Graham Linehan is a television writer behind programmes such as Father Ted YouTube LinkThe IT Crowd and Black Books but is probably more well-known today as being the victim of a vindictive trial by social media campaign that has cost him his career, reputation and marriage.
His ‘crimes’? To voice scepticism over gender self-identification , puberty blockers for children, lottery funding for Mermaids, the children’s transgender charity, to open clinics around the country and the erosion of women’s rights and spaces.
It started pretty innocuous, handbags with transbender ‘activists’ on Twitter, then just snowballed from then on. Police called for allegations of “transphobia”, being doxed and having his home address made public and then coming after his career, civil legal action followed. Friends stopped calling or ghosted him on social media, TV companies, producers and agents wouldn’t take his calls and marriage eventual breakup .He was even offered £200,000 to walk away from Father Ted the Musical because he was considered so toxic it was felt they wouldn’t get financing.
This Kafkaesque nightmare started because of an unhinged minority on Twitter couldn’t except their ideology being challenged and Linehan meekly fucking off as many have done before.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
The 11th Commandment- ‘thou shall not have an opinion of which we do not approve’.
Putting on my sensible hat for a change…I heard an interesting titbit the other day. Organisations like Stonewall and other filthy degenerates receive funding from a variety of pernicious and shady sources to carry out their nefarious mission. Now that hömo marriage has been legalised, the willy-takers and clunge lickers needed to shift their despicable attentions onto pastures new or risk their organisations becoming redundant, hence the move to focus on transbumderism by making this issue, that only affects a tiny fraction of a tenth of 1% of people, into the most important thing in current year.
Once trans freaks have been ‘accepted’…by which I mean that any criticism of them is ruthlessly suppressed, they will move onto their next target: getting weak-minded simpletons to accept that relationships between men and teenagers is wholesome, before gradually lowering the age at which it becomes acceptable.
Because they are degenerate perverts and most hömosexuals are borderline pædophıles.
Putting on my sensible hat for a change…I heard an interesting titbit the other day. Organisations like Stonėwall and other filthy degenerates receive funding from a variety of pernicious and shady sources to carry out their nefarious mission. Now that h0mó marriage has been legalised, the willy-takers and clunge lickers needed to shift their despicable attentions onto pastures new or risk their organisations becoming redundant, hence the move to focus on trånsbumderism by making this issue, that only affects a tiny fraction of a tenth of 1% of people, into the most important thing in current year.
Once trans freaks have been ‘accepted’…by which I mean that any criticism of them is ruthlessly suppressed, they will move onto their next target: getting weak-minded simpletons to accept that relationships between men and teenagers is wholesome, before gradually lowering the age at which it becomes acceptable.
Because they are dėgenerate pėrverts and most höm⁰sexuals are borderline pædophıles.
Absolutely, Mr Cunt-Engine.
To celebrate Easter, will you be Drag Racing up and down the road, outside your nearest mosque, whilst playing “Piggies” by George Harrison at full blast, windows down, whilst playfully lobbing pieces of streaky bacon at passing Peacefuls?
If so, can I come?
“Drag racing” as in RuPaul’s sort of Drag race, CG? Yes, absolutely. Although this Easter, we’re forgoing the 100 yard dash as too many fairies got broken ankles last year. Adidas don’t make high-heeled running stilettoes.
As for your query, “can I come”? Well, maybe…you saucy man! I do look pretty sexy in my sequinned dress, full make up, shaven head and enormous moustache…
If “most höm⁰sexuals are borderline pædophıles” it therefore follows that most heterosexuals are also borderline pædophıles. Needless to say I strongly disagree with both assertions.
Already got my coat. Good afternoon. ?
Refusing to watch mainstream TV-do any of the channels actually make new, decent comedy or drama, anymore?
I watched everybody’s favourite professional crying scouser, Stephen Graham, in “Boiling Point”, the other night-that was ok?
Just a thought for Love Thy Neighbour & the remaining cast,. The programmes 50th anniversary was on the 13th April.
Channel 7 (Australia) is doing a re -showing of this “racist” sitcom. Can’t do the link, but well worth a read.
Well said Mr Cunt Engine. Yeah, it’s all about money and furthering the attack on the family. The hetero family unit is the basis of any society……destroy that you destroy society as we know it. Then you rebuild it the way you want it…….a society of obedient sheep who do as they’re told by their masters……,back to the Middle Ages.
This Linehan bloke is finished, he has the McCarthyist mark on him now. Unclean!
JK Remoaner is too big to bring down, her crappy books make too much money. It’s always money in the end.
Interesting one this.
Linehan is a great comedy writer in my opinion and Father Ted is possibly the greatest comedy of all (just my opinion)
I do however recall a few years ago Linehan suffering quite severely from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and was often pandering to the Twatter brigade with his uber liberal politically correct opinions.
Unfortunately, not unlike JK Rowling – Graham Linehan has now discovered that unless you wholeheartedly support every single woke deluded libtard perverted cause no matter how degenerate – yep you’ve guessed it – cancelled.
Comment in moderation for the last few hours.
Absolutely no idea what word I’ve used to cause a trigger ???
Afternoon Herman.
It was the word pérverted.
Cheers Ruff.
And a Good Early Evening Sir.
Why do celebrities have to be on twitter?
It seems to be the root cause of everything miserable that happens to them.
I’d just stay the fuck away from it and come here instead.
Indeed Odin,why do these people have anything to do with such potential mither?
Everyone knows it’s infested by The Perpetually Offended and The Woke Cunts.
Quite the mystery I must say.
Hopefully, über-rich weirdo Elon Musk will buy it to purposefully destroy it from within.
Their agents tell them it’s vital to maintain their profile. Twatter is associated with the young and they are the current and future market. It’s like a fucking free advert with the potential to reach into every home and every dullard’s tiny brain. Of course say the wrong thing and you are fucked. A lot of these slebs, especially thick footballers, employ companies to write their entries for them and, of course, they follow the wokie line. Mr Linehan’s mistake was believing he was entitled to express an opinion of his own. No! Not allowed.
That being the case Freddie then they even bigger cunts.
Which I considered impossible.
It’s mostly PR companies that run their Twitter accounts. Well, for illiterate film and sports celebrities that seems to be the case, but maybe not for writers like JK Jugsy.
But they mostly use Twitter to promote themselves. For money, basically.
Although I do get satisfaction from seeing arse kissing fans trying desperately to get a reply on Twitter from some famous cunt. “Ooh you played so well today. Don’t listen to your critics, they are clueless!” or “Only racists and sexists are giving your amazing film bad reviews. I thought you were great and the movie fantastic!”
And if they ever do get a reply (very unlikely) it will be some spotty PR cunt hired for 20k a year, tweeting ‘Thank you!’ while on the shitter.
This is what I have been saying to people for years. WHY THE FUCK would you be on Twitter when you are already famous? You could get drunk one night and go on a diatribe that offends people. If you are getting paid six or seven figures per year and have mansions to maintain, children, respect, then keep your mouth shut. Why PUBLISH to the entire shitty world your thoughts on sensitive subjects? But then leaders of countries have Twitter, Obama started that. I find that insane. You don’t want the leader or his cabinet being able to broadcast to billions, their last-night, “tired and emotional” sentiments, do you? Trump was sober when he said some of this crazy comments on Twitter. Imagine if he had been drunk in those years? And then it works the other way, people can respond you and get into a war of words that goes nuclear nuts after a few hours.
Don’t ever post to Twitter, you’ll regret it, especially if you are famous, people try to take down famous people in all ways. I never knew the Linehan war was this bad, fuck me, he’s a comedy genius, but these days even your best friends won’t defend you when the blue-hairs come after you, they don’t want to get sent to Russia, either.
Disgraceful and just as terrifying as anything Orwell envisioned.
Send all the wokies to Hell
I feel sorry for the poor bastard, but as Odin said, why do these celebrity cunts do Twatter, Cuntbook, and the rest? I don’t do any of this shit – my Nokia 6300 won’t take it, thank goodness.
As Thomas said, Stonewall and all these other “organisations” will pick another target after transbenderism is accepted (hopefully never).
I wonder how long before the old Paedo outfit – courtesy of Ms Harperson – will be revived?
In a way you can see why Adolf went for these weirdos – the Krauts had had enough of them. Mind you they are still nazis and cunts
Happy Eatser fellow cunters
He’s just fucking lucky that Father Ted was about Catholics….might have got a bit messy if he’d written ‘Imam Abdul’……three Muslim clerics based in Rochdale and their hilarious misadventures involving honour-killings,inbreeding,benefit-fraud,child-grooming and Spontaneous Muslim Explosion.
Tranny-types demand tolerance and acceptance and yet are completely intolerant and unaccepting of any view that isn’t theirs.
“……might have got a bit messy if he’d written ‘Imam Abdul’……three Muslim clerics based in Rochdale and their hilarious misadventures involving honour-killings,inbreeding,benefit-fraud,child-grooming and Spontaneous Muslim Explosion”.
Sounds like an update of Last of The Summer Wine” – “Last of the Summer Mudslimes”
I wonder if white pőofters are so despicable that they would be willing to groom underage pakı boys?
That might be a way to dissuade the sponging dinghy cunts from washing up on the south coast.
All immo darkıe kids (and their fathers) get brutally bummed by the rapiest benders in England.
Maybe release Stephen Port as the head of the mużzie welcoming committee.
I loved how the gays went on rants about the rozzers being homophobic in not solving Port’s crimes quicker.
They were just shite, not hating on the gays.
Nobody pointed out that living promiscuous and degenerate lifestyles is probably not a good idea. And that Port was a fucking gay too and was the one doing the killing.
Loads of gays are serial killers btw. I saw one stat once where about half of the top worst 20 or so serial killers were gays/trannies.
I reckon it could the same with pea doughs, but those stats are hard to find and not the sort of search you’d want to make on the internet.
Nail on the head
It makes me laugh – Starmer’s wankers are all for peace, love and understanding, but no arsehole on the left, however hypocritically preach “inclusivity” and “respect” ant “tolerance” can bring themselves to tolerate anyone whoholds an opinion contrary to their own. They are uneducated at best and “fascist” or “far right at worst.
Im afraid I’m a very intolerant person. In my younger days I took no prisoners. Nowadays, having realised that all is lost, and the country fucked, Im content to play the dementia and Tourette’s card, which so far seems moderately successful.
“Oh Death ! Where art thou sting !”
Linehan and Rowling can fuck off. Both were woke fucktards until thwe transbenderites came for them. ‘Glinner’ used to block anybody who challenged his liberal wank on Twitter.
Another case of the degenerate, ‘caring’ Left eating itself. Ho ho.
Bring it on, I say and let them all disappear up their own capacious cavities, whilst wearing a blue gingham frock and a studded black leather cock ring.
We are now ruled by the views of a tiny minority of lunatics for whom deviancy is normal and to be celebrated. It’s time some spineless cunt politicians stood up for moral tradition.
In today’s times Welby is saying that sending economic migrants to Rwanda is ‘ungodly’. This would be his god that now approves of trannies and shirtlifters I suppose. This cunt seeks to be our moral guardian , when he isnt covering up for preverts that is. And preaching un-Christian woke bollocks.
Fuck me. Still in moderation but fuck knows what for.
Evening CC
I heard a snippet from that clown Welby on the radio earlier.
Why was I not surprised in the least by what I heard.
I saw five minutes of Father Ted once and it was pitiful. Why do ‘de fookin Oirish’ churn out these wretched comedies of gauche cunts being histrionic, whether it’s a poîkey in a bookshop, a poîkey in a computer company, a poîkey in a dress, or a poîkey as a priest. Is it to make the Irish acceptable? This pretence that they’re not all IRA-supporters or the Catholic isn’t led by choirboy-fiddlers is ridiculous. As ridiculous as a man beating some women in a swimming pool race.
Word for word spot on Cap’n, like TtCE’s post at 11:11 (except for the superfluous word “borderline” that is).
Father Ted was massively overrated. Although the Hitler tache window scene was very funny.
That scene is fucking hilarious!
I’m from that part of Oireland (know all the places it was filmed very well) and I had no idea Father Ted was supposed to be a comedy. It is literally like that.
Of course they are ladies, of course they are totally female. Agree with everything you say. In my head if they have skirts and dicks they are still fucking deviant bastards, no amount of legal cuntery will change that. So bollocks to the lot of them especially if they still have them, perverts. Have these shitbrains not realised women don’t have dicks
A man who is born a man, will always be a man.
A woman who is born a woman, will always be a woman.
The above statements sound so obvious and pathetic, yet it seems people want to argue otherwise.
There is no argument with the above rules, they are simply statements of fact.
I would usually say there are two sides to an argument, – and I am happy to listen and absorb the opposing parties points of view, and debate according.
However, anyone who challenges the aforementioned statements are bordering on lunacy. There is no debate to be had, facts are facts, and frankly, that is the end of the matter.
What is predetermined at birth, cannot be altered, changed, or manipulated into something it isn’t, -or never will be.
It is high time this whole load of bullshit is put to bed.
For at least for the sake of children, who’s minds are already warped, like a old 33 LP that has been left out in the sun.
You sound like you’ve left an LP out in the sun. Why the fuck would you do that? But then why would you put on a dress and pretend to be a woman? I’ve no idea but you’re still a hairy arsed geezer. You can’t be a woman just like you can’t be a tiger, a baby, a toddler, a Korean, a fucking alien or whatever else these fucking nut jobs want to be.
I want to be a rich cunt so supposing I went around acting like a rich cunt buying cars and yachts and shit? What happens when I can’t pay up? They put me in the fucking nick where all these useless whining cunts should be.
Yes, we could claim to be multi millionaires Freddie.
But the prospect is not impossible, but unlikely.
I left The Shadows, ‘Rockin’ With Curly Leads’ out in the sun.
Probably the best place for it?
78’s never warped, they were made of shellac I think? Tough as old boots those things.
The only child grooming that there should be is the grooming of boys to be real men and girls to be true ladies. This means that there are absolute truths that must be adhered to.
Children are the targets because they believe what they are told. Get them early and you set them on the path you want.
We live in a world of lies. Truth is available but not low hanging fruit.
When Christ returns there is a reason that blood will flow as high as the horses bridle. He’s going to fucking kill everybody. That’s they only solution to all of this. Until then, seek out and hold fast to truth and let the chips fall where they may. It may cost you your life but if you have accepted the free gift of salvation you will have a life after this one.
Christ was our example. Stand fast against the cunts who slander you and all you believe. If it costs you everything so be it. Christ is the ultimate bad-ass and I am proud to say He is my King and my close personal friend. I choose the winning side. I encourage you to do the same.
Happy Easter.
Happy Easter indeed cunters.
My kids have no idea what it’s about save for something about a bunny and finding eggs.
I tried to make them watch the Passion of the Christ. Maybe I’d have more luck with the Life of Brian.
I identify as Jesus of Nazareth,today.
Fuck me!
Lost his friends?? Well they are friends them are they. If he was my mate we would now be closer than ever. Stan up to the weirdos and freaks like JK .
Fair weather friends apparently, aka cunts.
They were fair weather friends at the time of His crucifixion bit later matured and became writers of Scripture and martyrs.
I was a cunt in my youth and not good friend material. Later I realigned my priorities and became what I am today; less of a cunt.
Being right isn’t always popular but it’s still right. He’s sacrificing a lot to stand up for the truth and if enough of us stood by him we might turn the tide back in favour of truth and commonly experienced reality’s.
99% of the people disagree with this hateful nonsense – but we face a political system, MSM and a legal system which can arrest, fine, imprison and destroy us (as well as losing our jobs and going on a police watchlist) for disagreeing with the narrative ordered and calling out this evil BS.
The only way we can stop this is to remove those allowing it – all of them – and we start by voting out every single one of the 650 current UK MP’s and replacing them with independent, apolitical, honest and competent members of the public who will stand against them at the next General Election.
It will be the last chance the British people have of freedom, democracy and true representation, and if we do not we will not get another chance.
We once stood at Dover waiting for the enemy to invade – we did not realise the next enemy would be in our own ranks.
And it has not been by accident.
Use it against them.
A mans a woman right?
Ill take Friday off for period pains.
I’ll take light duties as im pregnant.
I’ll go in the ladies and drop my guts.
I want the pensioners discount because I identify as Angela Lansbury.
I want backdated maternity pay.
You say im a pisstaking bloke with socks up his jumper?
I say im a strong independent woman and I’ll see you in court.