Transgender Balls

I am sure that that celeb Eliot Page (I cannot find her real first name) (which says a lot in itself) who was a woman and became a man would like to ‘grow a pair’. Have they injected her so she can one wonders…?

‘You should grow a pair of balls’. You hear that from men AND women. Mrs Plastic says it to me a lot when I invariably shrink from confrontation.

Caitlin Jenner has no balls. He’s had the ‘full surgery’. But he has metaphorical balls as it were when it comes to standing up against ‘gay marriage’ and transgender atheletes in women’s sport.

What am I cunting here? Transgender balls that’s it. Balls as bollocks. No bunkum I mean. Balls as bunkum, bullshit.

I have no doubt that ballsy Bruce (what a manly name) was speaking the truth when he said he felt like a woman on the inside all his life. I am not denying that.

A terrible thing to feel. That you’re in the wrong body. I suppose he wished and wished he was a woman but he was in a man’s body. But just because you fervently wish things to be so the wishing doesnt make it a reality. (A bit like heaven, then – NA)

This is from Hello Magazine-
‘Having undergone a nose job, breast augmentation, tracheal shave, jaw reshaping and beard removal as part of her transition, Caitlyn finally completed the process with gender reassignment surgery.’

So Bruce has ‘busted his balls’ so to speak to become a woman.
The last on theist is having his balls and cock chopped off.

He has had what is called ‘facial -feminisation surgery’ as well which involves- ‘procedures such as hairline correction, forehead contouring, and jaw and chin contouring’.

‘hairline correction’. But when God made him (as I would say) his male hairline was correct. ‘forehead contouring’ but when God made him (as I would say) his forehead was countoured for a male. .’jaw and chin contouring’. But when God made him (as I would say) his jaw and chin were perfectly ok for a male. What am I saying?

These terms really confess him to being a man having surgery to look like a woman.

Fuck this. What does it matter anyway if it makes him feel better in himself? I like the cunt for his stance against Wokery.

Oh, this turned not to be a cunting at all.

So the cunting is for those people that say people like Caitlyn Jenner are REAL women. And the consequeces of that in law.
(Helpful link provided by Cuntstable Cuntbubble)

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

81 thoughts on “Transgender Balls

  1. Yes, it’s really odd. A deviant who speaks out against deviant bollocks. Not sure who the cunt is but common sense seems to have broken out.

    • Oh the confusion.
      Lia Thomas delayed hormone replacement therapy which would have given him an advantagee. That concedes he had an advantage.

      Drug -taking in sport comes to mind. It used to be illegal drugs would be taken to boost performance.
      In this case they are legally taken to actually diminish performance.
      Such confusion.

      I was reading something —an IOC statement about it. Saying that trans atheletes have to have their hormone levels monitored.
      I mean fuck me this is Olympic committee. And their doctors have to check how womanly they are.

      I think a better way of doing that to is to ask friends and family if ‘she’ is reading glossy magazines, or gossiping more.

      • From what I can see both testosterone and estrogen are banned substances in sport.
        But they are being used here.
        Such confusion as I’ve said.

      • I don’t get why our “bread and circuses” are being subverted and made un-entertaining. If people turn away from the number one distraction in life – A-list sports – then they will start to see and look into the deceptions more (this happened during Covid) and the game might be up. There’s definitely a lot of organised chaos these days, the World Cup in November will surely have a big dose of mindfuckery.

      • @ Miles

        Trans women who have been through male puberty will always have a significant advantage over their female counterparts. Hormone treatments to lower testosterone levels in trans women athletes do fuck all to effect their inbuilt, post puberty male advantages over female athletes.

        Stopping boys going through puberty would go some way toward creating a level playing field in later life, but in my opinion would amount to child abuse.

      • What you said, RTC.
        Me and Sis were discussing this yesterday, well, she was expounding her theory and I was trying to get a word in edgeways, but we both agree.

    • Because he/she was a supporter or trump, that’s why. All the time people with a different right opinion jump on people like tramps on a bonfire trying to get warm. They are stupid.

  2. I don’t care what anyone says – Jess Phillips is a fine figure of a man – especially when she has “Mr. Phillips” – hubby – on his belly while she shoves her strap-on into him. What more could you ask? – a hairy chest,legs like a rugby fullback, and a determination as she arm wrestles Kim Leadbetter.

    Seriously is it any wonder Labour have so many mincers and benders when they have all these decrepit “wimminz” in their ranks. The very name AnalEase Dodds conjurs up nausea and the whiff must be terrible – the horrible hot reek of urine taking your mind off the ripe fruity fart she emitted three minutes ago. The fear of Lady Nugee beheading you as she sits on your face. Zara Sultana wringing her jamrag out over Bendover Bradshaw’s face for some minor transgression. Persistent offers of a halitosis-riddled blow job from Angie Rayner, even if it does only cost 50 pence. Poor old Chris Bryant getting an offer of threeseome with dusky temptresses Diane Abbot and Dawn Butler. Margaret Beckett biting off Russell-Moyle’s dick as a punishment for his constant wanking. The home of masculine women and feminine man, led by a man who doesn’t know what and where a cervix is or where to find a dick. The dickheads led by an arsehole. It’s all the new normal.

    • Trans men competing against biological women is a sick joke , anybody who supports this fucking crap is a totally deluded cunt of the highest order , try to imagine frank bruno punching seven bells out of a biological women after identifying himself a female?
      Imagine training 7-10 hours a day 5-7 day a week for 10-15 years only to be robbed of a medal/ / world title because a man had decided to identify as a woman!!
      Trans athletes should have their own categories and stop living off the backs of women …..
      29 years ago this total bollocks would have been laughed at , look how far we have fallen ……

  3. I think these transbummers should be allowed to influence anything they like.

    Inside their high security mental asylum in the Azores.

    That wealthy mangled former chap Jenner can be warden.

    Until turn in oven.

    • Fuck me, Terry! That’s a bit harsh on the people of the Azores.

      Why not Tristan da Cunha, or South Georgia?

      Far more remote. Less chance of escape before oven.

  4. Balls or no balls, they can never be real women.

    Men in dresses with ‘issues’ ?

  5. Transgender balls? I bet Eddie Izzard has been to a few of them, with his sweeping pink gown matching his ever present beret. Oh darling you look absolutely faaaaaaabulous.
    Just shoot the lot of them. Fucking sick cunts.

  6. I have no idea what it must feel like to be a woman, or another man for that matter.

    All this nonsense about ‘being trapped in the wrong body’ is just plain….. Bollocks.

    It’s bizarre that these men who feel like they should be women have absolutely no idea what a woman actually is.

    On declaring that they want to ‘transition’ their first call, inevitably, is to Marks and Spencer’s ladies underwear department where they will buy themselves a dozen pairs of frilly knickers and some lacy bras.
    They will then try to squeeze themselves into the inappropriate underwear.

    That is not what being a woman is all about.
    There is no real woman that will buy and wear uncomfortable underwear for any length of time.
    A few might put up with the inconvenience for a few hours to please their male partners.

    I don’t know of any woman that would get dressed up in stockings and suspenders with full make up just to go out to the supermarket or to do the housework.
    But these cunts do.

    They are all mental cases.
    There can’t be anything more mental than thinking that you are something that you obviously aren’t.

    Instead of allowing them into women’s spaces and sports and instead of accepting them into society, they should be locked away in mental institutions for treatment.

    • Their idea of being wimmin is wearing frilly knickers and generally dressing like an eastern euro prozzie.

      If they had to endure period pains, have stillbirths, endometriosis and all the more messy aspects of being female, they’d run a mile in their rhinestone stilettos. Want to be a female, love? Go the full 100%; you don’t get cherry pick the sparkly pretty pink fluffy bits. Cunts (without a cunt) ?

  7. Latest nonsense……..some six foot geezer has been selected as goalkeeper for the England Wimminz University football team. He is, of course, identifying as a wimminz. He’s also a student at Brighton University…….well there’s a surprise.

    • Petra Schmeichel (Denmark)
      Davina Seaman/Semen (England)
      Claudia Taffarel (Brazil)
      Josie Chilavert (Chile)
      Patty Jennings (Northern Ireland)
      Olivia Kahn (Germany)
      Edwina van der Sar (Holland)
      Michel Preud’homme (Belgium, unchanged name)

      • Jo Hart (England)
        Phillipa Parkes (England)
        Petra Shilton (England)

        There’s also a Jimmy Rimmer joke in there somewhere.

      • Harriet Kane
        Phillis Neville
        Michaela Owen
        Emilia Heskey
        Arsenal porn star – Emmanuel Petit – unchanged.

      • Bev Yashin (Soviet Union)
        Jemima Leighton (Scotland)
        Rene & Renata Huigita (Columbia)

    • The only proper university anywhere near Brighton is Sussex University. The Brighton College of Art changing its name doesn’t fool anyone. It wasn’t even a polytechnic before. It’s a wannabe educational establishment with zero academic credentials and a high local bumder population.

      • It’s the bumder population that make it the fine educational establishment it is today.

      • I know someone who studied there and became an part-time artist and full-time pretentious hipster cunt.

  8. The whole “trans” movement has been going on for 100 years. There was a much-celebrated WW2 soldier who transitioned to a woman in the late-1940s, he/she was all over the US media back in the day, celebrated not castigated. The trans community and movement has just been politicised just as everything is politicised these days and is being used to create chaos in society and out of that chaos comes the New World Order. The gay community fucking HATED the trans community up until about 2012. If a trans man/woman tried to enter certain gay/lesbian bars, they got told to fuck off as they weren’t seen as gay/lez and were seen as troublesome. Drag queens were different, they were just men who liked to go OTT with the fashion and makeup and entertain the punters.

    When civilisations are in decline, homosexuality, gender-swapping, transvestism, freaky shit comes to the fore, the mainstream. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome and now, in our days, we see it is full glare. It’s will all blow over eventually and an era of moral austerity is ushered in.

    • Any given 1990s gay bar would have ZERO transsexuals (as they used to be called) in them. “What are YOU doing in here?” Just as the leather bars would not let in “swishes” as… the joint wasn’t for them: “Go to Tinsel, honey, get some action uptown, night night!”. Now they all, “ride in the same car,” as Dave Chappelle says…

      Testify, Dave, testify!

  9. Ellen page cutting off her tits doesn’t make her a 9 year old boy. She’s a lesbian and her demented world view is “ gay conversion therapy” and far worse than praying to a man in the sky.

  10. They can all fuck off as far as I’m concerned. Don’t want to hear anymore about any of the cunts.

  11. Not like you to talk bollocks Miles??

    Transfreaks have balls=man.
    No matter how much they flounce and shriek, a bloke.

    My balls used to be used as a model on good sexual health in medical colleges.
    Big firm full of spunk,
    Like a young stag!!
    Students probably had posters up in dorm rooms of my knackers,
    Things of beauty.

    Nowadays theyre like a bag of broken biscuits ☹️

    Oh well,
    Never mind the bollocks….

    • Women can get ‘vaginoplasty’ to restore their blurts, but no micro-surgeon has ever performed an ‘old balls plasty’. Well, maybe in Bel-Air. “The Fresh Balls of Bel-Air” could be a wing of the clinic.

      • I wouldn’t be able to afford it anyway, placcy surgery on my jacobs.

        But a eleccy band pulls them up and smoothes out the wrinkles!
        A bit like Lorraine chase and her Croydon facelift where she scraped her hair in a bun so tight she was Japanese.

  12. Fuck me Miles, I just had a quick read of your nom and found it a little incoherent, bollocks perhaps. Maybe it was me and I need to study it closer but I got the impression you’ve been at the communion wine again or you’ve outsourced your noms to Sir Limply.

      • I don’t think so.
        Ive seen a lot worse!
        Most of which ive written ?

        Chin up Miles!
        Feeling sorry for yerself makes your balls droop.

      • Did CS ever nominate? You would need a Latin dictionary and the complete works of late 19th century Turkish poets to decipher it all.

      • You’d almost kinda miss CS wouldn’t you, LL?! He was was nothing if not interesting, amusingly pretentious and whacked out of his gourd!
        Most of the time, he sounded like he’d got stuck into my vast stash of naughtiness!

      • Evening chaps,
        No, dont think he ever nominated a subject.
        He could ramble on a bit,
        But sometimes he’d land on something interesting,
        He had a good taste in music and was a bit mischievous/spiteful.
        I quite liked him.

        Two sugars!!!
        If you’re reading this CS.

      • That’s why i never really engaged with CS. Always criticising other noms but never offering his own.

        Proof that he was a troll.

  13. Time for a joke.

    The wife was trying to be sexy for me last night. When I came up the stairs, I found her lying naked on the bed, licking a lollipop.
    Then she slipped it up her fanny…
    I said, “Careful with that, love. You’ll need it to help the children across the road tomorrow…”

      • Yes BH, a visit to the catacombs of Palermo. One of the strangest places on earth. Well worth a visit or at least a Google.

    • Funny you should say that, but last night I went upstairs to find my bird flat on her back, naked. I looked at her and couldn’t see any sign of movement. I kicked her a few times, but no response. “Fuckin’ ‘ell” I thought to myself “She’s had a heart attack and died, and there’s a sink full of washing up” Anyway as she lay there I thought I would bang one into her one last time. Just as I’m sliding into her she shouts “BOO” Honestly, some people are just fucking sick!

  14. What you do behind closed doors is one thing.
    When you rub my nose in it is another.
    I’m sick to the back teeth about reports of Liar Thomas, and other such deviant scum, they aren’t ‘brave’, they are exploiting a loophole.
    Women, gather together and give them a ‘ballectomy’, by repeatedly kicking them.

    • Evening JP, at least the (proper) girl cyclists are taking a stand and refusing to compete against a degenerate bender calling himself “Emily” Bridges.
      Hopefully the female swimmers will follow suit.

    • I don’t blame the trannies, it’s the divisive, lefty white Guardianista scum who use the trannies – most of whom would prefer to keep their heads down and be left in peace – as a battering ram to undermine the cohesion of society, they are the real villains of the piece here. The Benjamin Butterworths of this world.

      • Very true. for the genuine transfolk the issue is medical/psychological not political.

    • Given the fucking detritus Oxford and Cambridge allow in these days i’m not surprised.

    • Fuck me, that’s a hell of a lot of surgery and must be very expensive. I wonder who’s paying for it?

    • Evening Cuntologist,

      You’re a woman. What is a woman?

      It seems Sir Keir and others have difficulty answering that question.

      Also this Kentanji Jackson-Brown woman the Supreme Court Nominee in The States.

      Even Rishi Sunak was confused what to say.

      In fact it’s got so difficult now people just avoid the question.

      My idea to help people is to suggest they go all dewy-eyed, romantic-looking and get poetical.

      ‘If I could write the beauty of her eyes,
      And in fresh numbers number all her graces,
      The age to come would say ‘This poet lies;
      Such heavenly touches ne’er touched earthly faces.’

      Now if Sir Keir had come out with that it would havd got him off the hook.

    • Testicular implants? Fuck me, they should have gave Hitler one of those and maybe he would have got over his sexual inadequacies and spared us the 70 million massacre.

      • I’ve been there many times. The best meal in town is at The Lady Y. The Chefs special sauce is to die for.

  15. If they insist on forcing this shite on kids in schools, then at least tell the truth.

    Those fake cunts stink of shit, I believe.

    • Yeah, the surgeon taps into the poop-juice gland (not sure of the scientific term) of the arse to lubricate the fake ‘vagina-esque’ wound and the flow is constant, so it must stink of… poop-juice. Just keep the dick! Nothing wrong with the dick, it has served us well for aeons. Or use lube! What an age we are in.

  16. Looking at that diagram – Epydidimus? Vaz Deferens? ….my psyche conjours disturbing images of Ken Dodd’s Notty Ash dwarves and a certain disgraced Labour MP involved in unsavoury activities in a gents lav on Clapham Common. How tickled I am.

    • Half-penis, half-penis
      The greatest gift that I possess
      I thank the Lord that I am blessed
      With more than my share of half-penis!

  17. Fucking deviants the lot of em!

    Round the lot of the freaks up and send them off to a Running Man style game show, call it ‘The Running Gender Fluid’ or some such other shite to keep the freaks onside, then get medieval on the cunts

  18. XX chromosomes = woman
    XY chromosomes = man
    If I catch anyone (I don’t give a fuck what flavour alphabet soup they prefer) with a Y in their chromosomes going near a toilet /bathroom that my daughter is using, there’s not a hoard of lefties big enough to save them from a kicking.

    • Personally, all these deviant cunts are YY chromo, and that’s why the fucking freaks behave the way they do. Their genetic profile is damaged so they don’t think the way the rest of society does. It’s only the west that tolerates these cunts. I know the n*gn*gs like to wear skirts, but that a ethnic thing. Turn up at the tribal council and say you want to be a woman and they will start the process by cutting your meat and two veg off, and then throw you to the Lions. Though not sure how many Lions are roaming Hackney these days.

  19. As my Dr friend always says about this tomfoolery, “is there a difference between men and women? Yes, there’s a Vas Deferens”. He’s a Dr, and he thinks gender benders are a sin against science! Remember, the villagers chased Dr Frankincense out, burned his house down and killed his creation with a swamp!

  20. i was going to nominate Trans Rights Activists on here but I think Miles has covered most of it.

    The only other thing i find quite funny is the way homophobia has now been validated by the woke. The lesbians don’t want to fuck a man who says he’s a woman and are labelled transphobic then threatened with rape by howling mad blue-haired lunatics on Twitter.

    The Left eat themselves.

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