The Collins Family and Grave

The Collins family and their monstrous grave.

Daily Mail News Link

This cunt and his family of traveller criminals not content with causing chaos a couple of years ago with a horrible funeral have put up, a horrendous monument.

The so called traveller king of Sheffield (no one in Sheffield was aware of his kinghood) was a con man who conned old age pensioners and his family

The Star News Link

And many more of his clan if you Google Collins Sheffield court.

Family are threatening violence if this unplanned monument is knocked down.

Bunch of cunts.

Nominated by: John McCunty

Seconded by: Jeezum Priest

I’ve lived in Sheffield all my life and I’ve never heard of this so called King of Sheffield.

It was only a broadsheet report about this graveyard monstrosity that bought the cunts to my attention.

All I’ve got to say is they ought to be glad Dave Lee is dead, because he’d have battered the lot of you, and kicked that memorial to powder.

With a third by: Miles Plastic

The King of Sheffield
(Those people complaining about his memorial)

One of 19 children and the father of 9. ‘Big’ Willy Collins the bare-knuckle fighter has passed away.

What a marvellous spectacle it must have bern what with a horse- drawn carriage followed by a lines of Rolls Royces for the funeral. (All paid for by hard-earned graft) and his 37 tonnes gravesite Memorial made of Carrara marble.

Here is description of it-

‘It features two life size statues of Willy, a stone seat engraved with the word ‘King’ and a solar-powered jukebox playing his favourite songs’

‘It is surrounded by four flagpoles bearing the Irish flag, depictions of Jesus Christ and biblical scenes and is lit up in LED lights that change colour. It is also under 24-hour CCTV monitoring, which his family have access to in order to see and ‘speak’ to him.’

How innovative they have been in designing it.

I would much prefer this ‘ostentation’ than a hole in the wall cremation with no ceremony and just thrown to the four winds without a suitable place to be remembered

Willy has inspired me to save up for a burial and suitable Memorial for myself.

87 thoughts on “The Collins Family and Grave

  1. I would have thought the Pikey cunts Funeral should have been in he Corporation Rubbish Dump. Far more appropriate a place to dump shit.

  2. I am reminded of a bloke called Bob Freeman who I worked with back in the 70s. Bloke was a backstabbing cunt. Ironically he dropped dead in the office one day while ripping into one of the poor sods who was unfortunate enough to work for him.
    My boss said to me ‘did you hear about poor old Bob?’ I replied ‘Good. the bloke was a cunt’

    I was told that I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.
    I told him that the only difference was that the cunt was now a dead cunt.

    The moral of this story : just ‘cos you’re dead doesn’t alter the fact you’re a cunt…

    • I concur. I learned on Monday, that a cantankerous old cunt had died.
      My reply: “I didn’t like him.”

    • I concur Dioclese. Never to speak ill of the dead suggests every death is a loss to society. Well I can think of people whose greatest contribution would be if they were to die today.

  3. Typically but not surprisingly, the widow has to resort to accusing critics of being “racist”

    When in doubt get the “ism” card out

    I suppose the woke will back her up, and that the monument is somehow justified blah blah. But of course most of these woke cunts don’t have to live anywhere near “Travellers”. Although it would be fun if 50 caravans turned up in a park in the middle if Islington or Kensington. I wonder how Jemma & Jamie would react to that?

    I wonder if there are any chav scum brave enough to vandalise this sack of shite? Or better still get some XR cunts to glue their heads to the headstone in protest at all that non-green materials used.

    • Gypp0s:

      Perpetrators of modern day slavery. Some very famous cases of it. One of which dating back to the late 80s.

      This modern day slavery thing has been going on a while and yet nobody in the media seems to really want to tackle the story. There was a lot of noise about it a few years ago. Then nothing.

      Intimidating elderly people into having shoddy building work done and charge them an extortionate price.

      Stealing copper cabling and lead off roofs. Just stealing full stop really.

      Steal people’s beloved pets to use as cannon fodder to train their fighting dogs.

      Treat their own animals like shit. Some of the horses are in such a bad way, they have to be put down.

      Some of the most racist, prejudiced, homophobic, misogynistic bastards.

      Yet they’re still able to play the victim card.
      Incredible isn’t it.

      • And yet these cunts have the same entitlements to benefits as anyone else.

        Plus you have local councils bending over backwards to accommodate them on designated sites, only for the ungrateful cunts to trash the place before moving on. Living the local taxpayer to foot the bill.

        But you say anything against these cunts, and out come the apologists and virtue signallers, more or less suggesting that you’re the problem and not the fucking “Travellers”

      • They are a minority, minorities get persecuted, therefore they are victims. Suppose their situation is similar to Christian’s in peaceful country’s. I feel their persecution and bitter life of victimhood. Fucking lot should be deported to French Guiana would let them stay if they promised to clean up all the shite they leave when camping illegally and swear a blood oath to stop complaining about how badly they are treated. An additional rider would be to stop stealing animals and look after your own, also a tacit recognition that most of the wave of bile and hatred that is thrown at them is a consequence of their cuntishness. You may well have the right to express your cultural differences by shitting in a childrens play area shelter but I have the right to request you clear up your deposit.
        I think “there are consequences to my actions” should be tattooed on the back of each hand of every cunt not just travellers

  4. Died of a stomach ulcer in Majorca?….exactly the sort of ending any self respecting pikey would wish for. I was thinking they should have just dumped his stinking carcass in the sea but I wouldn’t want the fish to come to any harm. A sardine has more brains and more right to life than a stinking pikey.

  5. Zoom in on the nom picture (I dare you).

    They literally all look the same.

    Inbred cunts.

  6. Whenever I hear of do as you likey’s, I’m reminded if this story….
    A young traveller bloke was devastated to learn that his prospective traveller bride was a virgin, so he sought the advice of his father. Should he still marry her?
    His father said….”Nah fuck that son. If she’s not good enough for her own family, she’s not good enough for ours!”

  7. Spent all that money on a tacky monstrosity. Money can’t but class, and as Pikey’s that’s one thing they’ll never have.
    All have enough money for a deposit to buy a house if not to buy one outright. But choose to live their lawless, tax free lifestyle. Scum.

  8. To me, mausoleums and even gravestones are nothing more than a waste of good land. Once you die,all that remains is a husk. I can’t see the point of monuments to the dead…better that the Living accept that the deceased is gone and move on with their lives .

    Should probably add that I don’t mean this offensively and of course people should be free ( within reason) to “grieve” and if going to some gloomy field filled with human remains helps them do that…well,we’re all different..

    • Morning Dick?
      In the British isles our ancestors would build a big earthworks for the remains of the dead,
      Buried with jewellery and weapons sometimes chariots in the mound.

      The vikings buried kings and war chiefs in a longship then filled it in with earth also making a burial mound,
      But the dead could still reach Valhalla in the boat.

      So its traditional.
      We’ve always done it.

      I like graveyards,
      Quiet, peaceful,
      But as you say the land could be used otherwise.
      Burial, then plant spuds and carrots over the deceased?

      Or a apple tree or gooseberry bush?

      Allotment/place of rest.

  9. Jaw crusher, use the rubble for an OAP veterans driveway. Or just use it as a pissiore.

  10. I think it is only fitting that this shoddily built tacky pile of shit should be torn down with a stolen JCB. The smashed remains loaded onto a stolen flatbed with three bald tyres and number plates cloned off a Fiat panda.

    The resultant stack of crap can then be flytipped into a passing spot on a remote country lane and decorated with soiled nappies, dogshit and the carcasses of unfortunate bait dogs.

    It’s what the backward, thieving vermin would have wanted.

    • If they built it themselves it will fall down within a year anyway. Hope the Roma scum nick all the copper and ornaments off it, and war will ensue. Be like an Iran Saudi war, win win scenario! We can provide arms to both sides.

  11. Ah Pikeys.
    If I knew I could execute these filth and get away with it then I wouldn’t hesitate. Every single fucking one of them. And do you know what, I would genuinely enjoy doing it. I’m just a normal bloke like the rest of us but pikeys bring out the blood lust in me.
    I want them all dead in the most violent way possible.
    Is it just me?

    • No, it’s not just you.

      Anyone who has ever had any dealings with them feel exactly that way too and would like to see them dispatched in the same manner they use to euthanise Lurchers who can’t cut it in the illegal Hare coursing stakes.

  12. A kind soul dressed as Uncle Adolf should run over that with a Panzer.
    Then the family caravan.

  13. You can imagine the speccy penpushing little wanker at Sheffield council who approved this mini Menin Gate memorial in the first place. Ooooh I must give the pikeys everything they want or it will be raaaaaaaaay-sism. Not one thought for the normal people who are using the same space, who want to remember their loved ones in peace and tranquillity without flashing lights and a fucking disco blaring out.
    No, forget about it……normals don’t count any more……only the fuckers who shout the loudest and cause the most trouble. Dirty fucking gyppos are just the tip of the iceberg.

  14. If an illterate pikey like this can have such a vulgar memorial, just imagine what the Beckham cunts sorry, kids, will do to honour Dave and Vicky when it comes time to put them away. Remember the “thrones” at their nuptuals at “Beckenham Palace”. Why do chavs have such a high opinion of themselves?. Answers, please, on a postcard to Gemma Collins and Angela Rayner.

  15. Tear it down and irradiate the grave with uranium and polonium, I’m sure uncle Vlad has some spare left over from Salisbury, cancer is too good for these tax dodging thieving scum

  16. When I was a kid a traveling fair moved on and a skeleton of a g#ppo was found.

    • I’m quite disappointed nobody has asked how it was known to be a piKeee skeleton!

      • I remember years ago an old house was being demolished in our village …. and at the back of a cupboard under the stair was a skeleton under a blanket …. and round it’s neck was a medal that read, Bertie Bloggs ‘Hide and Seek Champion 1925’

      • Haha yes, my post required the question from anybody asking how they knew it was a gypppppo.
        A tumbleweed moment as nobody asked

      • So … Infadel … How did they know it was a Gyppo skeleton ?
        I’ll give you closure on this one, and you can sleep easy tonight ..

  17. Fucking inbreds.

    I’m going to identify as something other than a straight white male and just start shouting loudly to have my way. I’ll also refuse to pay tax and expect every other cunt to pick up my bills. Add to that, I’ll trash the community I live in and demand every cunt changes to suit me. Any slight hint of a refusal to any of my demands and I’ll simply throw out ‘ists’ , ‘isms’ and ‘phobics’ like no cunt’s business.

    Seems to be the way to get ahead.

    And no fucking way should that monstrosity be permitted in a graveyard. Imagine trying to bury a loved one with that fucking thing blaring and flashing away.

    Bulldoze the fucking thing and ask where they got the fucking money for it in the first place, because you can fucking bet they’re claiming every benefit under the sun.

  18. I think it’s quite tatseful and I’m glad to see they kept it humble and modest.

      • He was a great entertainer, great musician. That film about him, Behind the Candelabra with Michael “I Got Cancer from Licking Too Much Pussy” Douglas as Liberace was great.

  19. Where do you get 200 grand to blow away on shite like this in the first place?
    Oh yeah, you steal it from confused old ladies don’t you? Look at the photos…..the king and queen are pictured in Venice, in Spain, driving around in open top cars, and all the time supporting NINE thieving little rats. I wish I had that much prejudice against me.

  20. As this thieving bastard had 15 siblings you can imagine what the funeral must have looked like…… ocean of gaudy bad taste. After a good booze up it would have finished in traditional pikey style…….a mass punch up and a big insurance claim for the daft cunt who hired out the venue. He should have locked the doors and firebombed the place.

  21. Bet the funeral looked like it was attended by Goldie Looking Chain. Keep it gaudy and classy.

  22. Traveller?? Should have travelled back to the Emerald Isle, who kicked them out. These cunts will be fucked in a cashless society.

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