Bargain Hunt [2]

Not so much a cunting as a conundrum.

Amongst the avalanche of shite that is downloaded onto my PC, this headline piqued my interest:-

”Bargain Hunt fans livid as team ‘that should’ve been disqualified’ make show history after breaking rules”

I have never seen the show. I assumed it was the one with that orange cunt Dickinson, but apparently not. Anyway, a couple seem to have won the show despite breaking the rules. I have looked at the write up and can’t for the life of me understand why this should be.
Perhaps the more erudite cunters amongst us can explain?

The Sun News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

57 thoughts on “Bargain Hunt [2]

  1. The elf on my shoulder suggests maybe an ethnic conundrum could be the answer. Me I’m past caring Cunt

  2. I’m guessing that they should have been disqualified for stabbing the other contestants.

    It’s a disgrace and typical of the BBC to ignore Sooty crime…I expect Sickdick Khan was behind this disgraceful episode.

  3. “You’ve made a profit of £3, isn’t that great”

    The cunts fail to mention the commission and buyers premiums you have to pay on top, this shit show has fuelled the pie key “part time antique dealers” delusions for too long!

    Having seen this programme once, I can confirm this to be an accurate cunting, regardless of the Nigerian royalty in the header pic!

  4. The problem is dat dey spent toos long lookin fo da anteek crack pipe n sheet an fo-got da time.

    Fuck me, the Mrs is a dead ringer for Whoopi Goldberg.

    • Probably been stealing,
      But fellow dark key Dickinson’s a fine one to complain,
      As he went to prison for having gypsy fingers.


  5. Was the bonus prize that they stole a car after burning down the auction house?

    Why don’t the ethnic appeasers at the BBCistan just say Ah you’ve turned up so have automatically won due to slavery innit.

    Antique oven the fucking lot.

    • Is your oven an aga? It must be antique, if the cap fits I say wear it, if your from Alabama if the hood fits wear it, fire up the burning cross

  6. While looking for trainers, trackies and plasma screen tellys, all they ended up with was a knackered old Royal Doulton vase and some shitty old tennis racquets.
    What type of fucking program is this?

  7. More bargain poachers than bargain hunt.
    The mum had a ivory chess piece through her nose.

    Disqualify an deport.

    • It took lord Fortescue to take down the elephant, with his 12 bore and butelezi to hone down the ivory into the chess pieces , good show…

  8. Just after I retired I used to watch BH because in those days there were no “classic repeats” of old soaps for the spouse to gawp at, and it was introduced by Tim Wonnacot, a genuine eccentric, who reminded me not a little of Terry-Thomas. Then they sacked him, and, in the manner of Have I Got Left Wing Shit For You? they turned to guest presenters – drawn from former “experts” from the series – Charlie Ross learned to be a full blown annoying, embarrassing eccentric uncle, Charlie fucking Hanson took Bertie Wooster as his mentor and there is a fat mincing old poofter, Stephen Moore who tries to balance the eccentricity with a sort of camp calm, like the Revd Richard Coles. Catherine Southon and a Scottish lassie take on the roles of Arthur Negus’s crumpet and neice respectively. The show is now a shower of shit and I stopped wtching a month after Tim left.

    As for this case it is yet another case of a blind eye being drawn so as not offend the dark keys – not to do so would be “waaaycist” and would yet again make Sir Kweer and Lammy’s “blood boil”., and nothing must be done to distract them from Partygate

  9. I suppose if dark keys are capable of seeing rules relaxed in court of law, it must be a piece of piss to rig a mickey mouse game show. This will soon become common currency, with easier questions being surreptitiously slipped into quiz shows when it’s umbongos go. It’ll even get to the point where dark keys will campaign to have more questions relating to their culture so they can win. ITV are already pitching blacks against whites on that shitfest, family fortunes, and it can only get worse.

    • Who Wants to be a Millionaire 2025

      “Mr Honky. For £100, If 1,1 is the second row of Pascal’s Triangle, what is the seventh row?


      “Mr Rastus. For one million pounds, what number comes next. 1,2…?”

  10. I’m sure that Geraldine and Washington will soon be offered their own show ” Five Fingered Bargain Hunt”.

  11. I still cant work out why this couple werent disqualified. Dora and Norman from Redcar would have been.
    Would it have been racist?


  12. I don’t see the problem, you have to make allowance for thick blick cunts, I mean why invite them on unless they were going to have ‘special rules’

    #Black rules matter

  13. We watch Antiques Roadshow from time to time. Sometimes a bit of old ethnic carving or a south sea island club comes on. The chap who, inevitably gets to review the items is a black bloke, seems a nice guy but he bangs on about how fucking awesome these shitty wooden statues or bits of shite are. In reality some look like I’ve made them in my shed, and I don’t even have a shed. Advanced art it isn’t, unlike some of the vastly superior European art on show.

    • Just wait till they see my carving, inspired by Henry Moore and Francis Bacon, of Emily Thornberry in the nude – it also has naif African overtones, in the way her voluminous knockers are delicately balanced on her ankles. Ms Top-Heavy Afrique I call it, it was knocked up in my outdoor lavatory in a clearing in Tottenham in 1956, before I sailed the high seas. At least that is what I am telling them. There is even a picture of the artist (me) in blackface – taken in 1959, when on shore-leave, – pissed as a fart I auditioned for the Black & White Minstrel Show – oh dem Golden Slippers!.

    • Yes BC DCO we are expected to celebrate primitive cultures as if they made monumental contributions to the advancement of the human race. They are indeed making monumental contributions: turning the western world into a shit hole.
      Meanwhile I wonder what my framed velvet Elvis Presley mural is worth.

  14. Where else would you find cunts who make substantial losses be declared “winners”? …..”You have minus £68 ….could be a winning score!”
    Not only that but ( being the BBC), “we don’t have losers,just runners up”
    By the way, I wish my cock was as stiff as Anita Manning’s hair. Have you noticed that it doesn’t move?
    When the camera pans around the sale room everyone there (most of whom are dealers) looks as odd as fuck. Is it a requirement that if you want to enter the antiques trade you have to look like a weirdo? When Charles “the young pretender” is the auctioneer you’ll often see a colleague bidding whom he addresses as “Miss Hornblower” fnarrrfffnnn.
    Finally, don’t start me off about those shifty stall holders who don’t want to show their faces on camera,the thieving benefit cheating cunts.

  15. They remind me of that old – what’s black inside & red outside joke, I remember from years ago.

  16. Anyone see Scottish comedian Leo Kearse arguing with Dana Alexander on GBnews last night?

    Dana is a blackwoman with dreadlocks and a yank I think?
    Everything is seen through a prism of race.
    And she cant stop about slavery!

    Her favourite subject.

    Leo triggered her by asking if he was entitled to reparations from the romans and vikings.
    She saw her arse .

    Then when the host said that Great Britain was the first to stop slavery she said why?
    He said the industrial Revolution.
    Machines are better workers than slaves.😁

    Thought she was going to explode!👍

    • Well played sir,I shall fire up my idiot box forthwith and enjoy this little panto.

    • Guess which ethnic minority were the largest recipients of compensation from the British government for the recently emancipated slaves in Jamaica? Mixed race and black former slave owners. There decedents are still in charge of Jamaica.

  17. I’m amazed they didn’t manage to spend someone else’s money. The grubby cunts usually manage to spend mine and other taxpayers contributions on needless shit.
    If the aim of the program was the to steal something, the sticky fingered bastards would wipe the floor with all comers. When it comes to stealing the sambos are second only to scousers.
    I think a great idea for tv would be Bargain Hunt slave trader, a right minded white heterosexual is sent to some african shithole with a £100.
    Once there he has to buy a black slave and make a profit on him,

  18. Bargain cunts. And don’t forget the antiques roadshow, where every single itrm exhibited has to be segwayed into “muh slavery”.
    The BBC are the enemy of the UK.
    I might give Elon Musk a shout..

    • “We just want a valuation for insurance purposes. I’d never sell it.”

      “Well, I can tell you that you have a lost Da Vinci. It would probably go for over £30 million at auction.”

      “Fuck me. Start the car Geoffrey. Put Sotheby’s in the Satnav.”

      Although I do enjoy when some cunt comes on to ‘show off’ their original rare Fabergé egg or whatever. Then gets told it’s a fake worth about 25p.

      I make that noise like that Nelson cunt on The Simpsons.

  19. Washington?
    Fucking Washington?

    In that track-suit, he could call himself “Washington Redskin”.

  20. Here in the US liberal run cities don’t prosecute shop lifting unless the total amount of the stolen product is over
    A new game show should be made to see who can grab the closest to that amount and run out the door fastest.
    You get one guess as to the hue of the epidermis of 98% of the winners.

  21. Bargain Hunt is utter bollocks anyway.
    They always buy from dealers and there’s no mention of auctioneer fees.
    Better to root through the house clearance piles at a car boot sale. Most of them are happy to shift everything for a couple of quid…

  22. Bargain cunt more like. I am sure de darkeys could’ve found some big fuck off knives to sell.

  23. “And your three items are a thigh bone, a pair of spectacles and a small gold cross on a chain – where did you come by these quaint little curios?”..

  24. The built in criminal gene kicks in as soon as there is cash involved, they are so fuckin stupid and can only win Massive knob contest’s legitimately.!

  25. Well there you have it. I’m not one to racially stereotype but those bloody n*gn*ga were allowed to cheat and get away with it. Lucky they didn’t stab up the camera crew who were filming the crime and then nick all the gear. You see, in the mind of the s*mbo they seize every opportunity to give themselves over to a bit of thievery and though they only appeared to purchase 2 items, they probably filled their pockets when backs were turned.

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