Patrick Lyoya & Family

Welcome everyone, to da new George Floyd. The MSM narrative of course, is horrid honky cop shoots innocent black gentleman…but wait…

It appears this clown (who could speak and understand English) was driving a stolen car. He then refuses to stay in the car and when asked for his licence, runs away and fights with the police officer. He then tries to grab the cop’s tazer in the struggle, at which point (after fighting with the cop for a few minutes) he gets shot.

And the cop was absolutely right to do so.

You’d think, in a normal world, that would be the end of it. But no. The uppity chippity demonstrations have started and the ‘from de Congo’ dad (speaking through an interpreter, despite living in America for several years) says, ‘His life has ended.’ The brother (his brother not his dad) then says the cops should release the name of the copper. Like with Chauvin you mean? Smelling de compo?

I bet they will release his name too, once those fucking anti white commies in power hear about this. He’ll be thrown to the wolves like Chauvin and the others were, and this useless criminal family will be made multi millionaires too.

Get to fuck, he got what he deserved the thick, violent, criminal twat.

Perhaps his dad should’ve brought his son up not to be criminal filth, then he might not be brown bread.

I’d charge him for the bullet.

Fuck off.
(Night Admin found the full action movie. Enjoy! – NA)

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

92 thoughts on “Patrick Lyoya & Family

  1. All these cunts have to do is scream “racism….Black Lives Matter” and the next thing they get $20 million. They must think its Xmas.

  2. These fuckers are so thick they don’t even understand that the waistband on trousers is supposed to go above your arse (around the waist maybe?) not just the tops of the legs. I’d have shot the cunt for that alone.

      • That’s the shittest Batman costume ever. It looks like a Radiation warning symbol.

      • That’s a the new superhero ‘Biohazard woman’.
        Kind of reminds me of when the binmen went on strike in the 70s.

      • Is it a bird…is it a plane… No, it’s a gigantic fat cunt.

        She can stop a speeding bullet with her flab, she can eat tall buildings.

    • & what is that 4 eyed “whitey thing,’ on the far left doing, with a bush growing out from it’s neck? It looks well out of place there. At first glance I thought it needed a shave. Is it a midget, or is it seated? It might be a do-gooder, after compo for them. No Win No Fee perhaps?

      • Haha I didn’t notice that.

        Looks like a Chinaman’s severed head. Maybe it’s for some voodoo shit? They’ll dance naked around it for it to summon ‘de god of compo.’

      • Yes C.B. if I was a lot younger I think it would give me nightmares! That thing on the floor underneath suggests to me that it could be remote control.

      • If it turns out to be some sort of remote control prototype voodoo dung doll, they will be in for a pleasent supprise!

    • Tatooine just called, Jabba wants his Mumu back, cleaned. It must be well fucking moist under there.

      • I take that back. Thulsa Doom wants his high priest’s robe back, again cleaned and exorcised to remove the miasma festering within the current wearer’s jelly rolls, leaky tits and both cavernous gates to Hell. I reckon hie should just dip into the donation box for a new one and put a lock on the sacristy door.

  3. In the US the cops assume every person they pull over or speak to is potentially armed and dangerous – they have to because a hell of a lot are. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of violent and armed crime in the US is committed by non whites and the police are extra edgy – again, with justification. In any situation where life is at risk the first, second and last rule is protect yourself, it seems the guy being arrested did more than enough to justify armed force and in the absence of any evidence to the contrary thus far I cannot see there is a case for the law to answer to.
    Perhaps a sign on the side of every US police car in every language except English saying “Don’t violently resist arrest and attack the police or you might get shot” might help.

  4. Hehehe 😀
    The daft cunt.

    All he had to do was show his license.
    Instead hes dead on the lawn with his black arse hanging out.

    Fuck him.

    Id shoot that fat cunt in the binbag too.
    Offensive to public morals.
    Inflaming racial hatred,
    And lewd and lavious behaviour to binbags.

  5. Off topic – but please allow
    Just seen a new-looking Audi4x4 in a leafy suburb of MNC’s stomping ground. Couldn’t see the driver under his hood and bb-cap, but there was right munter in the passenger seat and a couple of brats in the back
    The reg plate caught my eye and I wondered if they are being issued by Admin???
    V32 ISAC
    Anyone care to own up to driving an Audi?
    Any bets as to whose it is on here?

    • Not mine.
      I wouldn’t be seen dead in a Audi.
      Its tantamount to a declaration of driving like a twat.

      • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – It’s B&WC aaht and abaaht in his Audi doing a spot of people trafficking!
        Laarvly! 😀👍

      • I responded, but my comment is in moderation.
        Word Fence is getting really silly, now.

      • OK, I will confess.
        I have two Japanese garments.
        They are NOT kimonos.
        They are Happi jackets, designed to be worn over indoor clothing, when it’s a bit chilly, like a fleece.
        One is made of silk, handstiched and lined.
        T’other is made of cotton, but the lining is glorious. Also hand stitched.
        When a Japanese dies, his family disposes of clothing, dishes, all items that are personal, no dead man’s shoes there. Sometimes it ends up in street markets. That’s where mine came from.
        They are NOT kimonos!

    • He’ll soon go from violent criminal to ‘community leader and hip hop artist’ soon, don’t worry.

    • “Mr Lyoya gets out of the car, but the officer asks him to get back in.

      Appearing confused, Mr Lyoya stays out of the vehicle…”

      Notice how they give an opinion as fact (appearing confused). They reiterate this with a photo caption.

      “During this altercation the officer accidentally turns off his body camera, according to police…”

      But now they say ‘according to police.”

      This gem from his lawyer isn’t questioned either.

      “Patrick never used violence against this officer even though the officer used violence against him in several instances,” Mr Crump added.

      Utter cunts.

  6. Post Floyd all these cunts think coppers won’t dare to shoot them. It looks bad that he shot him point blank in the back of the head, you can imagine what some smartarse lawyer will make of that. His best bet is not to be charged, if it goes to a trial I fear he is fucked.
    Black Yanks don’t feel the same way about Umbongos as they do their own, rather like the Afro Caribbeans in this country. I see that bastard Sharpton was at the funeral stirring the shit, no doubt hoping for a cut of the compo. The wokies will be up in arms but, fingers crossed, he might get away with it.

    • Al Sharptons a dosser.
      In his fuckin demob suit.
      Put your hand in your pocket Al you scruffy cunt and buy yourself a suit thats not previously owned by a scarecrow.

  7. Will Dirty Harry ever be shown again? I mean that classic scene near the beginning when our hero takes out some muggers – dark-keys of course. He gives his classic schtick to the last hoodlum alive – “do you feel lucky, punk, etc”. Couldn’t be made today. Dirty Harry would have to be Dirty Harriet, a tranny, and the punks would be some harmless old man that misgendered a dark-key.

      • Its on 3 times a month.
        I like the bit MCMMs on about.
        The robber(🐵) says to Harry

        “Well? I’s just got to know!”

        Harry pulls the trigger on a empty chamber an laughs.

        They should make coppers have more of a sense of humour.
        Show Dirty Harry in police academies as a training aid.

      • If it’s still shown then not all hope is lost. We live in a society that’s at least still half civilised.

      • Found the full quote – “I know what you’re thinking: “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?”

        Classic. Almost as good as Shakespeare.

      • I just love that film, I could and have, watch it over and over.
        I also like the ones with the orang-utan,
        ” hang a right, Clyde”
        Just like what Shakespeare would have wrote!

      • Every Which Way but Loose, I think the orangutang one was called, Jeezum. Another classic.

      • Any which way but loose has a cracking scene with a great line!

        A back alley looks like a western town
        The bikers (Black Widows MC)

        “You Filo Beddo?
        Clint drawls
        “I know you?
        Biker “your gonna”….😀

      • Well if its cut to make it PC all that will be left will be the opening and closing credits.

      • ‘Show Dirty Harry in police academies as a training aid.’

        It’s pretty clear that our police ‘service’ are trained by watching videos of Police Academy, but they are less successful.

    • Yeah, but Clint co-starred in a movie seven years later with an orangutan, so he ain’t no racialisticister, innit, bruv?

  8. You are pulled over by the police. They ask to see your driving licence. You are driving a stolen car with false plates. You have no licence. The police officer has a gun. Do you…

    A) Comply with everything the policeman says, admit you are driving a stolen car and quietly go with him to the police station?

    B) Comply quietly with the police officer’s demands but say ‘No vomment’ to any questions regarding your crime?

    C) Run away and then fight with the police officer, then try and grab the police officer’s taser while rolling on the ground with him?

    A – You’ll do a bit of time but reduced for complying and showing regret and honesty.

    B – You’ll almost certainly do time and probably more than (A), but at least there is s tiny chance you’ll get away with it with a good lawyer.

    C – Ask your mum what sort of coffin she’d like you buried in?

    • You forgot the other major option, wait until the police officer comes to your window then shoot him in the head. Sadly, not uncommon.

  9. Because these criminally inclined Daniels now think they can get away with murder they just push the coppers to the limit and act all surprised when they suddenly have a gaping chest wound.

    Or a canoe for a head.

    The more the merrier I say.

    The cunts are of no value whatsoever.

    • It’s also worth noting the cunts family couldn’t give a shit about his criminal behaviour.
      It’s all about the St Floyd compo.

      Feral subhuman rubbish.

  10. Tory MP caught watching porn on his phone in the commons.

    Cant be arsed paying attention or representing his constituents.
    Crafty wank on the backbenchs?
    Nice work if you can get it….

    • I wonder who it was? Maybe Jacob Rees Mogg has a naughty nanny fetish from his youth or William Hague is a chubby chaser?

    • Doesn’t surprise me with the degenerates we have for MPs nowadays.

      I just hope it was worth it, and that he was caught watching tranny, midget scat porn or summart mental like that.

      I hear the 1922 committee reviewed this incident. I bet they watched the ‘video evidence’ too; button mushrooms in hand, rope around neck, satsumas laced with drugs in gob…

      • It was probably that dirty bastard who is pretending to be a trannie and everyone is “so proud” of. Therefore he’ll get away with it the cunt.

      • A fuss over nothing, he was just looking up candidates for the forthcoming local erections.

    • I heard it was ‘somewhere at the front.’ The cunt has certainly got nerve. Kweer & Flangey must have seen something. I recon it was Kenneth Clarke!

  11. Pat Lolly – What a thick cunt which part of stay in the car didn’t he understand

    The cops first rule when stopping a blick in America ‘shoot first ask questions later’

    Let’s be careful out there.

  12. St. George of the immaculate Fentanyl also had a habit of deliberately provoking the police if you watch the videos of his previous arrests.

    Over the last couple of years there has been a spate of these kind of incidents, where the pavement apes leave the police no choice but to use lethal force.

    The fambly then cry raysis and win the ghetto lotto every time.

  13. Whitey gonna get roasted for this,guaranteed.
    WTAF were those gibbering grunts from Ali bongo supposed to represent,language?
    The pendulum will swing back against the new Weimar once again.

  14. His mate in the car didn’t seem too fused by the unfolding drama,just filmed it while uttering some primal noises. Even after the chap had been offed,no concern,just kept filming !. Fuck me,even animals in the wild go over and sniff their dead mates before walking away.
    Our children share the classrooms and streets with these Tim Westwood wannabes.

  15. Meanwhile back in good old Blighty remember that sprinter bird and her hubby who were pulled over by the Bill in Stabistan? Five coppers are being charged with “gross misconduct.”
    That’s them finished.
    Still plenty of Peacefuls, poofs and wimminz coming out of Hendon.
    What a country.

    • Read that, Freddie, considered a nom but decided against because
      The ” its racist” has been done to death, and
      I went for something more lacy and racy, well, more frivolous anyway.

  16. The left needs lawlessness to abound. It’s all about undoing western culture which has as it’s foundation law and punishment.

  17. These baboons are always looking for a free handout. Why work when whitey will pay for everything? Not helped by guilt ridden Guardian reading BBC fans that live miles from the places where these simians nest and enable them while the rest of us suffer.

    These are the “people” who have a thriving trade in human body parts that magically bring wealth when consumed. They weren’t even wearing trousers before we turned up and the tallest structures in their filthy lands were termite mounds. How can you deal with these apes in a civilised and equal fashion? You cant.

    Send them back to Bongo-Bongo land and lock the gates behind them. Those who refuse; put them on display in zoos and let the public throw raw cabbages and bananas at them for sustenance (providing they entertain us with a funny dance or do that jungle wailing…rap I think they call it).

    Then get to work on the Muhammadans.

  18. Unbelievable cost of the whole fiasco. Cars of PDs then two fire engines then an ambulance. Cops meandering around with rolls of tape. Very restful listening to the wipers in the rain. So all those public service vehicles but no hearse.
    We all know the screenplay in these situations so why phaff around? Just do the first response with an armed hearse and cut out all the other comedians.

  19. This is what happens when thrash get rights ,inc white thrash as well
    A fucking merry go round of free legal aid and services for the perpetrators but sweet fuck all for the genuinely innocent victims of crime.
    These cunts cost countries millions individually and beyond through court representatives etc yet after 59 or 99 previous convictions in this side of the west, they still get rights. Fuck right off you scum cunts bread and water for even a year would make the thick cunts think for a second.

      • Katie was in court again today pleading not guilty to breaching a restraining order. So she’s going to Crown Court now. A lovely bit of cheap publicity.

  20. What annoys me here is that where I used to live in Johannesburg, if this shit were caught nicking by any of the local toughs, township justice would be swiftly administered and no one would give two fucks. They come to the first world and expect what? A pat on the fucking back? Fuck em.

  21. Looked to me from the movie like he had a death wish. If he did then it came true.

  22. Before long dark- keys will be sending the useless son in the family out with instructions to get killed by the police. “ Lordy, lordy……we won de Ghetto Lottery. Cheque will be in dee post”.

  23. Just makes me think. What a dropped bollock when whitey discovered Asia and the dark continent..By the fuck we’re paying for it now…..💩

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