Anwar Hosseni

Anwar Hosseni is beyond a cunt. Who is this sub human filth I hear you ask. Well this utter twat thought it was a good idea to cause £10,000 damage to the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Manchester bombings. They (moose limbs) just hate us don’t they, they despise all that is decent about living in a civilised country with accepted freedoms, freedoms they can only dream of in the rat infested shit holes they come from. He may be ‘British’ and I’m sure the media will delight in saying so if he is, but we all know where his heart lies. Dirty horrible scum.

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Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

80 thoughts on “Anwar Hosseni

  1. I can’t wait for the pitiful sentence this scumbag will receive. If he says it was anti-Oil he might get off Scott free.
    Bring back the stocks, there would be a great queue to dish out some swift justice

  2. I wiuldn’t be at all upset if somebody took this ugly cunt round the back of his local kebab shop and beat him to death.

  3. BBC article makes no mention of the word “terrorism” or “fundamentalism” or “Muslim” or anything untoward or disingenuous either to the bombing attack or this cunt in particular.

    The article doesn’t even describe what kind of bombing it was, or the reasoning behind it. Instead we have some random cunt vandalising a memorial as if it was some cunt vandalising a bus shelter.

    BBC – cunts
    Anwar – cunt

    • Agreed.

      There is also no mention on his immigration status.
      Is he an asylum seeker or was he born in Britain?

      Has he been white and had the audacity to pay for a plane to pull a banner stating that White Lives Matter Too, we would know all about him.

      • But he can’t be held responsible because his solicitor says he has mental health issues. Don’t you have any sympathy for this poor man?

      • Posting here means that we all have mental health issues too. Think that will fly in court when Plod decides to come after isacunt for hate crimes against peacefuls? Trial would be fun as we argue our case though.

      • I have seen a few miraculous recovery’s from mental health problems after a good thrashing.

  4. Lined up for an OBE and his own BBC TV show probably.
    Deport every last one of the cunts…

    • Too fucking lenient for that cunt.
      Hang him by the cock and balls then flame thrower the twat.

    • A few years ago a kiddy-fiddler was discovered near where we lived. One day I was out on the front garden when a car pulled up and the driver, who I happened to notice was a white Englishman, approached me and asked if I knew where the kiddy-fiddler lived. I did. Guess my response.

    • Why would you want to improve the ugly cunt’s looks? Better to cover his bollocks in it, at least the bastard wouldn’t breed.

  5. Bomb our kids, groom our kids, murder our kids. How long before the majority of people wake up and start making life too hard for these vermin to bear? If enough people simply assaulted every Muslim on site, put shit and petrol through their letterboxes etc, word would spread and not only would the ones here fuck off back to their shit holes, this country would no longer be deemed attractive enough to move to.

    • I don’t mind the shit through the letterbox, but not petrol surely, seen the price of the stuff lately, if a stick of dynamite is cheaper than a gallon of petrol I’d wang one of those through the letterbox instead.

      • Haha true. I have a dog, so faeces would be in plentiful supply.

        I forgot to add; maybe burying their families alive (kids and all) and tipping a bath load of pig spunk over them before refilling the hole might be a good punishment. Can you imagine the muffled cries of Ali Akbar? That would be music to my ears and possibly penis.

  6. You really have to be totally fucked in the head to do something like that, Anwar you scabby cunt, you should be dropped down a disused mineshaft.

  7. Feel that enrichment.

    Doesn’t it make you feel proud of the successive treacherous governments who have given this gift to the people.

    (given because we never asked for it)

  8. Jihadi Jane.
    Whats with the hairdo?

    He in a metal band?
    Brown Sabbath?
    Mo torhead?

    Chop his hands off then Rwanda.

    • Ha ha, splendid MNC!
      Iman Maiden?
      Judas Preacher?
      Slayer (of children at pop concerts)?

      • Raghead & Bone Man.
        Jihadi John.
        Talking Headscarves.
        Jerry and the Bombmakers.

      • Don’t Fear the Rapists – Blue Oyster Cult
        A Hard Day’s Bombing – The Beatles
        Koraning With The Devil – Van Halen
        Tiptoe through the C4 – Nick Lewis
        Thank Abdul for Little Girls – Maurice Chevalier

  9. He was probably taught to hate this country in our “education “ system as well as at the mosque.

  10. His brief will play the mental elf card, community service at best, obviously in his own fucking community…….cleaning out the goats, teaching kids elementary bomb making, that sort of thing.
    These wokies will never understand…….these people want to kill us all, it’s the way they are brought up. Of course when the day comes it’s the wokies who will get it first. They’ve got the power and the stuff worth looting. Cunts like us will put up a fight so they’ll leave us to last. So at least we’ll get to see the dumb wokies getting theirs. I look forward to seeing Justin pisspants Welby burning at the stake. It should be a right laugh. ?

  11. I see the adherents of the religion of peace have been kicking off in Sweden. “spirited but peaceful” demonstrations! How long before we are Sweden?

    • Swedens carpet kissers are up in arms because some ‘far right group ‘ has been burning the Koran.?


    • I see that the Iranian and Iraqi Governments have lodged formal complaints regarding this incident. FFS the Swedish government should appoint Foxy to tell them where to stick the ashes of the Koran up their arses. Keep Fiddler in reserve should diplomacy fail.
      In these cess pits it is acceptable to burn the flags of civilised nations?

  12. It’s safe to say morale throughout the kingdom is a bit low at the moment due an assortment of unpleasant issues.
    Perhaps watching this despicable cunt burn at the stake would cheer everyone up.
    Then start on the Stanley groomers and jihadi supporters we have so many of.

    Oh and force the BBC to televise every one of them.

  13. The stock woketard response of ‘well, there’s good and bad in all of us’ does start to wear a bit thin eventually. There is clearly a larger percentage of muzzies per population wishing to actually hurt us than there is indigenous white people looking to do the same. When that lunatic copper killed Sarah Everard, the wokeys tarred all cops with the same brush. But if you suggest that you don’t trust a peaceful with a backpack, they denounce you as a Nazi. The great multicultural experiment is looking more and more like a huge and dangerous fucking folly with each passing day.

  14. Imagine if Tommy Robinson did this to a monument to Chicken George!

    He’d locked up, flogged, whipped and generally buggered about with for 100 years!

  15. Not British.
    Never will be.
    Fuck them all off.
    Sooner, rather than later.
    Fucking savages.

    • Ahh!
      Like you & I Jack.

      An afternoon in my vegetable garden, sowing seeds in the potting shed, preparing the greenhouse for the cucumber and tomato plants that are coming along nicely.

      A couple of English ales, in the lounge, whilst er’ indoors finished dinner (don’t panic IsAC’ers-I did Easter Sunday’s roast).
      Lamb, with vegetables again today, now enjoying a nice 12 year old single malt, on this English Bank Holiday.


  16. Fck me, on the BBC site you have to drill right down to local / regional Manchester news to find any mention of it.

    The BBC are thorough cunts.

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