Extinction Rebellion (11) – “Kill All Boomers!”

Jessica Townsend (Header Pic). Eco loon and cunt, suggests that all baby boomers are euthanised. Fuck me crossways what fucking planet are these cunts living on?
Jessica, come to Cunty Towers and try my Cunt stick out for size.

Jesus wept, how much longer before something gives in this country and the silent majority kick off?

I wonder how many Eco loons I can plant in my hiding place up the road? My holdings are not as vast as Lord Fiddlers.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: CuntyMort

80 thoughts on “Extinction Rebellion (11) – “Kill All Boomers!”

  1. Pffft. Nothing will ever happen in this pathetic, spineless country except more taxes, more transbumdery, more darkıes with their hands out and more fucking over of us indigenous types.
    Until the power starts going off.
    Then it’ll kick off like a cluster of claymores.
    Can’t wait!

  2. If depopulation is the answer all these eco worrier cunts can go first. The bone idle attention seeking cunts can live wilt no transport, no electricity and no food if they want.

    • These fuckers seem to want Big Daddy Government to “oppress me harder Daddy!” so they’d probably welcome a culling, not realising that they’d be the first to get culled as per the authoritarian handbook (the 1st to go are always the “intellectuals”, the idealists and the useful idiots).

  3. “The right side of history” – I was waiting for that cuntish soundbite to pop up. Always used by purple haired jobless wankers to shore up their piss weak arguments on everything from Brexit to the ‘climate emergency’.

  4. A walking talking fucking right on cliche.
    Comparing herself to the Abolitionists and the Suffragettes, “the right side of history”, it’s all there. Another quasi religious fanatic who never had an independent thought in her stupid fucking head. Baaa baaa …. lead me to the sheep pen.

  5. Purple hair. A Corbyn- Lenin hat. Face like the bottom of a gulag’s toilet bowl. In other words a prime specimen cunt. Think I shall euthanise it and add it my collection.

  6. Is she including herself as she has the skin of a “boomer”, the vegan diet is obviously fucking up her looks as well as her intellect!

    • I dont think Jessie has thought this out.
      Isnt she herself a ‘boomer’?

      And isn’t the calling for slaughter of specific people a hate crime?

      Not that im opposed to hate crime, got my way Jessie youd be at the bottom of a very large lime pit after a nice ride on a choochoo,
      And joining you in the pit would be the good people of Exstinky Rebellion.

      • I imagine she is very much aware of her generational disposition, doesn’t care and wants to take herself out………. along with the rest of her generation for some reason. Proper evil, weirdo, lefty cunt that she is.

    • Especially small ones just above the minge with some kind of message to the reader/consumer/smasher.

      • I was reading about a woman that had the face of Jesus tattooed around her lady garden, with her bush forming Jesu’s beard. Must have ruined her sex life.

      • I like to think Katie Price has a tattoo above hers that reads

        “abandon all hope ye who enter here”

      • @MMCM If she was anything like me (not squeamish or Christian) it would not have been an issue.

        I have no issue whatsoever with Jesus sucking my knob.

  7. The daft cow hasn’t realised that she falls into the very category that she wants exterminating ?
    I know her type, exactly.
    Nothing but a bunch of hypocritical cunts.
    Stay well away from me.
    I’m unstable.
    Liable to lash out
    Or stick the boot in.
    Not my fault.
    It’s the red mist.
    Good morning.

      • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – while you and JTC are giving the fkin harpy a good kicking I will be stood at the side shouting “and furthermore the party guests were just being polite – your vegan curry IS awful and you DO smell like shit!” – hit them where it hurts! ??

      • Foxy@

        You can hold a lighter to the soles of her feet while Jack practices his roundhouse kick if you want?

        Give her something to whinge about.?

  8. Cunts like this are hilarious.

    Thanks to their appalling pacifism and vegan diets they couldn’t swat a fly,never mind rout their enemies.

    Stoke up the oven and get it roaring,a hippy BBQ is on the cards.

    Oh and let Mother Nature sort her own problems out.

    • PS..I don’t think I’m alone in relishing a “settling of accounts” with this rabble.

    • I doubt you’ll get much sustenance from munching on a vegan. I imagine the majority of the nutrition on a vegan’s body is derived from the cheese under their toenails.

      Dirty, smelly, hippy, brainlet bastards.

  9. It wasn’t you that gave her that black eye,was it,Jack ?.
    The bird over her right shoulder has got fucking lovely baps though.

  10. Extinction Rebellion are like those vegan cunts. Total hypocrites and selective shitehawks.
    These fucks will yack on about the environment and all that crap. Yet they will all have designer trainers made by sweatshop labour, and keep looking at their iphones, made by the corporate monster that pays their foreign factory workers a pittance. And I dare say a vegan extinction rebellion tosser is the worst cunt of the lot.

  11. The woman is more deserving of your pity than your vituperation. According to the link she is a former “screenwriter” and “playwright”. She says that although she is advocating the euthanasia of people in her generation, if it commences with the rich it will never get to her. Translation; never had a proper job, skint, disaffected, one of life’s failures.

    • “The rich” probably translates as “working class people who grafted enough to afford a decent standard of living”
      Choke her to death with 2 stroke exhaust fumes…

      • Considering the state of modern vehicle engine designs, it would probably have to be from a puff on an old-as-fuck petrol engine (so probably a classic car). We have enough “boomers” on ISAC so maybe one of them would be willing to oblige.

      • I’m not having that hideous crone ruin one of my cars by sucking on the exhaust pipe. I’d never be able to drive it again.

      • I can borrow a mate’s Suzuki 250X7 to use for hippy gassing. More unpleasant and smokey than my Honda…

  12. Is it me ?
    Or are there a lot more loonies ??on the loose, these days ?

    • Social media has emboldened them. They assume everyone must agree with them because they live in a bubble online. They are peculiar cunts who are now deluded.

  13. Just a bunch of useful idiot communists trying to sneak their vile ideology in through the back door.

    I wouldn’t want to be associated with their little clique of dumbfuckery come October when the rolling blackouts start.

    That’s when the public will begin taking matters into their own hands, as Thomas rightly points out.

    • There used to be a large loony bin, a few miles down the road from us.
      The authorities shut it down, unleashed the inmates on to the local populace, and sold the land for ‘ executive housing ‘.
      The cunts.
      Get To Fuck.

      • Jack@

        Macclesfield had a large and we’ll known Nuthouse back in the day long gone.
        My old nan if she thought someone wasnt quite right would say

        “Hes from Macc him”?

        My best mate lives in Macc and I never tire of saying hes from Macc.hehehe

      • We used to have a loony bin in the neighbouring town but it closed down a few years back too. I had a mate I met back in 2002 who was a former patient from that place.

        After months of being out of there, smoking lots of strong weed and developing cannabis psychosis to which his brain chemistry was susceptible, he lost friends and then lost his mind (he thought he was Jesus).

        Suffice it to say, he held a guy hostage at knife point, destroyed his flat, verbally abused a mutual friend who the police had dragged out of the pub across the street for the purpose of talking him down, but ultimately my crazy mate was taken into police custody and then back to the loony bin.

        About 2 or 3 months later I bumped into him in the street…….. he’d been let out. He seemed quite calm and normal until it dawned on me that he hadn’t had access to strong green in months so his brain chemistry had returned to normal.

        Then it also occurred to me that the supposed “professionals” who were supposed to look after him, ensure his safety AND the safety of the public had no observational or analytical skills whatsoever as they hadn’t made the connection between his mental state and exposure to a particular narcotic.

        A decade later I shagged a bird who was a trained psychiatric nurse training for a psychiatry PHD (who also happens to be crazy BTW) and she reliably informed me that back in something like the late 90’s/early 00’s, the mental health services had prioritised the rights of the mental patient over the safety of the public which is why sectioning under the mental health act is no longer a thing.

        Now it all makes sense. The lefty, socialist labour government abolished mental health institutionalisation so that they could increase their voter base…….. kind of like the open borders thing but even more worrying (but only slightly more worrying).

    • In the words of Mickey Flanagan, ‘Thick people used to hide, didn’t they?
      Now, they’re all on telly.’

  14. That Jessica creature is an ugly old cunt isn’t she?. Could it be Greta Thuberg without her makeup on?

    • True enough, W.C.
      We never see a well fit Extinction Rebellioner, do we? They’re either plug ugly cunts who’ve never had a bit of knob ever, or they are anvil faced Millie Tant style dykes.

      • This cunt is probably a fan of that daft poem which I despise, called When I get older I will wear purple, by one Jenny Joseph, I think. In which the author describes as how an aging woman, how she will ignore convention and wear all manner of theatrical garments and colours. No you won’t, you fucking daft cow, you’ll head down to M&S like the rest of us, because that sort of carry-on makes you look sad and mental.

  15. Old tarts will purple hair should be exterminated

    These attention seeking cunts need to fuck off to China where they would be welcomed into nice facilities for the insane ?

  16. Shes got “headtheball eyes”.
    Not quite focused,
    Looking into the cosmos,
    A innerspace astronaut.

    Meds arent working,
    A good tap to the nut with a shovel will reset her buttons.

    This is how you end up if youve never done proper work.
    Detached of mind
    The untethered rope of reality,
    Floating off into the ether…


  17. Hmm – “kill all baby boomers”?
    Set a good example love – take yourself and the rest of the marxist tramp “boomers” who have never heard the word no, never threatened the shower cubicle more than once a week, never done a days graft, never paid a bill without the help of the trust fund Mama and Papa set up for you and have no concept of their astonishing lack of self awareness in as many coaches as you need to Beachy Head, foot down and over you go.
    Crack on then you hate filled fucking tramp – because I do not consider shit like you sharing the same world as me to be acceptable.
    Come the purge.. (I love that film!)

  18. Living proof that the middle classes have far too much time on their hands…

  19. All these eco cunts should be banned from using,
    You get the drift , back to the Stone Age

    See how fucking eco they are then….☠️

  20. Ha! Ha!
    This old witch hasn’t the self-awareness to realise she will be for the chop.
    What an absolute CUNT.
    A nice Zyklon B shower for all these nutters and then Terry’s Oven. ??

  21. Not one of these cunts would last an hour without internet access. Just cut off all internet for these cunts for a week. Those that haven’t topped themselves at that point, will never spout this bollocks again.

    Can’t stand smug, uppity gobshites like this. And she looks like a ‘boomer’ herself, the silly cunt.

    I bet we’ve still got a few cunters who would cover her in spunk though.

    • Yeah these fuckers love attention and would be incapable of getting that attention were it not for the internet.

      She is a boomer which would make her lack of self-awareness more amusing but she did throw in the caveat that the “rich boomers would be the first to go”…….. so basically a case of feeding the others to the crocodile first, hoping that it will eat you last.

      As for your last point……. I know at least one cunter who fire one into her – me. Some people here say I have low standards, whereas I prefer to call them eclectic standards.

    • This is completely true. I saw a middle class woman shouting at a lad stacking shelves in a supermarket , because they had no burger buns. “They are essentials” she kept wailing over and over again. The kid stared at her open mouthed, trying to comprehend why a grown woman would carry on like that about burger buns – you’d have thought she was waiting for a new kidney.

      • @Mary Hinge

        As a person with Coeliac Disease (not a hipster) who has to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet, I can assure you that burger buns are most certainly NOT an essential item.

  22. If these people want to live in a commune, walk, knit magic sky electricity, communicate by smoke signals and eat turnips etc crack on – I would have a great deal more respect for them if they lived the same life they want to force on us.
    But they don’t – they want US to exist in privation as they abuse us for our perceived “racism, nationalism – (any “ism” you can think of, being professionally offended is lucrative) as they act like Marie Antoinette.
    Always worth waiting for them to look up from their social media accounts on their Chinese made iPhones and ask them what we should do about the worlds largest CO2 producer – the www and the internet.
    These people used to be in the tiny minority, regarded as cranks and hippies and were generally either laughed at or disregarded – but they are now mainstream, well financed by some seriously shadowy individuals and organisations and in my opinion angry extremists who are every bit as divisive, dangerous and destructive as BLM and Antifa.
    Different branches of the same ideological tree.

    • Not all ‘isms’ are frowned upon. Feminism, transgenderism, globalism, islamism and jism for instance are largely seen as virtuous by leftwing, galaxy-brained fuck knuckles.

    • I sometimes think, wouldn’t it be nice if Hermits made a come-back? Instead of all this demonstrating and tedious carrying-on, just go and live quietly in a cave on your own, thereby not boring the tits off all and sundry and getting in the way of traffic , just wearing sacks and eating roots and berries. This should be what every self respecting eco loon aspires to.

      • But from where would they derive their soy lattes and avocado toast? Do you expect Tarquin and Jemima to perform the work of lowly serfs/forage for the mushrooms and avocados themselves?

  23. Seems she wants the whole of humankind to go extinct. Maybe she should start a splinter group–
    ‘Extinction Compliance’.

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