Netflix [7] Netfucked

Can it be true?
Does this mean it’s going bust?
Sell my shares now! Oh wait, I didn’t buy any, phew!
How many people actually watch Netflix these days. I’m guessing slightly more than people who watch DVDs.
That’s the problem with today’s rapidly changing technology, there’s always something bigger, better and more shiny.
Give me a book, a proper paper and print one, and I’m as happy as Larry.
Netflix can get stuffed.

Is this the end for Netflix?

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

(We presume this cunting revolves around how woke Netflix has become, although we can’t quite be sure – Day Admin)

48 thoughts on “Netflix [7] Netfucked

  1. Never seen it, don’t give a fuck but if they are bunging $100 million to Mr and Mrs Sparkletits for them to drone on about equality (that’s a laugh) treehugging and the fucking mental elf then somebody has fucked up in a big way.

    • The good news is they have ditched Sparkletits latest woke offering. Perhaps the message is sinking in that woke doesn’t sell.

      • What was her latest offering? It wasn’t “Sparkletits is The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread” by any chance?

      • In effect, yes. It was to be called Pearl, an animated wokefest in which a 12-year-old girl is inspired by great women in history ( like Sparkletits ). Guaranteed to be about as unwatchable as 20 hour movie of Harry the Halfwit combing his beard and picking his nose ( which is Sparkletits next proposed project for Netfucks.

        What mugs Netfucks were for paying them all that money.

      • I reckon Pearl would get to meet the USA’s very own Magic Grandpa for a hair – sniffing session in the Oval Office.

        Sparkletits is a cheap whore, and Netfux probably are waking up to what a waste of money the vacuous bint really is.

  2. Netfucks is fucked by virtue of its wokery. I’ve lost count of the amount of programs I have started to watch on Netfucks before realising after 30 minutes that I’m watching shite and giving up. The only good thing on it is the Last Kingdom and Stranger Things – the latter primarily because it’s a joy watching the nubile Millie Bobby Brown prancing around.

    • Better call Saul

      (Ace drama, and so much better than Breaking Bad – Day Admin)

  3. “Cuties” says it all really. Netflix ,like Disney is stuffed full of cunts who want to normalise the sexualisation of children so they can fuck them. Im not giving them my money.

    • We have Netflix.
      Only because the daughter who still lives at home pays for it.

      Its fuckin rubbish.
      Just loads of shite.
      Although some of the best documentary ive ever seen was on there!
      Id recommend

      Murder Mountain
      About the cannabis trade and murder

      Wild wild country
      About the guru shree Rajneesh

      Bundy Files
      About serial killer Ted Bundy.

      All brilliant with no woke message or agenda.

      • Some terrific series Ch4 online /world drama, don’t know anyone else who watches it though. Ok’ it’s subtitles but that’s better than straining you ears over a crap BBC offering. Reckon I’ll soon get by in Polish, Swedish etc.
        I’ll get my coat…

      • Aye they do have some decent documentary series.

        If you know how to torrent (I know nuffink about it) then I’d recommend ‘The Jinx’. The accused also lived as a tranny for a while. Hmmm.

        The new on in Netflix about John Wayne Gacy is good too. What a fucking monster he was. Yet another serial killer who dressed up as a woman (got caught wearing his mum’s underwear ffs).

        All trannies are serial killers I reckon.

        But you can’t beat ‘The Jinx’ for a documentary series. Fucking brilliant it is lad. It helps if you don’t know the ending though.

    • Aah, but do you still pay your telly licence, Smugcunt?!
      Plenty of dirty pædos in the Beeb…

  4. I have it for the kids.
    There are a few decent films on it…a few.
    Trawling through the immense mounds of woke dogshit to find anything that isn’t offensive is a Herculean task.

    Why bother?

    I’ve heard that being a pirate on the Internet is much more fun.

    Plus you’re not lining the pockets of these cunts and the Disney deviants.

    • Damn right, UT…I sailed the high seas for ‘Squid Games’ and ‘Black Summer’; probably the two best programmes on Netflix.

  5. With the current cost of living crisis affecting a lot of homes not only in the UK but also Europe and the US, people are cancelling subscriptions for a great many things that are now seen surplus to requirements as budgets are squeezed.

    No big surprise that cunts like Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Sky etc are seeing massive drops in new and renewed subs, most of due to the expense, but also the lack of anything fresh and woke-free.

    It will gradually sink in that quality trumps quantity, and that going woke will make some of these corporations go broke.

    • Netflix, Amazon, Disney and Sky all dying on their arses……..if only the same could be said for that bottomless money pit known as the BBC. Cunts.

      • Stinky , you are spot on there. The BBC will do anything to prevent itself being exposed to market forces.

      • @Guzziguy If it can happen to a publicly-trading company like Netflix, it can and SHOULD happen to the BBC.

  6. I had access to free Netflix for 6 months when I made the huge mistake of going with Virgin’s TV and broadband for a year. Great broadband, up to 90Mbps, usually around 15, and that was when it worked, loads of outages. Anyway, I discovered that by the time Netflix had actually opened and I’d spent 10 minutes looking for anything even vaguely interesting to watch I’d lost interest in watching anything at all and backed out. I tried it once and never bothered again.

    • Amazon had/has some good shows like The Boys and The Expanse but much of what’s on Amazon is shite.

      Fuck knows about Netflix – I’d say Stranger Things is worth it but that nostalgia-baiting, one-trick pony had it’s day and I don’t think I could bear watching Millie Bobby Brown screaming like a banshee for 45 minutes. Fuck Netflix.

  7. Zero fucks given with netflix. Even Mrs CuntyMort is questioning the need for a TV licence, given the amount of fucking repeats.

  8. Fuck Netflux and fuck MeAgain Markle and her performing ginger puppet.

    Bring back Ceefax.

  9. Most TV companies have a core tv audience that is something like the 18 to 35 year age group, that’s the market that watches most. As we all know, many in that age group see woke as normal, so don’t have a problem with white man always being the villain, or men portrayed as dumb or evil bastards. The problem is, most of them aren’t paying, it’s mum and dad. So much like our beloved BBC, the likes of Netflix stick two fingers up at anyone near or above middle age. The very people with the financial ability to pay for their offerings. Hardly the most sustainable business model if you can’t force people to pay a telly tax.

  10. There’s talk that the cunts want to put adverts in, to help re- coup some of their losses. So watch this space, if anyone can be bothered.

  11. Being an entrepeneur isn’t all champagne and breakfast meetings with Kwir Starmer, let me tell you.

    W.C. Boggs (Holdings) Ltd of Station Parade, Rwanda (registered office) has had it’s fair share of disasters, but I am hoping to recoup my loses by offering my latest film flop to Netflix – “Bill Boggs Striptease of Horrors” was meant as a comeback for “Miss Striptease 1962” Emily Thornberry.

    The years have been tough on her – the bump and grind is now more of a flop and bumping on the floor, but she is a game girl – the leather corset and whip cost a fortune and the carefully disguised corset cost a fortune, forcing one of the South Wales Steel Works to reopen, and when the arthritis in the knees allows, she is still a little mover – unfortunately it took two weeks of filming and several bottles of gin to get her up to optimim status.

    We were hoping to have 90 minutes but in the end we had to pad it out with extra striptease – Diane Abbott lumbering around with a big grin and a bamboo pole, as she danced her way through Caravan, accompanied by Clive Lewis and his Kosher Rythym Boys (featuring David Lammy on de bongos) , and the idea of an enlarging lens on Yvette “Sugartits” Cooper’s ‘Dance of thre Sugartits Fairy” wasn’t a success – it did nothing for the knockers but it did show up the spots on her nose (we had to pay royalties on the record of Tchiakovsky’s Nutcracker Suite) all but wiped out the profits, considering we had to get the audience pissed on cheap wine to make the night seem less of a damp squid than it was.

    I am foregoing the Executive Producer rites and we have been bolstered by the news that Megan Markle has graciously consented to take the EP credit. There we are, £12 million pound and that’s my final offer (for today).

    Netflix the home for lousy producer cunts like me. For those who buy the DVD of this production of the year, there are very few “extras” (unless you count old Em taking a dump on the Steaming Pussycat’s bog just before her performance and a short clip of Jeremy Corbyn snapping Dianne’s suspender just before she warms up the audience). I might be inclined to throw in Yvette’s private phone number for those who want to make wank calls.

    (Edited slightly for clarity – Day Admin)

  12. As my Uncle Donald correctly said – “Everything woke turns to shit”.
    Netflix, like so many other spineless backstabbing corporations who were prepared to fuck whitey over for political correctness, are finding out the hard way it is not the screeching, hate filled adult babies of the woke mafia who pay the household bills. But well done Princess Chisel Rat and daft lad for getting a fortune for shite too dire to broadcast – grifters shaft sycophants!
    Ha, ha, ha – couldn’t have happened to a bigger set of cunts.
    And close that bleedin tunnel fore we all get rabies!
    Now, a word of warning – my job today is chauffeuring/security for a bunch of hyperactive teenage Frenchie gals (give me fkin strength) – if I take to wearing a beret, stinking and being three feet shorter please throw lard pies and beer at me until I recover!
    Shifty no good Frenchies..

  13. Every time something interesting posts up on Netflix you start watching it and it’s in fucking Polish or Hindu or fucking Kraut.

    I cancelled the thing more than a year ago and I don’t miss it one bit so that way I figure I didn’t need it.

    Most of the shows I liked have gone anyway….Grimm, Sleepy Hollow etc all replaced by dull shite like My Black Romance or Bridgercunt or some cunt parasite royal cunt….the cunts.

    • It’s a low grade television & film production & streaming service, sadly, now heavily influenced by ugly fat wimminz with blue hair and screaming benders.

      Mostly watched by lardy, mardarse twats who’s time could be spent more beneficially, getting some fucking excercise.

      Hope this helps?

      • I bet they’re the type that have keebabs and pizza muck delivered by Just Eat. Then weep into a tub of Ben and Jerry’s.

    • Exactly, what actually is it?

      Is it a TV channel?

      Is it like Sky, loads of channels?

      Or is it a streemin’ service? I don’t know what one of those are either, just keep hearing about it aaahht and abaahht, (Copyright, B&W Cunt).

      Whatever it is it will be mind polluting no doubt.

      I’d rather go for a walk round the village, or drive to the pub and speak to some normal human beings for my entertainment.

      At least the entertainment there is true to life, and not been skewed by some nutty lefty type.

      I overheard some conversation that made me laugh last night.

      A lorry driver said, “A lot of lorry drivers are going that way now you know. There’s a tranny driver at our place now, had all the bits chopped off and that like. Looks a right mess, what a waste of time, I thought, who the fuck would want to fuck you, you ugly cunt”

  14. Never seen nowt on this FuckFlix.

    Know nothing about it, other than the trendy, modern people seem to have it.

    I’m not trendy or modern, and I’ve got no tv, so it’s Wimminz Hour for me I’m afraid.

    And the highlight of my day is the shipping forecast.

  15. I think it wasn’t a ‘woke’ decision to throw money at those vacuous twats, more a business move, as at the time they were front page worldwide, so there was money to be made out of them, and the soft cunts who are interested in them. Like a slightly upmarket Kardashian saga. Then the bubble burst and they are stuck with them.

    If you go looking for ‘woke’ you can find it, just another way to generate a stream of income, as the so called ‘woke’ cunts have money to spend too.
    However, there is plenty of content on Netflix that is the antithesis of it, let’s not forget the Jimmy Carr fuss recently, Joe Rogans stand up shows are anything but woke, and just this week, Dave Chappelle was physically attacked for his views on tranny stuff, available on……Netflix.

    • “Like a slightly upmarket Kardashian saga. ” ?
      Netflix does have stuff for everyone but my big issue (and the reason I cancelled) is because my subscription was funding the woke shit being made by Netflix. Also, I guaran-fuckin-tee that 90-100% of the new shit they make will check all the boxes of woke criteria.
      After all, the Oscar Academy (cunts) said openly that they will only issue awards to movies that check all the boxes to include required groups of non-whites and degenerates.
      The fix is in. Fuck it all. I use Tubi.

  16. I highly doubt this has anything to do with the cost of living. I think it has everything to do with people being sick to the back teeth of left-wing diatribes and wokery, not to mention the constant emphasis on sexual deviancy, especially when children are involved.
    For the record I’m not in anyway endorsing Breitbart, which to me is just a right-wing version of the Socialist Worker, but here’s a quote from John Nolte: “Netflix spent billions of dollars on hundreds of woke shows and movies no one watches. Every Netflix show and movie is gay, transsexual, white guilt, environmental hectoring from smugly unattractive characters…..”

  17. With the amount of free streaming content now there is no need for any paid subscription. Just mute and turn away from the woke adverts. Let the advertisers pay the bill.

  18. The only decent content I watched in NutFux was ‘American Psychology which I watched several times for educational purposes.
    After Cuties was made I fucked the shit show off.
    More woke cuntery, go to hell.

      • American Psychology? Never heard of that one. ?
        Auto fix is a cunt ain’t it?

  19. And those Disney Plus cunts are as bad. That Obi Wan Kenobi thing looks shite. Ewan Mcgregcunt is a total twat. Only reason anyone gives a fuck about it because of Darth Vader’s comeback. I hope it ends with Vader killing everyone in it.

    • Walt’s head must turning in its cryo chamber. They badly fucked themselves over in Florida with this new bill being passed.

      Good to see you back cunting Norman, your Utd rants and anecdotes from famous cunts acting like twats in pubs have been missed.

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