White, Male, Privileged – The New Disadvantaged

A massive boohoo, followed by a traditional chorus of ” who do you think you are?”

Daily Mail News Link

Oh the poor puppies. They have stopped sucking Nannies tit ( not Mums, she doesn’t want her figure ruined), been packed off to school at 7, made friends with the sons of some of the richest and most privileged people on earth, oh my, the horror!

And now their spawn are there, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for them?

I think I’ll take a pass.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

33 thoughts on “White, Male, Privileged – The New Disadvantaged

  1. They could always try living in a damp mouldy flat, doing a factory job on minimum wage for fifty years then retiring to a life of poverty as every feral snowflake wants them dead.
    I do not mind wealth – I DESPISE rich whiners.
    Get down the Amazon warehouse for a few shifts, cunts – that will soon shut you up.

    • Deadarsed cum puppets that need a good horse rogering.
      Every cunt loather has a photo of these shitmeisters on their dart board.
      They’ll get a shock when poor cunts spend a penny on their pretty little heads.

  2. Sorry, original link no longer available, try this.

    (Link updated. Thanks. – Day Admin)

    • What do you mean by “And now their spawn are there, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for them?”

      The whole point of this story seems to be that “their spawn” are NOT there. (From the working Daily Mail link, it appears to be about “positive” discrimination against privately educated white boys, meaning they DO NOT get a place at Cambridge).

      Perhaps you meant something else altogether? Bit cryptic.

      • You pedantic cunt !
        Just embrace the hostility before you’re totally cunted by the elites you daft cunt.

      • ” packed off to school”
        And now finding that being educated ( ha!) at Eton et al does not give them automatic entry to the dreaming spires, as it once did.
        Their spawn are at Paters school, not Paters University.
        I hope this makes it clear, Ewan Kerr.

  3. Oh dear the very same posh, rich wokies who are always pontificating about raaaaay-sism, diversity, equality, white supremacy blah blah are now whining because those principles are being applied and they are losing out. Mtembe, son of an Umbongo chief has nicked their place at Oxbridge. Oh how my fucking heart bleeds.
    It was supposed to be the working class who pay the price for our wonderfully diverse society not the poshos. Somebody has fucked up somewhere.

    • It’s about time these entitled cunts discovered that, when the time comes, they will not be immune. To anything. Perhaps they will now shut the fuck up.

    • FtF@ – All I can say is “ha fucking ha rich white traitors – welcome to exactly the kind of discrimination white working class boys have faced since well before I was born”.
      Couldn’t have happened to a nicer set of cunts – and it will be so funny when Tarquin and Rupert return from contributing to their local branch of BLM to find Umbongo from Bongo Bongo land has got their job.

      • Feel the same way. They can all go and live and work in Newham. Embrace the cultural enrichment.

  4. I always fancied myself as a sort of Sebastian Flyte character-walking round with a teddy bear on my arm, or riding through the streets in a horse and carriage with false beard and moustache.

    Yes arriving like that at my seat of learning-Barnsley College my fantasy.

    In the the refectory ours the only table with plovers’ eggs on a nest of moss.

    I am sure I have aristocratic blood in me from somewhere.

    • Fuck me Miles!

      You ARE Stephen Morrissey and I claim my red white & blue vinyl picture disc of “The Queen is Dead”.

      • Barnsley, in those days, was still a city of aquatint… her autumnal mists, her grey spring-time, and the rare glory of her summer days … when the chestnut was in flower and the bells rang out high and clear over her gables and cupolas, exhaled the soft airs of centuries of youth.

      • Hahaha ??
        That made me laugh.
        Nice one miles .

        I’ve always considered myself a misplaced aristocratic fop too .

      • “Eeee lad, thy teddybears right gradely.
        Thee from Barnsley?”

    • MP@ – I used to run a martial arts club in Barnsley “sports centre” as it was optimistically called – pretty handy those Barnsley lads!
      They might not take kindly to you wafting abaaht with a teddy bear though!

    • The only blood you will have is when so Sebastian who is into bumfoolery will be from a torn rectum, don’t do it miles!!

    • Just make sure you vomit through a cunts window , or preferably on a cunt while you fellate a MiddleTemple Judges moll of a daughter.
      And don’t apologise for it either.
      The feckless tart should be honoured to receive regurgitated Plovers Eggs.

  5. It seems that the war against the white male is now impacting the posh boys, maybe it’s time for the posh boys to use their power or paters power to say fuck off to the woke who are determined to destroy the fabric of our country.
    Ok, not much sympathy for people with incredible wealth but just aiming at quotas of all kinds of feral cunts in preference to white posh or poor is a fucking disgrace.

    White boys, too posh or too poor to go to Oxbridge ?

    PS, I bet they aren’t excluding overseas students from the very rich in preference for umbongo who has to walk 20 miles a day for a gallon of muddy water.

  6. I didn’t know class war was alive and well on this website, I had to check the picture in the nomination to make sure it wasn’t where I was educated. Maybe Dick supplied the photograph.

    I was trying to sell a bit of leather to Doc Martens a few years ago when the factory manager mentioned he went to school near where I had been, it turned out we had both been to the same place. “Didn’t you have a fantastic time there?” he said “No not really” I replied, “cold showers, a freezing swimming pool in May, cross country runs, 3 or 4 rolls calls a day, a beating offence if you missed one, and a not very high grade of academic achievement resulting in me, maintaining school tradition and failing my A levels”
    “What about all the shagging down in bluebell wood?” he asked. I was genuinely shocked and said that chaps like us never mentioned that sort of thing and it was something in the past. “There were girls there when I got there” he replied.

  7. Just white n*ggers.

    The dispossessed and now angry.
    Angry young men with double barrel names.

    Rupert hates father scrawled on a wall,
    What are you rebelling against Rupert?

    “Whatever ones got,
    I’m destruit Omnia…’

  8. the issue is just swapping one privilege (a better schooling) for another (being a sootay). From my, admittedly limited, experience, a lot of private school kids are not privileged, but their parents make huge sacrifices to make sure their kids don’t end up in a sink school. There are also many hard-working black and asian kids. The reality is that Oxbridge will take in more back and asian kids from private schools (as the others from shit state schools can’t hack it academically). It’s just more virtue signalling.

    Oh, and by the way, there are a girls and boys grammar school near me. The girls’s school is about 98% asian and the boys school 100%. Nobody complains about the lack of white kids. This directly shows how white kids are disadvantaged.

  9. It’ll get worse as we won’t need so many universities in the future, what with all those doctors, scientists and architects getting off the dinghies every day.
    Makes you proud that all those highly qualified people all want to come here.

  10. Entrance to university should be on merit alone regardless of school background.

    I was educated in a state grammar school ( Buckinghamshire kept the 11 plus and still does) and went to Cambridge where I met plenty of top public school types. Many of them were very clever and deserved to be there on merit. But a good many, quite a lot in fact, we’re lazy, entitled and as thick as two short planks. They were there because of the old school tie. That’s not right – their places should be given to those that deserve it from the state sector.

    So I have little sympathy for public school types bleating about this as they have gamed the system for too long.

    • Race now trumps merit everytime. Only a matter of time before Mtebe gets a nobel prize for building with Lego.

      • Wouldn’t surprise me at all Cunstable. After all, the EU got the Noble Peace Prize despite contributing FA towards peace.

      • The cynic in me thinks the only reason Barry Obummer received a Nobel prize was because of his skin tone.

  11. Fuck the lot of them. The Downing St and Whitehall cunts are all of this ilk. Fucking oxygen thieves. Fast tracked Rastus from Peckham with his GCSE in woodwork couldnt be worse.

  12. Who gives a fuck about Oxford and Cambridge…..they are full of chippy Grammar school types, homosexuals,ethnics and “on the spectrum” weirdos.

    The Agricultural College at Cirencester is where the decent class of student goes to further his/her education…less chance of uppity council-school types spoiling the atmosphere.

    Oxford and Cambridge are just pandering to the jealous types who always want to pull down the Best in Society to their own mediocre,mundane level. Reverse snobbery of the most churlish type.

  13. Bollocks to these wealthy entitled pricks. They did not utter a fucking word of protest when my white working-class tribe. Was eradicated and ethnically replaced in the east end of London by millions of subcontinent and African cunts. These spineless Hooray Henry’s thought they were safe and exempt from the diversity pox that the rest of us have to live with. Well bend over Tristram, Tarquin and Sebastian it’s now your turn to take it up the shitter. Keep smiling now Mummy & Daddy really love you.

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