Elon Musk Haters

Elon Musk has had his fair share of critics here. But I have to say that I have earned a new respect for him over his purchase of the imbecilic, Libtard messaging service, Twitter.

Musk began his purchase of Twatter by saying that from now on the site would respect freedom of speech and that members would be free to say what they wanted, without fear of censorship, so long as it was within the law.

As soon as the ink was dry on the deal, Libtards, woke morons and the usual suspects suffered a catastrophic emotional meltdown. The Democrats “feared” that Musk would now allow the return of Trump to Twatter. The Democrat governor of Massachusetts complained that Musk’s takeover would be “dangerous for democracy”. The EU thundered that it would take action against Twatter if it “violates its social media rules” and becomes a platform for “preaching hate”. Here in the UK the Labour Party said Twatter must be forced to change its operating platform if it allowed posts that promoted “fake news and abuse”.

Meanwhile, Musk has attacked the “extreme anti-body reaction from those who fear free speech”. He said that if legislatures want to attack free speech then they must obtain public support for those measures and pass them as law. Without those laws, Twatter will allow free speech within the scope of the existing law. He says that he hopes his worst critics will remain on Twatter, because that’s what free speech means. He described himself as a “free speech absolutist”.

Musk is absolutely right. Putting aside the concern that illiberal woke governments will try and circumscribe free speech even more, Musk is spot on in saying that he will allow legal and unbridled free speech. That means no more suppressing on Twatter of legal expressions of doubt, such as the ridiculous debate over the nature of women and trannies, and no more politically motivated bans like Trump.

Up until now Twatter seemed fine with fake news that fitted their woke ideology. They were quite happy banning accounts which did not meet their woke agenda. I heard no complaints about abuse or fake news then.

How delicious it is to see the woke idiots hoist by their own petard. Their favourite website is about to be used to challenge them. As a consequence they are having a nervous breakdown. The natural enemy of wokies is free speech. The prospect of them no longer having control of an avenue of Marxist brainwashing and bullying is driving them to distraction.

I will enjoy the show as they squirm. In the meantime, watch out for these critics of Musk’s takeover of Twatter. Every single one of them is guaranteed to be a Marxist, woke, authoritarian hater of free speech.


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Nominated by: MMCM

84 thoughts on “Elon Musk Haters

  1. Vladimir Putin has a Twatter account.

    Donald Trump is banned from having one.

    Tells you a lot about the internet based gigantic public bog wall that is Twatter.

    Never had an account on there and never will.

  2. Being hated by the left should be a badge of honor.
    Russia hates him because of his Skylink system that has kept Ukraine connected to the internet.
    Go Elon!
    He’s like a huge middle finger. He does his own thing. Interesting dude for sure.

  3. Elon Musk: ‘I do love humanity’.
    I don’t. I fucking hate it.
    Fuck off.

  4. I don’t mind the mad bugger myself and anything that exposes the stinking hypocrisy of the Far Left is a joy to behold.
    It’s been one way traffic for far too long.

    Fuck propaganda and Fuck Twatter abusers.

    • Come on Unkle T – by censoring free speech, your liberal superiors have only been trying to protect you and your feelings.

  5. Musk has gone up 500% in my estimation of the man.
    Free speech for all – I can ignore the twats I don’t want to hear from – I have my own in-built crap filter….it’s called ‘choice’

    Anyone who want’s to censor free speech and thought and just feed me ‘their’ version of the world by the shovelfull can just Fuck right off …..

    yes BBC, that includes you – you Cunts

  6. The liberal media should be celebrating and fawning over Elon shouldn’t they?

    After all – he is a successful African American isn’t he.

    • Never confuse an American with a Canadian HJ or they’ll give you something to cry “aboot eh”

      I might watch Strange Brew tonight after that piece of Canadian culture!

      • Afternoon Captain.

        I thought he was a Yank citizen.

        If not, I stand corrected.

      • Born and bred in South Africa, moved to Canada aged 17, became a U.S. citizen aged 31. Therefore you are correct HJ.

  7. Twitter is exactly the same cuntfest it ever was, but a few rich people have been allowed back on to the propaganda platform.
    Well done Elon Dorsey, you played your part well in timing this so it came out at the same time as the Pfizer data and 2000 Mules.

    • I’m still life time banned from twatter for saying Greta should be sent to bed with a slapped bum and no tea. Fuck this shill fraud cunt and his make believe firework rockets.

  8. Some who got banned are moaning they’re still banned after Musk took over.

    Daft buggers.

    It’ll take him ages to sort out how to run and staff the place. Might take a year or more. He can’t just go in and pot all the woke cunts who work there. He’s got to (and is I believe) write up new content rules for staff and if they don’t like it…well they’re in breach of contract and then he can pot them.

    It’s all legal shite and employment contract shite that needs to be done once he knows how he wants Twitter running.

    He might not change that much anyway, but at least wait until he’s had the chance to put his plans into action. He doesn’t sit there reading every cunt’s tweet and say if it’s ok or not ffs lol.

    Twitter’s a bag of shite anyway, but seeing as Musk’s buyout is causing libtards to lose their minds, I’m enjoying it while I can.

    And yes, it was ‘Meh a private company and the owners can say who can post on there or not. Cope losers muh.’

    Now it’s, ‘Twitter is such a huge platform that must politically responsible muh. It needs to protect against hate speech muh.’

    Fuck off lol.

    I don’t use it, but I hope, just for a laugh, Musk turns it into Stormfront and has himself dressed up in full SS regalia on the main login page.

  9. Elon recently tweeted this:

    “If I die under mysterious circumstances, it’s been nice knowin ya”

    Right. Okay. Says the world’s richest man who can afford top-level security 24/7, who has a baby to care for. He feels his life is in danger, but doesn’t go to the police, FBI, he goes on Twitter to tell his fanboys about it with a cryptic cliched message.

    As for Twitter becoming a free for all, that may be the case, but the law is still the law and now the left won’t just try to cancel you, they will get the police/FBI on to you if you post things they don’t like. All Elon has done is up the stakes on what the consequences of going against the woke narrative will be. Don’t post on Twitter, it’s still a trap to snare outspoken people in, nothing has changed.

  10. It’s extremely worrying when people describe Musk’s intentions as fearful to democracy. It shows that these fucking idiots think democracy is about being able to vote and nothing else. Everything else has to be censored to fit in with their agenda, which is why they loved twitter so much. I sincerely hope he sticks to his guns. After all he’s got fuck all to lose or to prove.

  11. Richest man in the world!!
    Can you imagine?


    Id commit atrocities so depraved theyd make Hitler and Ming the Merciless spew up.

    He upsets the woke, so ok by me,
    Although he called his kid R2D2 or something and seems a bit puddled?

    Who needs fuckin sanity when your that rich?

    • Agreed Mis.

      What’s the point of having all that money if you can’t enjoy yourself.

      Personally, I would get every MP to line up for a golden shower after a night on the Absinthe and asparagus and then shit in Annalise Dodds mouth.

      That would be my morning routine.

      Afternoons would be occupied with stringing Tony Blair up from a lamp post with piano wire and letting orphaned Iraqi kids use his testicles as a pinata.

      What about yourself?

      • Id sit on my throne of skulls watching politicians fight illegal immigrants in a gladiator fight to the death.
        Then dinner.
        Afternoons would be taken up by a orgy under the solid gold likeness of myself.
        Then rest of the day in my air balloon dropping handgrenades
        Over paris.

        Im going putting on my euromillions on Odin!

      • Good call, Mis. Time and money well spent.

        I would spend every second weekend (wind direction permitting) lighting massive tyre fires in the Cotswolds using crude oil and diesel as an accelerant and entertaining myself with shackled XR and just stop oil fuckwits trying to put out the flames with those little conical paper cups you get from water dispensers. All while I pull massive drifting donuts around the whole smouldering mess in the world’s most exotic and polar bear drowning supercars.

        Then off to the Cap D’entibe in my private Concorde for supper, where the in flight entertainment of Meghan Markle and the influencers du jour compete to plait my ring piece hair with their tongues, following a lunch of Guinness, beans on toast with HP sauce and brussel sprouts.

        The chilly nights would be spent under a panda skin rug deciding which of the Hadid sisters is getting to perform the bumpkin on me and which will be cleaning my crack with their tongue post evacuation.

    • He’s so rich his lawyers can disprove anything.

      Didn’t he call a cave diver a pea dough? There was no evidence the guy ever was, so you’d think it’d be an easy slander job.

      Well, I think (I can’t be arsed actually checking any of this by the way) he sued and lost somehow lol.

      Money can buy you anything. Even the law it seems. Look at Robert Durst. Loaded cunt. Admitted chopping his housemate up ‘in self defence’ (as you do) and putting him in a several bags and throwing him in the sea. I think he did no time for it lol. Killed a few others, but it took them decades (and him accidentally admitting his guilt on a recording) to get the cunt.

      • That was a narrow miss for Elon, when he called that brave and decent guy who rescued people in Thailand a pea-dough, that guy should have won when he tried sued the living shit out of him. Musk even paid a conman posing as a private detective to find dirt on diver, Vernon Unsworth, $52,000, what a cunt. Unsworth filed a $190 million defamation lawsuit against Musk. Musk won the suit. He never even apologised to the poor guy.

        Musk is a sociopath, I feel. He is clever but not a genius, he’s never invented anything, he just climbs on board a great fledgling company, becomes the “face” of it, chucks in a few ideas then takes all the credit while devaluing the stock with his disturbing comments and behaviour. The men who started Tesla were dismayed when he was going around like it was all his idea, he was Mr Tesla. Then there’s the Tesla in outer space that even Elon says was fake.

        Let me put it this way: I wouldn’t invest in a company he was part of, the same way I wouldn’t invest with Trump or any of those unskilled megalomaniac billionaires who in terms of good taste, have none, and are thus men of poverty. Musk will find being Mr Twitter a massive headache and he’ll sell it within a few years. He always bails – he bailed on his marriage, his baby, to flounce around the world trying to be Tony Stark, when he is just a weird cunt from South Africa who got very, very lucky.

  12. Free speech is vital in a democratic world. The ability to say unpopular truths and opinions should be a fundamental right that should be above law.
    However, a lot of people use it as an excuse to be a horrible cunt. And as for cancel culture, those on the right are just as bad for shutting down vocal opposition to their opinions.

    Talking of free speech, that knob Paul Joseph Watson, the cunt who puts out the digital begging bowl at the end of his videos to ‘protect free speech’ has had a ‘tell us what you really think’ moment on the weekend, where audio of him being racist and homophobic has surfaced, including the sentence “let’s press that button that kills all the jews”
    I’m sure it will only increase his popularity with some……

    (Coincidentally, we do have your scheduled nomination about Watson and will be going live in the next few days – Day Admin)

    • I’ve read about this allegation.

      Is there any real proof or is it a stitch up?

      Is Watson really that stupid that he’d spout such vitriol in public where he could be recorded?

      I’m not defending him by the way but he is a very popular right wing YouTuber and all that thus making him a huge target for bedwetters and so called liberal types.

      We shall see I suppose.

      • It certainly sounds like him, and it does sound like he’s being recorded on the sly.
        With the views he’s comfortable giving in public, it wouldn’t come as a surprise that these are his private views.

  13. Elon Musk can be sarcastic,
    Something I admire in people,
    And seems to genuinely want to advocate free speech.

    I got him wrong.
    I thought he was like a Bond villain.
    Super rich &mental.

    I also got Calvin Robinson wrong.
    Anybody know him?
    Hes sometimes on GB news.

    Calvin looks like Walter the softy crossed with the fuzzy off the jamjars .

    Big afro hair, big Joe 90 specs,
    Talks dead posh,
    Bit of a biblebasher.

    I thought at first

    “Get fucked you little puff”

    Couldn’t of been more wrong!!

    Patriotic, commonsense, hates wokery, stands up for himself,
    Proved me wrong.
    I like him now!

    Obviously wouldn’t be seen dead in a pub with him,
    But you know what I mean…

    • Calvin Robinson is one of the good guys. Half dark-key but hates BLM and the whole woke mob.

      • MCMM @

        I saw Calvin lose his shit and go mad at some bloke on GBnews.
        It made me laugh.
        Won me over.

        Last night he had a go with some black bloke in a ethnic dress asking for reparations for the slave trade.
        Calvin handed the cheeky cunt his arse.

        Hes fuckin great!?

      • Calvin is somebody for younger cunters to look up to?

        -a true Christian
        -an honourable man
        -UKIP candidate
        -equally proud of his white/black heritage

        He has finished his religious training, the Church are refusing to let him progress, due to his non woke/non bullshit standpoint.

      • Yeah hes a bit of a jesus freak but I don’t hold it against him.

      • It’s true I’ve always liked him and to a degree George Galloway was mentioned. I like him when he has a rant. Everyone should rant more on a public stage and maybe actually sort the fucking issues out instead of blaming innocent people and constantly grinding them down that might be a start. Not many people want to be a politician or a police offer now a days since you get stabbed or called an institutional racist.

  14. I just hope that the bloke buys Manchester United. I would welcome him at Old Trafford like a shot.

  15. I don’t really know too much about Twitter but I do adore watching woefully ugly, fat women with blue hair doing the seething primal scream at the sky.

    • Let’s hope Trump makes a comeback in 2024.

      Watching leftards cry gives me a an absolute diamond cutter of a hard on.

  16. Hope it works out ok. 44 billion dollars wasn’t it? Jeez. I hope all the Wokies don’t jump ship to a new platform, they could have a new one called Preacher.

    • I don’t get why Twitter is worth $44 billion. Paramount Global, a colossal multimedia company is worth around $56 billion. Twitter is mostly just unverified nonsense and opinions. I think it was overvalued like Enron, mostly fake value, exaggerated usership. $44 billion? That could almost pay for Japan’s military spending for this year: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/military-spending-by-country

      YouTube is worth around $90 billion, that makes sense, it clearly has the usership and advertising revenue it claims, maybe a little exaggerated, but YouTube is at least user-friendly unlike the clunky layout of Twitter, and the fact you have a word-limit. It needs a total overhaul, it’s not 2007 anymore!

      • Musk is going to charge 69m corporate twitter user 3$ per month.
        It will pay for itself, many times over.

        Twatter-full of cunts?

      • So it will take 16 years to pay off the $44 billion? Elon will be on Mars by then looking for a woman with three tits.

  17. I wish he would buy the BBC and just close the whole shit show down for a laugh.

  18. Personally don’t use twatter, full of over opinionated cunts who think they’re special but hat off to the Mad Hatter Musk!

    I’ve had two posts today removed from Ali Beebie – nothing rude or absolute in it’s content.

    One was referring to this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61373482 where I simply stated that the Government want’s to keep the rich rich and shareholders happy and also a nod to wondering where the money from the sale of Chelski is likely to go. I hypothesised that it is ‘possibly’ going to end up in the hands of slippery directors of charities who are chums with the PM.

    Obviously not wokie enough and was swiftly removed.

    The other was for calling someone a tool LOL.

    In other news, I’d fuck Jodie Comer with her BAFTA award, she is delicious.

    • I also bet scores of non-offensive posts about the new dark hued Doctor Who have also been removed, Cuntus.

      Anyone who dares to question or disagree with their choice – no matter how eloquently, politely or intelligently done – will automatically be cancelled.

      • Yes – I had seen that and noticed this particular batty boy darkie (two ticks for the price of one) has dyed his hair a whitey man colour.

        Either he is going for the Wesley Snipes look in Demolition Man: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/250583166756383528/ or trying to do a Michael Jackson, turning slowly into a honkey.

        What a world we currently live in!

      • Should have known it would be both a pencil squeezer and one of our coloured cousins. Box ticking before they’ve even started filming. Predictable as fuck. Typical Beeb crap.

        It’s fucked already, and I can only hope that this latest woke shitshow kills the show off for good.

  19. I hope Elton Musk sticks to his guns, however much it upsets daft twats from TV like Lineker and the so-called TV comics and weatherpersons, and the poofty MPs who forever signal their virtue and flap their wrists and ring their hands. Let the snowflakes get a good blasting.

    • Anything that boils that jug eared wanker Lineker’s piss is ok with me ?

      • I read somewhere that porkie pie man James Cordon, lard ass of the year and utter uber cunt was taking over from match of the cunt when he finishes Saturday Night Cunt – while jug ear is off to have his face modelled into the next FA cup trophy.

  20. The people screaming about Musk buying Twitter are the same people who buy his overgrown Scalextric cars and virtue signal endlessly about it.
    “Boo hoo billionaires shouldn’t be in charge of an online platform. Waaaahh!!”
    Who do the stupid twats think were in charge of it before Musk?
    That was “the right type of billionaire”, obviously.
    Soppy cunts…

    • A friend of mine, and a cunt has a Tesla. There’s something about owners of these cars (bit like BMW, XC90’s, Merc’s, etc. R. Rovers) who think they are all a bit special (mostly females who should never be allowed into anything larger than a mini, because they can’t drive them properly.

      However, Tesla owners fall into a different breed of cuntiness. They’re extra smug and if I hear my mate bang about how he can control his car with his phone I will stick the phone sideways up his ass and dare him to fart to open the doors and switch the engine on.

      His wife is also a fat (but big titted) cunt – with more money than sense, though I would poke her for a laugh.

  21. I wonder about him ,the Musk and his future intentions
    he fucked around with shite coin for awhile and then ran away
    Telsa are arguably the most overpriced stock according to finance people
    My own opinion is that he might want to be President of the USA someday and this platform will launch him just like a Trump card.
    the Republicans will endorse him at some stage if he keeps his shit together.
    Is this possiblest

    • He thinks he’ll put humans on Mars in his lifetime, a colony. He actually believes this. It’s his life, his money, by all means think big, but he could do a lot good for South Africa and Africa in general, his homeland. He could run for President of South Africa, but I reckon that would turn out as well as his space fantasies. You’d think a man who is aiming for the stars like Werhner von Braun (who wrote a novel in the 1950s about a Mars colony headed by a man named… Elon! Look it up) would not both himself with the squabbling circus that is Twitter, you’d think he’d be burning the midnight oil at SpaceX every day and night. His attention seems to wonder for a focused visionary, which he isn’t really, he’s a skittish dreamer and there’s massive difference between those two mindsets.

      • Yes Le Cunt, one might see those traits but the power of the influencers on the inter web, to the up and coming young is immense.
        you only have to see recent fuckwits that have massive followings and this Muskie fellow has his hands on one of the biggest platforms for social issues and social influencing
        A modern day William Randolph Hertz if you will
        It will be interesting because the Muskie is young

      • I think that people overrate the power of Twitter. It has never helped change a law or institute a new law as far as I’m aware. It’s just people talking, which happens in real life and doesn’t really do much. Talk is cheap. It’s action that changes the world, not chatter. Napoleon didn’t stand around talking.

        I mean, what exactly is it that hasn’t been said on Twitter that will now be said that will be so amazing? I reckon it will be same old same old.

      • it doesn’t change laws Le Cunt i totally agree but it can change opinions in the blink of an eye with shit storming consequences around election times or dirtying opponents opposition etc for nefarious reasons.
        one can be destroyed for holding a position that is not with the trend of the week, perpetuated by the Weak Sheeple that have a Shepard they can rely on for back up. fucking insanity
        fuck i don’t even have any face off or twit , no of em no matter how hard they try to make me sign up for access to subjects im interested in.
        its why i like youtube most of all and warts an all

      • I prefer YouTube too as it’s a long-format medium and you can see/hear the person talking and gauge how serious/mental they are. With Twitter, it always feels a bit nebulous when it’s a non-famous person.

        Let the chips fall where they may, the world can’t much more ridiculous surely? 😉

    • Just a reminder Mecuntry; he cannot become president of the USA because he wasn’t born there.

  22. I’m not a big fan because he’s jumped on the electric car band wagon and made a mint doing it. 10 out of 10 for getting in quick and exploiting the situation. 0 out of 10 for not providing an alternative means of personal transportation that’s at least as good if not better than the current ICE. It has to be or it isn’t progress. Who wants something worse, less flexible and more expensive than what we already have? Duh! All Tesla buyers are cunts by definition and should be water boarded. Then electrocuted since they love the elastic-trickery so much.

    Cred where it’s due though. He doesn’t need the aggro of shit stirring and antagonising the left, so there is that. And Space X can fuck off as well. Just leave it to the professionals at NASA you twat. Notice his rockets don’t use batteries for lift off. Hypocritical cunt. Wish he’d buy FecesBook and shut that shit down.

    Back to work….

    • Forgot to mention, he’s basically a modern day Clive Sinclair with better hair and more money.

      At least Sir Clive gave us the ZX80, ZX81 the Spectrum and the C5. Musk has given us a Duracell with 4 wheels and a steering wheel. What ev.

  23. It’s a love hate relationship with him.

    -He took a massive amount of funds away from NASA saying he was going to make his private space company better (which he has done and paid back the loans but – this has been funded via direct taxation of people), which is mainly for Satalittes which is great. A risk that a capitalist and civilistic society shouldn’t have to pick up. However worked out for the better.

    -Loves Cryptocurrency, why? It takes money away from society and doesn’t actually produce nothing. It doesn’t fund loans or interest and has a very dark side to it.

    -Buys Twitter to allow more free speech which is great and he is fairly neutral on The Donald, which is good.

    -The Electric car revolution, which is built on rich people pandering to poor people saying you’re not doing enough for the world whilst the minerals comes from all sorts of corrupt regimes which have absolutely no trail of accountability. All these charging points will be ripped out in a couple of years and replaced by hydrogen mark my works.

    -Very odd personality but on balance, we need more ambitious people like him and he does now employ lots of people. So on balance I don’t dislike him or like him. Just hope Twitter returns to an actual freespeech platform with less bots.

  24. I opened a twitter account a few years ago so that I could barrack George Galloway. He predictably blocked me after my first attempt, cowardly cunt.

    • I opened a twitter account in 2017 to comunicate with Sir Nigel. Was unable to figure out how it worked so consequently never used it.

      • Muskie will create a siri type AI , so you just talk to it RTC and it will be posted for you.
        i feel for the highlanders though as it will take some time to decipher that ach ay shit out

      • What about talking points instead? Most people chat honestly when they are pissed and pissed off. Get the best out of people. Shame sir qweer won’t admit it and keeps playing ping pong. I seriously just want to face palm myself and die in a hole and be happy.

  25. If Elon can perfect “Fembots”- perfect reproductions of prime Brigitte Bardot, Jenny Agutter, Linda Lusardi or Dianna Rigg, who:

    -never argue, or talk over your favourite film/album

    -are always presentable and ready for action

    -can cook traditional home made fayre

    -ensure the cabinet is always stocked with ale, red wine and copious amounts of single malt

    He will solve all problems, facing humanity.

    The population will reduce, there will be no wars, pollution or misery, as we chaps will be balls-deep 24/7?

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