Being punished for criticising fictional characters is a cunt, isn’t it.
A man in Nigeria has been given 24 years in prison. What was his offence?:
1.) Raping then murdering a child;
2.) Stabbing several people then driving a car into a crowd, killing two; or
3.) Posting criticism of Islam on a Facebook page.
Mubarak Bala has been imprisoned after being formally charged with 10 counts of causing a public disturbance because those Facebook posts were deemed “blasphemous”.
24 years for a victimless crime.
Blasphemy laws are a public admission that a religion’s ideas cannot stand on their own merits but are weak and decrepit. It seems they must be coddled and protected against any question by threats of fines, imprisonment, beatings or death.
There are backward countries in the world. We can’t call these places that are full of misogyny, bigotry, religious zealotry, fasting, intolerance, Sharia Law, and ignorant superstitions anything other than shit-holes.
Allah, like God, Voldemort, Buddha, Darth Vader, the White Witch Queen of Narnia, the Big Bad Wolf, Ming the Merciless, darleks, the Wicked Witch of the West, Watership Down’s General Woundwort, the StayPuft Marshmellow Man, and the characters in Rentaghost,
…doesn’t fucking exist.
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
Here in the States thou shalt not speak ill of the great Covid Vaccine. Makes me wonder if a 20 foot tall gold syringe has been erected in the capitol with the Alpha and Omega engraved on it.
Freedom of speech should mean the freedom to blaspheme and cause offence. What we see in Nigeria is a more extreme version of what’s happening in the West, where you can be sacked, ostracised or even imprisoned for “blaspheming” against Effniks and Trannies.
Seriously fucked up shit this blasphemy law bollocks.
Liberal bloggers in sophisticated and affluent places such as Bangladesh are hacked to death by religious bloodthirsty mobs in broad daylight for questioning the historic and clearly schizophrenic ramblings of Big Mo the Peaceful.
Over in Blighty, if you dare to blaspheme against the Church of Woke, racist organisations such as Black Lives Matter, whether diversity is a strength, maybe if you dare to even point out that not all people in Victorian London were from Africa, whether a woman has a cock or perhaps if you disagree with vaccine coercion and other forms of medical discrimination based on flawed data, then a sizable portion of the population here begin to foam at the mouth with a similarly blasphemous fervour.
Cunts all.
If God exists then it stands to reason that he/she/it is a thoroughly unpleasant individual who deserves to be slagged off at every opportunity.
Look what happened to the staff at Charlie Hebdo who committed the “crime” of excercising their rights to a laugh at the expense of the religion of peace.
Any religious types who revert to murdering some poor fuckers for the crimes of humour or questioning their belief systems are just confirming to me just how fundamentally insecure they are over the legitimacy of their “beliefs”
I have no particular problem with anybody adhering to or practicing their religion but please do it quietly, be prepared to be questioned or laughed at from time to time and fuck off with the allegations of blasphemy.
If a god is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, it would not need a backward, smelly, ill informed, CUNT to blow itself and others to smithereens to show that it is offended.
I so hope I don’t go to Hreaven
Lot’s of Nigerian cunts here sadly. Can we send them to Rwanda?
Timing is everything Bertram.
We just need to wait til that branch of savages start another one of their funny little genocides then send the fuckers.
Being a n*gn*g he’s bound to be guilty of much more serious crimes, so in fairness he’s probably got what he deserves!
Maybe the cunt in Lambeth place should be pointing out that Christians are the most persecuted religious people on earth rather than bladdering on about the fucking dingy cunts.
He’s living in Nigeria, the son of a religious cleric, so he knew exactly what he was doing the wanker. Apparently he pleaded guilty to avoid the death sentence. He should have come over here and shacked up in Peckham.
Mind you he would still be facing the death sentence…….just not from the government.
Just read link, though it was nailed on even before which “religion” would be behind it.. That’s right the one so peaceful it even blows up it’s own…24 years for having a different opinion to the governing despots. It’s a cunt..
No offence meant Captain M but fuck Nigeria and it’s population.
Scamming cunts
It seems Islam has to be protected from hurty words, a bit like christianity in the dark ages, Islam have never emerged from the dark ages, they are all cunts.
Muslims want everybody to be either Muslim, or dead, and are therefore guilty of hate crimes without having to do anything.
I will strike a blow for freedom to blaspheme.
Admin, in all it’s manifestations, is a cunt.
Fuck all for blasphemy that!
Stone the cheeky cunt to death.
Nigeria is going woke,
In the old days theyd sacrifice him to Kong.
Screech and fling shite at him at least.
You may have read about the 4 people stabbed to death in Bermondsey on Sunday. They were Africunts but I don’t know if there was any religious bollocks involved.
Another addition to Suckdick’s proud statistics.
Violent cunts.
What ever happened to a good old shouty argument or a bit of fisticuffs to settle a disagreement?
Nah fuck that – let’s slash every fucker up with a 9 inch blade because some thoughtless cunt used all the tomato sauce or left the toilet seat up.
I despair.
This pisses me off. Student WOKEY cunts pull down statues and virtue signal about how bad de white man has been, trying to re-write out history of slavery, etc. etc. and then some cunt puts up a blue plaque for the dark man who died after being hounded the the old bill:
Looks like someone’s already nicked it! LOL
Fucking hell! How does an illegal immo who was dumb enough to drown himself 53 fucking years ago get a blue plaque?
What a load of bollocks! Presumably it’s now at the bottom of the river where it belongs. This country is going to get fucked by these wokie bastards.
Should have stayed in Nigeria methinks…
Unbelievable that a mad illegal immigrant dosser gets a blue plaque what for shitting and pissing on the streets of Leeds.
If statues are fair game for throwing in the drink, then I suppose blue plaques are too.
I wonder how much money will be spent on the subsequent police investigation ?
Blue plaques for illegal immo’s.
Standards are slipping.
Good afternoon.
Nuke all of Africa as they are full of brown water rats (stop them shuttling across the channel).
Is that the daft cunt above?
Hehehe ?
Thumbs up?
?? Indeed! 24yrs in Nigerian prison for blasphemy is ace.
Nice work genius.
Whos that next to him?
David Baddeil?
Mnc@ – Afternoon Mis – but the question we all want answering – will this foul felon be “eating da poo poo” in prison? ?
Afternoon Foxy, ?
Christ, imagine its pretty bleak in a Nigerian prison?!!
Just eyeballs and teeth glowing in the dark.
Doubt the menu has a vegan or gluten free option?
I do so wish the libtard woke cunts that infest our country with their self-righteous bullshit would fly over to places like Nigeria and tell them that Islam is sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic etc etc. And that Muslims should become progressives and not live in the Dark Ages.
Perhaps we could also ask XR and IB to fly into Nigeria and complain about the high levels of air pollution and blahdeblahdeblah.
But of course none of this smug groups would dare go anywhere near such dangerous places. Instead they moan about racist, intolerant Britain in the relative safety of…errr. tolerant Britain.
And the ancestors of these cunts who were ‘tiefed’ and shipped to pastures greener think WE should be paying them compensation.
Fuck me sideways, we educated most of these backward thinking cunts.
All begins with showing them how to use a knife and fork.
Yeah and the reason countries like Nigeria are overwhelmingly Peaceful is because of the A-rab slave traders. I don’t see them asking rich as fuck Sheikh Abbadabbabollockface for any compo though. No, it’s whitey’s wallet we want to get in to.
It is said that more blacks were enslaved by arabs and went north east than crossed the Atlantic. However, the arabs took the precaution of gelding the fuckers.
Any “religion” which cannot be questioned cannot be trusted.
Islam is a cancer on humankind and is now at the stage (yet again) where it needs to be stopped, hard.
Never give shit an inch.
Makes me wonder if there is a radically Christian country the opposite of Nigeria. I don’t think there is, as far as I know, but if there was wouldn’t it be a wonderful place to send the dingy raiders?! War of the sky fairies as if were?
All religion is bollocks and more human suffering has been caused by it than by any other reason.
@mikdys There used to be back in the dark ages when the Catholic church was doing inquisitions.
You are correct, all religion is bullshit and more human suffering has come from religion than anything else.
I do believe in God but only as revealed in Scripture. Religion distorts Scripture and takes it to extremes.
Religion tells God, “Fuck your way! Here’s what we are going to do in your name and you’re going to like it!”
Allah is a cunt. The pope is a cunt.
Violent cunts.
What ever happened to a good old shouty argument or a bit of fisticuffs to settle a disagreement?
Nah fuck that – let’s slash every fucker up with a 9 inch blade because some thoughtless cunt used all the tomato sauce or left the toilet seat up this morning.
I despair.
Sorry admin.
Already posted this.
Am surprised our very one Archbishop of Cunterbury doesn’t slam the Islam fanatics, especially with regards how Islam treats those very same LGBT groups the CoE used to criticise and totally ignore as going against God’s Will.
If they believe they will live forever in some paradise full of virgins, then what is a mere 80 years on this earth? A blink of an eye, surely?
Why do they need to get uppity and have blasphemy laws, surely their life will be finished so quickly in comparison to the infinite afterlife.
Or don’t they believe it and want a big bust up with the non-believers…hmmm.
Give generously for Africa.
Remember chaps, for just five pounds a month, it will only take 50,000 of us to pay the CEO’s salary.
They can have the steam off my piss if they want, thats all I’m offering.
I’ll be using mine to keep warm.
Why has Jesus got a towel wrapped round his head in the nom picture?
Hes just emerging from the prison showers.
Send him to Rwanda or Wakanda who gives a monkeys.
You wouldn’t even get 24 years for wiping out a whole mosqe.
Hoo-ee, bunch of cunts.
Sorry, spelling mistake.
Bunch of savage cunts.