I would like to give the most monumental of all cuntings to the most insignificant woke weasel on the planet.
Peter Edwards (yes I hear you all say who the fuck is this cunt)
Well he is the former editor of the labour list(what the fuck is that you are all saying) I don’t know either he is such a nonentity that he’s not even editor anymore.
At 6pm every night I like to watch GB News and Dewbs and co and this oily little virgin fucktard seems to be on every week I think he’s only on to be mocked.
This man is so dull with his monotone robot voice and he looks like plug from the bashstreet kids (so not much going for him there)
This proper libtard leftie has to constantly make his point heard and any other persons view is wrong because like all lefties they are correct and everyone else is wrong (you all know the types)
So I give this twat a cunting of epic proportions he is the poster boy for what happens to kid when they were bullied at school and probably never had a girlfriend in his life probably likes it up the shitpipe anyway the dreary little melt.
I would rather sniff Katie price’s gaping growler for 2 hours solid than listen to this cunt for 5 minutes.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
Nomiated by with photo: Codhead Cunt
Seconded with helpful link provided by: Miserable northern cunt
There you go admin.
Good nom Codhead?
This bony sneering little shit raises my hackles too.
Petes got the lot.
Goofy teeth
Neck the thickness of my pinky finger
Narrow shoulders and inverted chest,
Hes the kid in the Charles Atlas ad that gets sand kicked in his face.
But more than that hes one of those sneering, I know better,
Leftie smarmy types.
I couldn’t be in a room for 5minutes with him.
Id either murder him or hang myself.
Hes a right little 5stone turd.
Id suggest the police seize his laptop and look under his patio too.
The first I thought when I saw him is that he looks like another cunt I don’t like – Rory Stewart. Supposedly different ends of the political spectrum yet somehow oddly similar.
Afternoon Moggs?
See what you mean.
Maybe they work out down the gym together?
They join forces to pull the front door open? Evening MNC.
I wonder if Peter Edwards lives near a school?
I know Vern he looks like a proper wrong un
Fun fact:
The origin of one of our favourite words actually come from prison.
Sex offenders and those who like to interfere with little kids would have the following chalked on their cell door, for their own safety.
Not a lot of people know that.
That face says two things to me:
1. Building Society Assistant Branch Manager, and
2. Needs punching.
Are you sure point 1 is not pee-do-file…
Gopher-like teeth, handy for scraping the muck off unmentionable organs and filthy surfaces. One ghastly looking cunt.
Oh! And biceps like knots on a bit of thread. Suffers from halitosis and cheesy, stinky feet. Pigeon-toed and no arse.
I could understand it if hed been seriously ill, a castaway, or a prisoner of war,
But how does a man get a body like Petes?
Ive seen people in the chapel of rest look more robust, christ!
He caught worms once and doubled in weight.
Hey Pete!
Woody Allen wants his physique back.
Mnc@ – When I am Great Overlord physical exercise and building a strong physique will be “heavily encouraged” by Minister of Health DCI Gene Cunt – no more toothpick men and beach ball gals! ?
If you got into a fight with Pete,
The only danger would be getting a splinter!?
When he was 12 he got 3broken ribs after another kid shot him with a spitball.
When age 6 he got carried off by a stray dog who buried him on the playing field.
He can fit a polo mint up his arm .
His first job was the BeeGees toothpick.
He hangs his best suit on a pencil.
He had to be freed by the fire brigade after getting entangled in a spiders web.
He doesn’t caste a shadow.
I suspect there are plenty here that don’t cast a shadow.
Labour List – what more can you say except that it is my favourite comic (did you know it used to be edited by latter day saint Derek of Draper?) – it’s Alice in Wonderland where Qweer Charmer minces around, king of the jungle with any number of queens, all prepared to lick the arse of the almighty. It’s a place where Alistair Campbell pretends to be sober, and AnalEase Dodds is a sex symbol. It’s a last hurrah for demented old farts like John Prescott and Jack Straw (who looks more like Fagin the older he gets), for bright young things nobody has ever heard of – little Kirstie who is (of course) “the first member of my family to go to uni”, of self important little turds who keeps the NorthEast Acton Group flag flying with irrascible articles written by little never-weres like Luke Akehurst. Just occassionaly, really big names like Peter Mandelson and Chris Leslie, will stop bending over their desks with their trousers round their ankes to pen a few words. Shop soiled trollop Angie Rayner is always ready for a cheery word (though”cunt” isnt a word they encourage).
They should make it available on the NHS – a good laugh is better than all your medicine. Labour List, funny, without being vulgar.
Suffice it to say, if I am ever cast away on Desert Island Discs, my book choice will be to have a printed and bound copy of every article ever recorded there (they don’t allow replies to their nonsense, alas), so that I can eventually die laughing.
Any publication that doesn’t allow replies is openly admitting it is wrong.
This softy Walter cunt must have got his physique by repeatedly having his lunch money stolen. His neck needs a Chinese burn.
Totally agree – the Labour Party put their “plan” to help Britain at their local election launch on You Tube yesterday but have disabled the comment section My comment would be that Rachel Reeves oft-repeated “one-off windfall tax” has been spent a dozen times already – without giving a penny piece to the punters. It will be spend on Tranny awareness courses, being nice to the Dark Keys and a Festival of Bumsex.
If he had been at Dick Fiddlers exclusive prep school I imagine he wouldn’t have been a stranger to having his head flushed down the crapper. This noodle necked geek with Janet Street Porters gnashers hasn’t got much going for him, at least he isn’t a ginger.
Afternoon LL,
As Fiddler is a self admitted bully he wouldn’t be able to help himself.
People like Pete emit pheromones that attract bullies.
If he was performing a on the spot emergency tracheotomy on Fiddler who was choking on pidgeon feathers,
Dick would still give him a ‘dead arm’ or a wedgie.
Afternoon Mis.
Its like a red rag to a bull, especially if he was cycling while wearing a dayglo bobble hat. He just can’t help himself.
Funnily enough this Edwards Cunt looks rather like a ratty little bastard who I did go to school with for a while…I remember we stuffed him in one of those big square laundry hampers and rolled him down a staircase before dragging it ( and him) into the showers and leaving him in it under a steaming hot stream of water…how the fuck the weasel didn’t drown I don’t know…he reported us and I was called to explain my actions…fucking lucky the House Master was also the games master and I was scrum-captain of the First 15…all got dismissed as “high jinks”.
Just remembered the sneaky,swotty little bastard’s name…..Finklefarb or Goldenstein…something like that.
…I should probably add that we had a good reason for our actions…we’d caught the Cunt playing the school piano with his penis.
That’s why this country has gone to the dogs. My infant school was far from exclusive and the “head flushed down bog” was standard treatment for twats like that. It was character building. That’s why my generation treated trannies and puffs the way they deserve to be treated.
A match and petrol
Is it not Peter tachel s bastard love child???
Another Islington bellend.
He looks like a johnny no stars at McDonalds “Would you like fries with that”, mind you I doubt he has the strength to lift the chip pan fryer or even the cardboard carton come to think of it. What a spaz, he would have been bullied remorsefully in the local Comp in Kent I attended, a life of perennial fear of a head ducking in the bogs, wedges, or kicked to pieces at Football (Southerners being soft is a myth its just London/Surrey where snowflakes live) he was the type who would spent all his spare time in the IT room writing scripts for the IT Teacher the nerd to stay safe.
Plonk the little powderpuff cunt on Beachy Head when it’s a little breezy.
I really don’t know anything about this scrawny little cunt except that he looks like a failed abortion.
He looks like he could work at Buzzfeed or be a staffer to AOC, General, and be made to apologise for being male pale and stale every morning.
He could be both of those things LL…or…he could be a reporter at Axios or an opinion editor at the Washington Post.
In the Brave New World Order those no shortage of options for a smarmy little cunt like ze/zir.
That should be…there’s no shortage…
To make matters worse, he talks like he’s got badly fitting false teeth.
Oh dear, not got a lot going for him, has he?
I’m no bloody oil painting, but at least I have a personality.
This cunts face was what steel toe cap DM’s were invented for
Fucking little weak as piss nonce cunt
He’s on the front cover of MAD Magazine.
I’ve seen this insufferable cunt on GB NEWS. You just want to punch him for his ridiculous leftist views . I think they get him on just to remind us to never vote Labour.
I new i had seen him somewhere
Shit wrong link
Just another political cunt……..Labour, Tory, what’s the fucking difference? Just front men giving us the illusion of choice.
We’re just choosing between a punch in the face or a kick in the bollocks.
A teenage mr Burns.
Labour, tory, libdum, whatever.
Gas the lot of the Westminster rats.
I saw this cunt on GB news, dressed like the man from Del Monte, spouting soft Marxism, so just changed the channel over to stop looking at the cunt!!!
To be fair, he has attempted to spruce himself up for TV.
That unfortunate haircut has been replaced by another unfortunate haircut, with lots of product ( whatever that means).
And they’ve obviously had the vet in the file his teeth, which might account for him sounding like he’s wearing badly fitting dentures.
To file, not the file.
Please tell me how to turn off autocunt, please, before I go totally postal!
Peter file?
Nah, MNC. I wouldn’t want him talking to my gradly lass, but she’d twist him into a pretzel without breaking a sweat.
I bet he beats off the women with a shitty knot berry.
Reminds me of a Bernard Manning joke. Bloke goes to supermarket checkout. Gets a tin of beans, a tomato, a slice of bacon and some mushrooms. “Your a single fella aren’t you?” asks the woman on the till. “How do you know that?” asks the bloke. “Cos your a right ugly cunt” replies the woman.
Thank you, Bob, for today’s laugh.
Your welcome Jeezum. I miss old Bernard.
One of my favourite BM jokes:
Black fella walks into a pub with a big fucking parrot on his shoulder.
Landlord says, ‘Where’d you get that fucking thing?’
Parrot says, ‘Africa, there’s fucking millions of the cunts.’
I’ve never even heard of this chap before, silly cunt me.
But the first thought that struck me from the photo posted here
Was wow ‘that looks just like that 1940’s aimable Northern cheeky chappy
George Formby’ Could it be that Paul Edward is an incarnation of the the very man himself just without a bit of bril cream and his legendary Ukulele???
Hes got George’s teeth but George was a man of his time.
Bread an dripping, sense of Empire, hard work,
Turned out nice again as the bombs fell.
Hed spank Pete all over the cobbles for a moody look!!?
Liked chasing skirt too, did old George. All his songs were about trying to see a lass’s fanny. Legend.
‘Turned out nice again, you cunt,’ and all that shite.
Even made a best selling grill in his name, became a pastor and had a scrap with Mohammed Ali or summat.
Runt of the litter!
A face designed for punching.
There’s another guest on GB News I can’t stand, Amy Nickell, she’s usually on the Dan Wootton show on a Thursday evening I think.
Insufferably woke and sanctimonious, a female version, personality-wise, of Benjamin Butterworth (but well worth a good seeing-to though).
Just seeing the cunts photo makes you want to give him the biggest backhander ever,smug looking bucktooth cunt.
Buck toothed ,over educated, retarded cockwomble.
Hybrid of Gollum and an estate agent.
Thank fuck I’ve never heard of him, or worse seen him, or God forbid listened to him! he sounds like a candidate for first up against the wall when the real revolution comes. Meanwhile I’m a bit annoyed that I am now aware he exists – I was cosy up until then!