A maiden cunting please for Starmer’s latest pain in the arse – that daft looking woman Paulette Hamilton who won the Birmingham Erdington election, a perpetually grinning tart who looks like a [edited] wearing big glasses. The BBC sat on a story till the polls closed, which suggests that, apart from being a “hard-working black woman” she is a race baiter who , a few years ago pondered on a “black uprising”. In short she is David Lammy with a real cunt. Dame Keir, as ever, twisted the substantiated claim as “a shameful [THAT word again!] attempt to stop a black woman from winning her seat – the first black woman MP in Birmingham”: Ah, how sad, how pathetic in the true meaning of that word. I find it hard to believe no other Dark Keys from the Midlands has ever darkened Parliament’s door, but I will take the old arsehole’s word for it. The second city has had more than it’s share of HoC wankers., of whatever race.
There we are – even the useful idiots of Starmer felt compelled to report it – this is no Daily Mail or Express scoop, but only one step down (or up ? – you decide) from the Labourites fanzine “The Guardian”.
In a way I welcome this old bag – grinning the while like she has just seen a bag of nuts – because after all the back-slapping and mutual masturbation in the Labour camp (and they don’t come much camper) dies away, I think this “hard-working” nurse will become as big an embarrassment to Kweer as Diane and Butler (“I ‘ate you, Butler!”). Instead of grinning in her big glasses and showing us those big teeth, as she sits on Kweer’s shoulder while he plays his barrel organ, she will be stirring up racial discontent , – a dog returning to it’s own vomit.
It will also create another problem. It won’t be long, with their entitlement, before the Lammy’s, the Butler’s, the Lewis’s – and the Hamilton’s, too , will not be content to be mere ministers – they will want the top job, and Starmer will find himself, sans lipstick and greasepaint, back in court with his wig, while Black Labour will turn the country into Mugabe country, and we will be ruled over by half witted idiots – perhaps even Sad-dick Kunt will return in triumph from County Hall. Mandy, blacked up, will be on hand to offer “advice”.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
She’ll be as successful as those other honest Labour wimminz Fiona Onsanya, Dawn Butler and maths prodidgy Abbot.
It’s gummy smile is even more pronounced than the one sported by that Jess Phillips.
It’s cunt and arsehole must look (and smell) utterly horrendous.
A vile hag. I pity the poor electorate.
You could say their own fault, but this is Birmingham Erdington – the Tory had no chance.
You could just as easiiy have put a plantpot on a mop stale wearing a red rosette, and they’d have voted for it in Erdington.
People are sometimes their own worst enemies.
Another nail in Labours already creaking coffin….
Is she related to Lewis Hamilton? They all look the same to me…
I thought Guy the Gorilla was dead!
The Labour Party, will go thru a re brand…soon will be known as “The Chimps Tea Party”…??