The Tinder Swindler and his Swindled

I’ve just finished watching an admittedly entertaining documentary on the infamous ‘Tindler Swindler’.

Long story short, the doc tries its very best to make you feel sorry for the conman’s victims, but I just couldn’t bring myself to have that much pity.

Because they were gullible? No. Some cons, including this one, are very sophisticated and not impossible to fall for.

No, the reason I found it difficult to be sympathetic, is that the victims all thought the guy was a young billionaire heir to a huge diamond mining company.

I won’t bore you with how he did it (watch it), but his first date would involve a trip on a private jet with his ‘business partners’, ‘family members’ and a ‘bodyguard’. Fast cars. Trips to the very best hotels (£5,000 a night, for example). Ferraris. Bentleys. He’d blow 20 grand in one night in exclusive nightclubs.

Yup. These women, in my opinion, were gold diggers who only dated the cunt because they thought he was fucking loaded.

One of the ladies lost 250k by taking out more and more credit, faking her income to get access to huge amounts of cash to give the cunt once his cons started (best way to describe what he was doing was a Ponzi con).

Yes, he is a bigger cunt than the very tidy young ladies he ripped off, but they clearly only wanted in with this ugly shortarsed four be two because they thought they were snaring the next Jeff fucking Bezos.

Fuck off and boo boo.
(Link provided by Part Time Admin – PTA in place of original link that was no longer working)

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

60 thoughts on “The Tinder Swindler and his Swindled

  1. The two most common human traits are greed and stupidity.
    These silly tarts had buckets full of both.
    Thanks for my daily schadenfreude top up, Cb.

    • Just listen to You & Yours on Wireless 4 weekdays (1202-1300) and you can hear some of greediest most gullable old bags (and a few middle aged men as well) who spend sometimes hiundreds of thousands of pounds on scams, and even when their familes and even their banks and the police tell them they are being taken for a berk, they STILL go on throwing good money after bad. You cant feel sorry for them, because they were warned, but after all that they then whine about their bank and expect ton be compensated for their own stupidity. What a pile of wankers.

  2. All scammers like this offer some get rich quick trick. You know what they say…….if it’s too good to be true that’s because it ain’t true. Fuck him and fuck the tarts who fell for it. They’re all cunts.

  3. Sounds like a good watch, laughing at the greedy, gullible gals. That bloke has some neck; sounds like he did his con with some style and sass. He put in quite the investment. Shame he got caught if you ask me. No doubt Leonardo Di Craprio or that Preenadict Cumbertwat will play the Tinder Swindler soon.

    A lot of people are just plain thick. So many cases of silly old women falling for ‘ I am Mustafa. I am 23. I love you old lady of 76, yooo arrr soo bootivul. Please wire me £2,000 for life saving surgery for my brother. We will be together soon.’ (I realise the nom is coming from a different angle; somewhat related.)

    • It is a decent watch to be fair, but they do try to paint the wimminz as innocent little victims and not gold diggers.

      Does it work?

      Does it fuck. Every cunt I know who’s seen it came to the same conclusion.

      He’s a cunt, but they only got conned because they saw the chance of a having a billionaire husband. They were blinded by their own greed and shallowness.

      • Indeed. She already had a £2m home in Oz. Could’ve left it there and not let her kids know she was on the game. But she’s money mad.

        She’s nothing more than a ‘high class’ h oo ker imo. She also needs to be careful, as some of the underage girls she allegedly groomed when she became too old at 20, might sue her for that wonga she got. But it was good to see Andy squirming too, I suppose.

  4. He did nothing wrong as far as I’m concerned. Women scam men all the time and get are cheered for it. This man just beat them at their own game.

  5. The women he conned were all boasting on Arsebook/Instagram with photos of the very fancy restaurants he took them to and of the trips on ‘his’ private jet, complete with bodyguards. They couldn’t fucking wait to do that lol.

    One couldn’t wait to show off videos of the 20k a month penthouse (something like that anyway) he was going to rent for her.

    They all came across, despite their best efforts to say, ‘I just wanted to fulfil my childhood fantasy of being the princess, I not a gold digger boo hoo’ as shallow, vacuous, gold digging slappers, who think nothing of having a different partner every night, until ‘Mr Right’, who just happens to be a ‘billionaire’.

    Fuck off lol

    • Most modern conmen give themselves away with little telling moments like forgetting to shine their shoes, or having knowledge of the low life, ie. knowing the price of milk, etc. If you ask a new acquaintance simple questions about their childhood, they’ll give themselves away as those memories are the most cast in stone, most vibrant, most meaningful and if a fake rich cunt is having to wrack their memory, ie. confabulate their rich upbringing, then they are sussed.

      I can see how some naive young women desperate to have a jet-setting swanky life would pass over doing that, but it isn’t hard to spot a liar these days, just watch those body language expert videos on YouTube to see the obvious and not obvious “tells” that liars, bluffers, bullshitters, exaggerators unconsciously exhibit to know how to navigate the modern labyrinth of liars. Fuck me that Elizabeth Warren (?) woman in Yankland conned the investment gurus out of $30 BILLION with a ‘B’ and almost got away with it. She awaiting sentence, but I bet she lands on her feet when she is released in a few years just like that Wolf of Wall Street cunt, Jordan Belfort.

      • Good points, but got to hand it to the cunt, he was very convincing. He spent millions (of others money) on his elaborate cons. And his clothing was all highly expensive designer shite (Gucci etc). It was genuine clobber too, and the clothing becomes a tool for revenge for one tart who did suss him out.

  6. Wimminz think us blokes are shallow, and indeed we can be. A part way decent bird more likely to get a shag if she’s got a decent set of tits or a nice arse for example. But wimminz are more likely to immediately lower their standards, lay back and think of England if they think a guy can offer wealth and a jet set lifestyle. I can’t think of many blokes who’d marry simply for money, but I can think of plenty of wimminz. But us blokes are all cunts apparently.

    • I often wonder about Mrs. Andrew Adonis, she married one of the ugliest soyboys in the world, only to discover (or admit) years later he was a turd burglar. Similar remakeks apply to Mrs. Keith Vaz – what the fuck did she see in him, apart from pound signs?. And Mrs. Phillip Schofield married to the poofter who did wimminz things on TV every morning…….. the mind boggles.

    • I did offer to marry Kylie when she was single (early thirties was her prime time), definitely not for the money…. Oh that arse 👍
      May have even persuaded her for a threesome with Danni, ah well back to reality 😂

      • In her prime, I bet Kylie’s arsehole tasted better than most ladies’ fannies.

      • And you wouldn’t now CB, my fine fellow?
        I’d go down on her arse with more gusto and less finesse than than one of those starving hounds on “The Dog Rescuers” given its first meal in weeks.

      • She’s in her 50s now.

        She looks great for it, but I bet you’d have to lick a few piles if you wanted to tuck in nowadays.

        Mind you, Dolly Parton is 76 and I’m not sure I’d turn it down. I’d just be scared of what happens when you undo her corset. Like a load of 50kg bags of spuds falling through the attic.

        I bet she was a right goer in her prime though, phwooar. Those jugs, my goodness.

        Back in 5 minutes.

      • Although I’d doubt a few puss and blood weeping haemorrhoids wouldn’t put you off for a second lol

      • Do you ever watch those Dolly Parton 1970s interviews with Johnny Carson? Fuck me, THERE was a real woman. She was just… radiant with femininity, but a strong, take-no-shit woman, uproariously funny and a great songwriter-singer. She’s amazing.

      • I wasn’t even born when she was in her prime, but when I first saw her as a toddler I had a craving for some milk.

  7. This Rick Moranis looking fucker conned them through their own greed.
    They wanted it to be true so much they ignored the warning
    Fuck em.

    Some very clever and unscrupulous people about,
    Conmen rely on the ‘mark’s’ greed to successfully complete the con.

    Victor Lustig known as the ‘count’ being one of the most famous,
    Hes the bloke who sold(😀) the Eiffel tower and even scammed Al Capone.

  8. They have the right idea in India, where men and women hire they private eyes to observe their prospective partners to see of they smoke, where they work, if they are shagging others folk, are from the level of caste they say they are, etc. Why not? In this day and age a lot of people are bullshitters trying to keep up with the Joneses, and loads of people are in debt to five figures, even six figures. Nothing immoral about checking up on someone if you are going to trust them, be in employees, tenants, nannies/childminders, sex slaves, etc.

    Being a conman was easy as fuck in the old days, but today it should be and is if you have a brain, EASY to look into someone to see of they are legit, honest, not a Chelsea fan, etc.

  9. Maybe they thought he was Will from the Inbetweeners?
    Birds love celebrities!

    • The fact he has those 1980s horn-rimmed Yuppy bellend spectacles should have been a giveaway he was a shifty cunt.

      • Everything he wore was incredibly expensive. This was proved in the documentary. His attire was an important part of his scam.

        I bet those specs, despite looking a bit shite, cost about £5,000 of other’s money at least.

    • That’s what I thought when I first saw him. He looks like a more suave version of Will McKenzie.

      I half expect that dirty bugger B&WC to end up being one of these Tinder Swindler types. Still time yet I suppose.

      The Tinder Tongue Tingler 😁

  10. Women don’t love money more than men, they just like spending it more.

    Hoo-ee, what a bunch of skanks.

  11. Well I’m signing up for Tinder…..if some speccy Shylock can con good-looking Tarts out of millions of dollars, as a vast Estate-owning Country Gentleman..I’ll be beating them off with a shitty stick.

    • Fill your boots Dick.
      Be nonchalant.
      Blow your nose casually on a £50 note.

      Wear spats!!
      Scrooge McDuck wears them an that little bloke on the monopoly box.

      Monocle too!
      Buy a pair of specs snap em in half, youll have two.

      I fill my wallet with monopoly money and put a real £10 on the top,
      Then ask some girl to sit on my wallet to help me close it shut.

      Plain sailing from there!
      Shell be wringing out her knickers on the bus!!👍

      • ” Blow your nose casually..”
        I think I need a hernia repair, I laughed so much, I damned near choked.
        Thanks, MNC.

    • Get stuck in lad.

      They’ll be queuing up if you show pictures of your home and vast tracks of land. They won’t give a shite if you look like the Elephant Man after an acid attack and have a button mushroom for a nob. They will attack your face with their fannies the second you open the door.

      Just say you’re looking for a long-term relationship. Gold diggers are only interested in this and they tend to be the fit ones who offer up cunt easily if you’re minted.

      Give em one and tell them to pay for their own fucking taxis home after coming in their eyes.

    • Er, you might end up meeting an Amber Hurd type psycho who wants your money and ruin you to boot. Btw has she been nommed yet?

  12. No sympathy at all.
    Asking to use their credit card because…
    Great big alarm bells should have been going off!
    It’s the elderly and vulnerable who get conned by baggers that have my sympathy, £1500 to replace a roof tile?
    I keep telling folk, 3 quotes at least.
    Get youngers to check the twats out for you.
    If in doubt, don’t!

    • There needs to be some sort of online database that lists the prices of tradesman work in your area. Like you type in your post code, then keywords, ie. blocked gutters, installing a toilet, building a sex dungeon, etc then it gives you average prices then a helpline for any other questions if it’s a more complicated job ie. asbestos is involved or you are a vulnerable person, in which case social services could get involved. It’s out of control in parts of Britain with dodgy tradesmen who show up for 10 minutes, diagnose a faulty appliance, do fuck all and charge you 80 quid and leave after telling you, “I don’t do that kind of work, sorry.” I bet some of these guys don’t even have a full set of tools, just a van they breeze about in, diagnosing an obvious fault, charging 80 quid a pop, they’ll be making 75,000-100,000 quid per year. There needs to be a 99.9% full-proof system that makes it impossible to rip people off on house repairs where the numbers get run through a online database where at best you get overcharged by 20 quid for small jobs, 200 quid for big jobs. I’m being idealistic, but in this day and age, there should can could be an easy-to-use system to make rip-off tradesmen almost obsolete.

      • Don’t worry old chap I invented one some years back when having the loft converted.

        It’s called Fuck Off or I’ll Leather You with this Hammer.

        100% success.

      • Hahaha! Brilliant, Tel. Also apply this to cunts who clean fish tanks for a living, they love a mark-up.

  13. Having said that, I friend of mine got a visitor early evening, about 6 months after her hubby had died. He was a “friend” of hubby’s, and had been to the house before.
    Now, she’s right soft hearted, believes the best about everyone, but this “friend” insinuated himself into her life, and before she knew it, had managed to “borrow”, threw a fiver here and twenty there, over £3000.
    She eventually asked for help, to stop him calling round, as much as ought, but he got a right kicking, I can tell you.
    What a cunt, preying on a heartbroken lass.

  14. I don’t think he’s a cunt. In fact, I take my hat off to him.
    His ‘ victims ‘ were quite willing to live the high life, with the prospect of much more to come, in what was a purely materialistic enterprise, in each individual case.
    I hope his motto was ‘ Bum Them All ‘.
    I bet he did.
    Good show, Sir. 👍

    • Heh heh, damned right!
      Hopefully he managed to film the proceedings in a clandestine way for extortion purposes.
      Bollocks to the hypocritical tarts; hopefully he gave them all Chlamydia or Tertiary Syphillis.

  15. Surely a multi millionaire would not be advertising for crumpet on t’internet?
    Mind you, I’m not a multi millionaire so what the fuck do I know.

    • Now that, Freddie, is a very valid point.
      Unfortunately, due to the flashing £££ signs that appeared, they were blinded to the obvious.

  16. The media love to portray women as both empowered and victims when it suits.

    The problem with this is it has created a generation of useless fat, entitled biffers who can’t cook and can’t accept that it takes what they term ‘toxic masculinity’ to forge real men.

    • The natural order will reassert itself this century, I reckon, this charade of postmodern pish won’t last forever.

  17. I used to know this bird who had an online relationship with this Yank cunt. He was in the Marine Corps in Afghanistan, a Major or Colonel or something. He used to send her flowers and chocolates and shit. He also had photos in his uniform with cuntloads of medals on his tit.
    I can’t remember his angle but one day he desperately needed $3000 or he would be disgraced and kicked out of the Army. At that point she fucked him off.
    He probably was in Afghanistan but he would have been a goatshagger not a Marine colonel.

    • I hope the REAL Marines caught up with that crappy Walter Mitty cunt.

    • That’s the difference between the USMC and RM. Any potato-head from Idaho can call himself a Marine as it’s a regular force, not commando-trained.

  18. Interesting nom👍
    I am in agreement that there are no victims in this story.

    Conversely, as a young man, I did not accept the offer made to me, from an absolutely gorgeous older woman, who was a widow who had inherited her husbands multi, multi-million pound business.

    I did this because I thought it would be immoral.

    Message to my 23 year old self:

    “You fucking stupid cunt!”

    • Had a similar offer of being a kept man when I was 33.

      Like a complete cunt, I decided to concentrate on my career instead and moved hundreds of miles away.

      For some reason, slowly working my way towards a stress induced heart attack seemed like a better idea than snorting lines off a banging pair of F cup tits and spending days in bed fucking like a pair of horny teenagers.

      What a cunt.

      • If I had been 33, my decision might have been different.

        I already had a couple of regular girlfriends on the go-in different parts of the country😇

        A sliding doors moment, indeed.

        Perhaps I would now be posting on a website called “Is an incredibly Rich Cunt”, instead 🤔

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