The University of Nottingham deserves to be cunted for their decision to withdraw the offer of an honorary degree for one of their alumni Dr Tony Sewell.
Something of a rarity Dr Sewell is a black academic who does not have a chip on his shoulder. Well into his 60s, he is a Brixton boy made good. He set up a charity aimed at getting more black kids to go to university. However, he made the mistake of producing a report which stated that Britain is not ‘institutionally racist. ‘Naturally, this meticulous piece of research did not go down well with the lefty wankers . The upshot was that his alma mater withdrew its offer .
Sorry Admin, as ever crap at finding links and posting them . Perhaps a fellow cunter could help me.
Nominated by Guzziguy
Clearly, if a story/person/action does not fit the current lefty liberal woke agenda.
It is cancelled…
We are doomed….?
So what if kou get cancelled, just tell what a bunch of cunts they are and wind them up even more
hmm was hitler black?
cant wait for that bbc documentary short show.
Wrong kind of black then?
Send Will Smith over there to bitch slap them up.
Can they disprove his findings?
You know, like an academic would try to do?
Oh, I forgot. Of course not! Unless every academic paper concludes ‘whitey racist to dark key, bad whitey’ then the author needs stringing up. Even if his findings are the truth.
This is why academia is fucked.
They’re cancelling the cunt because the truth didn’t fit their communist narrative.
I wouldn’t let any of my brown grandkids anywhere near a “university” .Sending kids to indoctrination centres is just about the dumbest thing anyone could do. Get a fucking job, have a family and be happy, which is the complete opposite these fucktards have to offer.
Well, they’ve proved one thing: The University of Nottingham is institutionally racist.
Universities produce egotistical Cunts who think their opinion and view of the world is right and everyone who disagrees is an illiterate pleb.
Thus was it ever thus.
Give me the man in the street who talks common sense anyday.
Cancel these cunt ‘deans’ and ‘professors’ – see how they like the fucking dole – wankers !
Dr Sewell is obviously wrong, when enough people (call them the woke, or leftie or race baiter) say that we, the white indigenous population of the UK are racist it must be true and no so called report can challenge that view.
I am racist, cos I am white and I don’t give a fuck.
Dr Sewell is a cunt, letting the side down and he should know better. The University of Nottingham are fully within their rights to tell him to fuck off. ?
Honorary degrees that are dished out to celebrities are a fucking insult to the students who earn theirs through study. This shower of cunts all have or had Honorary ‘Degrees’:
Alex Ferguson (has 8)
Soapdodger Geldof (has 10)
Ruth Madoc
Terry Wogan
Barbara Windsor
Dizzee Rascal
Gok Wan
Ed Sheeran
Dannii Minogue
Ryan Giggs
I wonder how many O-Levels these giants of academe have amassed between them.
Incidentally, David Attenbollocks has 32 Honorary ‘Degrees’, thanks to following the woke narrative to the letter. Frankly this Sewell bloke is better off without, unless he’s running short of bog paper.
If Danii Minogue wants another degree I offer one in the sensual arts but she will have to earn it and it requires continuing education credits in perpetuity.
Haven’t seen her in years Meat. How is she looking these days?* She was always the slapper of the Minogue sisters so I suspect it might be like a wizard’s sleeve by now.
* I guess the T’internet that I cunted yesterday may furnish an image.
I used to have dreams about fucking her up the arse on a balcony
Where was the balcony, Buck Palace?
That would’ve been something to see from the Mall.
Jeremy Clarkson has an honorary doctorate in engineering, when it should be obvious to even the casual observer that he wouldn’t know which end of a screwdriver does the work…
Agree 100% with the sentiment about it being an insult to students who worked hard for their degrees.
I know how I suffered to achieve mine. It was not easy and I studied my bollocks off 7 days a week.
Some cunt gets a degree because they’re famous? Do me a favour.
Black Lives Matter…… long as they think, say and do what we tell them.
Any particular reason for my completely innocuous post being moderated?
Just seen this. I don’t think I approved your comment and there’s nothing in the mod Q now, so no – I have no idea. – NA.
This is another example that shows us that none of this shit is actually about race. It’s about an ideology meant to destroy all established institutions that are good, productive, and give people freedom.
He didn’t fall in line. He dared to have his own opinion and now he is cast to the outer darkness as an Uncle Tom uppity groid who needs to get his mind right.
The only police that need defunding are the goddamn thought police.
A very worthy cunting.
Academic excellence,research and clearly thought out argument are as naught to the soppy liberal cunts that pollute every corner of society.
If you don’t agree then expect the virtual equivalent of the gulag.
I’d like to see them hang for the traitors they are.
About this institutional racisim where is it? WHERE is The Institue of Racism?
Is it in Brixton or something? Who is its Chancellor? Where does it gets funding from?
I know there are Cunters on here steeped in Racism. Experts in their field. They must have been there.
I bet mean Miserable Northern Cunt was a much-loved Professor? His specialist subject area -‘The Pa*i in the North of England his Roots and Curry’
Where can I sign up? I need to brush up on my racist skills.
I think its institutionalized white guilt more than anything, one look at the type of cunts at the average BLM demo will tell you what Extinction Rebellion do on their days off.
Youd have to send in your CV miles.
The institute of racism is a academy of the finest minds and pushes the boundaries of xenophobic studies.
Did you pass your 11+?
Tony Sewell can get fucked.
His charity is for helping black kids only.
Reap what you sow Tony,
Youve upset the Left
Your going to be treated like whitey.
Unlucky indeed. He will miss out on a day out wearing a cloak and floppy hat. He must be distraught.
If you think:
All lives matter
Police need funding
People should earn a living
The right to vote should be earned
Qualifications matter in employment
Affirmative action is racist
Welfare should be hard to get
Borders should be enforced
Stereotypes exist for a reason
Then congratulations you get an honorary degree in being racist! (by the 2022 standard).
Want a degree in homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, or xenophobia as well?
I can help.
I believe in all that, what country can I move to to experience it? Sure as shit isn’t any I’ve lived in or visited.
Options would appear to be to leave the planet or found the independent republic of ISAC. Unless you’d all prefer a monarchy? Per tradition this will require a long series of brutal wars of ascendancy to find our king.
The only free state is in your own soul. No one can touch it not even God.
This life is very short.
The next life is for eternity. Live for that one.
One day all accounts will be settled and things will be as they should.
They are snivelling, weak-willed cunts of the 22 carat variety.
The more you attempt to appease, the more appeasement is demanded.
Try this simple phrase, you daft cunts,
” No, we won’t”
followed by whatever is appropriate,
I. e. ” withdraw Dr. Sewell honorary degree, because you’re all twats and we’re not scared of you”
That should do it.
It’s what happens when you try to please all of the people all of the time. You end up pleasing only those that you should be fucking ignoring and you are the twat. And everybody else knows it.
Spot on cunting, Guzziguy. If only more people of Dr Sewell’s calibre would speak out against these pathetic cowards in positions of authority.
He looks a decent chap to me. I would have a beer with him.
I’d have 10, then we could both go and beat the shit out of whoever is responsible for this decision. They seem to want to prove the existence of institutional racism by being an institution that refuses a black guy an honorary degree, deliciously ironic and typical left wing hypocritical bollocks.
I’m in! ?
Tony Sewell is one of the good guys. Here is and educated man, at the top of his game, telling members of his black community not to wallow in pity and self destructive imagined racism.
For that he’s earned the undying hatred of the Guardian, his University and all woke cunts.
What a shower of unredeemable, brain-dead turds.
What you said. ?
And there’s the similar named, Thomas Sowell in America…
Man, the left hate Thomas Sowell, he’s probably their worst nightmare when is comes to demolishing the racism bullshit.
Sad times. I’m going back to a good old common sense plain English era and live out my life as a 1950’s housewife. Plenty of cooking, cleaning and mending to keep me occupied and sane. And growing my own veg. Morrissons the greedy cunts can eff off. None (except my internet connection) of this modern day bullshit. If anyone fancies popping round for a cup of tea (or stronger) and putting the world to rights, feel free. My English Grandparents did not endure the hardships of WW2 for the fucked-up country we have today ?
I am neither a house, nor a wife. Also not from the 1950’s but I’ve been doing the same since I was student. I have socks that are a series of holes held together with short lengths of yarn, I am seriously considering replacing them.
My wife buys me everyday socks in primark – about 100 pairs for 99 pence, or something ridiculous. Wear them and throw them away. Saves on washing them.
That’s my top tip for today.
Bravo 🙂 If you replace, buy British! Preferably handmade, from UK homespun wool. They may cost a bit more, but they’ll last as long and be a good investment. PS, I’m also not from the 1950’s but admire the resourcefulness and self-discipline of the time; lacking now, methinks ..
I’d be interested in the names of people who had been awarded honorary degrees, as it’s apparently their policy not to give these spurious honours to people who have been embroiled in political controversy.
What to bet there is a name that they’re hoping will never come to light?
Nottingham University did however honour a Chinese ambassador who dismissed concentration camps of Uighur Muslims as “fake news” and an ex Malaysian PM who was jailed for embezzling over £500M.
Tony Sewell’s ‘crime’ was to have a mind of his own and not buy into the lefts racist ideology that all black people have a victimhood mentality, are homogenous and think the same.
That disgusting creature with a malodorous cunt and badly-wiped arse, Jo Brand has a couple of doctorates from shitty “universities” for services to ugliness.
“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.”
Fucking priceless moment, that one. Even Hillary must have gasped and face-palmed at that.
Here’s Dr Tony Sewell’s full report in HTML format:
Go to Israel or Japan as a black person and see how high you climb the social and corporate ladder. A few years ago, Israel was offering African immigrants $5000 to go back to Africa! Imagine if Britain did that, the outrage would be nuclear. Try renting a property in Japan, not just as a black man, just as a foreigner, some apartments even have, “No dogs, no cats, no foreigners” in the window!
“I once let black man stay in apartment, he seem nice, but he smoke that weed, stink place up! Shoji was all fucked up from smoke! And he broke bed having sex with Gaishō he picked up on street! Black live matta? Fuck you! Never again, chocolate man!”
In China, there is a predominantly black area called, Chocolate City…
Asians don’t hide their racism, even towards other Asians. Japanese consider Filipinos inferior due to their darker skin. North Korea loved Dennis Rodman, though!
Should just tell them to fuck off.
In fact – everyone should just tell these woke cunts to fuck off.
Maybe if everyone tells them to fuck off for long enough – they might just fuck off.
Maybe ive been less than compassionate to Tonys plight.
With that in mind,
Consider this a open invitation to apply to be my personal shoeshine boy!
See Tone?
Every cloud….?
“Most gardeners are thieves. Theyll take a shite in your rhodedendron bushes and not wipe their arse”
Miserable Northern Cunt – 11.47am Lawn Crews thread.
A vile slur on my profession! Those seven wheelbarrows, three pressure washers and the petrol hedge trimmer are all legit. I can’t deny the charge of a bit of alfresco crapping though.
What I wrote wasn’t strictly true.
Some of you wipe your arses after shitting in the rhodedendron bushes ?
Monty Don and Titchmarsh are notorious for it. These noisy spics IY is on about probably have a noisy gadget to hoover it up.
Titmarsh ate all the breadcrusts off my country cream birdtable (dove cote really)
And curled out a what looked like Arnold from Different strokes in my gladioli bed.
He needs more roughage in his diet.
And maybe worming…
University of Nottingham, not known for anything, except this.
Have a Google of the university chancellor and you’ll say “Ah! Now I understand this madness!”
Lola Young, Baroness Young of Hornsey
She must have went ape-shit when she read Dr Sewell’s report.
She would have had a proper chimp out after reading his report, Planet of The Apes justice being distributed…
Surely you mean a duckduckgo or a start page. Goggle, heaven forbid.
Good point, DDG is indeed my browser of choice. I just wrote “Google” as my Swype keyboard knows that one, and not DuckDuckGo.
Bet there won’t be a single white applicant for their sorry excuse for a medical school.
An honourable proud Man not being recognised for studying the facts
He rises above by being silent and not making this an issue about himself.
That would be up to others to judge down the road.
All of our present PC schoolteachers. lecturers and hymn script righteous cancel culture cunts will have to be judged also, when time claws back reason.
Im glad that Dr Kelly told the truth because it was the truth.
I salute the truth when shit gets serious
Lefty cunts don’t like facts, just opinions and feelings. Facts can fuck right off.