I know this will be unpopular with a few people here but I’m sick and tired of conspiracy theories.
The list of conspiracy theories is endless – from moon landing deniers, flat earth believers, New World Order nuts, 9/11 nuts, to endless theories blaming Freemasons, Rothschilds, Jews, Jesuits or whatever group the conspiracy theorist seems to dislike. All palpable nonsense.
It’s an addiction bordering on paranoia. Conspiracy theory addicts will turn their noses up at credible and obvious explanations of an event and instead embrace some wild theory encompassing the Clintons, George Soros, Aliens, Buzz Aldrin and a grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas. Deny them at your peril – you will be told its obvious, staring you in the face and why can’t anyone else see it except themselves. Anyone who disagrees is a stupid “normie”, devoid of the deductive genius that they posess or in thrall to world elites and the MSM.
I’m not talking here about a healthy degree of scepticism and questioning accepted narratives, but something more unhinged than this. Something that happens because people need to connect events and see patterns which aren’t there to make sense of a confusing world, to help deal with anxiety and to make themselves feel special and convince themselves that everyone else is stupid.
Conspiracy theory addicts are trapped in a vicious circle. The cycle of addiction becomes destructive as negative feelings contribute to the belief in conspiracies and the belief in conspiracies results in negative feelings. Sufferers then spend hours trawling the less reputable places on the internet to reinforce these beliefs, creating more anxiety for themselves in the process which they remedy by reading up on even more far out conspiracies.
Conspiracy theory addicts are like opium addicts. Both are destructive patterns of behaviour.
And no, I have not been paid by MI6, the FBI or George Soros to write this.
(Additional link provided by our on staff therapist, Night Admin – NA)
Nominated by: MMCM
They can be entertaining I admit,
But rule of thumb
1) if dressed head to toe in camo and hints at a coming Armageddon…. avoid.
2)if dressed head to toe in tinfoil and hints at a coming Armageddon.. avoid.
3)if they live in a bunker/woodland fort… avoid.
4) bulbous eyed, spittle flecked, foaming at the mouth?.. avoid.
5) if they deny the moons real,
Or gravity, make claims of special powers,… avoid.
Know its boring but im a beige type of bloke.
Probably why the fuckin Moonmen never abducted me and implanted a chip in my body.
If they are fat, bumbling oaf with blonde hair and called Boris who tells you “everything is under control” definitely avoid!
Zelenskyy was plotting with NATO to build chemical weapons factories. He’s a Jewish Nazi. The Russians try to make up conspiracy theories. They’re just not very good at it.
Jewish Nazi.
I prefer bloke down the pub urban legends (otherwise known as irrefutable facts).
Marc Almond got a rib removed so he could suck his own nob.
Bruce Lee died because he took an aspirin and his body was so physically fit and pure that it killed him.
Richard Gere shoves gerbils up his arse.
Adam Ant bummed his drummer (not sure which one).
Who needs Google when you’ve got man down the pub?
Any more of these irrefutable facts would be appreciated.
Erm allegedly of course.
Oh dear.
Your bloke down the pub’s opinion differs my my bloke down the pub.
It was the artist formerly know as ponce who had a rib removed so he could suck his own knob.
Marc Almond passed out and honked up a pint of spunk.
Please tell your bloke down the pub to get his (alleged) facts straight.
Boy George DID bum his Drummer-Jon Moss.
I recall on a documentary on Slade in the 90s that Noddy told the story of when he was in Hamburg, a kraut fan paid Noddy the equivalent of 50 quid to lie under a glass coffee table while the kraut shat on it! A Brummie ain’t gonna knock 50 quid back in 1973. They should have reenacted that moment in Slade in Flame! 😀
Eddie Murphy and his love for transit vans, one of his favs took a header off of a roof.
“Eddie Murphy and his love for transit vans, one of his favs took a header off of a roof.”
Oh fuck, that’s right! I only found out about that when watching a podcast a few weeks ago and someone mentioned it. I reckon Eddie was sucking trans cock all through the 90s, early 2000s. Guy has ten children, is it? Various mothers. He must have done a POWER of shagging over the years, fuck Warrne Beatty’s 70,000 pumps, Eddie would have been balls-deep every night at the height of his fame. He has never drank or done drugs, so all that partying he did must have been shagging and he got tired of pussy and tried some dick. And he did a tonne of gay bashing material on stage, on Delirious, his hilarious 1983 stand-up movie…
Man, I bet there a TONNE of people in Yankland showbiz who have sucked trans dick. The movie moguls make them earn their $20-50 million per movie. Brad Pitt probably got his ass filled back in 1988-92 before he joined, The Club.
Or drum his bummer…
When I was a kid my Gerbil went missing and I received a poison Pen letter telling me what would happen to the Gerbil. It wasn’t a ransom; just an FYI.
The letter was signed ‘RG’. Make of that what you will.
I don’t think you’d want it back after he’d finished with it (allegedly).
It’s weird that such a rumour was created around Richard Gere, a man who, in the 90s, could have had any woman on Earth. It was a great rumour, but I would have chosen Tom Cruise instead, or that uber-cunt, Sean Penn. Gere just laughed it off, but the other two, especially the latter, would have been raging. The gay wrestler and Tom Cruise is still a weird one, wonder what happened to that gay wrestler?
I heard Almond also once needed his stomach pumped after swallowing so much jizz.
Met him just before he became famous/Tainted Love (late 70s/early80s). There’s creepy wierd and then there’s Marc Almond.
Backs to the wall, lads!
Just seen Osama bin Laden riding Shergar. I told him it was a horse, & not a camel, but he didn’t believe me. Fucking sand ni**ers!
Early 80s as a kid l was told Marc Almond was rushed to hospital with stomach cramps.
They pumped his stomach of 6pints of spunk!?
I still think its credible.
The cunt couldn’t hold his drink!
Haha I remember that one!
I find there are multiple layers of paranoia with conspiratards. Years ago before Alex Jones was banned from the mainstream platforms, he was like a stopped clock – big banks, the oil companies etc and he even said years ago that David Icke discredits the conspiracy movement and some people thought that Icke was an MI6 place men who was meant to do that on purpose. Now Alex Jones actually lets Icke and his son post videos on Infowars.
Many conspiratards think Jones is a CIA asset who is placed to do the exact same thing. Like I say, different layers paranoia like some kind of tin foil matryoshka doll. A lot of conspiratards mistake paranoia for healthy scepticism and consider themselves critical thinkers “like, do your own research Bro!”.
It puzzles me as to how years ago, Icke used to be able to pack out Brixton academy with mindless simpletons to listen to his “seminars” about human/reptilian hybrids from the lower 4th dimension, then wheel out Arizona Wilder (who claimed to be from a reptilian bloodline) but nobody in the audience ever thought to raise their hand and say “Arizona, would you please give us a demonstration of your shape-shifting, reptilian abilities please?”
Gullible fuckwits much like the simpletons who populate the comments sections of Alex Jones videos who don’t question the bullshit he peddles, the clickbait titles, the lack of sources provided and the outright lies and misrepresentations.
Alex Jones is really ‘dead’ stand up comedian Bill Hicks 😉
“I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water: IT TURNS THE FREAKING FROGS GAY!!” ~ Bill Hicks
I read that there is some truth to that “gay frogs” thing. Doesn’t matter, it’s a hilarious rant!
Jones is an entertainer. He’s a shrewd cunt, made $165 million of the past few years. Drunk driver. But he’s hilarious, especially when drunk on podcasts.
Count Dankula and Sargon of Akkad both spent time at Infowars when they were over on vacation in the US a few years ago and said that he is a completely different, amicable bloke off camera.
I guess the homofrogphobe schtick is just put on for comedic effect.
I actually just watched an interview with Jones and some young couple, which is a sort of promo on a big documentary on Jones’ life, Alex’s War which is out in July. In that interview, though, he comes across well, he paints rocks!
It’s funny because he goes all-in on the conspiracies, but he is very tepid on flat Earth, he’s still very pro-NASA. David Icke and his fans are vehemently ANTI-flat Earth, which is strange, it’s one of the more harmless conspiracy theories, it doesn’t involve dead people, kids like 9/11, “elite” pea-doughs, vaccines, etc. Makes you wonder why flat Earth is so hotly fought against by all sides.
For me it’s not that the Flat Earth Hypothesis is so patently wrong, it’s not that it’s necessarily harmful (it isn’t really) it’s that a lot of flerfs are so damned arrogant and smug about being wrong whilst thinking they are right.
You should ignore cunts online who you find, well… cunty! That’s what I do. Most of the flat Earthers seems harmless to me, that Nathan Oakley gives me bad vibes, though. There used to be a big scary Scottish guy in a shed who stuck to basic physics and not domes, ice walls, etc, is he still on the go?
I was lucky enough to fly on Concorde and the curvature of the earth is quite apparent, but it would be funny if its a curved disk on the backs of 4 jumbos riding on a ?
In 1959 in a remote part of the Ural mountains, Russia,
A group of trekkers from a polytechnic were found mutilated.
It became known as the Dyatlov pass incident.
Eyes gouged out, tongues ripped out,
Bodies all over the snow.
Explanations range from yeti attack to soviet soldiers, or local indigenous peoples.
The more russian authoritises addressed it the more shouts of cover up and fake news.
Me? Fucked if I know.
Pretty gruesome.
Check it out
This is a mental one.
Ok it may have been psychosis induced as a rare side effect by a drug given to him by a doctor.
However, the cunt is still missing.
He probably posts on here.?
I’d love to know what happened to Claudia Lawrence by the sound of it she was a bit of a gal, multiple people arrested and not charged stinks to high heaven.
I’m ashamed to say I’ve never heard of Claudia Lawrence, must have missed that one…
That’s a mental story. It’s even worse in Yankland, the amount of people who “disappear” over there these days is mental. There are definitely people out there who prey on people for reasons best not gone into.
Yes Mis. All the group were fully trained & up for the expedition. There was a picture taken of a “big foot,” that was interesting. A weird one that has always fascinated me, & with still no real explanation.
This woman at work sees conspiracies in everything.
She’s convinced that all the dead bodies strewn across the streets in Ukraine are all faked and the whole war was dreamt up by Joe Bidens son and the Banks. She’s another one that says it’s staring me in the face and i can’t see it.
“If you can’t see it by now then you’re a fucking idiot.”
You’ve heard that one too?
I like being skeptical, but it’s a fine line between that and full retard I find.
Are they crisis actors perchance?
Are her Dad’s initials CS?
Is she covered in shite tattoos that her did did as a gift?
Not a family business, is it? She not your mum, is she?! 😉
Some interesting ones missing. The Abominable Snowman/Yeti.
The Bermuda Triangle. The Devils Triangle. Flight MH 370 & the disappearance of pilot Frederick Valentich.
Ogopogo, MLK his convicted assassin was an interesting guy probably CIA stooge patsy like Oswald, David Kelly and that spook in the zipped bag.
Do any fellow centers remember there was a guy on this site a while back posting a LONG FUCKING comment about the real sun and fake sun? Wonder what happened to him.
And Michael Funke. What’s that h0m0 up to these days I wonder?
All manner of weird shite pops up on here MC.
Fake sun?!!
Hehehe ?
Probably Icarus The Unready! Who knows?
Some Conspiracy theories turn out to be true, like a few of the Covid ones ( eg Id passes) but aren’t taken seriously because there are so many loony ones, usually on the front page of the Daily Star.
We should make some up.
See if they spread?
John Wayne had pierced nipples.
Vlad Puddin has rectal cancer caused by a decomposing hamster that got lodged in his colon .
The Chinese want everything remember that! Buy cheap and fuck over your own people. Hey ho it’s only business.
I see in the header pic, there is a section of the cone labelled “science denial”.
I cannot see that there are “more than 2 genders” in that section.
Surely even something as outlandish as the flat earth theory has more credibility than the BBC’s claim that there are now more than 100 genders?
Some Flat Earthers, even in the face of all the scientific evidence, say that “it looks flat; therefore it’s flat!” I look at Lia Thomas’ bulge and say “it looks like a cock, it’s a cock”.
We have already established that John Wayne was a raving mad homosexual.
Liked his young boys and would have made Jimmy Savile look like an amateur fiddler.
Walked like he had a 12” dildo stuck up his poo pipe.
Here I present, the John Wayne was a homosexual and prolific kiddy fiddler conspiracy theory.
I have lots of credible evidence to support such claims.
Remember the trouble that John Wayne nom got you into Mis?
Cor, I barely got out alive.
Everyone attacking me,
Calling me a cunt, a evil man,
Ignorant etc …
I fuckin loved it!!?
Hes iconic to a lot of older blokes.
Just a matter of taste I suppose?
The one irrefutable fact about John Wayne is, is that he stayed in Hollywood during WW2, didn’t even enlist to be an entertainer like Bob Hope (bisexual sex maniac, possible pea-dough) or genuine heroes like John Ford, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, practically everyone went over to serve, but no old Duke, he stayed in Hollywood and enjoyed himself. He was gung-ho for Vietnam, though, even made a pro-war movie, The Green Berets at the height of anti-war protests. He was kinda fake, when you look into who he was, but he was a true patriot, just a closet pacifist, you could say.
Wouldn’t label myself a conspiracy theorist but some of those deemed more detached from reality in the above diagram have a clear ideological spin. ‘COVID 19 made in a lab’ is being acknowledged as far more likely than the press wanted us to believe a couple of years ago. Global warming ‘hoax’? PizzaGate Soros and QAnon less credible than Bigfoot? Why is Area 51 even there? It exists.
Also, no mention of lefty favourites Trump’s collusion with Russia or Brexit being financed by Russia.
I see young Abbie is on all the zoomer’s social media platforms of choice; Tik-tok, Instagurn and twatter.
I sense less of a conspiracy more of a willing media dupe.
A better picture would’ve been a mad portrait of Icke.
I concur.
Conspiracy Theorist is like Racist-a valueless term used to shut down meaningful debate?
I agree also.
It’s more a poster to adorn the bedroom walls of ardent consumers of BBC, Sky News and CNN around the world.
The scary part is that I reckon we ain’t seen nothin’ yet when it comes to government dark arts and media bullshit. Something horrible is coming this year, too many desperate cunts in power needing to maintain power. Staggering that Joe Biden is still at the POTUS podiums babbling complete and utter shite.
i was taken one night, by the light that hovered over a grassy null i was surveying for a contract
My captors were Elvis luvin aliens , i pray tell yes sir E
“we can’t go on together with suspicious minds” they said to me in clicks and clacks
i replied “Oooh im all shook up”
they then fucked me out the door from about 10 feet above the ground and called me a cunt cause i wouldn’t listen and take them seriously
New World Order and Nazi’s on the Moon in the same section?
Joe Biden was only just babbling the other day about there being a “New World Order” or things along those lines.
I’m off to get my telescope out now and hopefully see if I can spot Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels hanging out near the Da Vinci crater.
Fuck me
You’d think by now that these cunts knew that saying, “new world order,” live on TV to potentially 8 billion people should be avoided. George Bush Snr. used it on September 11, 1991, ten years to the day before the terror attacks. A lot of cunts have used it over the past twenty years and now we have, “Build Back Better” used in many countries. Build back from what – WW3? All of the powerful cunts in the world are on record saying things that Ming the Merciless or Stalin would avoid stating in print on camera.
Its no conspiracy that the West is the best, but it has confused its peoples these recent times
There was a coup d”etat from within the USA and beyond during Bush senior years and that is certain.
A power shift away from government itself as the ruling overlord and that scenario has not changed.
we now live at the behest of powerful entities that were never elected or chosen by the people for the people and so on… but have all the control over our elected representatives.
The vision for the future will be , not by the people
i suppose it never fucking was to begin with
Well there’s fact, conspiracy theories, theories, cover ups and theories and questions about exposed cover ups that get labelled conspiracy theory. Its interesting talking about cover ups and corruption and how the accepted explanation has holes in it or is completely wrong, either because of conspiracy or incompetency!
I don’t mind conspiracy theorists, except these ones:
Climate Change Emergency cunts
Children should be raised gender neutral cunts
Critical race theory cunts
Chem trail ‘they’re spraying today’ cunts
Flat earther cunts
Things I don’t mind entertaining after a few drinks:
Did Covid escape from a lab?
Did Boris lie over Party gate?
Who killed JFK?
Did Epstein kill himself?
Did Anthony Bourdain kill himself ?
Was Diana done in?
The McCanns done it?
How much influence does the WEF actually have?
Did Rishi Sunak and Boris invent the Furlough Scheme to deliberately ruin or part ruin our economy or did they do it out of the goodness of their short-sighted and/or misinformed hearts?
Is Michelle Obama a tranny?
Did Joan Rivers get done in for calling Michelle Obama a tranny?
Was Biden really elected or was there election fraud?
Is Johnny Depp a wife beater? And was it Amber Turd or the dog wot dunnit on the bed?
Are aliens real?
New World Order theories e.g. complete replacement of cash, digital ID etc
Agree with your opening and not up for discussion
on to the second part
Q1 did covid escape from a lab? i haven’t a bats arse clue
Q2 Borris in orifice Yes
Q4 Yes ,he got a towel that he never asked for and then nobody was around , he understood because he entertained them
Q5 i don’t think
Q666 she was pregnant
Q7 the did fuck all ,only lay about in the sun
Q8 WEF is part of the old Testament
Q9 ill skip that one if you don’t mind
Q10 Tranny is to good a word for the Obamas
Q11Joan called the spade and got answered
Q12 If you believe anything is possible and Biden believed in fuck all from the outset the cunt and guess what
Q13 i think both stink
Q14 well i posted earlier about those Elvis luvin ones
Q15 Arfur Daly and his portages are going ,going , gone to the lady on the laptop
Ive completed my application form and hope that im a suitable candidate for the position of leader of the WEST
Yours sincerely Mecuntry
For my money, David Icke and the Lizard People conspiracy theory is the best. It’s universal. It explains all the other conspiracy theories.
There’s a story about Icke speaking to the Aryan Nation or some group like that. They thought when he said “lizard” he really meant “Jew.” When they realized he was serious they yanked him off the stage, as if to say “Okay, we’re nuts, but you are freaking crazy!”
You know you’re a nutter if neo-nazis think you’re a nutter.
– Deep State
– New World Order
– Satanic Cults
– Bill Gates Microchipping (He did file a patent for bio Nano Tech to be inserted into body to reward body activity and funded that research, look it up)
– Illuminati
– Subliminal Messaging
– Pizza gate
are conspiracy facts.
Deep State – confirmed true (by the existence of the deep state).
New World Order – confirmed true (by the admission of loads of world leaders’ “slip of the tongue” going as far back as Dubya Bush).
Satanic Cults – As a lifelong atheist, I’d have to first demand proof of a God… and by extension Satan.
Bill Gates micro nano-chipping – I’ve heard about it but that was from Alex Jones and so I have to question the sources.
Illuminati – I was introduced to the concept back in 2001 by a 2nd generation hippy so I have to question the sources.
Subliminal messaging – I think that’s not even a conspiracy theory at this point. More like a long-established, well-known fact.
Pizzagate…….. I’m not sure about that one. Would probably have to suspend my disbelief in order to believe.
Satanic cults
It does not matter whether you or me belive in Satan. The powerful elite, the 1% of the 1% do.
Ritual sacrifices, black market organ trade, ritual pedophilic abuse is all part of it.
It’s has been going on for centuries.
Citation needed.
Sectioning needed, more like.
I demand my cigarettes Nurse Ratchett!!!!
Have you seen Kill List, the 2011 Ben Wheatley film? Judging by that comment (Mike Hunt), you’ll probably think it’s a documentary.
Coincidentally but topically, the ex-soldiers in the film had done some military job in Kiev, which had gone badly pear shaped. This somehow helped “The Client” blackmail them into “doing the Devil’s work” and becoming contract killers. “The Client” played by Struan Rodger who is superb, as always.
Watch it. You’ll enjoy it.
Michelle Obama..is really a man..?thats doing the rounds…
Climate change conspiracy nuts are the worst. Yeah sure it’s all a lefty plot and it’s acktooally bloody cold out, so it’s all a hoax. I’ll go with the data, and get rewarded for reducing my carbon footprint while you froth away, tin ‘ed. 🙂