
Now these are Jews I really like with their silly hats, ringlets, the gaberdine frock coat how ridiculous they look? I really like them though. Why?

Well, first and foremost, they ARE RELIGIOUS. They STUDY the Sacred Scriptures. They have a much deeper understanding of what it is to be a Jew or Jewish than your average nominal Jew.

So taking this into account let’s listen to what they have to say-

YouTube Link 1

YouTube Link 2

How refreshing to hear a soft-spoken Jew talking about his religion in terms of mercy and kindness towards others. Instead of it being full of harsh threats the whole time.
(I could of course include Islam here)

But just focusing on ‘Israel’. Even the sound of the word is harsh now, aggressive. It’s never the gentle sound of Bible passages- ‘Hear, O Israel’. But something like ‘Israel will react with full force’.

This is not the way of gentle Jews. Most Jews are very self-effacing and dont like to cause trouble. But they have been requisitioned as it were into support for Israel and they have had to become loud and boorish in their attitude/behaviour. Far from their true nature.

I was watching some evangelical church meeting once and up on their screen they announced their support for ‘ISRAEL’ in huge letters with videos of fighter jets in action. But I thought religion was supposed to be about gentleness, kindness, how to lead a good moral life, treating people with respect, bringing consolation to the bereaved that they will be with their loved ones again in Paradise.

Speaking of America.- really without the Evangelical Right I am not sure the ‘Zionist Project’ could have ever got off the ground and been sustained so long.

Quickly my point here those honestly sincere protestant folk have lost all hope in the modern world and the establishment of the ‘State of israel’ in their minds hurries the end of the world along. That is actually the mindset. Armageddon is near which cheers them up. A whole book could be written about it.



That is their calling from God. To sanctify the world by their holy lives and presence.
All this Zionism stuff was made up by nominal Jews like Theodore Hertzl. A journalist not a theologian. IT HAS NO HISTORY. To cut to the chase it is simply a ‘political project’ by secular Jews.

Even I knew that as well instinctively. That when the Jewish Messiah arrives he will gather up all the Jews and they will return to the Promised Land THEN. And only THEN. WHEN the Jewish Messiah arrives.

It is a blasphemous act for nominal secular Jews to set up a ‘state’ in someone else’s homeland and call it ‘Israel’. It is Usurping the Power of the Almighty in fact. That’s why these Orthodox Jews are so angry about it.

And it speaks of failure. There is something wrong with the Jews they cannot integrate or assimilate. But that’s not true. We are witnessing a war in the Ukraine at the moment. Ukraine where dat? The only thing I knew about Ukraine up to now was that ‘Jewish Pogroms’ took place there in the late 19th Century early 20th.

I googled the subject fully expecting to hear of the tens of thousands killed. But it wasn’t like that at all. One of them was the murder of about 10 people in a Jewish village.

My point here you know the Jews have been in Ukraine for about 1000 years. Yes there have been problems at times of emergency but there have been centuries of peaceful co-existence for the most part.

Same as Jews in Palestine before the State of Israel came into being. Yasser Arafat of all people remembered Jewish kids playing happily in the streets of his neighbourhood when he was a child. No problem he said.

Yes Jews in Egypt, Jews in Iran, Jews all over the place living quiet dignified lives no trouble to their neighbours.

OK Europe. Once again it is the same as in Ukraine. Yes you do read of them being kicked out of a country. Yes often because of unscrupulous leaders wanting their money. But the fact that they were prosperous shows they had been in the country many years. They had established themselves I mean. Of course there was always the threat of antisemitic violence. But my point is there will be loads and loads of example of peaceful co-existence down the ages.

Maybe what I am trying to downplay here is ‘blood libel’ and ‘Christ killers’ things I AM SURE THAT IT HAPPENED. That those slurs were used by malign people but it wasn’t ALL about that. I am sure it wasn’t.

Nazism. And the rise of Adolph Hitler. Now what I want to emphasise here is the INSANITY of National Socialism. The Aryan Race and all that. The Jews weren’t to be part of the new Germany. But the Jews had been were very much part of Germany for many generations. All were living together quite contentedly.

Germany went stark raving mad under Hitler. Every right thinking person would agree.
But Hitler in a sense won. I mean Hitlerian ideas won with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Hitler won in the sense that Jews cannot mix in normal society can they? We all know that. They have to be put somewhere or killed. The Nazis decided to kill them. Insanity as I say. But the establishment of the state of Israel

FOLLOWS THAT THINKING. We cannot get on with other people so lets put ourselves in Palestine. Lets pretend that the Messiah has arrived and get all the Jews from disparate parts of the world and set up a ‘state’ in Palestine and call it ‘Israel’.
That is basically insane. But it has happened.
Like Nazism was insane. But it happened.

The establishment of the State of Israel has upset Jewish/Gentile relations all over the world.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

100 thoughts on “Zionism

  1. Excellent post Miles, but a bit high brow for me.

    However, I would like to learn Hebrew, – all in Jew course.

  2. Less people have died in all the wars fought over a century, over Zionism and Israel, than died in one year in the War in Iraq.

    • Hundreds of thousands died in the formation of the religious state of Pakistan. Never a whisper about that .

      • Not forgetting the 20,000,000 Indians displaced from their homes in order to create Pakistan.

      • There’s also the fact that the Kurds were promised their own state but that never came to fruition.

        The treatment which the Kurds (an actual ethnicity) have had at the hands of the Turks and the Iraqis has been just as, or potentially even more heinous than the treatment of the Palestinians (who were actually offered a homeland and sovereignty but refused both).

      • Also the expulsion of about 1,000,000 Jews from their homes across the Arab world after 1948, only a few thousand left in those countries now – that’s real ethnic cleansing.

      • ‘Also the expulsion of about 1,000,000 Jews…’

        Really? That many? Mmm…

        But that just makes my point again. Those Jew were probably living contentedly in those Arab coutries until the Establishment of the State of Israel fucked it all up.

        If course I wont say there were no problems with Jews in Arab countries but tge FACT that they were there speaks itself that they had prospered or lived harmoniously with ghe indegdnoys popjlztion fir msny cdntyries..

        I remdmber someone commenting on how ‘Israel ‘rescued’ black Jews in Ethopia a frew years back. My first thought-But why did tgey need to be ‘rescued’ from people they had kived with for centuries?

        Talming if rescues. I’ve got to say that the ‘rescue’ of Jewish orphans in Ukraine sickened me a bit.
        The Israelis went there to rescue only Jewish children it seems. Mahbe there might have been Christian orphans needed rescuing as well.

        Its all gone tits up Tits since 1948.

  3. Miles, thou speak’st the right of it! I would not perhaps have been so charitble.

    Bit rich though of rabbi Feldman to be kvetching an a’ bitchin’ about THEIR being censored though… he’s still on feckin’ youtube ffs!

    • I dont mind Jews,
      “Morning jew!”
      I say cheerfully.

      As a racist I should really put the effort in,
      But just cant muster any hatred towards the jews,
      I keep thinking of Gene Wilder and how dissapointed hed be in me if I was antiseptic.

      Besides I wish Israel all the best in its fight with Palestine,

      Palestinians are moaning carpet kisser cunts beloved of lefties.

      Fuck Palestine.
      Human cockroaches.

      • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – my generous offer of a discounted trip to Cliffords Tower was rather rudely rejected by the Jewish Council Of Great Britain – ungrateful fkers!
        I know a lot of Jews, they are all sound but I never forget that they regard non Jews as sub human and useful idiots for Jewish greed.
        And, BOY is there a lot of Jewish greed.
        In the 1920’s and 30’s the rich Jews fled Nazi Germany and Austria, abandoning any who did not have enough to the horrific fate they KNEW would unfold, they moved to America and used US money and military firepower to steal a piece of land and call it “Israel”.
        I would still take a Jew over a muslim though, and a dreadful confession – I find trashy big mouth Morticia Adams impersonator and professional Jew Laura Loomer to be rather stimulating – I can imagine it now – “say the words I love big boy!”
        “OK then – I’m a cosmetic surgeon with interests in real estate!”
        “Oooh, that gets me every time!”

      • Alright Foxy?

        You cunts in York have a bad track record when it comes to the welfare of jewish people!!

        No way id let you plan my Bar mitzvah.

  4. Not sure where this was going.
    However, I take issue with religion being about mercy. This is demonstably untrue of the Abrahamic cults. Modern Christianity may have tempered from the pogrom times but Islam is very much about hate and rigidity. There can be no Islamic enlightenment because enlightened ones are eliminated.
    I dont believe anti-semitism is about Israel. It would still be around without it. The Jews, particularly the secular Jews are over-achievers in every field which leads to resentment on the left particularly. Islam seems to hate Jews wherever they are. Perhaps because their cult is a copy? Who knows.
    Years ago I lived in a Jewish area. Salford 7. I must admit that I didnt take to the Hassidic lot, but then my Jewish friends didnt like them either.
    The problem for me is the doctrine of religions in general. As a lapsed Catholic I found religion to be illogical at an early age. I have no faith but have no problem with those that have as long as it isnt rammed down your throat or is incompatible with western values, which of couse, I accept were derived from Christianity.

  5. The creation of modern Israel was a mistake. It has caused a lot of misery. But okay, the Jews got their homeland, but are they happy? No. They want MORE land, “Greater Israel”.


    No one else gets away with having ideas like this, ie. expanding their territory into other peoples’ lands. But this is the goal of Zionists. So, yes, Zionists are cunts. Founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl was a cunt. Some people are never satisfied with what they have.

  6. They should have dumped the cunts in the middle of the ex third Riech after WW2

    • Yes, the Jews should have been given 50,000 sq. km of land (around the size of Denmark) in Germany in 1948 not in Palestine. Palestinians had fuck all to do with anything, why did they have to suffer this? At least with Germany, you can say, “this country did wrong and this should be the re-compensation, ie. substantial land.”

      But the way things are right now, it will all end in tears.

  7. “I went to see that Schindler’s List film, the other week.
    A mate of mine said: you better take a box of tissues, Chubs!”.

    The lying cunt! Mind you, there was that scene in the showers!”

    ©️Royston Vasey

  8. Like many other religious types there are hard line Jews, I remember many years ago the bullshit about women not being allowed to leave the house on the sabbath so to modernise they put up poles or plinths in the neighbourhood so women could go out on on the sabbath as long as they stayed within the confines of the bits of wood.
    Fucking enlightenment ?

    All religions are full of shit, some like Islam more than others, as for Israel, yes they are cunts just like the fucking Arabs, I am not a supporter of Israel but their tough stance against the Palestinians in required otherwise the place would be even more chaotic.

    I appreciate Miles trying to defend religion, but I am afraid until they just believe in their Gods without getting all touchy about it they can fuck off.

    • Eruv wires, put up around a Jewish area to accommodate their bonkers religion. I fucking live inside one and there are a couple of Jews paid 30k (I’m told) per annum to check the wires are intact otherwise the whole designated area becomes invalid. Just another of their OCD habits.

  9. I wonder if things would have turned out ok if they’d been found a homeland in some under utilised part of the good old US of A.

    • “if I dont steal it someone else is going to steal it”….

      • That has to be the worst justification I’ve ever heard.
        I thought it was a joke at first.
        Fat cunt.

    • That Jew looked very dangerous to me. I bet his krav maga skills are deadly.

    • Fucking wrong! The fat fuck should have been wearing a sponsored Veolia T shirt! That would have said it all! Cunts!

    • One of my favourite clips; the cunt has an american accent to his yabble so obviously recently ‘ingathered’ or fleeing a sex abuse case (cough…cough…Les Wexner!) on dual nationality and ‘right of return’! Always the serious possibility that the despicable fat cunt will be back with a bulldozer and 20 IDF.

  10. Some of the biggest haters of Zionism are untra orthodox Jews. It’s not so much about religion it’s about control of the state and those within it. In fact the hard core jewish orthodox often side with the treatment of Palestinians….
    Despite my rather German name my Grandfather was a Jewish holocaust survivor.
    He hated what Israel had become and was vocal about the fascist nature of the post war Jewish Government.

    How do you get a Jewish girls phone number.
    Look at her wrist.
    How do you pick up a Jewish girl.
    Dust pan and brush…

    • i couldn’t finish as i was approached by two people who wanted to talk about religion, I swear
      had the day off was down by the city river in glorious sunshine with my can of ipa and fags. i only have the one can for medicinal purposes.
      anyway he was from Minnesota about 25 age and she was from Derry about 19 staying at the Fransicans retreat
      i replied why don’t we talk about the city instead
      i spent three quarters of an hour talking to them explaining the city and its workings and told them to look up jordan peterson latest videos on the good book
      it was refreshing the conversation as they also believed that kids should not be subject to gender studies and there is only man and woman
      the bloke also made his point that “isn’t it interesting that Jordan Peterson found God through science
      they work in the toughest areas of the town, god bless em
      it was strange and i liked them

      • it certainly was Le cunt . maybe they had intel that i was posting on ISAC and tried to save me from myself
        anyway they said they would pray for me , i just hope its not followed by me having a heart attack or something

  11. Like many other religious types there are hard line Jews, I remember many years ago the bullshit about women not being allowed to leave the house on the sabbath so to modernise they put up poles or plinths in the neighbourhood so women could go out on on the sabbath as long as they stayed within the confines of the bits of wood.
    Fucking enlightenment ?

    All religions are full of shit, some like Islam more than others, as for Israel, yes they are cunts just like the fucking Arabs, I am not a supporter of Israel but their tough stance against the Palestinians in required otherwise the place would be even more chaotic.

    I appreciate Miles trying to defend religion, but I am afraid until they just believe in their Gods without getting all touchy about it they can fuck off.

    • In the middle/dark ages, fine. No fucker knew any better.
      But in 2022, anyone who still believes in any religion has a spasticity of the mind commensurate with believing a man can be a woman just by saying that he is.

      • Yes religion was a useful tool to control the great unwashed but you would think by now people would see the light.

        The Muslims are without doubt the dumbest cunts on Earth.

  12. If people look at historic maps they would see that Israel had most of the land. I think they are well in their rights to defend their land. After all, if it was all gone where else they going to live? I genuinely don’t understand these free Palestine retoric.

    Also their Military is fantastic and Tel’Aviv is a right party town. Imagine that is the other parts of Palestine, you’d have your hands off. Christian and Jews are very aligned and that goes for Christians of the darker tanned type who constantly get slaughtered.

    For me I’d much rather be a Zionist. Just wish they’d take Temple Mount back.

  13. I simply cannot fathom how adults can believe in all this religious bollocks. I was born in 1951 and as was the custom at the time attended church every Sunday. When I was about thirteen years old realised this was just another fairy tale along with all my contemporaries.
    A few years ago I answered a knock at the front door to be greeted by two earnest young Scottish women who were peddling god.
    “Do you believe in god?”
    “Did you ever believe in god?”
    The women get a glint in their eye.
    “When did you stop believing in god?”
    “About the same time I gave up belief in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy.”
    The women appear puzzled and shortly depart.

    • I’m Agnostic because I don’t want to go to church because frankly it’s a waste of time and unproductive. I also run the risk of getting bummed by the clergy.

      I however respect people’s rights to go to church and would never want to get rid of religion, I pray sometimes in bed, don’t bother anyone by doing it and doesn’t infringe people’s liberties or aggitate people on the street.

  14. In response to this utter drivel, I would like to point people in the direction of this video:


    (I’m posting this because my first post had 2 links but was sent into moderation).

    The original post might make it through moderation eventually but this single link should still get the point across.

  15. Reading between he likes this nom seems like it’s partially an attack of the dirty proddies by a Catholic, maybe I’m wrong. The trouble with Abrahamic religion is it’s main purpose is to do down the other branches of Abrahamic religion.

    Fuck off the lot of them!

    Politics dressed in cassocks, do I give a fuck if Israel exists? Do I care if Palestine ever existed as a nation or a people? Do I care if many Jews are descendants of Ukrainian tribes that converted to Judaism out of convenience hundreds of years ago?

    Nope, no fucks are given.

    It all stems from cunts being cunts and cuntishness afflicts all creeds, colours and religion. If Israel didn’t exist humanity would create an alternative to further its cultish needs. Cuntishness creates its own focal points to give cunts an excuse to be bigger cunts.

    Here endeth the sermon!

  16. The schwartzers hate the jews – the jews are the antithesis of the blacks.

    I stopped going to church because of Justin Welby. I also feel a hypocrite if I go as I hate immigrants.

  17. Nothing to do with Israel or Zionism.

    NB Beware of dropping your soap in the showers at Blackpool FC

  18. Hitler won? What absolute bollocks. Seeing as his goal was to rid the world of Jews, I think he fell well short of the mark.
    The kicker is, that if he hadn’t have started on the Jews, some of the best and brightest wouldn’t have been driven to the allies, or murdered, and they could have developed the atomic bomb before the allies, and what then?
    Plus, those Jews before persecution were proud Germans, who answered the call during the First World War, and would have done so in the second.
    Stupid Nazis.
    As for not being allowed to live anywhere other than Israel? Apart from minor worries about competing religious maniacs and far right skum, there are people of Jewish faith in most parts of the world.

    • 260,000 Jews in England – the 2nd largest Jewish population in Europe after France. And fifth largest worldwide.

      PS. far-right and hard-left scum: two cheeks of the same flabby arse.

      • And they are more than welcome here, it’s their home. But the people who live on Israel is their home too.

      • Agree. But unfortunately Hamas, Iran, etc, don’t see it that way. They want to see Israel and its inhabitants wiped off the map.

      • Well obviously. It’s no difference between anyone with borders hence why I voted out the EU. Trade would be borderless if it wasn’t for political fuckwhitttery.

    • Fritz Haber considered himself German before Jewish. He headed the “Stinkpioneren”, who used chlorine gas as a weapon for the first time in WWI.
      By WWII, the Nazis didn’t want to know Haber, and look where the gas idea went…

      • Oh it is what is it is. Let’s just all the British get gassed because they don’t like us anyway. I ain’t bothered. At least people can rest in peace.

  19. Interesting post Miles and I quite liked the read. I personally know of no Jew who wishes violence, even “to an enemy”. The Global Politicization of the historic origins of the Tribes of Israel has caused a significant polarization within the arab world. It pleases the key players to maintain this state of affairs to the detriment of both Jew and Gentile (Inc Islamist ) it is relevant that pre Balfour, the tribal disputes were indeed minimal and the Jew ( largely) Tolerated as much as any non muslim could be.. interesting situation and with no clear solution due to the now entrenchment of superior forces.

    • I am sure they lived more harmoniously back then.
      8 mean befir this thing was created. Sure there will have been tensions but not like it is now.

      Just been reading about the funeral of that Al Jazeera journalist. A Christian Palestinian. Anyway there has been violence at the funeral. Grief upon grief.

      Did the Israelis have to go in…bit heavy handed as usual.

      • We still don’t know who shot her though. The palestinians were very quick to take her body away for burial, before an investigation could be carried out. Yes, she was Christian, so there was no religious obligation to bury her asap after death.
        Seems like they have something to hide, after all, it wouldn’t be the first time they have killed their own and tried to blame the Israelis.

  20. Of course there is this:

    Without the state of Israel the Middle East would be a paradise of peace and tranquility.

    • The land of magic carpets and Ali Baba
      i preferred it when hollywood told us the stories

      • bearing in mind that I have previously made it quite clear that I am a jew, would anyone like to change their opinion?

    • Was the Iran / Iraq war about Judaism?
      Are Sunni vs Sheiiite? branches of Judaism?


  21. Ultra orthodox Jews do not speak for the majority of the world’s Jewish population.
    They might not believe in the existence of Israel until the coming of the Messiah, but thousands of them live there, leeching off of the state, taking benefits for their huge families and religious schools, and providing nothing in return.
    If they hate Israel so much, then they are free to pack their bags and piss off. The country would be better off without them. Perhaps they could try their luck in Gaza, they might last five minutes before the palestinians tear them apart.

  22. Speaking as someone with a Jewish mother ( and a Catholic father) I can tell you there are many views on Israel within the Jewish community – some pro, some anti and some indifferent.

    Zionism is always going to be a contentious topic because of the Arabs that were displaced by it. And I think it’s legitimate to be critical of Israel, as long as those criticising it judge it by the same standards as they judge other countries and don’t come at it from a stance of anti- semitism.

    Interestingly some of the fiercest critics of Israel are ultra- Orthodox Jews. They see it as a betrayal because for them Zion has to be a messianic religious community ushered in by the messiah and not a modern secular state, which is what Israel is. But Israel is here to stay and I hope at some stage we can see some sort of reconciliation or compromise in the Holy Land. But I’m not holding my breath.


  23. A very well written observation Miles in fairness
    My hometown has history in this and to further ones insight
    look up “History Ireland The Limerick program,1904”
    i don’t do links but its a very interesting read and one from the times that they were
    Marks and spence never forgot and as a result never opened a branch in the city still to this day

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