Romany Gypsies

Wales Online News Link.

Romany Gypsies playing the fucking victims is a cunt, see above.

You live somewhere nice, rural, quiet and before you know it there’s horses appeared in a field, or a caravan/ caravans, then the land is sold and then your nightmare starts, your local pub becomes a no go zone, and then all sorts of problems start and on it goes.

Then you have an innocent guy, who would never hurt a fly, has never ripped anyone off in his life and I’m sure there’s loads of other things he’s never done, was somewhere else at the time with witnesses and so on and so on, goes on the news bleating about how hard life is, how they cant understand why people don’t welcome them with open arms, how its everyone else’s fault, how they get a raw deal, how/why they will never get planning permission, and the best bit is how they are victims and they are so misunderstood, plod usually don’t want to know.

The place always ending up looking like a scene from snatch and you cant sell your house and move…..

Nomimated by Fuglyucker

92 thoughts on “Romany Gypsies

    • It’s just not libtards it’s all of them ,afraid to speak a truth
      Career ending move in this wonky honky woke dumb

      Manny local council representatives have tried where I live and depending on the severity of their observations , they either had to resign or apologize profusely.
      For the birds the whole shithouse is now and forever for what’s left in my lifetime.

  1. Gypsy Rose Lee – A Burlesque Legend.
    They don”t make ’em like that any more!

  2. They are not as bad as the diddycoys that’s the only saving grace. They leave their shit everywhere though.

  3. Suppose you had rats in your house you wouldn’t be happy. They are dirty and carry diseases. They cause damage by gnawing their way through everything. If they get a chance they will steal your food. If you corner them they will attack and bite you. It’s a fucking nightmare.
    If you had this misfortune you would kill the bastards. If you couldn’t do that you’d pay some cunt who could.
    You see what I’m saying?

  4. A farmer near me has got a real nasty vicious cunt of a dog, he’s named him “BOSS”, so when pie key cunt turns up on a thieving mission shouting BOSS to make sure no ones home, BOSS comes to greet them with his pearly whites glimmering from the darkness, they soon hop in their Transit tipper of cuntishness, I fucking loathe pie keys!!!

  5. We used to get them parked up on some waste ground in the 70s early 80s.
    We were kids and the gyppo kids would try it on
    Stealing kids bikes, demanding money etc.

    One of the lads on our estate was a fuckin headtheball.
    Hard cunt and would pull a blade without much provacation.
    He had a lot in common with the gyppos!

    Anyway we were hanging about the streets and these gyppo kids turned up.
    Throwing their weight around.

    One offered this lad out.
    Started taking his shirt off
    Bare Knuckle style.

    This lad said

    “Why yer stripping off you qu33r cunt?!!”

    And battered the fuck out of this gyppo!?

    It ignited us kids and got our confidence up

    “Get the gyppos!’

    • A story that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy after a hard day’s work. Well, some work at home anyway.

    • It just shows the fuckers CAN do it if there is the motivation there. But that’s the problem.

      • Shame that the BBC is so political nowadays. Oh wait it always has been

  6. Only two words you ever need , to mutter to a knacker pavi pike
    “Not interested”
    Then close your door
    Or if solicited in the market or street by the selling of shitbox tools or generators
    Repeat as above and keep walking.

    If by some chance you engage in conversation, then they will have this inbuilt automatic reaction to not let you go without giving them something, sometimes by any means depending on the witnesses that are about.
    To repeat “ not interested “
    And then they move on

  7. The photos in the Walesonline article show just how backward and filthy the thieving pie quay cunts are.
    Walesonline being part of the Reach group have not invited comments. The lefty woke cunts never do whenever they write about “other races” , trannies, perceived hate etc..

  8. One thing with filthy pikies is that if you absolutely batter them then they don’t come back. They prefer the easy targets.
    Some of you might remember the story I posted of when they came to Rugby many years ago and got served up big style when they thought they could do as they pleased.
    Not a single encampment of this filth showed up again for at least 20 years.
    Mind you , it’s not easy to travel when all bar one of your shiny chrome caravans and vans is a black burnt out chassis.
    Fuck em.
    What a bunch of cunts .

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