The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Queenie & her Platinum Jubilee.

Well from where I am sitting, vast swaths of the public backstreets will soon be closed off, courtesy of our local arse licking councils, so that we can all have our street parties, & be rest assured that everything will be safe.

No crazy Herpes delivery drivers, or home deliveries, & the paths by then should have been cleared of cars. The usual charity tins will be rattling a plenty, but no one will have the front to ask them for the cause? & there will always be some cunt selling food for 10 times it’s value.

So yes if the old bat does just happen to last for another two months, we can all dwell in this spectacle together!

Hull Daily Mail News Link
(A fabulous link provided by – PTA)

Well I don’t know about how you fellow cunters out there feel, but I would much rather eat my own arse, preferably after a serious bout of E.coli & Norovirus combined, than endure this saggy bag of royal ballshit. “God save the queen?”…Fuck off!

Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe

94 thoughts on “The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

  1. Seen the new official photo of liz?
    Shes wearing a big sort of donkey jacket and shes holding two big white horses grinning.

    Dead spit of old man Steptoe.


    • I bet she is licking her lips looking under the horses thinking I wish Phillip had one as big as that while she was getting moist in the photo

  2. The most disturbing thing is that the link quotes a certain “Councillor Aneesa Akbar”. Fuck off, what’s it got to do with you? Take your camel and fuck off home.
    Still, at least Halfwit Hewitt and his slag bag wife won’t be there hogging the cameras.
    We’ll appreciate Her Maj much more when she’s gone and Charlie the Chimp boy is making us look like an even bigger bunch of soft cunts than we do already.

    • I suspect Sparkletits and Half-wit will probably photobomb themselves onto every camera pointing to old Queenie. They’ll either abseil down blocks of flats or monuments, or parachute down onto the Queen’s party celebrations just screaming to be centre of attention.

      Sparkletits will be carrying a banner saying “I’m a victim of colonial racism innit.” and Harry will be sucking his thumb looking confused as usual.

  3. Dear Madge Bess, descended from and appointed by the Allfather Woden Aesir. Consort of Yasur the grey haired man that sleeps between green hills. Piss the Lady about at your own peril. I bet she keeps a tech 9 in her handbag.

  4. For God’s Sake…just fuck off and take your clan of thick spoiled.arrogant parasites with you,”Ma’am”.

    I hope several Bert and Doris Nutters types are overcome with the excitement of waving their little flags and saying ” England was nothing until a family of inbred Krauts took over,yer know…Gawd bless ’em all” and beat the Old Trout to that glorious arse-kissing garden-party in the sky.

    The Royal Family…. the template for benefit-fiddling,kiddy-diddling.arrogant illegal immigrants on every council estate..

    • I was under the impression you were 17th in line to the throne, Dick, and that you were beavering away trying to get to at least 4th line in line by any means possible given your status in high circles and vast acreage

      • I was first in line to my throne this morning.

        Good job too, given the mix of cider and curry last night.

  5. Only one way to celebrate the queen’s jubilee, they should stage a lesbian gang bang with Megan and Catherine, Sophie, Amanda Holden , Gemma arterton and Kylie minouge in an inflatable paddling pool outside Buckingham palace

    • Would that be an inflatable paddling pool filled with baby oil, Sid?

      It’s the small details that are important.

    • Not really with you Sid on it being a good way to celebrate the jubilee but can I rent a copy of the dvd if your plan goes ahead.

  6. At least we get an extra bank holiday.

    (You’re going to have to change your name because “queer” is quite often moderated by WordFence on this site – Day Admin)

  7. Not interested in old Lizzie the Lizard.Shuffle off you old trout.I prefer to stick rusty nails in my eyes than “celebrate” her Jubilee.Disband our royals.Bunch of inbred freeloaders.

  8. FYI – just got back from watching the Northman. It’s ace, go and see it.

  9. Compared to many of our local residents, the Queen is quite spritely. The town is full of nonagenerians. Not uncommon to see 70-somethings driving parents to the surgery or taking the budgie to the vet.

    • Ha ha! Reminds me of a sign I saw in a builders merchants, many years ago:

      “Credit will only be given to customers over the age of 85, if accompanied by both parents.”


  10. I cant imagine anything less depressing than a street party with a load of fawning Bootlickers.

    One old Jerry is the same as another to me,
    We should have a Oliver Cromwell day though!!

    Burn effigies of Royalty and the pope,
    That id enjoy!

  11. Good Morning

    Off topic but great knockout from Tyson Fury last night. 💥

    Punch delivered in Saint George cross gloves as well – a nice touch.

      • ……only if his opponent’s surname is seen as cultural appropriation 😂👍

      • Tyson Fury is already a boxing great and a troll of the establishment which makes him even more likeable.

        Fury, a heterosexual white male, with his entourage all rigged out in the colours of St George.
        He proceeds to deck his mandatory challenger, knocking his tooth out in the process before giving thanks to his lord and saviour Jesus Christ, giving a shout out to his beloved England and then bursting into song again.

        What a character and what a majestic boxer.

        The sports hacks at the Beeb and Guardian will be secretly crying into their smashed avocados this morning.

        Well done Tyson 🥊👏

    • I am surprised he was allowed to use the racist symbol on his gloves 😂

      St George’s Day seems to go completely unnoticed these days 😢

      • Hardly racist, wasn’t George Greek? A perfect emblem for multicultural England.😄

  12. Worst monarch ever.
    How many other monarchs would allow their country to be invaded and colonised, say nothing as 10’s of 1000’s of her subjects children were brutalised and gang raped by foreign invaders and support the C of E being destroyed and replaced with Islam….
    Worst monarch ever.
    The only good thing about her is that she’s not as bad as her children, who will finish off the royal family for good.
    I was a royalist a few years ago, until her parliament tried to reverse the brexit vote, now I’ve seen them for what they are and I fucking hate them.

    • I bet you wouldn’t say no to taking Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, up the royal chamber!

      • Perhaps technocunt…. she’s a bit skinny for me though, recon I might do some damage if I’m not careful.

      • Sophie Rice-Pudding is comely. She can’t have had it very often from Edward the uphill gardener.

    • Morning Deploy.

      No doubt you’re looking forward to the next worst monarch ever:

      “The diversity of our society is its greatest strength and gives us so much to celebrate.” (Charles, Prince of Wales. Second generation immigrant and heir to the throne of England.)

      That said, thousands of children were raped and abused under previous monarchs by the Catholic Church in particular and others in positions of authority.

      Maybe you should take comfort in the fact that the monarch has no constitutional power to stop whoever coming into the country. That prerogative resides with the Government.

      • Morning ruff…. they may not have actual authority over parliament as such, but they certainly do have power. If she spoke out on things they would pay attention. If she demanded problems were solved there’d be huge efforts to solve them. She has power over the military, they serve the crown not parliament, so if they fell out on issues like the invasion and colonisation of Britain, I recon the politicians would have to listen. She’s a useless cunt if you ask me, but that’s just my opinion.
        Prince Charles is an absolute cunt, not sure if he’s on the wall of cunts yet but I’m sure as soon as he becomes king he’ll get himself on there in no time…
        Hope all is well at creampuff Manor on this fine morn…

      • ‘Tings is all fine and dandy an’ tickety-boo dahn here, thanks Deploy.

        Am currently re-turfing part of the great lawn. Hope you’re not electrocuting too many Yorkshire men up there. 😂

      • 😂 no not electrocuted anyone… yet 😂. Been off work for a month as my daughter was born so booked some holiday. She’s one month old today. Back to work tomorrow though… I’m gutted.

  13. No Elizabeth, No Charles, instead of that think of fawning round King Starmer and his gracious Queen Streeting, with ladies in waiting Dawn Butler, Diane Abbott and Jess Phillips and arselicking courtiers like Mandelson and Chris Bryant.

    No thanks.

    • The best argument for the monarchy is the thought of what would replace it. President Blair or Major. No thanks. I’d much rather keep the Windsors.

      • So the best reason to keep something that is broken is the possibility that what replaces it might be worse ?…. I’m glad I don’t share your philosophy or I’d still be trying to motivate a knackered old cart-horse to pull timber instead of a forwarder.

        ) .

      • PS….I’ve got an old sweeping-brush going spare if you want it…I’m assuming that you’ll have nowt to do with those new-fangled “vacuum cleaners”

        🙂 .

      • Don’t mind Dick, MMCM. Dick’s still sore that his mate Corbyn didn’t win the election. 🤣

      • No worries Ruff. And for the record, nothing beats the household maids down on their hands and knees cleaning the floors. The views better than one of those new fangled hoover devices.

      • Aye,RTC…you’re nowt if not predictable….”Ooooohhhh Dictator Corbyn’ll get you if you’re naughty children”…the Bogeyman who never was and never will be.

      • We already have a sudo el-presidente, the royals do fuck all apart from cost us money and apologise to the sooties for our great achievements thanks to our ancestors blood sweat and tears not theirs. Fuck them all parasitic cunts.

      • Aye,Dick…you’re nowt if not predictable yourself… sticking

        #but,but…Dictator Corbyn

        on the end every other post. Who do you think you are, General Cuntster? 😂

      • On the end of every other post?…Really?…I’ll be lucky if I’ve used it half a dozen times in total ( perhaps your counting is as confused as your count for how many times you ” hadn’t” commented on “Muslim Grooming Gangs” eh?)

        Who do you think you are?…Diane Abbott?

      • Ha ha, you’re alright Dick. You’re not such a bad lad once people get to know you. I’m guessing you’re missing your simpering assistant, Igor. We haven’t heard much from him lately, have we? Probably gone on a pilgrimage to the Kremlin.

        Anyway, the secret is breathing. Take my tip. It’s a well known fact. Breathe in, breathe out, take a chance, let yourself go, what can you lose? You understand the meaning of respect.


      • I may well understand the meaning of “respect” and the mention of Miles but it’s about all I do understand of your post…what the fuck are you on about with the “breathing” thing?…are you substituting it for your “Calm down” fallback?…I enjoy it when people say “Calm down”…usually means that they’ve had a dig but can’t take the response.

      • PS….I miss Miles…..”the site’s foremost anti-semite” as I seem to remember him being dubbed LOL.

      • Maybe there is a God after all… 😃

        But somehow I doubt it.

        He’ll be back, don’t you worry about that!

    • That is absolutely right, except it wouldn’t be Wes Streeting it would be that stooper and stabber Russell Lloyd=Moyes.

      I am really quite surprised at the anti-monarchy feeling on here, it is the 3rd oldest institution in the world and an integral part of the governance of our country. You might not like it but any alternative is far worse and we get rid of it at our peril.

      Good Morning

      • I quite agree. I can’t see that the Queen has ever put a foot wrong throughout her long reign. And the monarchy is inextricably tied up with our constitution. Get rid of it and we’ll end up with the type of disfigured constitutional changes implemented by Bliar.

      • Morning MCMM👍

        Replace it?
        No need to replace it.
        They don’t do anything except soak up money and wave.

        They have no powers, dont make rules or legislation.

        You could replace them with a glove on a small windmill that waves every 30seconds.

        Open up their palaces for tourism
        And use their lands for farming.

        Even the Queen agrees this is the for the best!
        In her own words

        “Ja! Ja! Das wunderbar!”

      • Morning MNC.

        Bit would that windmill attract adoring crowds on foreign visits? The Queen is a great soft power asset for the UK.

      • Get their heads on pikes on the lawn at Buckingham palace.
        The japs and yanks will love it!😁

  14. Rest assured, there won’t be many roads closed in places like Slough, Bradford or 75% of most other large towns and cities in this multicultural utopia. Having said that. I bet the BBC will be able to find some exclusively dark key or peaceful street parties in some shit hole and plaster it all over the news. If not, they’ll fucking organise some.

    • Reminds me of a BBC street interview in Tonbridge, either they were there for hours, just got lucky or it was a plant but they managed to find a darky to get in front of the camera 😂

      The only c**n in the village 😉

  15. This sort of panto is an increasingly threadbare disguise that all is well in the country.
    The fact is that the monarch has presided over many deeply shameful episodes that if she had commented publicly about and voiced stern opposition to would in all likelihood have been dealt with cleanly and efficiently.
    Consider the Queen of England stating that grooming gangs should not be tolerated or that foreign terrorists should be found and removed,the impact would be seismic.
    Instead all we have is the same tired bullshit.

    And it stinks.

    • Establishment puppet.

      The Queen cares as much about Great Britain, The Church of England and the indigenous population as I care about her.

      Charles will be worse.
      Much, much worse…..

  16. The BBC will do a lot of sucking up and fawning towards the Queen’s latest gig, hoping that they’ll get the nod for some gongs come the next Honours rollout.

    Of course once the party is over, the BBC will dig the dirt, call the Queen a fascist racism scumbag, and insist that Sparkletits should be next in line to the Throne based on affirmative action/positive discrimination and because she’s entitled, innit!

    Queen Sparkletits and Prince NumbNuts. Good grief, what a thought!

  17. Wrinkly old parasite will soon be off to visit Hades…good fucking riddance.

    Please take the rest of your crooked and inbred family with you when you cross the Styx but I bet even the coin she places in the ferryman’s mouth would come from the taxpayer.

    The Royals are enough to make a cat puke.

  18. Inbred, German halfwits all. Paid for by us dull cunts. And all tp prop up the snobbery and privilege of the Establishment who preside over us little people.

  19. I don’t suppose for one moment that Liz wants the “Street Parties” and all else. She will no doubt be as sick as you and I when the gushing Politicians spew out the sickly and insincere gush of donkey shit, and the opportunity to show how fucking multi-cultural we all are. Dancing Elephants,, Spear tossers, and an opportunity for every cunt to adorn themselves in their own National Dress ( Except whitey’s )
    No, I think Liz has just about had enough about all of this shite. Perhaps she should just let her hair down for once ,and fuck off with Andy to a little known remnant of Epstein’s ! A good shagging , yep, that’s what she needs.

  20. I think history will be much kinder to Liz than the IsaC faithful.

    And while I understand many of the sentiments expressed, I think in this time of the Great Reset we should hold on to those institutions that forged our historical character rather than destroy them and embrace the Build Back Better agenda of those who do not have our best interests in mind.

    As for the desire to have a sort of Cromwellian, Lord Protector/Head of State you should be careful what you wish for. As Ronald Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

    • Yes. There are too many Cromwell types here. And look how well that little interlude ended

      • And just to remind cunters how it did end, it ended with Cromwell unilaterally closing down Parliament with the backing of his personal army and becoming a quasi-king under the assumed title of Lord Protector. He was then actually offered the throne. After his death his body was dug up by Charles II and ritually hung with his head placed on a spike at the Tower.

        They had style then.

      • There are certain parties here who are gagging for a Cromwell style dictatorship…

      • He would have considered the new lawn being laid at Creampuff Manor as an extravagant and reckless expense, Ruffers.

        Morning all.

      • @RTC….I didn’t know what a “Cromwell style dictatorship” meant so I looked up “Cromwell’s polices”……

        Permit religious tolerance outside of a Puritan Church
        Promote education
        Decentralise administration
        The development of constitutional Govt.
        Creation of a stronger English Army

        Aye,he sounds a right Cunt,doesn’t he?

        #but,but…Dictator Corbyn.

  21. The extended weekend will be a pain in the arse, with any luck we will have torrential rain and gale force wind for 4 days.

    • I have had “trapped wind” for 6 days now… Never thought two such innocuous words could be so fucking painful.
      I await elevation onto the next plane by Fart of Doom.
      But should I survive, I shall be moving to N / NE Lincs.

  22. Just so long as queeny and her subjects don’t close off any streets on the morning on the 3rd June going to stansted airport I don’t give a fuck. Done me right favour having the Thursday and Friday as a bank holiday so I don’t need to take those days as holiday now. Apart from that don’t give a fuck.
    In 1977 when your 10 it was a laugh at 55 it isn’t.

  23. I hope she drops dead the night before the big day, and all those old twats dressed head to foot in the union Jack waving thier shitty little flags can burst into tears as they put the death notice up on the gates of Buckingham Palace

  24. I used to have great respect for the Queen. But she has presided over a dying land led by traitors and destroyed by invaders, and done precisely fuck all about it.
    Charles? Cunt – not fit to rule.
    The “Royal Family” should die with the Queen – we do not need a President etc, we don’t need ANYONE with delusions of grandeur and a huge salary sucking us dry any more.

    • Afternoon Vern.

      I’d have Kate on the throne, until she gets past her letch by date (40s?) then say goodbye, good evening and bollocks to the lot of them, unless they produce another similarly fit bird by then.

      • RTC@ – Afternoon RTC – with my Regal bearing and Henry VIII red beard methinks I would make an excellent King!
        (I am also a fat maniacal psychopath who despises the smelly no good Frenchies so a very good comparison!).
        “King Foxy the First walks to his Coronation shouting “I’m fucked if I’m paying 18 quid for a taxi – and tell those fkers with trumpets to turn it down – they’ll end up giving me a headache!”
        Markle would be my “Royal Stool” – “Get your gob open love, all that swan and peasant for dinner has left me bursting for a greasy evacuation!” 😀👍
        Any lip from Miss busty?
        Orf with her head!

    • Sadly, nature abhors a vacuum, and no doubt some vacuous twat would be found to stand as a Playdough President.
      Beckham, Linekunt, or prob e en some Johnny Foreigner… That pea-dough Belgian guy with the floppy hair and awful teeth…
      No chance of anyone decent.

  25. I would still be a royalist if she’d kept shtum about the shit that’s gone on during her reign. I get she should stay out of parliamentary decisions etc.

    Instead of not saying anything though, we’ve had her going on about how great diversity and fucking Islam is for our country.

    Well, I don’t see many Somalians, Pakistanis or Jamaicans in the grounds of her many palatial homes.

    No, they can all get fucked.

  26. Even as a former serviceman who’s taken the oath of allegiance twice, I am also a staunch republican (not in the Yank or Paddy style I hasten to add).

    That being said, even though I want the monarchy abolished, I do think that the old crone has done a decent job of representing the UK on the world stage, remaining politically-impartial, excommunicating Ginger-Bollocks and his pet Harpy, living long enough to prevent Jug-Ears from becoming a feasible heir to the monarchy and she’s also not a complete cunt so I don’t think I can really agree with this nomination.

    I think the old bat has earned a little praise, even if that praise results in a momentary inconvenience to members of the public.

  27. It’s the 21st century ffs and this country still has the trappings of the dark ages, lords, earls,princess, king,queen etc,

    It needs to be done away with, all of it. The palaces and their contents should be open to the public to show the great unwashed how these cunts have lived ” AT OUR EXPENSE “.

    Vive la republic….🔥

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