Can Suckdick get even more cuntish?
Oh yes.
Pollution and global warming is racist, innit.
”Areas of London with minority ethnic populations of more than 50 per cent are more likely to face the highest climate risk in London, including flooding, exposure to toxic air, heat risk and limited access to green space, analysis from City Hall shows.”
Thus spake the intellectual giant.
Perhaps climate and pollution makes people more stabby as well? That might explain it.
For once, words fucking fail me.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
For the benefit of my own health, I try and avoid the utterings of this fucking numbskull.
All I will say is that the brain-dead arseholes who voted this cunt back as Mayor deserve all that is coming to them. Black, white, yellow; colour is irrespective. Khan is a Khunt whatever way he likes to colour it.
Could it be because a single person studio flat becomes a home to 4, or more. That every 3 bedroom house has 14 adult occupants, all of whom have a 20+ year old car with an exhaust like a sieve?
Could that be anything to do with the levels of pollution these poor lambs have to put up with?
Isn’t it amazing how this polluted air remains in one location, almost as if contained by a glass dome?
Stupid arsehole, Mensa needn’t fear him qualifying.
Well it would be better if they had privileged homes in safer areas to avoid such risks that the climate change is responsible for, caused by the indigenous population of course.
I believe that if the people who were born and bred in the country of their parents give up their homes to accommodate all the persecuted people’s, that it will make for a much better society as they won’t have the fear of flood to contend with.
Makes so much sense, meanwhile the natives of their land will move to areas of high risk to show their diversity and strength and the feel good factor knowing one has saved the vulnerable newcomers to inherit their place
That’s the next stage of all this ‘diversity’.
Honky is being constantly dehumanised. The ‘diverse’ kids are growing up thinking we’re all evil cunts. It’s being done as a matter of course throughout our education system, seemingly supported by our ‘conservative’ government.
If you dehumanise a section of society enough for long enough, the rest of it will have no problems taking everything they have for ‘muh reparations’. Violently if need be (they know no other way).
When it happens, our cries for help will be called ‘fake news’. See South Africa and Zimbabwe for details.
Unless people wake up, we will become the equivalent of a country like Brazil or South Africa but worse, with the honky being a hated and oppressed minority. I give if 40 to 50 years.
I’ll probably be long gone by then, but part of me wants to see the look on these fucking idiots’ faces, as they are turfed out on the street, while they give their homes and belongings to Rastus Umbongos.
“But I was on your side! I voted Labour, Remain and had a refugees welcome sticker on my car!”
Good luck with that.
You have said precisely what I think.
Precisely that CB
Why people can’t or refuse to see that this is what’s in store in the not too distant future is what puzzles me.
Are white liberals really so totally deluded?
In complete denial?
So brainwashed?
Are they really so self loathing?
History as we will see, often repeats itself.
They think ‘they can change them’ by giving in to all their demands and giving them constant leg-ups.
A bit like the victim of domestic abuse or one of these idiots who marries a convicted serial killer.
‘I can change him.’
First. Why bother?
Second. You can’t.
Enoch Powell was telling the truth
The sheer cuntishness of this utter fucking moron never fails to astonish me.
I wouldn’t trust this chromosome-deficient retard to organise his own shit into the pan, never mind run a fucking city.
By the way, did he mention his old man was a bus driver………………
… be commemorated in a remake of that comedy classic, “On The Buses”.
That’s right folks, an updated, more diverse & inclusive re-make:
“Diversity on Da’ Buses, Innit!”
-Nish Kumar as “Ali-STANi” Khan
-Dizzi Rascal as “Jack”
-Diane Abacus as “Mum”
-Dawn Butler as “Olive”
-Sir Lenworth Henry as “Inspector Blackey”?
“Ere’ watch out Khan-i, you nearly reversed into dat mosque, innit!”
“Bud-bud, ding-ding, fares please. Sorry Jack, old chap! Now-put the curry on top of the engine to keep it warm!”
Back at the Depot:
“Ere Khani, der’s smoke coming from the engine, innit!”
“Oh dreary, death me-and here comes “Ol’ Blacky”
“Ooooo-kaaaay! Why does dis bus stink of Lamb Bhuna?”
“Oh no no no-it is Korma, not Bhuna, Inspector!”
“Katanga! Your foreign food, all smells the same to me, innit!!!”
Olive waddled down from the top deck:
“Hey-dat’s waycist, innit!”
Cue title music.
What the fucking parasite really means is give me a very great deal of money,some of which it will pass on to a foreign rabble,most of whom are indifferent to the country they live in and an anvil round the neck of Britain.
Gas them all and make this evil mid.get cunt watch.
Then oven.
Testing testing 1 2 3
Its Gods way of trying to thin them out.
Flooding? Gods way of saying
Take a bath you smelly cunt.
And ethnics dont like green spaces anyway, happier in innercity slums.
They get mistaken for litter or dogshit in the countryside.
But mayor for life Saddam khan is right,
The weather, planets, time even!
Everything is racist.
“They might get mistaken for litter or dogshit in the countryside”???
Surely the question is, why are there areas of the capital city with more than 50% w*g population in the first place?
Once they have all fucked off home I feel sure the air will be much cleaner, especially after the whining son of a bus driver has joined them.
White English people are an ethnic minority in London.
I had rats move in under an old hen-house…to my horror I realised that they might get flooded if the burn burst it’s banks…luckily setting a match to a mixture of red diesel and black oil which I’d tipped down the holes and over the shed solved the problem….Ratty no longer had any worries about the dangerous living conditions that I’d so cruelly thrust upon him and his family.
Your services are needed in Londonistabistan.
Go forth !
Pied Piper of Northumbria !
Morning, Dick.
With diesel at circa £2.00 per litre in Londstabistan, may I suggest you contact one of those firms who drain the fuel tanks of cars, that fuckwitted motorists (wimminz), have filled with the wrong fuel.
I can tell you with good authority, a petrol-diesel mix, makes short work of any bonfire?
Any problem whatsoever?
Blame whitey.
Now the air itself is racist.
I noticed he was raving and ranting enthusiastically about ‘refugees welcome’ when it was dark keys and Joe dakis invading us.
Once we see some genuine honky refugees (women and children, not these fucking adult male chancers) he goes a bit lukewarm by comparison, I notice.
This cunt is beyond being a cunt. He is one of the leaders in anti whitism. A right fucking piece of work.
If these people insist on maintaining the same lifestyle as they ‘enjoyed’ in whichever shit hole they came from it is not surprising that pollution levels where they now live resemble those of some ghastly place in the third world.
He can do what he likes. I’ll never buy anything from his lot or sell them anything. I’ll never hire them to do a job for me or to take me somewhere in their taxi. A Joe Daki once tried buying a house off me. Not a fucking chance. If I’m in a queue at a supermarket with loads of shopping, I’ll let some cunt go first if he’s just got a bottle of milk. But if it’s one of his mob?
The air in Stabistan might be cleaner if he walked his fucking dog on Tooting Common, right on his doorstep, instead of transporting the poor cunt in a three vehicle convoy to Battersea Park, five miles away. But that would be so raaaaaaay-sist wouldn’t it?
Tooting common is well known to be a favourite haunt of Brexit voters and other dangerous members of the “far right.”
In my lifetime, I’ve seen one of the greatest cities on Earth become an utter fucking shithole.
London, on the verge of achieving the Third World status that multiculturalism is bestowing on it.
Watch where you tread……
Get To Fuck.
I read the thread and have to wonder why the notice not to shit in the street is written in English; surely it would more appropriate to write it in several sand desert languages.
Or would that be racist?
In Dick Whittington’s time the streets of London were paved with gold, now they are paved with shit.
Diversity is our strength?
But it is multicultural and diverse shit.
Therefore, inclusive.
Afternoon, Guzzi.
I said it before, I will say it again. If they don’t like it we don’t mind if they leave…
Mind? We should positively encourage it. At gunpoint if necessary.
M63, this all fucks me right off. I live in London and feel like a foreigner, scared to say anything for fear of upsetting someone.
All the narrative about respect, racism, etc. if you go to most of the the places with high knife crime it’s bleck on bleck – certain parts of London, it literally is spot de honkey, not only amongst the blecks but also with most other effniks who have come to the land of milk and honey.
They all hovel around the same areas and I would argue they are not the ones willing to integrate, but the first to stand up and be heard when Mo with his 5 wives and forty thieves don’t get the home they think they deserve…
What more do they want?
Fuck me sideways this shite is a bloody legend, a cornucopia of woke bollocks. Never gives in never stops proclaiming how hard done by those poor effnicks are. Seems to forget that the evil fascist right wing death squad whitey is in a minority in Londonstabistan. Has a blind eye moment every time the moolah is dished out to the likes of Tower Hamlets as was, now known as Chittagong on Thames. Horrible cunt should be given a special London Transport parade, tied to the front of an old A60 stock unit and driven at full speed between Aldgate and Amersham in the pissing rain rounding off the frolics with (on the final northbound run) a diversion to Chesham ending with a full speed transverse of the station car park and entombment in a recently erected building.
Even the poorest effnik is better off here that Um Bongo land…
Looks like the Tories are upping the ante. Not content with having the first woman (with a cervix) Prime Minister, they’re now laying claim to having the first trannie MP!
Oh dear Ghoddd!
The fat cunt looks like the bastard lovechild of Meatloaf and James Cordon?
That’s not very inclusive, CG. I’m offended on his behalf. He’s a beautiful, natural woman, you know, and not a disgusting degenerate probable pæd⁰.
I’m going on Twitter to report you, you disgusting right-wing bigot.
Like others on here, I wear my “isms” like a badge of honour?
That’s not very progressive of you, Mr Cunt Engine.
Surely you mean “I’m offended on HER behalf.”
Shame on you.
Oh fucking hell. It had to happen. The dirty, sick fucked up cunt. Soon to have a cunt of his own. Dirty bastard.
Transit to what?
??? why is he complaining about being raped, I thought the dirty bastard would have enjoyed it.
It’s just a pity he wasn’t raped by an elephant.
That’s the sort of thing that goes on in that depraved world.
What an absolute embarrassment. Of course, ‘the new Churchill’ has groveled and praised this fucking degenerate.
If any of you cunts are still voting Tory just to keep out Labour after this nonsense, you need your bumps feeling.
Read the link ” Don’t shit in the street ”
It was only a matter of time, next you’ll get lepers begging in the street…
Too late
Effnicks have a choice, to fuck off back to the shit holes they crawled out of.
If several million of these parasites fucked off we might have the pathway to being a decent country, as well as improving air quality and crime reduction.
Freedom for the England, no dogs, no Irish, no blacks (and no Muslims) ?
PS only joking about the dogs
And Khan is a cunt.
The Irish have every right to Work in your country and most don’t tarmac driveways.
In the height of brexit preparation Irish account icy and legal firms were employed by the British government to keep up with the load of bollocks.
So the slogan on the landlady’s door you refer too ,has disappeared along time ago and probably best left alone.
A lot of British people reside in Rep of Ireland as it happens , probably reminds them of happier times when walking about, but it’s changing here as well at a rate of knots.
Maybe the ? tagged on at the end should have been a clue.
Other than the accent I have no issue with the Irish. Blacks and Muslims are a different matter all together.
Freedom for England
You forgot to mention white leftie woke useful idiot enablers.
That will on the door in a jiffy RTC
Send the dinghy riders back to Africa.We don’t want them.No use to no one
Sadiq Khan
The poster boy for the fifth column.
I notice our ‘journalists’ always ask honky MPs awkward (to them not me) questions like, “Do women have a cervix?”
They never ask peacefuls in the Labour Party I’ve noticed.
If Khan said some degenerate pro tranny shite, he and they know he’d lose votes.
They could always fuck off back to the 3rd world slums they hailed from.
Sadiq Kahn again.
The victim/race card again.
Climate Change liie again.
Maybe the problem should have stayed where they fucking came from!!
I’m in a foul mood.
So he’ll be saying that these poor people need to take over the big houses in the leafy suburbs, a bit like the locals in Southern Africa taking over the farms. Obviously. Anything else would be waycist. #ClimateBollocks
I do not understand why he just comes out and fesses up that his ulterior motive is to have every whitey moved out of London.
End of.
Send the fucker to Ukraine with an I love Putin tee-shirt.
He wants throwing into a bin
So we should provide free hosing in Belgravia or Kensington then.? Any type of lodging must be an upgrade from the nests that they are used to in the third world.!
The photo indicates that the khaki gnome is well-versed in the ancient art of fisting. Budgetary needs must.
I was going for a stabbing demo joke, what with all the knife crime in London. But a fisting joke would also have worked. Well observed, Marmitus. – NA.
Brilliant! Well observed. Wish I had come up with that one. My cognitive processes are somewhat impinged through chronic alcoholism at the moment.