BBC Radio 2 and Radio 3 (3)

Radio 2, (can chuck 3, 4 and 5 in there as well I guess but for different reasons). Therefore I’ll stick to Radio 2 or myself for being an old cunt.

I know that I’m a sarcastic moaning old cunt but these days there is fuck all to listen to on the car radio. 3 is full of violins and bints screeching in a foreign language. 4 fuck me, gardeners world and women talking bollocks about fuck all and of course the political bias. 5 Nicky cunt Campbell or it was the last time I tuned into it some years ago. Now back 10 or 15 years ago you could listen to some actual music on Radio 2 and most of the DJ’s were funny and not up their own arse kind. (Kennedy and Wogan for example).

Nowadays sadly radio 2 sounds just like radio 1; cliché DJ’s spouting, well clichés and the music sounds like chimps banging furniture together interspersed with the “ODD” base line and synth cord.

Then again it could be me that’s at fault and not keeping up with the times.

Nah fuck that Radio 2 is a cunt.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

And on a similar topic but different radio station, here’s one from Fuckwittery

BBC Radio 3

Oh, I dunno.

I tune into R3 for a bit of peace and quiet because it broadcasts Classical music without ads (and a bit of Opera – which frankly they can keep). Some genres of Classical music transport me away to a different era, much like walking in an old forest: you could be in any place or time. The relief at escaping the present and its fucktarded shambles is measurable.

Problem is, classical music (dare I say like much of Western civilisation) is populated with white Europeans. What is the BBC to do?! Why come up with programming which contorts itself in its efforts to get away from old whitey males and include ‘narratives from contemporary perspectives’ etc fucking blah and so we get rap and commentary on offensive statues on a Sunday evening. On BBC Radio 3, the classical music station.

For fucks’ sake, is there no fucking escape?! I’ve listened to Radio 1 xtra, Kiss fm and so on in the past, I don’t actually mind the music. But I object to it being shoe-horned into a channel which is for Classical music. It’s indicative of the politicisation of every pissing area of life and an agenda to which none were asked whether we wished to sign up for.

Rant over. As you were. Fuck the BBC and all like them, the cunts. Happy St George’s day + 1.

BBC Programmes

74 thoughts on “BBC Radio 2 and Radio 3 (3)

  1. And now on BBC Radio 3 the inaugural performance of Stormzy’s 1st Symphony, “ Fuck dat big ass ni***r ho”, performed by Sir Simon Rattle and Woke Philharmonic Orchestra.

  2. If BBC radio and its staff ventured any further to the left, they would all fall off a cliff.

    Radio 2 is ok in small doses despite Jeremy Vine being on there.
    Five Live or Faav Laav for the sport or news is ok in small doses but the female commentators and intellectual titan pundits such as Clinton Morrison are nothing more than box ticking shite.
    6 music is the channel yours truly would listen to the most frequently due to the various types of music that would otherwise slip under the radar but even that station never passes up on the chance to insidiously promote the black man hard done by and white man bad agenda.
    Radio 4, whenever I venture there always seems to be woke or women’s shite.

    Still better than all forms of commercial radio by a long fucking shot.

  3. Ignore the shitty radio and listen to hours long compilations of beautiful classical music on Youtube.

    • There’s some very good stuff on ‘the tube’. I like the US Station ‘Coast to Coast AM. It’s full of crazy stuff about UFOS, Aliens, Area51 Bigfoot, Paranormal stuff, far more believable than anything on Radio5live or the idiot lantern generally.

    • In the car ?? Thomas?
      I watch YouTube for most of my visual entertainment with a small amount of Netflix. I refuse to watch live tv. But my beef is that there is fuck all entertainment in the car unless it’s a cd I’ve heard a million times

      • I just set up a playlist, EAC. On my phone on 4G.
        I mostly try to avoid watching videos whilst driving, the pigs don’t seem to find it acceptable to be watching car accident videos whilst driving at 110mph on the M4 in thick fog, coffee in one hand and Meatball Marinara Subway in the other.
        That was how Princess Diana died; her chauffeur was watching 2 girls, 1 cup on the in car entertainment whilst entering that tunnel, he shot his load and crashed the limo.

  4. I listen to lots of radio during the working week and across weekends. I love the medium, you can have it on in the background whilst doing a plethora of other things. Sport, Comedy, Music, News, Factual… the choice is endless, sadly today most of it is a crock of utter utter wank.

    BBC Radio, the national channels are infected with the gayness, wokeness and the right on approach that alienates any white, straight British male over the age of 10 and just want listeners to text the show, telling the jock what they are doing. It’s the aural equivalence of facefuckbook but on the radio. No originality.

    The Jezza Swine show on R2 is just a platform for the most obnoxious, devious cretin on the airways, a means of him sowing discord and disharmony, lumped in with a good ole dollop of Islington lefty champagne socialism. As for Zoe Ball. No words and what is Jo Whiiley for??

    That said. Have you tried BBC local radio…. By Christ it’s awful.

    Commercial radio is ok, quite like that fat cunt Chris Moyles on the Radio X morning show, but you need to skip between the incessant adverts, if I hear that whistling cunt from macdonald or that screeching bint telling me to hold her hand cause she’s ready for this, I’m gonna call Unkle Vlad and get him to send a Iskander Nuke straight to ‘Global Radio’ HQ in Leicester Square.

    That is all, gotta catch a bit of Steve Shite in the afternoon. Love the show.

    • Hang the DJ was about Steve fat cunt Wright, I fucking hate the sports cunt on the Ball slags show I don’t give a fuck about wiminz sport it’s all irrelevant or fucking cunts with “learning difficulties” playing some crap it’s not sport.

  5. That DJ Silly Boy thing on a Friday gets right on my cunt. If he was working in the office next to me he’d be windowed and widowed.

  6. I can stand 15 minutes of Today with my coffee in the morning but dont listen to any radio otherwise. All shite. My USB has 800 or so tracks going back 60 years, and fuck all from the last 15. Stick radio up your ringpiece. Sideways. Unlubricated.

  7. I have Radio 4 Today Programme on for half an hour in the morning while I’m dragging myself out of bed, only because I don’t have a digital radio in the bedroom, otherwise I’d have TalkRadio on.

    Haven’t gone near Radio 1,2, or 3 for over 50 years.

  8. Steve Wright, uber cunt. I can’t describe my loathing of this prick using the English language. Oven.

    • Steve Wright is a superannuated talentless cunt who should have been retired at the end of the 1980’s.

      Re. texting into ‘shows’ live, I bring you Liza Tarbuck, “sooooo, what’re having’ for yer teaaaaa”, text me what you’re having tonight, etc. (Heard round my mother’s at approx 6.30pm, I don’t listen to this drivel personally). Old Pater Jimmy would surely be swivelling in his grave.

    • He would burn for hours.

      Would produce enough electricity to power a town the size Wigan for a week.

      Chuck that hoppo of his Tim Smith? in the oven too. Can’t stand him either.

      That annoying, do-gooding bint, Jany Lee Grace, or whatever her name is, can be spared the oven if she’s willing to stoke it with coal.

      Serious Ovenin’, no G. Fuck off you fat cunt.

  9. The last decent DJ’s left on Radio 2 are Ken Bruce and Jonny Walker. The rest are either a crock of shite, or an old has been,- like Steve ‘fat cunt, lovin’ the big show’ Wright.

    I know Ken’s in his 70’s now, but he never set out to be trendy, – even during the 1980’s he was more like an old man. But with PopMaster, dry wit, and a level-headed personality, he has somehow remained current. It’s a pity Lynne Bowles left and got replaced by that black, pôòfter travel reporter.

    Sarah Kennedy was good. Too pissed up and right wing for the Beeb though,- so she got the boot.
    Jezza Vine isn’t fit to like the piss of Jimmy Young’s boots. Again Jimmy was right-wing, getting on a bit, so he had to go.

    Radio 2 also has a bad habit of hiring slebs to present radio programmes, when they have no experience of the median whatsoever.

  10. I have given up on radio altogether and just listen to podcasts now. At least you can chose podcasters. With radio you have to listen to whatever wall to wall shite they put out.

  11. Not one radio channel plays anything except shite.
    Planet Rock and Absolute Radio used to be OK but now I turn on the car radio, search the presets and turn it straight off.
    Propaganda and treachery from an organisation taken over in its entirety by the dangerous, evil loony left.
    Time the BBC paid for itself.

  12. WTF is R2? Only listen to Planet Rock and Classic. The sacking of Simon Mayo was the last straw. Cunts

  13. Radio 3 is the best as Classic FM just has the same 100 pieces on a merry-go-round. The problem, as the nomination says, is when they crow-bar in some token shite, eg a Gambian Ooga-Dooga being interviewed by some token East Euro presenter about their favourite “rhy-dams” made by clashing sticks together. Rid the station of Chocolate Faces and Irish cunts and play some proper stuff.

    Radio 2 is just awful, for people who dislike music completely.

    • Once you have heard one jungle riddim you’ve heard them all, Capo.

      • I disagree, Liquors. ‘Dem Bones, Dem Bones’ doesn’t sound anything like ‘Bear Necessities’ or ‘A-kóòna-Ma Dada’ from that shit Lion King proporganda.
        Did you know that there’s a special clause in any Lion King production? All the performers must genuinely be from Brixton to be in the show. Or be genuine rapîsts.

  14. I dropped BBC radio like an irradiated dog turd years back.

    It’s now fully deranged and utter shite throughout.

    Like Diane Abbott whispering romantic sex fantasies in your ear.
    Deeply upsetting.

    Hardly surprising as the entire rat’s nest is rammed full of the worst cunts this side of Brussels.

    Make it all a wholly private company not propped up by the taxpayer and watch it collapse like Italian morale.

    Fuck em.

  15. I used to listen to a bit of Faav Laav in the mornings but it became a ‘black vs white’ woke propaganda mouthpiece presented by Brexit hating, ex uni lefties. The pandemic finished it for me, and I’ve not tuned in ever since. They must be in their fucking element with the Ukraine saga, with hour after hour of ‘live’ reporting of the same misery and suffering. If I’m in the mood I’ll put a cd on. Otherwise I drive around in silence complaining that every other road user is a cunt. I find it very therapeutic.

  16. I spend all day on the road and the only radio station I listen to is TalkRadio. Everything else is shite, especially anything on the BBfuckingC.

    I spend most of my time listening to the 1,500 odd tracks stored on my phone, certain podcasts (Thought Police etc), right wing YouTube programs that I’ve downloaded the night before and audiobooks (mainly WWII factual stuff) on Audible.

    Music radio stations, along with R4, R5 and LBC can suck my big sweaty balls.

    • I occasionally have a quick listen to James O’Shithead purely to see what the obnoxious cunt is droning on about (it pays to see what the opposition are up to) but invariably have to switch off after about 30 seconds before my piss boils over and I have an accident.

  17. Radio 2 is ok for Johnny Walker and Tony Blackburn – Sounds of the 70’s and 60’s.
    Used to be ok for Pick of the Pops when Simon Mayo did it for a short time, but not anymore as it’s presented by that tiresome twat Gambaccini.
    The rest of BBC radio (and all BBC TV) can sod off. For current affairs, I listen to Talk Radio or GB News. For music, it’s my CD collection or internet.

    • What finished me was sounds of the sixties being swapped to 6 am on Saturdays rather than 8 am. Fuck that being up at six on a Saturday.
      I know you can get the sounds app, but just fuck off BBC

  18. At one time Radio 2 even used to produce real programmes – Mrs. Mills Piano Party where the friendly old sort used to bash out cheerful tunes at the old Joanna with the Big Ben Banjo Band (wouldn’t dare do that today – fat-shaming and waaycism combined), and little quiz games which featured most of the little sorts of the early 70s, and June Whitfield. Even Steptoe and Son (Albert and Harold not Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer) even got adapted for radio.

    I haven’t listened to R2 in over 20 years now, nearer, since Diana Hewitt-Windsor died, and after the BBC went into deep mourning they cancelled “The News Huddlines” a topical comedy with Roy Hudd, who took the piss out of all of them, not just the Conservatives.

    BBC radio altogether is total shit now.

    • I can remember it’s predecessor ‘The Light Programme’

      ‘An evening with Frank Chacksfield and his Orchestra’

      I used to like the News Huddlines. Saturday lunchtimes, before Fluff came on, with Pick Of The Pops. Not ‘arf.

  19. Jack de Manio left the Today programme on the Home Service to go and learn how to tell the time, and that’s when I parted company with the wireless.
    Reading this thread has me mystified. Am I right to conclude that the Light Programme is now known as Radio 2, and the Third Programme as Radio 3?
    Goodness gracious when did this happen, and why?

  20. It’s Radio Caroline or nothing. A minimum of adverts, plenty of 60s and 70s rock music, no “white man bad” preaching and they didn’t even bang on endlessly about the orange man for very long.
    Medium Wave forever, and to hell with DAB and the BBC…

  21. Radio 2 is like a roll-call of DJs who were never convicted. No Johnathan King, Savile, Mark Page or Tim Westwood.

  22. The Archers has always been somerhing to deal with. Like Emmerdale for the blind I suppose. Never done soaps, & it’s a fucking miracle this bollocks has lasted for 71 years & is still going !?

    • This country will only be galvanised into civil war when al beeb rework The Archers’ theme tune into something involving sitars, hiphop and steel drums, “better to represent the vibrant, diverse culture of the rural population”.

  23. Anything BBC is likely to boil your piss. Radio 4 boiled my piss on the drive home from work yesterday.

    Patting themselves on the back for a joint investigation of Tim Westwood yet another long term BBC employee now accused of sexual assault on young women and abusing his position.

    Yet again the BBC uncovers terrible secrets about someone who worked them for decades after the fact.

    How the presenter managed to sound so smug puzzled me until she revealed the Guardian was the BBC’s partner in the investigation. The smugness was explained.

    The BBC needs to go.

    • Westwood. What a cunt. Even the fat prick Moyles used to take the piss out of Timmy W. The vicars son who pretended to be black, like innnitttt…..

      I caught some of the Beebs report yesterday and they were masturbating themselves senseless about how they did good in respect to Westwood.

      Funny that they fail to see the common denominator that links the likes of Westwood, Saville, Harris, King……

  24. About time Radio 2 was cunted, it in no way resembles the good old easy listening station of old, I will start with the Faggot who reports on the travel, he in some way has become part of the morning shows, tell us about any holdups then fuck off, Zoe Ball, over enthusiastic and loves everything, Scott Mills, stand in specialist and yet another Bummer, Jeremy Vine, all round Cunt, Steve Wright is ok but his arse poking hangers on are irrelevant and offer nothing, if the BBC did put out a station like Radio 2 used to be like it would pull in a massive audience and in no time it would attract all the DJ wankers that now pollute the once great station.

    • Yes, it’s not at all ‘easy listening’ now.

      Easy listening was David Jacobs after lunch, playing the ‘Great American Songbook’ style tunes.

      Or Desmond Carrington. I know he was a pöòfter, but he didn’t have to tell everybody about it. He was easy on the ears,- and so was the music he played.

      Some aspects of Radio 2, like ‘Sing Something Simple’ with ‘The Cliff Adams Singers’, are best consigned to the history books. God it was awful. I’m sure it was on the ‘Light Programme’ in the early 60’s.
      It lasted for years. I don’t know how.

  25. I quite like The Archers.
    Such jolly japes!
    The rest of it can fuck off.
    Apart from the Pets Concerto, played on November the 5th. Soothing music for dogs and cats. Which works, hallelujah!

  26. Radio One is for da yoof, them with the mentality of approximately one peanut. Possibly.

    Radio 2 is for fogies who hate music.

    Radio 3 used to be for twats like the bore of a music teacher we had at school. And for the puff down the road who has a procession of young boys going in and out of his house carrying cellos and stuff.

    Occasionally catch snatches of Today on Radio Four, but generally speaking BBC radio can fuck right off.

    • Radio 2 was for fogies who loved easy listening music. It had some quality programmes and DJ’s on back ‘int day.

      I’m not sure what tack it has taken recently, but it is certainly on course to end up stricken on the rocks.

  27. Pop master is still worth a listen
    Wright unfunny and when he adds vine talkovers with stupid voices I really want to vomit in the car
    Try the channel hopping game without wanting to shout cunt loud enough for traffic to turn there heads not east
    Talk radio love Julia but same adverts
    Try uk gold limited play list
    Try bbc three counties Jonathan vernon smith sounds like a posh nice boy
    Accidentally get Amanda Holden on heart apart from eating her ass no use
    Asian networks everywhere
    DAB shit reception
    Fuck it I’ll turn it off and sing CCR songs to myself
    Only Blair is a bigger cunt than the bbc

  28. Try an app called pumpkin FM
    It has British comedy radio stations on it. Loads of good stuff on there

    • Yes the Korean telephone opens up a world of radio via apps.
      Literally anything you want for nowt.
      Unlike the above mentioned BBC vermin.

      Severe unemployment for them by oven.

  29. I’m happy enough with Boom radio, loads of great music, lots I’ve never heard before.

  30. If any of you gents have Spotify, there’s loads of Simon Mayo’s confessions podcasts on there, some of which really are hilarious.

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