked.

        What do Cuntcils measure it on?

        House footprint, bedrooms, or land boundary?

  6. That now says to me “Cycles Only,” so all vehicles are prohibited. Just like if it was “Buses only.”

  7. When these ecocunts get what they want I hope a nightsoil cart breaks an axle and loses it’s contents in front of the council chambers, preferably on a hot and humid day.

  8. Cycling is a national sport here in Spain.

    Wherever you drive you will eventually end up behind a line of cyclists who are usually unfit, middle aged men dressed in the full lycra garb.

    It’s much worse at weekends and even more frustrating on the steep and narrow mountain roads where it is impossible to overtake.

    Even just one cunt on a bike on a steep road can cause havoc by riding at a snail’s pace, swerving from side to side with the effort of getting uphill.
    You can be stuck behind the bastard for ages, overheating the clutch in your car as you can’t change out of first gear.

    But bikes are never used for anything practical.
    There are no bike stands outside of the supermarkets.
    You don’t see bikes padlocked up outside of bars or restaurants.
    They seem to be used purely for exercise and recreation.
    And I don’t see why people should be allowed to exercise and have fun on busy main roads.

    Have a few purpose built recreation parks where people can take their bikes on their car’s bike racks and exercise as much as they want.

    I use the main Mediterranean National Road every day.
    Not only do we have to put up with cunts on pushbikes but we also have cunts on mobility scooters, electric scooters and now those motorised skate boards.

    The way that these idiots use the roads is horrendously dangerous.
    The way that the motorists manage any journey without killing or seriously injuring any of these fuck-wits is commendable.

  9. Councils are great at this kind of idea becuase they are spending money they haven’t had to earn…most organisations I have contracted for who rely on public taxes and income waste money like water.

    My local council announced a few years back that services would have to be cut becuase of money but still went ahead with their staff Christmas parties and the Cheif Council Wasterman’s wife still got her new car.

    If you’re a contractor they are also the WORST kind of customer to get your invoices paid.

    • Meanwhile the governments net zero measures in the form of Clean Air Zone in Greater Manchester hit a stumbling block.

      Transport minister George Eustus saying that the zone should just be Manchester city centre,
      Rather than Andy Burnham’s 500sqmile area.
      Devout champagne socialist Burnham says he wants a ‘no charge’ zone,?
      (So in name only)
      Both spitting dummies and pointing fingers in the name of ecolunacy.

      They fiddle whilst the world burns,
      Help! Help!
      We only have 2years to save the world!
      Debit cards accepted….

      • Eustace.
        The pricks name is Eustace.
        Dunno why my phone gave him a Roman surname.

      • Would have been funny it your phone came up with Rastus though. Morning Mis, morning all.

      • Morning Moggie ?

        My new phone is a bit like a Guardian reading remainder lefty.
        It’s always contradicting me and makes up its own facts.

        It doesn’t realise the peril it’s placing itself under.

        I’ve met it’s type before.

        Many a phone has met with a unfortunate accident at my hands.
        I’m to handset technology what Peter Sutcliffe was to sex workers.

  10. Cycle lanes, bus lanes, LTNs etc, all allegedly in the name of stopping pollution and saving the planet.
    Anybody with half a brain knows that if you want to decrease pollution, you need to get traffic moving, not sat there doing bugger-all then stopping and starting every few yards.
    Every now and then I have to drive into Central London for work and I can honestly say it is now beyond a fucking joke. People don’t drive around there for the hell of it. 95% of the vehicles are there because they HAVE to be there, not because they fucking want to be. Without them the city will die on its arse. Is that what Khant and his cronies want????

    I can’t help thinking that this fuckery is part of a much wider agenda.

    • Remember, Suckdik Khunt recently commented that “Pollution is waycist, innit”.
      Areas with effnics suffer higher levels of pollution.
      The fucking race-grifting shit-stain?

    • Until recently when my new van (that I ordered last August) was finally delivered, it would cost £27.50 in Congestion and ULEZ fees to make a delivery in London. Fucking ridiculous. It all just gets passed on to my customers anyway, but these so-called ULEZ and CAZ schemes are costiing the wider economy a fucking fortune. Now I’ve got a Euro 6 engine it “only” costs me another £15 for the Congestion Charge. This money is then used to pay for more ridiculous anti-vehicle measures.

      You couldn’t make this shit up.

      • I live and work from near Sevenoaks. I can get to fucking Birmingham in the same time as it takes to get to somewhere like W1. I’m not kidding. Then I’ve got to try and get out of the fucking place again…..

      • The point is this:

        Unless you want a city to curl up and die, you have to accept that commercial traffic needs to get in and out of the place in order to service it. This traffic is not going to go away, it’s necessary in order for the city to function. All these anti-vehicle measures do is severely limit the amount of available road space, slow everything down, move traffic from one part of the city to another, where it gets really REALLY congested and costs everyone an absolute fortune.

        In the last 10 years London has gone from being “a bit of a pain” into “an absolute fucking nightmare”.

        Rant over. Sorry fellas.

        All this shit should be

      • My father used to drive all over GB as part of his job – at a printers’ that did beer-bottle labels) ; he was a bloody good driver, much better than me, but even in the early 70s, he wouldn’t go into/through Central London after 4am…

  11. The only fucking defence against the entitled cycling cunts is the same as the channel cunts, gale force wind and horizontal rain.

    There is a cycle lane just for cycles, why not a road just for cars

    • It’s currently the same type of discrimination that allows blacks their own organisations that whites aren’t allowed to have. I believe it’s called left wing.

  12. Is there not a law against all this shite?
    A mental Council ( most of them) can now block off streets, charge you extra for having cars, force bikes into your way and generally make your right of way impossible.
    Presumably they could insist you have to wear a blown up condom over your head and pogo stick everywhere. Where does it end?

  13. They have to be seen to do something to alleviate the “climate crisis”. No thought goes into this, it is total hysteria. ALL COUNCILLORS ARE CUNTS.

  14. I wonder how many councillors/MPs/ministers and other greenies actually travel to their usual places (work, shop, brothel, drug dealer) by bike?

    I guess they can somehow cope carrying a laptop bag, handbag, shopping, box folders, assorted sex toys/undergarments and/or bags of cocaine on their person while they cycle the 10 miles in ALL weather conditions, and refusing to use their cars on principle!

    But we all know that scenario is utter bollocks. They will insist they need their cars for urgent matters, which means they will also be exempt from any charging. Or even if they are, they will pass it off as expenses and let the local taxpayer pay for it.

  15. It looks like Germany has found the right idea to get people out of their cars, & maybe some off their bicycles as well. €9 a month to travel the country! Need to try something like that out over here….. (pause) er? I don’t think so. Fares will only continue to increase.

    • The germans can afford to do it. They own most of the public transport in this country so they can rip off passengers here to subsidise their own. A UK company owning public transport in another country would rip them off too, but would continue to rip us off as well.

  16. Fun fact: there are only 2 cities in the World with Christ in their name. Christchurch (New Zealand) and Corpus Chisti (Texas). I happen to live in the latter.
    Anyway, soon we will all be A) on a bicycle B) driving electric C) walking or D) paying a kings ransom for Gass for our current automobile.
    Fuck the New World Order and the cunts who are forcing it on us all.

    • Meat Curtains @

      Is this shite happening in Texas?!!
      I’m genuinely shocked by that.

      Cars are a big part of US culture,
      Wouldn’t of thought fuckin bicycles would be anything other than a minor hobby .
      Or for kids.

  17. Decrease pollution? Put town your tofu and well thumbed copies of Das Kapital you smelly no good lefties and listen – wind farm blades do not need to be made of non recyclable fibreglass – plenty of natural and recyclable material available – and dumping them at sea means setting them in hundreds of Tonnes of toxic concrete which will leech into the water system as it breaks down. And fit the fkin vanes with solar/UV panels so they charge – permanently even when it’s dark and calm. (Check out the “green and clean” Siemens plant at Hull – a fkin war would produce less pollution!)
    Fit hydroelectric generating stations on all appropriate rivers and use some of the electricity to generate hydrogen – a perfect green fuel for domestic, business and vehicle use – clean, green energy provision which is sourced for free and stops our dependency on the oligarchs and the vagaries (and deliberate manipulation) of the international energy markets.
    This is what we need to do – and those pushing “green” policies have no intention whatsoever of doing it.
    Fuck them – I strongly believe it is common sense to be clean, tidy and treat the planet and nature with respect, but I do not believe for a moment “those in charge” care for anything but permanent taxation, browbeating and endless restrictions on Joe average who NEED their transport to be economically viable – and I will take no lectures from cunts who fly around the world to events costing tens of millions of Pounds of OUR money to lecture those with nothing what bad people they are.
    Fuck off.

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