Boris Johnson (17) Civil Service (2) and the Metropolitan police (4)

Boris Johnson, the Civil Service and the fucking London elite in general.

I think we all knew when video emerged of that silly cow giggling about parties that these cunts look down on us little people who follow the rules. Rules they have just imposed an hour or so prior to their piss ups.

We all know that Johnson is a lying fucking hypocrite. It is also plain that senior civil servants get fucking knighthoods regardless of competence.
We also know that the Met, who were complicit in these piss ups, being on duty 24/7 on the fucking premises, covered up the scope of transgression..

It is time that these cunts are:

Moved out of London

Subjected to performance indicators so that fuck ups like the Home Office, Foreign Office and all the rest of the useless ponces are held to held to account.

Buggins turn knighthoods for snobby cunts are abolished, in fact all fucking ‘honours’ that prop up the parasitic establishment and royalty are done away with.

Fuck the lot of them.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble


74 thoughts on “Boris Johnson (17) Civil Service (2) and the Metropolitan police (4)

  1. The New British Army rifle ‘L85’ or better known as the SA80. Was a dreadful rifle when first issued to the British Army. Its nickname became the civil servant. ” Doesn’t work and cant be fired” Sums up those in control perfectly..

  2. Conservative?

    All boils on the same clapped out flabby arse.

    If they were totally exterminated in a military coup d’etat I’d break out the single malt.


  3. Drinking, partying, fucking, selling off the UK to China so they can keep idle bastards sat at home, throwing our money at every useful crook, scammer and chancer. Laughing and sneering at us as our relatives die locked in nursing homes as we are arrested for trying to visit them. Midazolam Matt creeping round nursing homes like the grim reaper, a massive spike in unexplained nursing and care home deaths, the “Government” paying for cremations provided the Family accepted “died with covid” on the death certificate and did not ask for an autopsy, deaths from colds and flu disappearing for the first time in the history of humankind, all dissenting voices silenced.
    The last two years have shown clearly what I have known for many more – no political party is worth a vote or power – they are utter bastards who are in love with money, power and degeneracy. Not one is worth employing and the only out of this fucking awful mess is for the people to elect right wing nationalist leaders who will get the boot in and do what needs to be done – we are in a dictatorship in all but name and I DO NOT ACCEPT IT! ?
    In my absolutely frank opinion I would not give a flying fuck if every UK “politician” was led into a field and burned – that is how much I hate them.
    And the next UK General Election (which is not now far away) will be the last ever chance we have to get the people we want as opposed to the people who have been chosen by others.
    We have been scammed, conned, lied to and royally fucked over, and I will never, ever forget this.

    • The major problem with voting for a right wing candidate is having one standing in the first place. The constituency I live in is Tory and the only other candidates are Labour and LibDem. In other words, nobody worth my vote.

      • Moggie63@ – How about standing against them as an independent?
        We’ll fill up Miserables van with some chaps who will “persuade the floating voters”! ??
        Joking aside – independent candidates standing against the establishment “elites” is the only way we get our Country back and I strongly urge anyone who wants save the United Kingdom to do as I am doing and STAND – time is short and there is a lot of work to do.

      • I loathe politics and have no political instincts at all. Add my directness, and sheer laziness, and I could probably count on 4 votes. I reckon that would be counterproductive. I wouldn’t hesitate to vote for even a slight leftie independent if the cunt could show a modicum of common sense and/or patriotism although that would probably mean right wing.

      • Smugcunt@ – Cheers – I’m a cynical bastard aren’t I? ?
        BTW – We are getting Moggie63 voted in as the next Mayor of London! ?? – our Election phrase will be “Vote Moggie63 – or meet the fucking Service Crew!”
        Should be in politics me – common sense solutions..

    • Mr Fox.
      All agreed there,most know it now but few will admit to being played.some laugh it all off now,namely those who receive some kind of financial benefit from me ( taxpayer ).
      I lost my sense of humour in March 2020 when this government declared war on my business and my childrens education,I,like you,will never forget or forgive them,or anyone else who gave legs to this pathetic farce.
      I do have a favour to ask of you though,when you lead all of those cunts out to the field for torching,would you mind keeping one back for me,I have something special planned for him !.
      M.Hancock is his name.
      Many thanks.

      • HC@ – Worry not – “Matt Halfcock”, as Katie Hopkins calls him, will be force fed Midazolam as the relatives of those who died in nursing and care homes watch with a nice cup of tea and comfortable chairs.

  4. I would like the Monarchy to represent the people from political excess’s with the power of veto. Johnson would never have been permitted to get away with this shit.

  5. Big IF we have future lockdowns (I guarantee we will as Doris has sold his soul to the W.E.F. and Adolf Schwab) I for one will not take no notice at all as him and his ilk took the piss.We need to drain the swamp now people.

    • EW@ – If they try any future “lockdowns” there will be riots in the fucking streets.
      They lied to us and fucked us over once – and if anyone remembers the Poll Tax riots they will also remember how terrified the “Government” of the time were of being brought down in a violent coup.
      We are NOT having this ever again – I would rather go down fighting than fade away appeasing.
      FUCK THEM.

      • I don’t think there will be riots, unless you count the political chancers like XR and BLM. Who are just rebranded anarchists.

        I think people will just ignore any government or WHO ‘advice’ and go about their daily lives as a big FUCK YOU to the powers that be.

        There will of course be the paranoid hypochondriacs who still haven’t come out from hiding behind the sofa yet, but they will be in a tiny minority and will be ignored by anyone with a mortgage and bills to pay.

      • Riots in the streets? Only from the bloody n*gn*gs when they can’t get their fix of fried chiggun! The majority of the Brits now have no stomach for a fight, unless you count drunken fuckwits or kissball louts. We’ve been slowly conditioned to accept everything that is thrown at us by Govt. The final experiment was being led by the nose to have a vaccination that wasn’t needed. The test is complete, and now they know they can do absolutely anything they like with no fear of reprisals! It will be a cold day in hell before I reside there again.

  6. Throw in Suckdick, Starmer to the header, they are all cunts.

    Suckdick is upset with the Met, not for knife crime but for not giving Boris more fines ?

    The country is now beyond any possibility of revolution, the electorate don’t give a fuck, some would vote for a fucking turnip if was the right party.

    • I would only vote for a turnip if it had the no political allegiance. I voted for a ‘Tory’ turnip last time and look where it’s got us so far. Right in the slurry.

  7. I’m just too giddy with all the excitement of the Royal Jubilee to worry about the fact that the Country is circling the drain ,….OOOOHHH…..Prince SpoiledBrat is making “wanker” signs at the Serfs from his golden carriage..isn’t he a mischievous little imp,Bless….Princess SlackSlag is “recycling” her £900 socks by wearing them twice,just shows that they understand what us Commoners are going through…..Prince ChinlessWonder is staggering under the weight of his medals,obviously a real war hero (hang about,are those Weimar medals ?)…but where the fuck is Prince ToddlerToucher?….probably at some pizza shop honouring the Plebs by not sweating as he cheekily and hilariously asks “Who ordered the 9 inch cheesy stuffed crust”,what a card,he is.

    But where is Dear Betty?….you’d think after 96 years of doing Fuck All,she’d be able to summon the energy to get off her bony arse and manage a patronising wave at the awestruck masses…..lazy old Trout is probably drunk.

    • worst of it is,we’ll have to endure even fucking worse in a few months time when she finally blasts back off to Planet Reptile.

      • DF-F@ – “Hang about – are those Weimar medals?”
        You despicable cad Sir! ??
        Good form, good form!

    • DF-F@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – Liz had to be escorted home after getting shitfaced and flashing her knickers at bystanders and shouting “which of you cunts fancies a go on the bat cave – it’s got cobwebs on it!” (The Kraut trout has none of your impeccable breeding Sir!)
      “Hmm – bit of GIlf is it? AND with a Nandos 2 for 1 deal? Peppa Pig, bit of Latin – just let me spit on ma tip”..
      “Boris!” ??
      “Oh, er, hello Carrie m’dear – didn’t see you there”..

    • But Dick! Where is your sense of patriotism?

      All that pomp and pageantry!

      My favourite bit was watching a bunch of vegan crusties getting a stomping off some marching band and then being dragged through horse shit by the rozzers as the gathered crowds jeered and spat at them.

      Made my heart fill to bursting point it did.

      (although that may have had something to do with being shitfaced by mid day and forgetting to take my blood pressure tablet that morning)

      • Afternoon,Odin….as someone pointed out…it’s a shame Plod don’t move as quickly when a few malcontent crusty publicity-seekers block the roads and prevent people getting to work etc.

      • The solution is staring us in the face, Dick.

        Forget calling for the old bill when the soap dodgers glue themselves to the M25.

        Just call up the marching band of the Grenadier guards to stomp the shit out of them until there is nothing left but dreadlocks and offal.

        If they could play Rule Britannia on a loop while kicking seven shades out of the workshy wankers, that would be a nice touch.

      • Some unknown guy instead of Freddy to the fore. Was such a depleted ‘Queen’ fit for a Queen.

        I did ckick on Elton’s contribution. ‘Our Song’. I mean when was that a hit? Back in the 70s.

        Still those pudgy fingers tinkling away.

        By all accounts the very ancient Rod Stewart mangled ‘Sweet Caroline’.

        The thought of being there, having to ‘join in’. Oh no.

        Where would I have rather been? Anywhere but there.

  8. Word on the street is that 65 ‘letters of no confidence’ have been passed regarding the Prime Minister and a minimum of 54 are required to a ‘vote of no confidence’.

    He’s gone already, I’m amazed he lasted this long. Should have been binned in January/February.

    What a climb down. He’ll have to got back to journalism.

    • Or run for mayor of Londonistan again.

      I’d vote for him, just to see the back of that shit eating little weasel Khan.

    • The fat cunt should be dropped into the Sea of Japan so they can harpoon him onto a whaler.

    • Le Cunt@ – problem being that when Johnson is removed they will just replace shit with shit.
      A fight between pork loving warmonger Liz “I’ll scream and scream until I’m sick” Truss and Rishi “my Mummy dresses me” Sunak to see who will be the next dictatorial, embarrassing failure.
      And the circus rolls on, endlessly..

      • De Pfeffel has been a let down on all counts. We haven’t even had any good Boris-isms He’s been an ineffectual and witless leader. Never should have been Tory leader, but he was groomed for it. A badly-groomed buffoon. You can’t groom a leader, leaders are born that way, but the utter clowns we have for leaders now is a joke, they are like substitute teachers who we can break the spirit of within the first class. Look at the utter, utter cretinous puppet they have in New Zealand right now, horse-faced New World Order stooge, Jacinda Arden. She was recently summoned to the Blackrock HQ to get her marching orders. Blackrock, if you don’t know are worth $10 trillion and are the number 2 corporation in the world after Vanguard and hardly anyone at the top of Vanguard is known to the public, these are genuinely shadowy elite psychopaths.

        Take this as Biblical or whatever way you look at life, reality, but I’m 99.9% sure that we are living in the “Last Days” of civilisation as we know it. It’s just a question of HOW scary things will get in the next twenty years…

      • Fucking pob grove as el presidente? couldn’t be any worse than this cunt ummmmmm.

    • Much as I hate him I fear this would simply be a case of “meet the new boss, the same as the old boss”. There is no way to get the Uniparty out of power. They have made it so.

  9. Remember when the Jellyfish got the Chinky Flu, right at the beginning of the whole business? The fat cunt nearly died we were told. Thankfully he pulled through and even mentioned the nurses who had looked after him by name. Oh how we applauded the NHS every Thursday as we cowered on our doorsteps. They had saved our wonderful Prime Minister, how grateful we were.

    Fucking Bullshit!! Another production by Danny fucking Boyle. It was a con, a massive fucking fake designed to convince us that if the Jellyfish can get it anybody can. The cunt should get an Oscar for that.

    • Rumour has it that the fat sweaty arsed bastard was “drying out” from the drink.
      I’d have preferred him to have been genuinely dying out except he was never ever in any danger.
      Whatever was going on – it was just one gigantic smoke screen which unfortunately probably fooled over half the population at the time.

      Worst Prime Minister this country as had so far.

      • Boris probably got sat down in February and was told about the plandemic/scamdemic/Operation Mindfuck and he cracked up and hit the drink like Buzz Aldrin post-Moon hoax. He’s a weak cunt under all that blustering bravado, nowhere near a strong man. His hero Churchill was like that.

        Bring back Tony as PM. You know where you stand with Blairelzebub. We could, as a nation, laser-focus out hatred on him and start a revolution, but the next PM will be a bland wet-rag stooge who follows the scripts to a T, just watch…

    • FtF@ – There is a rumour that tubby Johnson was being treated for alcohol poisoning – given the physical state of him and the number of people I have seen hospitalised for the same thing I would say the symptoms appeared “very similar” (Don’t tell Fiddler I said that – he will be sending me another tinfoil hat wrapped in dogshit! ?), and the New Zealand nurse who treated him has left the NHS because she says the pay increase is “insulting”. (The lazy ungrateful bitch could always fuck off back to New Zealand).
      Yep – I would hate to get 40 grand a year for doing TikTok dances in empty wards love – it must have been awful for you!
      It is time to radically reform the Civil Service, get rid of all the sly, greasy, slimy, arrogant, bone idle cunts in charge (at all levels) who will do anything but a days fucking work.
      Fucking parasites – they would last 10 minutes on a building site before getting a right hander and their cards.

  10. Nitrous Oxide? If I’d been at that party, I would have smuggled in a gas mask, & a cylinder of Phosphene. That would have given them cunts something to laugh about.

  11. Remember also, his Sage and Onion committee who put the fear of God in us every fucking night, flooding us with their diagrams and statistics? Fucking bullshit! Half of them weren’t even medical cunts, they were “social scientists “ specialising in how to control mass behaviour. And most of them were fucking commies anyway.
    And what were the Opposition doing? Calling for longer and more stringent lockdowns that’s what. Look what that commie bastard did in Wales and that Krankie bitch in Jockland. They done us up like a kipper. I’m just glad I didn’t allow them to pump that vaccine shit into me. Fuck knows what repercussions that might have in the future.
    Bunch of cunts.

  12. The cough exposed all the governing bodies of the West for what they have become. Fucking morons with no spine , can’t even organize a piss up in a brewery.
    I never got it from day one all these places around the globe “stay indoors and wait for you chemical spike “
    In Canada you cannot travel from province to province unless you have the spike juice even today. For fucksakes what utter shits that run things everywhere

  13. The meltdown is approaching at a rate of knots and this winter coming will expose the mess they have let happen under their watch as the elite untouchable profiteer with oil ,gas and food for us to pay for the black hole they have created again.
    The system is broken but we are in denial
    Cold and hunger are a great leveler

    • Not to worry, that 95 year old bat won’t have to turn the heating off.

      No food bank for those twats…god curse them..

  14. They should all be moved to hideous urban nightmares, such as


  15. The accursed power which stands on Privilege
    (And goes with Women, and Champagne, and Bridge)
    Broke–and Democracy resumed her reign:
    (Which goes with Bridge, and Women and Champagne).

    The precise phrasing of Hilaire Belloc‘s little squib may have been outdated by the likes of Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel and Kamala Harris… but the complaint by the common voter (or disillusioned non-voter) is valid, that professional politicians live in a very comfortable club that takes care of all its members regardless of who actually wins an election; and no fundamental change occurs.

  16. I’m still in twe minds about Bozza. Part of me admires that he’s a bit of a lad, but I also know that he is a slippery, evasive and dishonest cunt.

    And the Queen’s Jubllee parade… There’s a bus from each decade. The 2020s London bus will have dark hued kids with knives, I presume.

  17. Whenever I am disappointed with Bozza, I think of what we had before him. Teresa ‘Mavis Riley’ May and pig fucker Cameron and his batty boy Clegg. Now, they fucking were bad…?

  18. Johnson wins confidence vote by 211 to 148. Unbelievable. Another year of this spastic.

    • Fucking unreal. He still has to go, step down of his own accord. The people of Britain don’t want this cavalier cunt at the helm. What a shit-show.

      • If he had even one ounce of integrity he’d be gone tonight. But he hasn’t so he’s not going anywhere. 211 “Conservative” MPs completely devoid of principle. Cunts.

  19. The closest this cunt gets to Churchill is the insurance dog. And even then I’d rather have the insurance dog as PM.

  20. Not sure if this is totally true, but I read that Boris’ Front bench consists of a right bunch of diverse international cunts:-

    – Doris born in the US
    – Wishy Washy Sunak (Chancellor) from an Indian family
    – Fatel (Home Office) ditto Indian family
    – Raab (Justice) – Czech family
    – Rabid Javid (Health) – Pakistani family
    – Boomerang Kwarteng (Business) – Ghanaian family
    – Sharma (Energy) – Indian family
    – Zahawi (Education) – Iraqi family

    • And they say “diversity is our strength?”. Bollocks bollocks bollocks.Locked room and hand grenade for the traitors.

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