How fucking low can these Labour bastards stoop? Sabotage the countries nuclear defence system. It’s about time these lefties were rounded up and imprisoned. Mind you they would probably be very happy if Vlad and his boys were running the show.
For the love of god enough, the whole rotten shitshow needs ripping down and patriots need to step up. Fabian Hamilton, you are a treasonous cunt and need to dangle from the end of a length of Manila rope.
Nominated by: CuntyMort
Heehee ?
Right puffs name.
Hates this country but happy to grab what he can here,
A Russian lover!
Good luck at the ballot box .
Russias really popular at the moment.
Send him to Rwanda.
Woke football club Arsenal have ‘visit Rwanda’ on their shirts and advertising hoardings.
Yes, I’d love a holiday filled with potential kidnap, robbery, arse rape, famine, civil war and genocide.
Book me in for a family of four for a fortnight, you daft pricks.
Short rope long drop, that is all
500 foot drop. No rope.
Yet another lefty weapons grade traitor. There must be a factory in Islington that manufactures these deluded cunts.
Another Labour Party cunt and another opportunity for the Conservative government to rip the shit out of him.
Is the Conservative party so arrogant that they think that they will win another election without any effort?
The UK could end up with a treacherous bastard like Hamilton in a position of power.
An 80 seat majority will disappear at the next election ; Boris seems intent on giving this bunch of misfits the reins of power.
How the fuck did this once mighty nation arrive at this situation?
Dead right Guzzi. I can’t see Bridgend returning their transbumder MP at next election.
100%, mate. It’s hard to fathom the stupidity of not only loading the rifle, but handing it to those weirdos in a presentation box and painting a target on their fucking forehead and screaming “Shoot me”.
Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament?
So who’s the Tory version that he’s shadowing? Oh wait. It’s another made up bullshit post.
What’s the aim of his post? Yes, if he gets in, he’d want to disarm us completely and redirect the money saved to our enemies, no doubt.
What could possibly go wrong? The fact up to 30% of the country support these fucking lunatics is enough for me to know we’re fucked.
The ‘Conservatives’ should be stomping these loons into the kerb, but instead they seem to be agreeing with them on a lot of mental shit. That ‘tranny’ MP who left the scene of an accident, for example. Should’ve been mocked and fired. Instead he’s lauded and called brave.
Fucking useless inbred twats.
Good point, how can you have a Shadow minister, if there is not a real Minister? Unless it’s like the shadow you get on the pavement after a nuclear blast and no body. And that’s more likely if you ditch the deterrent.
And there is pompous old prick Starmer, and his pansy followers like Bryant and Wes Screeching, pretending to be such a moral upstanding group.
It proves what I was saying the other week – at one time “old” Labour had misguided but genuinely decent men and women, with names like Joe and Dave, nowadays we have these old university poofters with names like “Fabian” and “Hilary” – they no doubt look down on their predecessors, but they knew a lot more about work and life than these wankers do. These shots have never done a fdays work in their lives – except to get down on their hands and knees and give Mandelson a blowjob, or clean up Alistair Campbell’s vomit. As for the wimminz, like AnalEase, Angie, Jess and Yvette, you’d get no more than a tenner kif you sold them to a Middle Eastern brothel.
The cunt needs a Novichok surprise.
According to the article, he used 14 grand in expenses on 13 computers in a year.
Another piss taking cunt.
funny that – yet when I try and claim IT/telephones for my business, there are all sorts of restrictions from the HMRC cunts.
When there is no such thing as a Minister for Peace and Disarmament how it possible to be the “Shadow”?
Welcome to the world of The Woke where anything is possible. If you want something to be true then it is fucking true. A land where men can be women and women can be men and 100+ other fucking freaks inbetween. Where you just chant “we want peace” and Ivan and Charlie Chan just leave us be.
Jackanory, jackanory, jackanory…….,
I fucking despair.
Yes, woketards seem to not realise that there are bad people in the world.
You can’t just flick a peace sign at a dictator who amasses an army near your borders.
Oven the cunt, and any relatives/friends/acquaintances, as they will obviously have been infected with his extreme cuntishness.
Jeremy Corbyn’s Bumchum?
If Dame Starmer doesn’t know what a woman is, perhaps he needs to ask his own Shadow Minister for Women, Analease Dodds.
They also have a Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Net Zero (Ed Millipede) and a Shadow Minister for Mental Elf.
Fucking bunch of shoulder munchers.
At a time when Boris and Rishi, yet again, show how out of touch and arrogant they are. When the opposition have a real chance of tearing into the government and doing it some real damage. And when the opposition could be offering a viable plan to help with the cost of living, what do we get? A leader who is afraid to say whether or not a woman can have a cock and this treasonous commie wanker. Well done the Labour Party! The Tory’s will never again need a Saatchi and Saatchi style advertising campaign to win votes whilst you carry on like this.
Wasn’t he the bloke from ‘Fingerbobs’? With that song about a tortoise head peeping out? That reminds me, I must toddle of to strangle a Mars bar, before I touch cloth. Ta’ ra fora bit.
“…and Yofi lifts a finger, and a mouse appears”. I still remember that from when I was about 6. But I can’t remember why I went into the kitchen just know.
These wankers think that when the Chinks, the Ruskies or the Peacefuls take over they will be given positions of power and they will be lording it over the rest of us. Wrong! They will be going straight to the gulag if they’re lucky. More likely they’ll be dangling on the end of a rope. They’re just too dim to see it.
The Labour Party has been trying to surrender to Russia for 80 years
Labour the gift that never stops giving us poor bastards the finest examples of wankery that our money can buy.
I’m a believer in free speech so the cunt can basically say what he likes on condition that he has the balls to stand by his argument when called out and does not immediately state that opponents to his ideas are racist/sexist/homo whatever/gender criminals/transbender with or without meat and two veg/right wing/fascist nasty people. The man is a cunt and should be treated as such.
Fabian, Crispin, Hugo,etc.
Tells me everything I need to know about someone without having to listen to their bullshit.
My prejudices are many and cover all sections of society.
I’m feeling all nostalgic for the days of Wilson and Heath. What simple and innocent times they seem now.
Fawlty Towers on the telly too. ?
and British industry, although it was in terminal decline.
Dame Keira Starmer,
House of Commons,
London W1
Dear Dame Keira,
Following your appointment of Fabian Uziell-Hamilton to the position pf Shadow Minister for Appeasement and Capitulation, I would like to apply for the vacant position of Shadow Minister for Taking The Knee. I identify as a black, transexual lesbian amputee and so am ably qualified for the role. I feel I could make a great contribution in Parliament by shadowing a minister that doesn’t exist.
Alternatively I would be happy to be considered for any of the other vacant positions currently available in the Labour Party, namely
Shadow Minister for Rainbow Pedestrian Crossings
Shadow Minister for Encouraging Third World Immigration
Shadow Minister for Rejoining the EU
Shadow Minister for Blaming Everything on Boris
Yours sincerely,
Georgina Twatt (They)
perhaps if you changed it to “taking the cock” you may get a response (or more like, crushed in the stampede of wiling MPs).
I should very much like to be considered for the position of shadow DEFRA minister with responsibility for Unicorn husbandry
Fabian Uziell Hamilton.
What a wank name.
Are you a Frog, a Parking Stanley, or a Jock?
Make your mind up youth.
What happened to simple names like Alf Atkinson etc?
look at the cuntservatives: Sunak, Javed, Patel and who knows the fuck else lurkign in the back benches. I wonder how many of our MPs are blacks or ethnics. If more than the percentage that makes up the UK as a whole, they should be kicked out. The cunts always like to say how institutions in this country must be more representative of the population.
Just been to check, Lord C.
14% of UK population ethnic.
10% of MPs ethnic.
26% of cabinet ethnic.
100% of MPs cunts.
Labour, This Fabian cunt, Russell, Wes and Chris bum boys, Peter (I could cry at any minute) Kyle……
More pussy than an Albanian brothel
He looks like Sheik Mahasif mahtool from Les Patterson saves the world, probably more evil too, the cunt!!!!
“Shadow Minister for treachery, cowardice and communism”.
UK “politics” needs the shit clearing out at the next election – it may well be the last chance we ever get.
Sadly, with the combined effects of media brainwashing, industrialised virtue signalling and voter apathy, it’s unlikely to happen.
The masses will happily embrace authoritarianism and reject free will.
They have already…
Is that too pessimistic? ?
Our political system needs a complete overhaul. Labour and Conservative are both as bad as each other. Nothing ever changes the corruption and crime, while unemployment does nothing but fluctuate whichever party gets in.
I think it’s fair to say that this country tends to work despite government, not because of it.
Are they actively trying to make themselves unelectable? Is it a conscious action? Cos it certainly seems like it.
Jamiroqunt@ – Yes, they are – all the money and benefits without being under the microscope every day for their utter failings and circus performances.
I think the only two Men to enter the Houses of Parliament with honest intentions were Oliver Cromwell and Guy Fawkes.
A plague on this rotten “Parliament”.
Locked room and hand grenade
We’ve got Putin acting like Adolf, Kim Jong Un acting his normal cunt self lobbing ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan, a nuclear armed Pakistan and China grabbing more land the Romans in their heyday. And this soft cunt wants to disarm and get rid of our nukes?? Not much but I sleep a little more soundly at night knowing we’ve got something of a deterrent to all the fucking nutcases we have in power around the world at the moment. So we would have no weapons if he had his way? What would we use, harsh language?
White flags…
Sorry Bob, harsh language is a definite no no.
Corbynite Labour’s defence policy is to disband the armed forces, light candles, hold hands and sing kumbaya.
I am curious as to how he pronounces “Uziell.”
Yell, weal??
However, I have no doubt at all that Fabian is pronounced “Fuckwit.”
Or testicle breath