Caribbeans Demanding Reparations

This week, Prince Baldy and Princess Milf (Pilf?) have arrived in the Caribbean on a tour to celebrate Lizzie’s 70 years on the throne.

The locals have used this tour to start demanding reparations to the tune of 7.4 billion pounds (that would be just for starters, no doubt).

The demand is for to he fact we bought and sold loads of bananas and sugar that we purchased from black slave traders in the region centuries ago. Shouldn’t the families of the slave owners be the ones they moan at? Any chance that the few remaining Taino people (the original inhabitants of the Caribbean islands) are compensated by the Africans who were brought over or moved there? Slavery ended long ago. Aren’t they ‘colonising’ the land of others? Shouldn’t they now ‘go back home’ to Africa?

I’m sure Africa is a much more pleasant place to live than places like Antigua or Barbados.

And maybe I would agree to this payment, after they pay us first for the crime wave we’ve had to suffer from their lot since they came over. Or for the suffering in listening to the likes of Raheem fucking Sterling.

And they can wait until we get some money from Italy (Romans) and the French for past occupations, land grabs and slavery.

And once every fucking country in the world has signed up to a ‘Reparations Act’ and paid for all any any past wars/occupations, then maybe it will make sense (but probably not).

But it only matters of course, when whitey does it! Silly me, I almost forgot!

A local judge tore up his wig in protest at having to follow laws set up by the British this week. Maybe he’d prefer African style laws and necklacing cunts who ‘diss’ him or someone from his tribe? Go back to African justice then, you daft cunt.

William has now said, ‘A conversation needs to be had.’

Well, your family benefited more than anyone else, so lip it unless you’re prepared to give it all away to these grasping, shameless cunts. We’ll stick you and your family in a Peckham council flat and try and sort jobs for you at the local KFC or Aldi, don’t worry.

But maybe there is a solution. The conversation should go thus;

Gibsmedat: Me want money from whitey.

UK: You can have the money if you take all your lot back.

By jove, I think I’ve got it!

Reuters News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

60 thoughts on “Caribbeans Demanding Reparations

  1. If you took all the money in the world and evenly distributed it to all people, it would all be right back where it is now in 5 years.
    Ask them to spell “reparations”.

    • Ive thought about this. If they hadn’t been moved from Africa by whitey, they would be living in a shithole chasing their lunch, or being chased as a lunch, and probably dying of some horrible disease. Whitey did them a fucking big favour. Time for us to be paid by THEM.

  2. I think that the white, British people should be asking for reparations from the past governments who have allowed major cities to become nothing more than shit holes where immigrants form the majority.

    • Exactly, no one was asked, would you like the country filled up with filth from the worlds shitholes.

      Repatriation not reparations!

  3. Probably want the money as they can’t run a country properly. Give it them and it’ll be wasted on shit in 5 years time.

  4. Maybe start with the black Africans who rounded up weaker tribes people and sold them to the slave traders, that would mean the governments of west African nations being liable for a few quid or beads or whatever they use for currency these days.

    The answer to all these cunts asking for, yet more, handouts is a simple Fuck off, it’s just another fucking pile of bullshit that is spewed out by the likes of Ken Andrew and David Olamumbongo.

  5. We should claim reparations for years of having to listen to those steel bongo bands and Lenny Henry.

    • That header pic,

      Does Rider Haggard know one of his characters is missing?

      • We should send Alan Quatermain with his heavy breech loading double-eight elephant guns to sort out these pesky Caribbeans.

  6. I’m still waiting for my compo from Norway and Denmark for the Viking attack on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne in 793. It was followed by mass murder, rape, pillage and destruction of Northumbria. Then once they’d set out their stall, they demanded gold (Danegeld) to avoid more of the same. In short, they became protection racketeers.
    It’s a well known historical fact that us Northumbrianz iz blik innit, therefore we must be da victimz. So come on you Scandinavians, no more dissin us and pay up you cunts.

    • If William is so bothered pay them with royal family money.
      They can afford it.


      Whats that?

      Oh! Youd like us to pay it?
      The taxpayer, during a cost of living crisis?
      Can see youll make a great king.
      Do you go the same shrink as your puddled brother?

      Get fucked?
      To royal parasites and Carribbean parasites alike.

  7. They wouldn’t be asking for reparations if they hadn’t been stirred up by the white lefty woke Britain hating troublemakers who currently infest this once great country.

    • Partly true, but I don’t think the likes of Kehunte Andrews and Dave Lambo need any encouragement from thick lefties.

      Hate to break it to you, but some dark keys hate honkies with a passion and need no help whatsoever. And plenty are part of the lucrative ‘race baiting’ industry and would be flipping burgers if it didn’t exist (most token dark key politicians and academics).

      • I don’t disagree with any of that. But those white hating blacks would not have got where they today without the hundreds of lefty white enablers. If you’ve ever had the misfortune to watch a Labour Party conference you will have noticed that for every race baiting black speakers there will be ten white hating white speakers.

      • There is a lot of truth in your words, but I believe the vast majority of teachers, politicians and academics in the Caribbean are black.

        It is they pushing this shite in that region not da honky man.

        My solution to the issue of anti white honkies is to force them to live in places like Harlem, Dewsbury or Brent for a year.

        I bet they’d soon shut their fucking mouths.

      • Fair do’s, CB, but I doubt they’d be pushing this shite if they didn’t know that da honky man teachers, politicians and academics in the UK weren’t ideologically supportive of their cause. Cambridge University, for instance.

        And nearly every other fucking seat of learning in this basket case of a country.

      • @Ruff – “But those white hating blacks would not have got where they today without the hundreds of lefty white enablers.”

        If the Al-Beeb remake the Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin, the overbearing boss would have to be a dark-key saying “I didn’t get where I am today without hundreds of lefty white enablers”.

      • Ah, well spotted, MMCM.

        To paraphrase Captain Mainwaring, I was wondering who’d be the first one to spot that. ?

  8. As a fairly frequent visitor to Barbados and Antigua I’ve seen the change in attitude to whitey. Nelson’s statue a good example.
    It’s generally the younger generation that have been poisoned, the older inhabitants are fine. Rich celebs still have luxury homes there so maybe some jealousy?

    I blame it on football and one day cricket.

  9. We shouldn’t even dignify this with a reply, but if a reply is needed: “Fuck off stupid, dumb arsed, stone age apes”

    N******, left to themselves can’t maintain anything beyond the stone age they would still be in had no outsider ever set foot in sub Saharan Africa. Any money gifted to said N****** will be wasted. QED.

    Is there any actual argument or proof from anywhere in the world that this isn’t true. Serious question.

  10. The conversation needs to go as follows:

    “I have never owned a slave and you have never been one. Now fuck right off!”

    Reparation through repatriation is the best you will get out of us.

  11. It’s just another form of gambling to the lazy cunts.
    Hoping that eventually some P.ansy caves in and sends them a cheque.

    Solve it all with a lot of oven.

    • You’re right Uncle.

      This ‘conversation’ should be quite straightforward.

      They are demanding cash handouts from whitey (let’s call it what is it) because their ancestors were taken away from their homes in Africa to work in the sugar cane fields or banana orchards.

      It was dark keys who sold them to other dark keys running these places in the Caribbean and we just bought this produce, but let’s ignore all that and say only honky is to blame.

      It seems as though they wish this had never happened and that’s why they want ‘compo’?

      Fair enough. We’ll give you all a few grand each. Also, we’ll pay for your flights back to Africa so you can live there instead of the Caribbean.

      Oh, what’s that. You want to stay in the Caribbean? Sorry, you have to give the land back to the indigenous Taino people now. You get to go back as it was! That’s what you want compo for, is it not?

      Enjoy your civil wars, famine, walking 10 miles for water, disease and mud huts, you cunts!

  12. Wherever these fuckers are settled in numbers, be it Africa, the Americas, the Caribbean or the UK, they drag it down to their level.
    Violent, corrupt and stupid.

  13. Living amongst quite a lot of these cunts for many years and then having my life’s work stolen off me for the audacity to give many of them employment, I say FUCK OFF you vile kaffirs, I feel much better now!!!!

  14. I can see Carrie Antoinette whispering in Boris’s ear and before you know it shiploads of KFC will be on their way.
    Nah, I wouldn’t worry about it……..most of the Commonwealth is being bought up by Charlie Chan. Once the Chinks are in charge these cunts will find out what slavery really is. Good luck with that Umbongo!

  15. Fucking cunts – read this on the article:

    Jamaica lawmaker Mike Henry has proposed reparations package of 7.6 billion pounds ($10 billion).

    What a bell-end. Happy to have a English sounding name but wants nothing else to do with us. Change it back to Umbula-umbula then you Khaaaant.

    If they agreed to have every stabby, darkey back on their island(s) with the promise they would never come back (and I do mean every single one…) then that’s a price worth paying.

  16. Someone should point out to these cunts that if it wasn’t for nasty white colonial Britain then their country wouldn’t exist…

  17. I’d be more than happy to pay the £7.4 billion as long as all Jamaicans, and those descended from Jamaicans fucked off back to Jamaica. It would be a huge net gain for th eUK and we’d more than make up the £7.4 billion. Why don’t they at least discuss it with Jamaica. I think they’d be a lot of support for it here. And, anyway, if they are so good to have in a country, they will go and make Jamaica a first world country.

    • That would be a good deal as long as the money came out of the International Aid budget (aka free money for cunts of the world).

  18. What these sulking fuckers dont understand is that theyre about to have slavery mk2.

    Only this time itll be the much more cruel yellow man than whitey holding the whip.

    China owns a lot of Africa and is busy buying up the former colonies.

    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

    Fuck em.?

  19. Reparations for what exactly?! For UK running most of the rum production is what I assume they be pissy about I dunno

  20. Should ‘any one need a blow job’ Dame Kweer get in, then you can kiss goodbye to the £8b.

  21. Send em a invoice for charges outstanding for room and board,
    Travel costs,
    Food and drink
    And breach of contract.

    I estimate they owe us £5billion.
    Plus interest

    • Ps
      As slaves go they were a big dissapointment.
      Thick as fuck
      Slow learners

      Chinese would of made better slaves.
      Not fussy about food either!
      Theyd eat the maggots out of dogshite those lot.

  22. Where do the British claim reparations for the Vikings invading and enslaving?
    The Romans?
    The Normans?
    Where are the reparations for everyone in the UK who was forced to pay income tax from 1833 to 2016 to pay off the debt our Govercunt paid out to free slaves from their contracts?
    Where are the reparations for my Irish ancestors, kicked off their OWN land at gunpoint by the soldiers and militiamen of King George and subsequently sold into slavery in the Americas? (They were ordered to be deported after killing the first lot of soldiers who tried to steal their land – rather a bloodbath by all accounts).
    Where are our reparations for the massive cost in lives and money from the Royal Navy breaking up slave routes and raiding slave ports?
    Where are our reparations for the huge losses in lives and money when we set up and guarded the African free States of Sierra Leone and Liberia?
    Hey, Caribbeans – I never owned a slave and you never picked any cotton – FUCK OFF! – And if you want to whine about slavery then take up the cause of the 7 million currently enslaved in African and Arab Countries, you set of grifting cunts.
    All it takes is ONE politician to stand up and say “we owe you nothing, fuck off” – but I do not think there is one who will, irrespective of the fact that 90% of the UK would vote for them.

  23. Been watching Caribbean island with that professional Yorkshire slapper Jane McDonald, (mrs m made me), she sings at the end, dreadful.

    Anyway, I wish my ancestors had been sent to St Lucia to cut sugar cane as slaves rather than being slaves in a cotton fuckin MILL, it looks fuckin lovely, a lot better than ” it’s grim ooooop north”

    Interesting, one of the sootys was Pepsi “from Pepsi & Shirley” 80’s shite who had fucked of back to St Lucia from Londinistan and was now lording over the local sootys as a buisiness owner.

    No of them ever fuck off back to Africa though….!!

    • I hope that cheeky cunt Ricardo Montalban and his pet midget Tattoo arent seeking reparations for the former colony Fantasy Island?

  24. Caribbeans are clueless. That’s why their murders always have to be solved by a honky in Death in Paradise.
    Told ya. Proof.

    • I hope this doesn’t mean the end of Bounty bars?

      Its the nearest I ever get to experiencing other cultures!

      I drink a can of Lilt® I go native.

  25. The World is a far worse place now that Dunlop don’t use the cunts in their tyre production

  26. I see everyone in that photo is white, apart from the little fella with the toffee apple.

  27. Are the descendants of the ‘Maroons’ of Nanny Town in Jamaica demanding reparations, as they’ve already taken the king’s money for recapturing escaped slaves.

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