The BBC’s reporting of the Tim Westwood sexual misconduct accusations.
I’ve never been a fan of pretend dark key gangsta Westwood, but until he’s found guilty or otherwise in a court of law, judgement by others should not occur.
That’s not how the BBC see it though. They’re terrified his alleged misdemeanours could cause Saville like damage to themselves, so they resort to their usual trick of reporting the living shit out of he story, including quoting testimony from the alleged victims, in the hope that they can somehow demonstrate its fuck all to do with them.
All day today on the BBC website, the banner headline has been this story with a huge detailed write up/stitch up of one of their former darlings, in which all editorial common sense seems to have been discarded in an effort to distance themselves.
If he is found guilty, you can bet they are fucking implicated somewhere along the line.
Nominated by: Field Marshal Cuntgomery
I’ll second that nom! Fucking stupid ‘wigger’. Anyone see the daft plastic n*gn*g on Pimp my Ride? And now add nonce to his list of dubious titles.
Savile raped mostly vulnerable, poor, honky girls. BBC didn’t give a fuck.
Wigger Westwood allegedly raped darker skinned ladies. He’s fucked even if he’s innocent, which I doubt to be honest. The BBC will throw the cunt to the wolves in this case from minute one (which they are doing).
I bet so vile raped more little white boys than any other group fucking hideous cunt.
Looks like he’s going to be tried in the court of public opinion, which the BBC are encouraging shamelessly.
How is he ever supposed to get a fair trial?
Even if his accusers withdraw their allegations, because no woman EVER accused a man of rape falsely, people are going to say there’s no smoke without fire.
I hope the CPS decline to prosecute, surely the BBC can’t air such a programme before a trial, or does subjudice not apply anymore?
You make a good point.
However, for me it is somewhat mute.
Any honky talking in a dark key voice deserves life in prison as an absolute minimum.
Yo Yo Yo, Holler at your butler, homies. Drop da bomb! Ayes gonna drop a new phat beat then drop da pants to drop ma load, ya feel me.
Aye ornly ‘ope ah don’t drop da soap.
Like that poor bastard footballer in Jockland. Accused, never went to court (we assume as there was no evidence), yet sacked by the club. young white men need more protection from women.
I’ve never liked the cunt, but agree with you on the point about a fair trial and that the CPS, even if they’ve got the evidence, might have no option but to forget about proceeding with any prosecution in the UK thanks to this programme.
If I were of a cynical bent of mind, I would suspect the point of Al Beebzira broadcasting this was to try for this outcome, lest any investigations initiated by a prosecution uncover other inconveniences for those cunts.
However, if you don’t like Westwood all is not lost, I first became aware of this wygger’s alleged peccadilloes a while ago from some incidental chatter on a USian site where it was implied that they were looking into his activities over t”other side of the pond.
Tim Westwing where he will be taking Big Black Bob’s wood up his chuffer. Bet he wishes he never went down the big black hole of Sneequa now.
Oh yes the disc jockey who prefers mulatto romance,even if they don’t,allegedly.
Hopefully if this romantic endeavour goes to trial a huge conspiracy is uncovered that the commie cunts at BBCistan can’t wriggle out of.
That would be prime time entertainment.
Everybody is Judged by media shitstorm, and found guilty before any trial ( if one given ) in a court of law. These are the first steps to tyranny, and it is actually being aided by a fucking useless government that lets this shit happen. Fucking good nom this !
Let’s see..BBC check…DJ taking advantage of women check. . talking like a soooty check.. having an uphill gardener name like Tim check.. he is an Uber cunt, so are the BBC, the BBC will never learn djs and women never mix
Certainly guilty of talking like a Berk,couldn’t give a fuck about any of this subhuman culture he champions.
Looks like it’s all gone Pete Tong for him.
Dawn Butler said “he filled ma stocking an’ it were’nt even Christmas. Innit”. She is seeking compensation, but are’nt they all.
BBCunts mainly employ weirdos and freaks. Nothing else to say.
It must be something to do with public school and university education and the incontrovertible links with sexual deviancy. You can’t get a job as a bog cleaner at the beeb without having been to uni. But where has it got them?
I’m still waiting for the 40 Year gagging order to be lifted on the “Playschool File”.
Allegedly, it’s fucking red hot:
-Jemima in a threesome with Zippy and Geoffrey from Rainbow.
-Humpty bring used as a “love Egg” by Esther Rancid.
-Hamble being forced to watch Floella Benjamin engage in sapphic lust with Lesley Judd, whilst John Noakes wanked off into Shep’s mouth?
-worst of all though, incest, as Big Ted rapes Little Ted, before they are both passed around and used as “sex-toys” at the Rentaghost Christmas party
Fucking shameful ?
Stop it CG…it’s too much, your wild filth.
I’ve already had a wank today, probably can’t manage another one.
Wasn’t Michael Staniforth (Timothy BrownClaypole) the first hømo to die of full-blown AIDS in England or has my memory just made that up?
Claypole ?
I make you right, Thomas.
I bet he had a threesome with Kenny Everett & Freddie?
The BBC’s holier-than-thou act doesn’t really ring true while they continue to employ Alan Yentob..a genuinely sinister Cunt who seems untouchable
That’s because his real name is Mohammed Iqbal.
They can never rid themselves of him. Imagine the cries of anti semitism
Aye,Esther Rantzen is another who I wouldn’t trust with the family silver….and I fucking detest that bitch,Miriam Margolyes
Upon pain of death, you must choose:
-Miriam Gargoyles
-Jo Brand
Jo Brand every time…at least she looks like she might wash her fanny occasionally.
Evening, Lord F.
Jo Brand was a nurse in the mental health system. which qualifies her for a senior position at the BBC.
Just saw your nom DF. Apologies for posting here, but the scrounging freak has managed to collect the grand sum of £10 so far lol.
Reality is going to hit this loony like a fucking train in this case, I wager.
£10 ?…..not enough to pay my fuel for a trip down with the calf-castration pliers unfortunately….Perhaps I should have a whip-round for petrol money?….probably get to my total a lot quicker than him.
Afternoon DF.
It’s £40 now, I’d best shut my trap.
Wasn’t you kindly donating the £30 for this ‘life saving surgery’ was it?
What can I say ….I’m a charitable and compassionate man….plus there’s always the chance that he might die on the operating table
Wasn’t he allegedly involved in some kind of scandal involving Camilla Batmanjelly and millions of public funds that were squandered on ‘Da Yoot’.
Aye, that fucking pig-botherer David Cameron was involved too.
This bloke is well fucked because nobody likes the cunt except possibly half a dozen Wigga kids. Everyone thinks he’s a wanker. The BBC should be his only defenders but they’ve thrown him under the bus because of the skin colour of the alleged victims. If the cunt was black or gay there would be an out of court settlement courtesy of the taxpayer as usual. As it is he’s bolloxed.
Incidentally, how do you force unwanted oral sex on a bird? I can imagine how you would attempt it but I can’t see it being very successful. Well, that’s something for his brief to work on.
maybe hold their nose for a couple of minutes ?.
No, it was allegedly him eating her pussy. See the problem now?
This is no way for a vicars son to act.
We thought youd grow out of this ‘hip hop’ phase,
But your 56yrs old!
You call your mother ‘dog’ and father ‘homey’,
Its disrespectful.
And now youve been tampering with little black girls off the council estate?!!
Sticking your fingers up their balloon knots no doubt?
This isnt going to end well Timothy,
You might go to jail,
Might catch monkey pox?
Thatd be dope, big dog!
The homies in jail love sex offenders…
How about during an appearance on national tv the twat is violently assaulted by a masked figure wielding a 4 foot long dildo made from semi malleable rubber. Whilst beating the fuckwit to the ground the masked figure should be heard to shout numerous times auntie was in no way involved in aiding and abetting the fiddling and fiddling that St Jim was accused of.
Born after his time. No one would have batted an eyelid if he was a district commissioner in Bechuanaland that had gone native and had a penchant for the local talent, except perhaps their parents if they weren’t compensated with beads and fire water. Beware the white devil in the feathery hat. The good old days.
I find it a bit rich the BBC trying to take the moral high ground after Saville and Rotherham were both actively suppressed by them, and I cannot see how Tim Westwood can have a fair trial when his accusers are openly making their allegations and the social meeja machine has gone into destruct mode.
And some of these allegations appear to be of a historic nature so it begs the question why it was not reported to Da Powlees back then?
His reputation and career are both destroyed even if he is tried and found innocent, and whether he’s a cunt or not that just seems wrong.
As soon as they opened their mouth and spoke you know they had done some dodgy pot and alazyade that night. I doubt it’s rape, the women just don’t know what normal consential sex is. It’s usually a something out democratic Republic of Congo who doesn’t put on a condom and they were baffled by the whole experience.
Sorry, I got the name wrong. I was doing a skit alongside Sir David Attenborough for a show as couldn’t quite understand the drink I stand corrected it is this
Any court case/investigation should not be reported by the media before a trial has been held and a verdict reached. Just watched a documentary where John Leslie’s career was effectivily ended by an allegation which was never proven. I never liked him, but it is so unfair that his reputation was tarnished with no backlash on his accuser. I would also like to see a law intoduced that punishes anyone that brings malignant and unproven accusations against another person