The Changes to Sweden over the last 40 years seem to be a right fucking cunt by what I see and read of it nowadays.
Back in the 1980s Sweden appeared to be a country on an upwards trajectory towards economic prosperity, it had a low crime rate and its people seemed happy yet kept that Scandinavian reserve. Their population were well educated mainly; and most spoke some English. Importantly Abba ruled the world. It seemed that nothing could go wrong for the beautiful Swedes. The birds were Fit and quite liberal in their attitudes to rumpy pumpy. I will eulogise no further see link below.
Fast forward to more recent times and things do not seem that beautiful Stockholm and Malmo.
What has changed? why has this happened?
Two major changes seem to have happened They joined the EU by a slender majority (fools) and this in turn led to unfettered multitudinous immigration by peoples who were just not in tune with the Swedes and were certainly not going to change just for their hosts. The multitudinous arrival of Mr and more Misters peaceful. (Seems like Mrs peaceful wasn’t invited to the party in the same numbers!! Odd?) seems to take place only once they are entrenched into the EU!.
Their economy is now tied to Brussels and is not doing all that well, shame socialism strikes again. One thing on the up seems to be bombings, stabbings and gang rapes? Hmmmmmm not sure what might be the reason.
Maybe and I am not by any means certain that these two changes have ushered in a new, less glamorous prosperous Sweden? maybe its Climate change, what ever it is it’s a cunt.
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
Sweden is reaping the whirlwind. Violent crime is down to the wonders of multiculturalism. 2 cultures – civilised and Islam. Not sure which one is the problem.
What’s the betting that their mealy mouthed politicians are saying ‘Diversity is our strength ‘.
Well the Swedes voted for it. Serves the fuckers right. They had us to watch as the model poodle taking in all the worlds scum. Then they voted ! Soft Cunts.
I can smell the toxic gases from that burning flag, from here!
Where is Greta and her handlers?
“You are stealing my country! How dare you!”
Greta and hippy dipshit parents probably live in a nice suburb of Stockholm or out in the countryside recycling their own shit and knitting sandals. Nowhere near the enrichment and diversity they love so much.
Two other things Sweden related:
Volvo is now owned by a bunch of Charlie Chans.
Abba’s reunion ‘virtual concert’ this year will doubtless be an embarrassment.
Not good.
ABBA’s Virtual Tour Sponsored by Stannah Stairlifts.
The EU is the kiss of death for any country it embraces.
And now this Zelensky wants to join the EU, the whole of this Ukraine crisis has shown how much people rely on dodgy nations to ask for support. Yet were still chucking good money after bad in this country.
I have no issue with NATO I do have an issue with the EU. The EU should have its offices repurposed as a diplomatic centre for Sovereign white nationals on a non political mandate.
No turning back now. The west is damned by its own fucked up morality. It’s impossible to undo the damage done by mass immigration and multiculturalism. Just at the point the west was looking to move civilisation to new heights it diluted the possibility by inviting the barbarians and the uncivilised into its midst.
Opportunity was shunned for cheap Labour and socialist agendas. We the people meekly allowed this to happen.
Sweden is another symptom of the same disease afflicting the west as we still look to the left or the right for solutions, the left and right that created the issue and made it irreversible no matter which side held power.
Justified buy humanitarian or economic excuses the west was gouged on cheap Labour and self loathing as society and cultures were sacrificed as the first victims in the war against nations and the broader European cohesion on the continent where civilised peoples flourished.
It’s unbelievable that those in government were not fully aware of the ultimate outcomes of their actions. Sweden being a nation that had a strong cultural identity is a great mirror to reflect the wider loss of cohesion in societies across Europe. Sweden is dying because Swedish society and culture has been diluted past the point of no return.
If Sweden is in trouble then surely we are already conquered.
Well said Sixdog. This was totally covered in Douglas Murray’s book “The Strage Death of Europe”, where mass immigration is destroying the basic culture of every country it touches and it is allowed to continue unabated.
When a country like Sweden has a problem like gangland hand grenade attacks, you have to ask yourself, “Has immigration got out of control?”
Well said Sixdog. And the governments were fully aware. It’s all part of the plan. Eradicate nation states and indeed nations.
Left and right is an illusion. There are only elites and they all want the same thing, total domination and exploitation of the lower orders.
Spot on Gentlemen!
This part of the Great Reset brought to you by the courtesy and finances of George Soros and the Open Society Foundations. Where borders are racist and only racists have borders.
“All problems have solutions. Mine being the best”
Samuel Colt.
From blue-eyed, shapely blondes you’d crawl over glass to fuck, to jabbering, stinky, burqu’d witches with half their teeth missing.
Allªh be praised.
I don’t much to the new peaceful ABBA tribute band either. Mohammed Mia, The Pea Do Takes It All, Dancing Harem .
Morning El Cappo.
? Thank You For The Muslîms, the bombs they’re bringing…
Afternoon, Liquors.
? Knowing Amir Knowing Yusuf ?
The new swedish sensation popgroup
My favourite is the rare, unreleased demo called ‘Gang raped in the mini cab office’
The problem is Somalians have an average iq of 68. To put that in perspective mild Down syndrome people are roughly the same. Gangs of Somalians are turning parts of Sweden into Somalia. No one want to talk about it, especially in Sweden.
Smugcunt, sounds like Edmonton, North London where I was raised. Absolute shit hole full of carpet kissers and not a pub in sight anymore ?
Multiculturalism may well be beneficial. But first it depends on the culture, or in most cases lack thereof.
With the notable exception of Egypt, what culture has Africa ever produced other than lazy, filthy, thick, scroungers.
You get beneficial immigrants in very small amounts. How many Norwegians, Dutch, or Swiss want to live in Luton?
Come to think of it, the illegal Pakis no longer want to live there, ironically because of what they themselves have turned the place into.
If diversity is a strength, why do property prices plummet if diversity moves en masse into an area?
And none of these cunts pushing for this bollocks live anywhere near it, of course.
Best have some more crusades.
And close that bleedin’ tunnel ‘fore we all get rabies!
Islam destroys everything it is allowed near.
Why the fuck are we still allowing this to happen?
Sweden – From Abba to Allah in the space of 40 years.
Cunts in the liberal government just put their heads in the sand, refused to record ethnicity of criminals and just hoped it would get better…. Wrong!
Instead of sorting it out the cunts let a load more camel shaggers in and it has got worse, serves them right and we are just as bad, the only EU countries who actually take a stand are labelled far right.
Rama ding dong has started today, why the fuck is on the news, who gives a FUCK.
Can you imagine if one of us went over to Pakistan or Somalia and burned their flag in a busy street?
These fuckers have the confidence to do this because they know the west is weak and that they are getting ready to take over.
They’d kick us to death for doing this in their countries and it’s about time we did the same to these ungrateful, grasping stinky shit houses.
I’d love to burn Pakistani and Somalian flags in a busy street.
Drop napalm on them in an air strike.
Unfettered migration will eventually lead to a battle for civilisation.
Literally “rivers of blood” on our streets.
The simple fact is you can’t live in a house full of vermin.
They require extermination.
‘Diversity is our Strength’. Fuck off. Multiculturalism leads to the death of the civilisation that embraces it. Fact.
Diversity is our destruction.
MMCM@ – “Diversity” – 10,000 people live in a town, 8,000 are white.
Under “diversity” 3,000 white people would have to move out to accommodate 3,000 extra non white people.
Who then destroy the place.
Also known as “ethnic cleansing”..
Burning a host nation’s flag should mean instant deportation of said smelly cunt and his rat family.
Better still, wrap them in their own flag and torch it.
It´s interesting to compare contemporary goodie goodie Sweden with the warlike empire of the 18th century which terrified half of Europe. In those days the Swedes invaded all the Baltic lands, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Norway and Denmark and even got as far as Istanbul where they forced the Moslem Turks to give them refuge. They had one spectacular king called Charles XII who was the main rival of another titan of the time, Peter the Great of Russia. Charles was an incredible military leader who spent most of his life at the front and was rarely in his palace. He was killed in battle in Norway at the age of only 36. He was such an action man that he never married and so his throne was passed onto his sister and then the rot set in.
Charles XII of Sweden – Wikipedia
Exactly Mr Polly, so they had to be neutered.
Yes I was reading about that in reading about the Ukraine. Very aggressive Sweden was only recently. Maybe that’s the reason why they went ‘neutral’ whenever it was. A reaction.
Same as Germany an anti -militaristic reaction after the war.
The problem with a reaction it can very easily lead to an overreaction. So Germany has gone from a warlike nation to a country that lets everyone in. What is my point?
Probably slagging NATO off. Something like European countries let their defences down with the NATO umbrella. And they lost control of immigration when they lost control of their defences.
The rise of the EU didn’t help of course.
We have ‘outsourced’ sovereignty I mean.
In other diversity news, Mason Greenwood of Manchester United has been seen out and about for the first time since his rape allegation and bail release.
Methinks he’s not to bright or needs watching, as he was seen wearing a fucking balaclava.
I’m not joking either.
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer then is he?
I have seen a few things on YouTube and read some stuff about modern Sweden. It is second only to the UK as a destination for goat shaggers and other lowlife criminals. There is internecine warfare between gangs of different cunts in Stockholm and other big cities using guns and even hand grenades. They have checkpoints to stop cunts they don’t like getting into their areas and the coppers and politicians just pretend it isn’t happening. Like us Sweden is infected with wokeness and the Peacefuls are untouchable. It seems the Swedes get the ones who can’t afford the dinghy trip across the Channel.
Boris fiddles while Rome burns.
The difference for Sweden is that their indigienous population was tiny in the first place compared to the UK. Drop the same amount of shite into a gallon of water and 10 gallons and watch which turns brownest fastest.
The parallels between Western Rome going tits up and the modern West going tits up are fairly obvious (immigration, low birth rates among the intelligent, feminism, hedonism, homosexuality etc etc) but I would imagine the modern west is sliding into the abyss at a much faster relative rate than the Romans.
All western countries are paying the price of liberalism and permissiveness.
Welcome in your enemies
Treat them well
Act surprised when they change the locks.
The typical Trojan Horse. Trouble is we packed it with the enemy.
This fellow David Murrin claims in this book to have identified the patterns in the rise and fall of empires.
I’ve not read it but I’ve heard him speak.
The thing is none of this has happened by accident. A conspiracy of the class system, the immediate allegation of xenophobia, racism or even populism by anyone who dares speak out has cowed ordinary people to not organize or get involved to make a difference. Meanwhile the newcomers are actively encouraged to enter politics, the judiciary etc. Then one day the oiks wake up to realize they have a German head of state, and a diverse front bench in parliament.
“Oooh it’s not really like that” say the lefty wankers.
But it is.
They are so blind to what they have done.
Not only that, they pretend it’s not happening and blame anyone who points out the reality.
Let me know when the spaceship leaves for somewhere decent!
The world is screwed as no one with any power is saying stop this bullshit, it’s not acceptable eithier toe line or fuck off.
Bunch of sheep shagging bastards.
Very sad to see the Sweden I admired turn into a wankfest because of the total traitorous behaviour of their leaders in allowing hoards of fucking peacefuls to infest their once great country. Our so called leaders should take note, ho fucking ho.
The West lacks the political willingness to take meaningful action to reduce the problem, so it will just continue to get worse. Fear of being accused of racism will inevitably and ironically create nationalist sympathy and truly racist groups. Eastern Europe has a far right problem, apart from Ukraine of course. The BBC and msm inform us that no evidence of fascism has been found on the part of Ukrainian forces in the conflict, perhaps they should review the many YouTube clips the BBC posted a few years ago such as “Neo-nazi threat in new Ukraine,” and pieces on the Azov battalion, Svoboda etc. Hurry though, as they seem to be getting a lot harder to find.
This the result of a dumb arse, lefty agenda…thier support of allowing these immos in, they cant see the fact that, mass immigration favours the “capitalists” agenda for cheap, pliable labour..
IKEA now sells prayer mats.
Do you have to put them together yourself? Mulling over what I should do with this interesting piece of information, might build a shrine to the prophet, with graphic representations of him with his favourite wife.
I read a report from Poland that the Swedes organising buses to Stockholm for Ukrainian women are sitting empty. Those who have gone to Sweden are being hunted by Peacefuls, so the Ukies are staying put and the buses remain stationary.
Ironic, hey?
Swedish Politician cunts
Morning All
I love immigrants. Roasted , boiled….Im not that fussy