Political Statements at Sporting Events

Making political statements at sporting events

It seems that the floodgates are now definitely open after the world of sport cowered to BLM and other woke causes in recent times.

“It’s not political, it’s a humanitarian issue,” they would cry.

Well this weekend, we’ve seen the Premier League (and other sporting events I’m sure) showing solidarity with the Ukraine.

Before you say I’m a cunt, you’re right. I am. However, I hope the Ukrainians kick the living shite out of Putin’s mob.

But it’s irrelevant. And this nom is aimed at political grandstanding in sport in general. Sporting events should not be used for political statements. Even if you or I agree with them.

First up, sport is an escape for many for a few hours. Escape from the stresses of life, which includes, I would guess, things like the threat of nuclear war of course! Or perhaps of the rise of stabby stabby in London. Or of the stresses the Rona caused us all.

But no. Let’s remind every cunt about a load of stressful shite when they’re just trying to get away from it all for a few hours.

Another reason is that eventually, they’ll campaign for a cause you strongly oppose.

Just get on with the game you fucking cunts. Nobody gives a shiny shite for your views.

Fuck off.


Nominated by Cuntybollocks

86 thoughts on “Political Statements at Sporting Events

  1. I notice before 6 Nations rugby some bullshit about racism is flashed up on the TV. Utterly pointless.

  2. Classic example recently………a minutes applause for Ukraine before a game interrupted by Chelsea cunts chanting support for Abramovich. Oh, shock horror, every cunt is up in arms. Once you let politics into sport you are going to get shit you don’t like , as the OP points out. The genie is out of the bottle now and you can’t put it back. Every commie fuck will want their cause supported at a sporting event, especially if it’s on telly, and some cunts are going to kick back. Or…..they’ll just walk away, not interested anymore.

    • When I last watched Chelsea perform in my local, I thought I might be watching a sequel to Captain Phillips.

  3. i do not do sport, being a fat cunt. Sport should be above politics. As for the PL cunts taking a knee. FUCK OFF ALREADY you chippy cunts. Anyone else trying to bring politics into sport. OVEN.

  4. Next to the score in the top left corner of the screen for our Spanish football is the slogan ‘No a la invasión’.

    Fucking stupid when you consider that the only alternative would be to support an invasion.

    Of course they could make no comment about the invasion at all, but that does not seem to be the way to go nowadays.

    • Virtue signalling, woke posturing, its everywhere in sport.
      Who listens to cuntish footballers?!!

      Or anyone involved in sport,
      No-one thats who.
      Unless theyve just hatched from a fuckin egg any road.

      If I want advice on something theyd be the last people id ask.
      After Jade Goody and H from Steps.
      Fuck off?

      • ‘I take responsibility for every not so funny joke, for every unfair stereotype’.

        I bet that’s what Mr Fiddler says to himself every morning shaving in front of the mirror Miserable?

        Then he adds- (going out to the cowsheds)

        ‘I take responsibility for every unchecked moment’

      • Afternoon Miles?

        Fiddler told me he shaves in a full lenth mirror so he can do his back,sack and crack.

        Hey , how about the Shroud being made in Burton on Trent?!!

        I knew it must of been British made due to the workmanship.

        I think a lot of things in the Bible were probably British made,
        The Ark of the covenant? UK
        The Holy Grail? Uk
        Norahs Ark? Uk

        I imagine Norah as a kindly animal lover a bit like Johnny Morris.

        Making up funny voices as they came 2 by 2.

        Whaddaya reckon?

      • Well this Adkins fella seems to know the medieval period.
        He maybe right but I do I think so.
        What he describes is really a ‘rubbing’ but when you get right up close…the detail precludes a rubbing I believe.

      • Were you wearing a a rubber (as they say in America) while you were rubbing one out?

        I dont think rubbing is the correct term for a man. It ‘rubbing one out’ and thats what women do. We me men pull or tug dont we?

        I like to be exact.

        No you wouldnt be wearing a rubber rubbing because in your own words you dont like ‘sex litter’.

        Surely I am above all this.

  5. A worthy cunting to be sure. I used to watch sports to escape. Now I couldn’t care less and it’s because of the politics. I guess there is no escape now unless I watch something made before 2018.
    Just do your thing with the ball and get paid. Keep your personal views private.
    Now silence is racist to FFS!

  6. Only sporting event im looking forward to is the fight between Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson on Saturday.

    Hope they mention the plight of immigrants first or trans rights.

    • Indeed.
      Furthermore mixed martial arts contests such as those of the UFC have no such homosexual rubbish spoiling their lovely extreme violence.

  7. Talking about sport – I see Gary Neville has suddenly changed his view on international money in football:


    Methinks he is a cunt, and would not have swiftly changed his opinion had it not been for Ukraine, cunt changing his mind before he gets dropped as a pundit quicker than a whore drops her knickers for a line of crack.

    What a cunt and all the other cunts that have changed their minds these last few weeks.

    I, on the other hand always thought Ambramovic was a cunt, and that his dirty laundered money should never be allowed here (well dodgy for sure…), and that other dirty cunt who BloJo gave a peerage to recently (cunt looks like Drax from Moonraker).

    Money, money, money. Politicians and businessmen and crooks, all supping from the same cup working in the oldest industry on the planet – prostitution, whoring themselves out to the highest bidder.

    Fuck you all.

    Where’s my pint of Guinness.

    • Very much agree, CM.

      Neville is an uber cunt. Cunt as a player and now a cunt as a self styled know-it-all pundit. The Saudi record on human rights isn’t a fucking secret and yet it takes an aggressive war/invasion for the cunt to come to the conclusion foreign/state money buying EPL clubs might not be a good idea and the EPL’s ‘fit and proper’ test for potential club ownership is probably flawed. Really Gary? I mean, fucking really? FIFA and UEFA have been found to be financially, morally and ethically corrupt organisations. Anyone think the EPL is squeaky clean?

      This cunt kept his trap shut when the Glazers were buying into Manure at a time when they were winning everything. Credit where it’s due for publicly saying he’s wrong, but he was wrong long before now so he’s either a slow learner or a total hypocrite. Or both.

      As for Abramovich, anyone who has made that much money has not done so cleanly. He might look like an affable chap who enjoys his footy, but I’m sure he’s been involved in more than one shady and highly lucrative deal over the years. It should not have taken supposed links to The Crazy Ivan before a spotlight was shone on where his money came from.

      • He took over certain commodities (raw metals being the big one) when the USSR broke up.

        There were several chaps bidding for the rights and somehow all of Abramavich’s either withdrew at the last minute or met their deaths in strange accidents.

        He also once hijacked a train full of aluminium to stop a rival getting hold of it. He got prison for it I believe.

        No cunt came out of the USSR with billions without being a fucking gangster (allegedly etc.)

  8. Boycott the shite or better still, turn up the volume and boo for the duration.

    ? Virtue signal wankers
    Virtue signal wankers.
    La la la la
    La la la la ?

  9. You lot need to get with the times- “er indoors” has been taken a knee, before the main event, for fucking years.

  10. How about poppies? They’re worn by every manager, intetviewer, and player, even the ‘woke’ cunts.

    • Once a year.

      To commemorate the dead of ours from WW1+2.

      Once a fucking year.

      Not every fucking game. And a good reason (Your identity!)

      No comparison.

  11. England football team wearing poppies to commemorate the dead of war?
    Mucus Rashcock “taking a knee” for racist murdering shit?
    Not political.
    Fuck off.

  12. F1 are not doing the knee bending shit anymore and Mercedes have gone back to silver, I just hope George Russell kicks Hamilton’s arse.

    • Lewis Larbalestier-Hamilton it will be soon Soi.

      ‘He is going to change his name, incorporating his mother’s surname, Larbalestier, to honor her.’

      Announced on International Women’s Day.

      He must have thought ‘I havent had anything to virtue-signal about recently….I know…’

      • He should change it to ‘chippy’, has nice ring to it

        Lewis Chippy Hamilton, Cunt of the Realm

  13. I wonder if any thick cunt has ever gone to a match, seen the wankers on their knees and changed their minds on racism. I know I haven’t. If anything, it makes moderate minded people resent the buggers even more.

    • Worse thing is at Arsenal, is how many of the crowd clap when the twats are kneeling. We are truly fucked in this country.

      • Yep, all three of the Arse fans clap for that.

        ? Just like a library, just like a library ?


    • That’s how, I feel, I used to be quite moderate, but I’ve developed a form of Tourette’s,
      so any time any one coloured come on the TV, I shout “ Fuck off you dirty n..”
      The wife is not impressed.

  14. Good nom. ?

    Modern day top level football is basically a whore to any “cause”

    Officials and players in face masks to sit outdoors on the bench alongside other squad members and officias who aren’t wearing the things, probably just to remind the more dim witted viewers to be perpetually fearful.
    (please don’t notice the medical emergencies in the crowds and on the pitch that seem to occur with alarming regularity though)

    Rainbow flags and laces for the globo homo agenda (although we’re still waiting for the first top level pro to come out of the closet)

    Kneeling and black panther fist salutes for the Buy Large Mansions brigade, to celebrate of the life and loves of that fine upstanding citizen – St George Floyd and other assorted race baiting crap.

    Now it’s yet more vomit inducing virtue signalling for a situation in Eastern Europe that these thick as pig shit clowns probably know absolutely fuck all about.

    Anything and everything Russia = bad
    Anything and everything Ukraine = good
    If the media and SlySports tell you that, then pundits – get your badges on and fans – get your Ukraine flags out and applause the anti-white racism because there’s only one version of the truth that you need to know.

    At this rate it’s going to be 90 minutes of virtue signalling and 90 minutes of football.
    Echoes of the 2 minutes hate in 1984.

    Crock of fucking shit and a bunch of cunts.

    • good points well made Herman. Yes – remembered the 2 minutes of hate from 1984. Spot on!

  15. FIFA are cunts too. I don’t think they have met a corrupt state or despot they didn’t like. Its all very well throwing Russia out of the WC and crying about refugees but they still went ahead with the 2018 World Cup, four years after Putin had already annexed Crimea.

    • Quite right.

      And what a cracking, well organised and trouble free world cup 2018 was, despite the pre tournament UK media hysteria of nasty Eastern European racists and homophobes being horrible to England’s army of gay and black fans, it seemed to pass without too much incident.

      Onwards now to that other bastion of freedom, tolerance and footballing heritage – Qatar.

      Good Afternoon LL

      • Always remember Sol Campbell preaching before the 2018 World Cup “Don’t go to Russia, they’re all racists, you’ll get stabbed, you’ll get beat up”. And it happened to be one of the best and most peaceful and well run World Cup in years. Will Sol be saying the same Qatar? Probably not the hypocritical cunt. A racist baiter of convenience when it suits him. I’m also getting fed up with all this Russia=Bad, Ukraine=Good. I don’t agree with what Russia are doing but it’s not all black and white. It’s complex Geo Politics not Lex Luther v Superman.

      • It’s not complex geopolitics at all. That cunt Putin claims Ukraine isn’t a real country and now he is shelling civilians because his army has performed like utter dog shit.

        Fuck him and fuck anyone stupid enough to make excuses for his decision to invade. He could have a list of grievances as long as my cock and it doesn’t excuse what he has done. I hope Russia collapses if it doesn’t put a bullet in his head soon*

        *Or Novichok or Polonium, whatever tickles those cunts fancy

      • The media in this country is obsessed with the Russian invasion of Ukraine yet for some strange reason, they don’t see the daily invasion of Britain by hundreds of thousands of fighting age males from the 3rd world as a problem.

        We’re governed by liars, traitors and virtue signalling cunts.
        Elite level sport has become a vessel for this bullshit hypocrisy.

    • The Human rights abuses in Quatar and the poor health and safety, modern slavery and mortality rate of construction workers, in the stadium projects-and FIFA look the other way and take the bulging brown envelopes.
      A fucking disgrace?????

      I shall not watch the fucking circus-Team England will be devoid of real Englishmen, anyway?

      • Me as well LC

        A sad state of affairs that any fan can feel contempt to such a degree where you want your country to actually lose but that’s where ill advised, anti-white racist gesturing gets your national team I suppose.

      • I was cheering on the Italian team ?
        Those three African footballerists, bolting the penalties was justice served?

        Fuck the FA.
        Fuck Wokegate.
        Fuck modern football?

      • Afternoon Herman.

        If that fat yellow bastard in North Korea could afford a bid they would consider it.

    • Greetings LL.

      Great points. I can’t remember when this happened, but my guess would be in the 80s. There was some Olympic boycott going on involving Russia. At the time there was outrage about bringing politics into sport and how sport should stand alone as a sporting spectacle.

      Fast forward to the modern era of Saint George and invasions and bringing politics into sport is actively encouraged.

      It’s a funny old world.

      • Afternoon IY.

        There was of course England vs Argentina in 1986 just four years after the Falklands War. Imagine Russia vs Ukraine in four years? The way things are they probably won’t be playing anyone anytime soon.

        There was Iran vs USA too at the 98 WC, decent game from what I remember but the build was all politics unsurprisingly.

      • Arf’noon LL.

        I remember Spurs signing Ossie Ardiles and Ricky Villa in ’78 I think it was. A few years later we had the Falklands war and those poor sods got grief from the stands.

        I seem to remember England fans singing the theme tune of The Dam Busters when they played Germany. Along with the chant of “2 World Wars and one World Cup, do daa do daa”.

        Absolutely disgraceful scenes. I was shocked and appalled and didn’t laugh once. Much.

        Wasn’t the Eng vs Argies in ’86 where the world was treated to Maradona’s netball skills? Cheating coked up cunt he was.

  16. Went to see Arsenal last Sunday. Not only did we have clapping for Ukriane and knee bending, we were then bombarded and half-time with pooftahs going on about “homophobic chants” whatever they are. In all the years I have been going to Arsenal, I have never heard anything that may have been considered racist or anti-gay. Maybe the odd “get up you poof”, but that’s it. These cunts are looking for offence where there isn’t any. I’m seriously at the point fo not bothering next season. I might just go back to watching the local sunday league team – they’re crap and they know they’re crap.

    • At least the pitch at your library is lush, what with all the shit that’s on it. Hahaha. Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’ve given up with football, but I miss the banter with rival fans. No offense intended, my Lord.

      I do recall when I used to visit The Lane in the 90s, the fans used to chant “Gay boy Gay boy” every time Graham Le Saux touched the ball (playing for Southampton if I recall correctly). I have no idea why as I don’t think he has The Gayness. I, of course, never joined in because that would be wrong.

      Since we’re on the subject of ace chants, my fave Arse chant used to be:

      There’s only one Arsene Wenger
      There’s only one Arsene Wenger
      With a packet of sweets and a cheeky smile
      Wenger is a fucking ped….(well you know).

      I also remember great banter when the Arse played at The Lane. We’d all be singing “Nayim from the halfway line”. Then Bergkamp scored from close range and we had to listen to the Arse fans chanting, “Bergkamp from the 6 yard line”. Thems were the days.

      • I think Graeme LeSaux’s crime back in the day was that he had a penchant for broadsheet newspapers.

        From the perspective of that towering intellectual, coke head and bin dipper Robbie Fowler – that automatically made LeSaux gay.

      • Cheers Herman. Didn’t know that. How absolutely bizarre to be thought of as gay simply because you read the broadsheets.

        Last time I was back in the UK (2017 I think), I popped into a Tesco to satisfy my BBQ beef Hula Hoop and custard tart cravings. Anyway, I passed by the newspapers and magazines area and was stunned to see The Times is now tabloid sized. When did that happen? FFS, you leave the country for a couple of decades and shit like this goes down. Unbelievable!

      • No offence IY. You are, indeed, spot on. The “emirates” is like a fucking library. The banter went when we moved.

      • To be fair, Graham Le Saux could read and write and actually finish a complete sentence without saying the Gaffer, adding igsy to players names or other such nonsense, made him a bit of a target having a normal IQ quota compared to the average thick as shit footballer.

  17. Watch this space for EPL teams throwing in a minutes silence for man made global warming/net zero to it’s pre match ritual from next season as well.

    If they do then I think that should have just about every first world and social justice cause covered.

    Saudi Arabian investment and Qatari slave labour issues still aren’t important enough to protest against at this point due to skin colour issues.

  18. Some cunts clapping at a football match is going to change Putins mind isn’t it. Silly twats. What boils my piss as well is the minutes applause when somebody dies. What about a minutes quiet reflection? Everything nowadays is about who can clap the loudest, bang a pan the loudest. It’s all about themselves, who can be the loudest and who can grieve the loudest. The me, me, me society,

  19. Great cunty Bollocks
    “Just Being sympathetic dose not make one a good person “
    Jordan Peterson
    He’s kinda gone off the trolley a bit lately, but it still sums up the fuckology we have to endure daily even when one wants to escape it.
    I’m glad I have learned to ignore as it’s the only way but there are days when I fucking fume at listening to shit from nobody’s that seem to be everywhere in our lives.
    Fuck em ,I’m goin down to the shed , I’ve been meaning to fix something but got distracted ?again

    • Hi Mecuntry –
      I was slowly warming to Jordan Peterson. I’d never heard of him and had no idea who he is, but saw the odd clip on YT where he seemed to talk a lot of sense in a very direct and blunt way.

      I was beginning to think I should perhaps buy a book of his and see what else he has to say.

      Next thing I know, he’s blubbing on YT about finding the lord or something and now he’s all religious and into god and stuff. FFS!

      • Yeah I’ve seen JP crying recently on Joe Rogan about the “power of music” or something along those lines.

        He has been honest in the past about his battles with depression and meds etc but considering his intellectual ability to debate and dismantle aggressive feminists and other sjw types, I will admit to still finding the recent crying a little bit odd.

      • Hi I’m yank , I know that his brilliant mind is on meltdown and God the Father is his rescue and so be it ,if it helps him find peace within.
        I think lately when he talks about God ,it probably refers to his failing marriage and his wife being of faith and he wanted to save that
        Loved him at the start when the PC Snowflakes were dismantled by him with a simple few words but all so true.
        He hates Truedo and that cannot be a bad thing.
        I think it just got to big on him and constantly expected to perform

      • I’m a huge Jordan Peterson fan, but based on past performances, particularly when he demolished Kathy Newman on Channel 4. I haven’t seen him for a while but I heard he had some health issues.

        Regardless, he has a powerful mind and has been a great opponent of the woke mindset.

      • That takedown in C4 was TV gold and should be essential viewing for everybody.

        Newman is a truly despicable monster and she was completely out of her depth against JP.

      • “Just Being sympathetic dose not make one a good person “
        Jordan Peterson.

        Viz, Meghan Sparkletits and Prince Harry De Halfwit.

  20. Thank fuck I despise the Fancy Cakes show that modern football has become.

    Absolutely fucking braindead cunts.

  21. Whichever bunch of wankers runs the Commonwealth Games have already decided that it’s ok to make “social justice demonstrations” on the podium when receiving medals. Well, we all know what that means……..more wokie bollocks, more gays and trannies. Nobody watches that shit anyway so now they will get even less attention.
    It’s in Birmingham by the way so expect all the Africunt competitors to disappear overnight.

    • I bet any that tried it in Japan last year were identified and kicked out within days. OK going on the run in Japan and not looking like a nip doesn’t help but they take no shit and only take a handful of asylum seekers and refugees a year. Plus they don’t allow duel citizenship so no shipping over the rest of the tribe once you have a foothold in the country.

      What a place .I have to remind myself that this country actually lost the fucking war.

    • Well I liked Morgan Freeman’s response when asked about being black recently (I don’t have link) but it’s more or less along the lines of
      Of course I’m black , look at me ,
      Now he’s a man of character and ain’t complaining about the colour of his skin and the need for approval by bending knees

      • Morgan Freeman grew up in Mississippi and I believe still lives in the Deep South, fair play to him, I not sure what connection Marcus has with the struggles in Alabama or Mississippi, none at all would be my guess, just gesture politics, footballers should stay well clear of politics they are not intelligent enough to understand nuance or anything really. Same for vacuous luvvies, I hate them in spades.

  22. I dint watch sport any more because of this shite or choice of locations. All sport now appears corrupt.

  23. Some cunt has tied himself to the goalpost at Everton tonight and held up the game. Fuck knows what his protest is about but you can hardly be surprised. It’s on the telly and the football authorities have said politics at football is great. Now they are reaping the rewards of their fucking stupidity and desperate virtue signalling.
    You stupid boys!

    • Good old Jessie , put on some show for the home crowd????????
      ???? and then out of town
      It was Hail’s biggest comedown when on the crest of the wave of amphetamine induced Arian pride .
      The lights went on soon after to seek out the Jessie’s that killed the dream envisioned
      With the penultimate rally for the taken of what was naturally Germanic being Austria and then on and on they searched and destroyed
      They never saw Jessie again
      Another black man that the world loved .

  24. Check out May 14th 1938…. Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany v England football. The England team gave the Nazi salute under instructions from Neville Chamberlain and the usual crowd of politician arselickers.

    We’ve got nothing to be proud of when it comes to political expediency .

  25. This is my best cunting imo.

    I know some don’t care about sport and that’s fine, but for many, including myself, sport is a form escapism from the stresses of life.

    Stress reduction is important. Stress kills. It really does.

    So now I’ve got to find a new stress relief. Looking at meditation and mindfulness.

    I’d prefer non political sport, it’s always worked for me, but I can’t have that anymore it seems. That’s why it’s an important cunting (to me, anyway).

    Really busy. Professional cunt me. That’s why not posting much but about to get a break.

    Great comments cheers you cunts.

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