An app that lets you message anyone, make calls free of charge, send photos, videos, files and even other apps instantly.
So what’s not to like?
Well WhatsApp has a setting that allows a user to turn off their ‘read receipts’.
The sender of information can see that their stuff has been received by showing 2 grey ticks.
When those ticks turn blue the sender knows that their message has been read by the recipient.
But more and more people seem to have discovered that you can stop your sender from knowing that you have read the messages by turning off ‘read receipts’.
What sort of stupid fucking feature is that, and why the fuck would anyone want to use it?
By using it you are effectively saying that either you are far too busy to read anything that someone has sent you, or you just want to give the illusion that you are far too busy to read anything that someone has sent you.
It’s cuntish ignorance.
I’m a busy person. Far busier than the majority of cunts that I send important information to who have their ‘read receipts’ turned off.
I always acknowledge messages as soon as I can.It’s the polite thing to do.
More and more WhatsApp users are fucking cunts.
Nominated by: The Artful Cunter
I guess it’s a case of being a Cunt and not bothering to reply can now be hid. Only a total Cunt would do this. If you don’t wish to talk with somebody then just deleted them. Don’t pretend not to read their conversation. Cunt
Dunno, this nom sounds a bit needy.
The world is swirling down the shitter. Not because of this though.
Fuck WhatsCraap. Who needs it. I prefer Royal Mail or even a carrier pidgin to their invasive technology, which never leaves you alone or gives you a moments peace.
Sorry, but I loved it recently. In March my wife went to see family in Brisbane for 3 weeks and it was lovely to video call her for free for an hour at a time. The setting is meaningless to me and I deleted the app once she returned.
I’m not sure which is worse : seeing that the other person has read your message but can’t be arsed to reply, or not knowing if they’ve received it because they don’t want you to know.
All social media is shit
What’s App is complete shit
Instant gratification for arseholes…
It’s a fucking disgrace….I have no idea if Gemma has opened my latest Dick-pic until the Police arrive.
I’ve had confirmation from Gemma.
She said she received it but couldn’t see anything.
She said she’d rather dine out on a Goblin meat pudding.
You think that’s bad? I accidentally sent video footage of me on the receiving end of what the Courts politely refer to as an ‘act of oral love’ to everyone in my address book! Cost me a bloody fortune in stamps
I’m not sure about this one. It’s certainly good to know that an important email has been acknowledged by a recipient, but not so much of a worry if a ‘friend’ hasn’t read a crappy joke for example. And there’s another thing, the difference between friends and acquaintances. Can we all honestly tell the difference nowadays? And if it’s that vital, can a good old telephone call not suffice?
The world of social media knows enough about individuals as it is, without knowing precisely when you viewed a picture of a pair of tits sent by a mate. They’ll be telling people how long and where you wanked over it next.
Never heard of it, till now.
Something else that, after reading the nomination, I am glad has passed me by?
Just slightly off topic is the belief of councils that we all have sophisticated mobile phones so that we can use an app to pay at their car parks.
These are the same cunts who print notices in a dozen plus languages in the name of diversity.
When are the white, 60 year old plus section of the population Going to be catered for?
Councils have all the modern means available now to pay their fucking charges whatever they maybe, yet the carpark machines are still unable to dispense change >50 bastard years after men landed on the moon. (Allegedly)
Guzziguy@ Don’t get me started on pedantic fkin “Councils” after I recently arrived at the Humber Bridge to find it was only taking card payments – 60 miles added to my fking trip!
Never used it so can’t comment.
WhatsApp is for people who are to fuckin tight to pay 30p to send a picture by phone.
The poundshop Martin Lewis,
Who wants you to look at something but doesn’t want to risk spending a third of a quid.
It’s mainly Scottish and Jewish people that use WhatsApp.
My friend sends me an excellent stream of homophobic racist and a selection of obscene pictures. What’s not to like?
Mnc@ 30P? 30P? Bollocks to that – I will just send a portrait of my cock on a national tour!
Some folks have money to burn..
I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment of this nom.
By swiping down from the top of the screen you can actually see previews or at least part of a sender’s message and I think this is a technical flaw in the app itself.
One particular case for me was a spoilt rotten little wanker who used to work with me and he used to basically and deliberately ignore messages if he wasn’t getting the answer or response he wanted.
Safe to say the ignorant obnoxious little bastard was soon out on his ear.
I don’t mind WhatsApp in all fairness but the whole read receipt blue ticks feature is a certainly a haven for exposing cuntishness.
Good Morning
WhatsApp, owned by Facebook (or Meta Inc. as they now try to hide under). That tells you all you need to know about what is wrong with it and the majority of people who use it. Just another money making tool for Zuckerberg.
Exactly right, Dickie. The not-that-long-ago change to WhatsApp’s privacy policy was beyond obnoxious. FecesBook is basically a spying platform designed to harvest your personal data, contacts, preference, site visits, etc. and then sell/manipulate them to make that cunt Zuckdick even richer. WhatsApp is just an extension of that. Use it at your peril.
I used to use it, but switched to Signal ages ago. It’s totally encrypted, safer, doesn’t spy and isn’t owned by corrupt Silicon Valley cunts.
I appreciate that it’s not important to see if someone has read the hilarious joke you have sent them, or viewed the disgusting porn photo sent.
But I am in business and I don’t send rubbish to friends, mainly because I have no friends.
This would be my normal type of message……
“Good morning Mr Punter.
Here are our bank details for your transfer of funds.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Thank you in advance”
Sending information like this is an excellent feature.
If the punter had to write the information himself from a phone call then mistakes are inevitable.
I can see that the message has been received but whether it is read is hidden from me.
It’s a secret.
The result is that I end up having to phone the daft cunt anyway.
Mel Blanc sent his dermatologist a picture of a wart on his bellend.
WhatsApp doc..
Don’t use.Pile of dog turd.
The latest Viz has ‘the dick pic of Dorian Grey’ So whatever this is was around in Victorian times.
I use semaphore.
I don’t know what this What’s app thing is, I’ve heard about it, that’s about it.
I like to stay in the stone age where I belong.
I wouldn’t be worried if people hadn’t read my messages, and as for looking for message read receipts, I couldn’t be bothered personally.
I think that people are generally paranoid about being popular these days, especially the nippers, checking their phones every minute. This ‘phone glued to hand behaviour’ is not good for the youngsters minds.
I don’t mind not being popular. I have my ever decreasing, ageing circle of small friends, and that will do me. I’d hate to be too popular.
It works both ways, if you activate this you too will be unable to tell if your messages were read.
If you want incognito scroll Fownhope from the top of your home page and the full message is there without acknowledgement of being read.
That’s 5 pounds each member who reads this please.
Good morning and bollocks.
Scroll DOWN not Fownhope you cunting cuntox sack of shit spell check, what are you Nigerian?
Swipe down even, Jesus wept.
Fownhope. Sounds like a budget mobile phone provider.
Always dreamed of owning that Doro?
Fear not Fownhope have affordable solutions for you.
No big surprise that the likes of Google and Meta have datacentres with storage arrays running into the terabytes, petabytes and exabytes. And now there’s a heavy demand to upscale to yottabyte storage arrays (in binary that’s 2 to the power of 80 zeros, or in decimal 10 to the power of 20 zeros)
This vast storage is used for cloud services, streaming and other data gathering, mostly from social media sites and apps such as WhatsApp.
It’s no secret that America’s NSA have their own vast datacentres that data-mine personal data (GDPR rules do not apply in the States) from those same apps and sites. WhatsApp, is one of the largest and mostly deeply mined, and as such poses a massive vulnerability to your personal information being redirected and analysed for “security” purposes.
Plus they have a way of reading your data without triggering return receipts or any form of acknowledgement in the data logs that your emails and text messages have been read.
Scary days
I use WhatsApp, it’s easy and convenient and only to friends and family (and a neighbour) the problem with turning off read receipts is it turns everyone off. If you want to read something without the sender knowing just turn off ‘t’internet’ and read it.
I utilise a piece of software called ‘Hidden’, it lets me view all messages, whatever the app, without having to open them, and without the sender receiving a ‘read/viewed’ notification.
Gives me time to think of an excuse if I need to reply to the inane drivel that mostly infests my inbox.
It’s not called ‘Hidden’, it’s called ‘Unseen’.
What a cunt I am.
I like and use WhatsApp quite often. It’s great for work, a customer can send photos of an issue before I visit, and I can send photos of my work to landlords on completion, all free, and instant.
It’s the only messaging service I use, don’t use Faceache or Twatter , or Instagram.
I have no idea why anyone would use the apps tool to hide a read message receipt, apart from just being monumental cunts.
WhatsApp is great. Its handy for keeping in touch with mates, especially those on shifts or living in a different time zone.
I thought it had end to end incryption?
Not that I give a fuck, if someone is interested in my meagre uninteresting existence, then there isn’t much worth worrying over in the world.
Probably safer than posting on here. ?
WhatsApp Cunts? Sounds like the sort of thing the world famous Harvey ‘window licker’ Price would come out with on daytime TV!
I miss the olden days before this shite and the booze was cheaper too.
Yes, breaking down and looking for a phone box to ring the gaffer. Sometimes walking miles.
Knocking on house doors asking to borrow tools and stuff.
Pubs full, and if you didn’t get there before 7 you wouldn’t get a chair.
Strip nights at truckstops in the 70’s and 80’s. Cheap booze, proper food, and a good old piss-up and chinwag with other drivers. I miss the old, simple days.
At Widnes truckstop one stripper took my glasses off, rubbed them round her cunt and then put them back on my head.
If I could bring back the good old days, I would. It sounds an old cliche, but life was so much simpler and better.
The 50’s were a bit crap for me. I was living like a peasant. Most of my money I had to give to my mum.
Mrs Bamboo sends me a couple of pictures to keep me interested ??
Usually of what I’m having for my tea ??
You dirty minded lot ??
My ex and I communicate via wotsap. Never really thought of other implications.
BTW, the bird in the header can suck my dick any time.
You bad lad ??
I don’t get the need for Whats App. You have mobile phone, Skype, SMS texting, Fuckbook with its Instant Messenger, an actual landline, email, Twitter, actual letters/mail. What is this shit for?