Lib Dems [4]

A destroyed line of Russian armour grade cutting for election signs please. The slogans they contain, specifically the Lib Dems, and the cunts that display them.

It’s local election time in DiCunty land and orange and black diamonds are popping up all over the land. Oh yes, The lib fucking dems are out and about again. Prominent in this part of the world mainly due to the now thankfully long dead ‘Paddy’ Ashdown.

‘Lib Dems – Winning Here.

Mmm, well they’ve not done so well recently and the current MP is Tory, so that’s not a true statement. There are however plenty of bellends that will vote in the locals for the sandal wearing green/red/ commie car hating EU loving anti democratic pricks.

Lib Dems – ‘Working for you’.

Sadly living in Lib dump council ward I have to say this is just bollocks. They ain’t ‘working’ for no one but themselves it seems. Grass verges like the savannah, drains blocked, hedges overgrown, local polis cut to the bone, no GPS and a constant drip drip drip approval of planning applications to build on green fields and install solar farms everywhere whilst the local towns turn into 3rd world hell holes. Still the council workers have great pension opportunities with all my tax monies.

And the best I saw today – Lib Dems ‘Demand better’.

I do, I demand that any able bodied soul grab one of these signs and the pole it’s mounted on then insert into the nearest orifice of any Lib Dem they encounter.

Any cunt that has one of these signs displayed in their garden or house window needs a date with a fucking hellfire missile fired from a reaper drone.

Nominated by: LeonardoDiCunty

80 thoughts on “Lib Dems [4]

  1. Liberal political parties are anything but, just look at that unflushable turd in Canada and his fucking simp socks.
    The only acceptable photo of the above shitters would be one where they’re substituted for coconuts on a fairground stall using mini cannons and grape shot. At least it wouldn’t spoil their looks. *
    They couldn’t find their arseholes with both hands and there’s the reason why they’re not a threat. Most of even the dumbest of voters can see that ?. And their voters surpass even that level of idiocracy.
    Doubtless they applaud ‘Nappy rash’ Bidens announcement of instilling CRT into Congress.
    Fix steel, we’re going in.

    * that bint on the right excepted.

  2. Off topic,
    Why does Joe Biden always look like hes just taken off swimming goggles?

    • Is Joe Biden actually a human being?

      He’s more like a stuffed toy.

      I bet he’s a Stieff, special edition.

      That hearing aid is just covering up the button in his ear.

  3. Upon discovering that I didn’t have enough money for a taxi when leaving a country pub a few years ago, I was forced to yomp 4 miles home across fields and bridleways. I didn’t mind as it was a summer evening.
    The Guiness had rumbled through me and I had dire need of a shit so looking for a suitable bush to hide behind, I saw a house with a Lib Dem sign in the garden and, being quite pissed, thought it would be a good idea to take a dump on their garden path as it was dusk.
    Turns out it ??? a good idea, as the poo landed half on the grass and half on the path. Result!
    I went out for a run the following afternoon and the plop had gone, but there was still a bit of a stain.
    Lib Dem loving cunts should all have their houses burned down by Welsh Nationalists.

    • Nicely done Thomas?
      I like to think that somewhere, a Lib-Dumb cunt got shitty fingers, that morning??

      • I hope that their Spaniel ate it (Lib Dems always seem to have poorly trained Spaniels) and then barfed it up on their carpet.

  4. Trying to work out the significance of the little dark key at the front with the EU flag. Any suggestions?

    • It’s an attempt to make them look inclusive, whatever the fuck that actually means.

    • Probably her housekeepers kid-or the latest recruit to her “ethical” chimney sweeping business.

      Or Justin Trudeau in “blackface”

  5. Thats umtembe Limpopo.
    A African bush pygmy.
    She got posted to the uk in a parcel, and got involved with the Lib dem cult.

    Second on the right from her is Frank Carson,
    Not seen him in years.

    • Now you have identified, MNC, I can see clearly, now.
      Fuck me sideways, what kind of fuckwittery do we have to put up with, before we can vote cunts out, Vikings in?

  6. Look at that bird in the blue top with big tits, she looks like a post op transgender Boris.

  7. What a deeply unattractive bunch?

    Back in 1990, I banged a proper prim and proper Doctors daughter-Two in the stink would have loved her, Blonde, massive tits and glasses. When I was balls deep, she howled like a porno star?

    Fast forward to 2018-I saw her in a local paper-a ducking Lib Dumb council leader?

  8. In the very top right, there’s someone who took a wrong turn, on his way to a Black Panther rally.
    Also, some are holding banners featuring the latest LibDem attempt at Mayor of God’s own Country.
    Fat, entitled looking, sweaty faced cunt, not that I judge people by appearance.

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