Today’s Youth

The children of the revolution.

It has appeared to me the immortal T-Rex song from 1973 has finally been proven to be pure nonsense!

?you won’t fool the children of the revolution?

Well apparently within 2 generations they have managed to do this, the “yoof” make up the largest proportion of the 48% who voted to keep EU domination upon these islands, purely through selfish desires and ambition.

You hear these spoilt fuckers groan with every statement beginning with either “I” or “my”. They seem to think the world is all about them, with the occasional act of faux outrage and social justice bullshit.

Back in 1975 it was completely the opposite with the young rejecting globalisation, and believing in sovereignty and British values, how the fuck did we get to the point where the young no longer rebel against their masters?

I personally believe cunters that this is the root of the problem we experience today, the globalist cancer has continued to grow apace, now it’s metastasised and it’s all down hill from now on.

There are obviously exceptions to this with the rural youth being conservative and pro capitalist, but they are the minority. The apparently “educated” have fucked this country with faux idealism and folly, which can now never be reversed.

A bleak outlook you may say, but an honest one!!!

Nominated by: Captain Quimson

(Edited slightly for clarity – Day Admin)

78 thoughts on “Today’s Youth

  1. Totally agree captain. Fucking hate 12 to 25 year olds thick as fuck moan about everything and incapable of rational independent thought. What to do with them is the problem!!
    Answers on a post card.

    • Perhaps we could introduce them into the food chain as some ‘vegan’ delicacy, nobody need know.

      • As none of them seem to object to Slimification, I would suggest halal slaughter.

    • Welsh slate quarry. Bus them in on a Sunday night. Wake up in the dormitories at 6.30 am brekkie at 7 start at 7.30, work through until 6 pm with 2 half-hour breaks. Repeat until Friday evening. Overnight bus home that drops them off at a big car park Saturday morning.. it’s the same treatment i’m proposing for the long-term unemployed.

  2. “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannise their teachers.”

    Socrates (470-399BC)

    Freedom for East Anglia (Queensland Branch).

    • Woe betide anyone caught scoffing French Fancies round at Fiddler’s…

  3. Todays Yoofs are fucking pansies ( often literally) and scared of their own shadows. 25 years of Marxist and Woke indoctrination in schools and, unfortunately in universities, has led to a mental degeneration which bodes I’ll for the future. The only way to make things better is to purge schools, cultural institutions and the media.

  4. Can’t say I’m too surprised

    Today’s kids are the Generation As, from the parents of Generation Zoomers, and from them the Millennial Generation. And we all know how cuntish the Millennials are with their air of self-entitlement and “No one says ‘No’ to Me” attitude.

    Each successive Generation has become ever-more entitled, arrogant, selfish, outspoken, mentally weak and pathetic when they don’t get their way.

    We’ve probably all see those “Evolution of Humankind” pictures and how we developed from apes, Neanderthals… and onto Homo Sapiens. But we seem to be going backwards towards something called Fuckwittery, and give it another generation or two we really be living back in the Stone Age grunting at each other because we have lost the ability to talk but text instead.

    If only we can have the return of the dinosaurs at the same time. That might stir some shit with a T-rex running after you while you go hunting for vegan food outside of your hugely expensive, much sought-after two-up-two-down cave in downtown Camden.

      • I’d also wager that future anthropologists, should humanity ever recover from this plague of idiocy, would find from the cranial structure of Homo Cerebrum Mortuum that that part of the brain responsible for the ego and “ me” will have swelled to massive proportions and the part responsible for rational and critical thinking shrunk to the size of a pea.

  5. “The Rise of the Snowflakes”

    That actually sounds like a half decent title for a crap film with an insufferably woke narrative full of CGI effects which bombs at the box office.

    Good Morning

      • @ Lord S.

        Yes – File away alongside:

        (Black) to Future
        Star Trek The Wrath of (Sadiq) Khan
        (Ethnic) Minority Report
        The Arrival(s) (filmed entirely on a beach in Kent)

        And any others.

    • Crap film with excessive CGI and a woke narrative that loses millions?

      JJ Abrams will be taking notes…

  6. The “youth of today” are indeed,in the main, appalling…but I’d be blaming their parents and care-givers more than them.

    Too many parents seem to expect the State to raise and educate their children while they get on with their “busy” lives….they take no interest in the child’s education,preferring to leave it to teachers and social-media to shape the child’s opinions and behaviour. Parents see state- education as a free babysitter…perhaps if they had to pay for it,they’d take a bit more interest.
    The parents and grandparents of today’s youth are also the ones who allowed the education system to be hijacked and corrupted by “educators” who have a very different agenda to the traditional “British values”.

    No,sorry…I wouldn’t send a new hare-coursing long-dog to get trained by Chris Packham and then wonder why it lacked a strong prey-drive and preferred “gambolling merrily in the meadow with Brucie Bunnykins” rather than nipping the hare’s neck.

    Parents….so you sow,so you reap.

    • Teachers in regular education should be ex-squaddies or clever types from rough estates. The types who can handle themselves, with thousand yard stares and a drinking problem.

      There was a push a few years back to get ex forces types into teaching, but that seems to have died a death.

      They want blue haired Greta vegan loons, trannies and cucked neckbearded wimps now.

      Some of the behaviour in the ‘diverse’ schools is fucking mad. I reckon instead of blaming them wrecking the classroom and nutting the teacher on ‘syndromes’, Corporal Wiggins, who saw his mates blown to bits, would sort every single one of these little shits out in 5 minutes if he were given leave to do so.

      ‘Syndromes’ fucking cured overnight and well behaved kids all of sudden.

      • This is true.

        I learned more about maths and English from an ex Para sargeant and ex South African special forces Sargeant respectively, than any other teachers in the time I spent at school.

        They commanded respect and fucking it up was punished harshly.

        You didn’t fuck it up twice.

    • Not sure about that Edward, the army was advertising for woofters to join up not so long ago.
      Yeah,that’ll do it.

      • And an advert where a patrol was waiting for a muzzer to finish his prayers!!!

      • Yeah I remember the peaceful army and in particular.
        That was taking virtue signalling to unforseen levels of stupidity.

        Yes I’m fairly sure a Fritzy gunner hiding in a machine gun nest back in 1944 would have respected some carpet kissing Tommy who’s head was bobbing up and down in his crosshair’s right to express his freedom of religion before blowing his brains out.

        What a fucking crock of shit

  7. The ‘I/me’ shite is bob on.

    Before the snooker started yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing a few minutes of some decorating program on the BBC. I was at a friend’s house and definitely not watching an iptv set top box (whatever the fuck that is.) Hosted by a gay and the couple whose house was getting decorated, were gays too.

    The gay I saw being interviewed, was a millennial rather than a youngster, but he started every sentence with ‘I’ and every sentence was littered with first person singular pronouns and possessive adjectives (I, My, mine, me etc).

    I suppose I should be thankful that they didn’t start bumming really. Although I was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t fit a glory hole in the bog.

  8. Marc Bolans social commentary isnt much better than his driving.

    The 60s is where it went to shit.
    Permissive parents telling little Merlin and Sunshine girl to “be groovy” and “be free”
    The hippy idealism soon sold out ,
    Drugs, free love, became overdose and VD.

    Its easy to be revolutionary when sat in the Hollywood hills poolside or playing piano in your mansion.

    I drive a rolls royce
    Its good for my voice…

    • Don’t know if you’re aware Mis but Marc Bolan couldn’t drive. And of course, he died as a passenger in a car being driven by a sooty woman, something which won’t happen to me.

    • A Mini 1275 GT no less.
      Not much crash protection in them.
      The only crumple zone is your face…

      • Little known fact:

        When Marc Bolan died he was on the radio.

        And the dashboard, the windscreen, the glovebox etc etc……

    • “Sex,drugs and rock n’ roll turned into aids, crack and techno.” – Axl Rose

  9. ’20th century boy. When things weren’t shit’.
    Point of order Admin – Marc Bolan and T Rex were shit.

    • Marc Bolan and T-Rex were indeed a pile of shit, even back in the day.

      Lyrics penned by a five year old, and he couldn’t sing live for toffee.

      ? I drive a Rolls Royce,
      But the Mini was the sootie’s choice. ?

  10. Nothing symbolises the mental degeneration of the Yoofs of today than their obsession with “ my truth”. As if truth were subjective and not objective, which is the meaning of the word. A complete idiocy.

  11. You can assume it will be mainly the naive demanding yoof of today that will fall for this horse shit:

    They probably believe that SIR Keir and SIR Ed really give a fuck about them and are not just using them to grav the power they crave.

    The fucking LOibDems must have the memory of a goldfish if they are too stupid to remember the way Blair fucked them over in 1997. The LibDems were offered a pact then, and all that happened was that Blair won his election and he and Mandy told the LibDems to go fuck themselves. The trouble was men like Mark Oaten took it too literally

  12. “you won’t fool the children of the revolution”

    The children of what revolution? Must have passed my by that one.

    Moral of the story: don’t take glam rock teenybopper groups so seriously. You should have listened to Mothers.

    • Morning Ruff ?

      I always listened to my mother.
      Why im not unruly.
      And wrap up warm so I don’t catch a cold.

      • Writing your name inside your clothing is taking it a bit too far though MNC.

      • Its gung-ho attitudes like that ,that leads to people getting the wrong Duffle coat.

        Morning CB?

      • Morning Miserable, CB.

        I listened to my mother more than my father. But mostly to Zappa. ?

      • Morning MNC n RTC.

        I just listen to the voices in my head telling me to clean up the streets.

        Spotless, our pavements.

  13. Following WW£ , those who are left standing will be very few indeed, most survivors will be politicians. And the shit will have to start all over again.

    Perhaps WW£ was meant to be, and may even be a very positive thing.

  14. I think that it started back in the 70’s.

    I remember that when a proper teacher was off work for any reason we used to get a ‘student’ teacher.

    They were shit.

    “Hey guys, no need to be so formal. Don’t call me sir, call me Trevor”

    These dimwits went on to be the next generation of head teachers.

    There was a time when children were better educated than their parents.
    But those days are gone.

    Kids today are as thick as shit.
    They have no respect and no manners.

  15. Well the children of the climate change revolution have certainly been fooled. Same as the children of the ‘We’re all the same regardless of the colour of our skin’ revolution. Many young people believe all that shite because of our fucked up education curriculum and a sprinkling of worryingly leftie mummies and daddies who tell them the world is full of pixies and unicorns. And of course, nothing is ever their fault, because they have labels to explain their behaviour. Unlike the non believers in the older generations who are simply fascists who put their future in jeopardy. Oddly, they think it’s us old gits who have been conditioned to obey the system. Silly fuckers!

    • Teachers (primary) make the mistake of thinking that because their kids in the classroom mostly get on, despite racial and cultural differences, that they know how to make society work.

      Little kids are little kids and don’t see race or religious differences if the class is very diverse.

      Problem is, that things like the mosque take over during secondary, as do the local dark key gangs for the chocolate faces.

      Then, during secondary schooling, the peaceful boys start wearing desert garb, the girls go in burkas and the dark keys and Dooshkas stick to their own ‘gangs’ and ‘communidees’.

      Add to that, the teachers tell them all that the honky kids are bad so it causes resentment.

      Perhaps if teachers stopped ‘teaching’ kids that ‘honky bad-every one else honky victim’, we might get somewhere?

      It would also mean ‘communidees’ taking more responsibility for the behaviour of their kids.

      Easier to blame honky though, so don’t hold your breath.

  16. This is a consequence of the dumbed down society we have had imposed for decades. Shite, non intellectual TV programmes, faux ‘celebrities’ , piss poor education and nanny state interference.
    Add in an invasion force of 3rd world dross to dilute the populace and the job will solve itself.
    Weak parents create weak children which creates fear and dependency while the low sperm count of these effete pansy males and the vacuous narcissistic females makes their incel status irrelevant.
    Good morning cunters.

    • Good comment MF

      I watched The Carpenters in concert the other night (Friday) on BBC 4 and found myself engrossed in it.

      While never being a particular fan of their music in the past or being particularly knowledgeable about their back catalogue or whatever else (apart from Karen’s health problems of course) – I was hugely impressed at the talent they seemed to nonchalantly display and I found myself wondering if this level of pop music, art, culture or creativity in general will ever be accepted or embraced again by increasingly dumbed down mainstream audiences again.
      Probably not.

      • Why should the youth aspire to the genius of The Carpenters. When they can listen to Stormzy and all the other jibbering-gabbering moronic rap imbeciles.

  17. I grew up in the 60s. I am lucky. Didnt have to go to war, music was great and society was changing.
    I didnt know anybody who:

    Had mental elf issues.
    Self harmed.
    Was a tranny.
    Committed suicide.
    Got PTSD, even the mates that served in the army, one of whom saw actve duty.
    There were probably a few gays but they werent fucking ‘proud’ and we accepted them.
    The 2 mixed race families on our estate were treated like everybody else. The lads were mates. Although perhaps because they didnt stab anyfucker.

    Wharever you call this generation of soppy cunts are a fucking disgrace.

  18. What happended to the things you could do? Like playing ball in the streets. (No space any more -Too many cars) Going to a youth club. (Now a block of flats) Running around, & playing games in a large field. (Now a Supermaket) Buying the fuel & taking a scrambler over the hills at the weekend. (Can’t to that son it’s dangerous) & we will conviscate & crush the bike for you. Buying fags for your mum with a note (Gotta be 18 now to do that! But you won’t need the note. No more playing with pyrotechics. (without a parent present) Yes! Just some examples of what I clearly remember, when things got very “What you couldn’t do any more,” but with no mention of “What you could.”

  19. Some people blame the globalist indoctrination on social media and entertainment. I think social media is the main cause with the education system in a close second but I doubt entertainment makes much difference unless the “yoot” of today are so completely bereft of critical thinking.

    In my teens back in the 90’s I was obsessed with Start Trek and although it was nice to think of a United Federation of Planets with freedom of movement, no internal borders and all that hippy bollocks, I understood (although some Star Trek fans don’t) that it was pie-in-the-sky fiction and not reality…. I just wish the EU was fiction.

    • One of the ORIGINAL Star Trek episodes I remember vividly included a. flock of flying omelette-type things (complete with ketchup) that used to land on people’s backs, and suck the life out of them.
      I often wonder if these creatures were, in fact, Belgians, and ancestors of Guy Verhoftwat…

  20. Off topic but I cannot contain myself, sorry.

    On Radio4 Edwina Currie has just been pontificating about the morals of MPs !

    Edwina Currie FFS !

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry !

  21. I hope everyone is watching BBC 1 right now for

    Celebration Kitchen Live – Eid Special ???

    PS, the Yoof are cunts, need a fucking firm hand at home and school.

    • I presume Aisley Harriot is slitting the throats of sheep and goats in a Bradford resident’s backyard?

      After throwing some guts in a big pan, I’m sure he’ll add some rotting veg from their local rotting veg shops, with half a box of curry powder added to take the taste away.

      • It’s a celebration of our diverse community (aka p*ki types) maybe they will add bacon butties to their rich and varied cuisine. I mean inclusion should work both ways. ?

      • @Sick

        Yeah nothing culturally enriching should be off limits for the white British man but there’s certainly plenty that is allowed to stay off limits to the cultural enrichers. And most of all – should be respected.

        Double standards innit Bro!

      • Hehe, kick the white man in the balls as many times as you like but don’t, under any circumstances, offend the peaceful.

    • I thought you were joking .. but then saw it advertised on player. Enough is enough

      I read Enid Blyton for solace and a wholesome window on the past. Also regret that in times hence I may be arrested / do bird for expressing that sentiment.

      Look up and watch “The 1940’s House” on YouTube, for a fortifying insight into how brits used to live. And what our parents / grandparents endured to guarantee future generations their ‘freedoms’. What have future generations done with these? Royally pissed them up the fucking wall. Cunts.

  22. Most kids/young adults today are useless.

    Good at working computers, phones, their gobs and nothing else. They have got no common sense whatsoever.

    Coupled with a sense of self entitlement, and ‘the world owes me a living attitude’, it is indeed a recipe for disaster.

    Poor parenting and the education system I assume are to blame.

    A good clip around the earholes or the backside never went a miss back in the day. Kids are now mollycoddled into a world in which ‘their’ needs are prioritised 24/7.

    When I was a kid, I was a little shit at times. I threw some loose stones off a stone wall down a very steep bank to watch them bounce and splash into the stream at the bottom. The farmer saw me, button-holed me, and gave me a hiding. I was then shitting myself incase the farmer told my father. He did. And that resulted in a bigger hiding.

    We returned to the field, and my father lowered me down the bank on a snared piece of rope. Then I snared each stone as my father pulled them up.
    My father then put the stones back in place.
    They were too heavy for me to lift, – I needed gravity on my side.

    After that I got another hiding when we got home.
    And I distinctly remember my mother saying, “don’t you think that’s enough now Bert, – his backsides looking a bit too red?”.

    Can you imagine that scenario playing out now?
    The farmer would have been charged with a section 20 for starters.

    This country is going to hell in a hand-cart fast.

  23. I do hate the lame pacifist vegetarian, peacenik, hallelujah kumbaya. Michael row the fucking dinghy ashore. Joan Baez with her “We Shall Overcome”, Love your bredrin right now hippy claptrap shite is still prevalent in todays youth. The terminology and fashion of love beads and kaftans it’s far out maan. Has been replaced with what it was always about just Marxism. The willing compliance and corruption of western youth.
    Sadly Marc and his peers like Lennon & Harrison believed in these insidious lies. The fallout from that era is all about us.

  24. The “progressive” movement in the 60’s was hijacked by commies who have indoctrinated our children to be weak, confused, needy, whiny hate filled little cunts who would happily shove any “gammon boomer bigot racist right wing fascist nazi” into a gas chamber as soon as look at them.
    They have not seen war, cold, hunger, poverty, unemployment or one hard day, have never done a stroke of fucking graft and think the world exists to serve, fund and entertain them.
    A couple of terms at Fiddler University would soon sort these no good softies out!
    Shifty no good softies..

  25. When Mao was conducting his Cultural Revolution his weapon of choice was his Red Guards – a group of highly organised fanatics who used disruption and intimidation to push their agenda onto the wider population. The children of XR, BLM and Antifa are today’s Red Guards, directed and financed from the top which is why they will win in the end.
    Let’s not forget that we’re basically living in a one party state now and have been for years. Brexit exposed that fact. Our Ruling Class have declared war on their own people and way of life while today’s youth have been brainwashed into loving Big Brother.

  26. I think of the young British lads and lasses who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then there’s the fucking arseholes doing Media Studies and Diversity Studies at ‘Uni’ who can’t speak a sentence without starting it with ‘Like’. Wankers.

    • I too think of the countless hundreds of thousands of fit young able-bodied healthy British white men and women. Who fell and died in both World Wars and all the conflicts since. These brave souls should have been at home with their families and sweethearts living meaningful lives. Instead they sacrificed everything too make the world safe for what? Feckless ungrateful morons pissing about on laptops.

  27. My girlfriend’s kids who, to be fair, are usually ok have chosen a bank holiday weekend after a particularly stressful week at work for me, to absolutely piss me off. Took one on a bike ride and planned a trip to some monkey sanctuary or summat tomorrow that’s bloody miles away and £40 a family ticket, only to be repaid by rudeness, backchat and an epic sulk. If I’d have behaved like that, my dad would have bounced me off the fucking walls. Does Unkle Terry’s oven have a slow and painful roast option?

  28. Life is easy for many, by easy I mean healthcare, education, shopping, cars and all the other delights of a civilised monied western culture. So much to winge about.
    Fuck them all I say and have another beer. Happy bank holiday to all.

  29. The boys look, sound and dress like homosexuals and the girls look, sound and dress like androgynous mongs with dyed hair.

    The closest any of these weirdoes will get to sex is watching anime characters raping each other on a smartphone.

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