A severe cunting please for the National Museum of Wales which has decided in its wisdom to cancel a replica of Richard Trevithick’s first steam-powered locomotive due to its connection to…. SLAVERY!
Despite the fact that it has NO connection to slavery whatso-fucking-ever!
Trevithick’s locomotive was used in the first steam-powered railway journey that took place at the Penydarren Ironworks in Merthyr Tydfil, in Wales in 1804. Inconveniently, its Cornish inventor had no personal links to slavery, but was a racist cos he was white and his invention has never benefited anyone who isn’t white cos no person of colour has ever been known to travel on a train ever*.
But through a clever sleight of hand the museum has determined that links between steam train technology and the slave trade might exist, ergo the invention is “rooted in colonialism and racism”.
* Except when shovelling coal in its boiler.
The museum pledges to: “identify collections linked to colonial aggression and the transatlantic slave trade. This will form part of our wider decolonising work.”
Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff
Sorry to derail this thread so soon, but if you use Google Chrome on any of your devices can you make sure you’re up to date with the latest version. This is due to a serious bug in older versions that could make your browser vulnerable to yet another zero-day hack.
To do this click the 3 ellipses top right corner of Chrome. Then click “Help” and then “About Google Chrome”
It should tell you your version – ideally “99.0.4844.84”
If not it should automatically update and relaunch.
This applies to Windows, Linux and Apple devices
The latest version of Chrome is now Version 100.0.4896.60 (Official Build) (64-bit). I guess the cunts at Google fixed something else they broke previously. – NA.
Thanks Techno. Keep up the good work. We’ll forgive you for going off topic.
Thanks techno. Is this bug in Chromium and Brave too?
Does this mean “Ivor the Engine” was in fact a fully paid up member of the National Union Of Fascists?
There’s racist!
Take a look at Ali G in Wales. Tells you everything you need to know about the cunts.
I should point out that my mother was Welsh and she was a proper cunt as well. Her idea of discipline was to beat me with a horse whip. Today they’d lock the bitch up.
Fuck the Welsh. Nuke Cardiff…
Don’t worry Dio, Chairman Von Drakecunt has outlawed discipline of children, he said his parenting style was perfect at turning out a decent, well rounded law abiding citizen!
Probably the worst destination for a school trip ever.
Racist and boring.
A spitting tour guide shows you the worlds first welly and a prehistoric leek.
Get to the museum of Chester !
They let you shoot bow and arrows at welshies!
A great day out for all the family.
Chester, in this Cunter’s opininion, is the most beautiful city (architecture/history) in the UK?
I thought you could only shoot the welshies after midnight Mis. Unfortunately I have indulged in falling down water well before then.
With a longbow within the walls of the city of York…..
Oh wait that’s Jocks I think…..
If they are hoping to attract libtards to their wokie sanitised museum they are fucking dreaming. The cunts are well busy glueing themselves to roads, seeking out homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, racism, misogyny and all that good shit. It’s a full time job being a SJW these days. They haven’t got time to fuck about slagging old trains off.
Get real you sheepshagging wankers!
Christ they must be bored to death to be mithering over this shite.
Of course they could just be colossal cunts.
Steam oven.
Anyhow this a splendid nom.
These pathetic lying cunts could forget steam trains and perhaps start a campaign to have the Welsh recipients of the Victoria Cross awarded after Rorkes Drift “cancelled” or have their families return the medals.
See what comes of that..
Hopefully a short trial for treason then the gallows.
I wish..
@UT. Steam punk oven, even.
Herd them in, whilst dressed as Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Capital !
Good morning.
IKB wearing his signature stove pipe hat, how apt!
Before long our history will have been whittled down to just enough to display on the shutdown dot that you used to see on an old valve driven black and white telly when you turned it off. Except thats probably racist and they never existed due to the colours mentioned, plus the valves were subject to electrical slavery and detained against their will to entertain a mainly white audience. These overpaid useless cunts just cannot stop themselves from finding issues where none exist. Nuke ’em.
Well, if they don’t want the replica in their museum, can I have it, please?
It must be worth a bob or two for scrap.
All they’ll have left is a stuffed sheep dressed up in stockings and suspenders.
Actually the invention of non human slaves by the British was the reason slavery was abolished. These people are the dumbest people ever to come out of a “university”
What’s the betting that the committee who came up with this shite is “hideously white”…the usual collection of pink-haired lesbians with nose-rings,metrosexual /homosexual men and Academics who have spent their entire lives in “Education”.They will cry for the “poor ” while actually having contempt for anyone who works to support their family/better their lives.
They wail about “oppression” when what they actually want is to enforce their own pie-in-the-sky, oppressive dogma onto anyone who doesn’t accept that they “know best”.
It’s time that these people were stopped from stoking the fires and held to account…although when we have “Leaders” unwilling to even define what makes a “Woman” different to a “Man”,I don’t hold out too much hope.
I genuinely believe that these people are deliberately trying to fan the flames of racism….they encourage Coloureds to feel hard-done-by and give Whites the impression that every Sooty is uppity and chippy.
Bingo. Divide and rule.. Don’t fall for it.
Good points. Trouble is, too many cunts in the race relations industry have a powerful vested interest in keeping the racist fires burning. Without racism they would be unemployed (and unemployable, probably). All the essential battles for racial equality have long been won, so these vested interests (Guardian journalists, Labour politicians and fellow travellers) are now having to invent new, ever more absurd grievances to keep their lucrative gravy train (no pun intended) rolling.
I’m amazed that they haven’t gone down the route of claiming that the steam locomotive was, in fact, invented by a black man. I mean, according to recent research, they’ve been found to have been heavily involved in almost every facet of human endeavour. From medical science to winning world wars 1 and 2, they’re contributions have been shamefully covered up by evil white imperialists. Speaking of which, who’s got money on the Imperial War Museum changing its name any time soon?
Rename it the Soul train!!
Say Shiirley Basseys black grandad invented it.
We need to set up a national museum of slavery, looking at the subject since ancient times. Won’t be popular with the BLM mob though as it isn’t all about them. Bet the yanks wish they had enslaved the Irish instead, they don’t bang on about things that happened hundreds of years ago.
The Scousers have a museum of slavery in Albert Dock. Naturally, WT gets the largest condemnation, I don’t recall any real mention of the Africa Squadron of the Royal Navy hunting down African and Arab slavers though. The four main collections on the website are:
Transatlantic Slavery
Racist Memorabilia (starting to see a pattern?)
Diaspora Collection (focussing on how we are all racist towards a certain continent on the southern Med…)
Modern Slavery (except any involving Africa, Arabia and a certain near Asian country near India…)
There is, naturally a shop on the site books and cards only since you ask 😉
The yanks had many Irish slaves and they treated them appallingly…
I actually believe that the passing of QE2, will herald the “Great Reset” proper.
Charlie boy is a fucking appeaser?
And a useful idiot, like his sons. They’re all terrified of a few parts per million extra plant food in the air.
What about all the Roman sites and museums which show how the British were slaves in their own country once upon a time?
Oh no, it wasn’t like that was it? The benevolent Romans tried to civilise us but we were so dumb and backward they gave up and fucked off home in the end. Yes, the British are fucking evil and everything they ever did was shit. Don’t forget that comrades.
Doesn’t fit the narrative does it, so not worth considering. Selective racism at it’s very best.
Has Thomas The Tank Engine been cancelled yet? Plenty of material there surely. Even a Fat Controller too.
Love from the Isle of SodOff.
If they don’t want a train how about a 12 foot tall gold plated statue of good King Edward I?
Will they now ban African art and artifacts, due to the cunts being the biggest perpetrators of slavery in the world? They’re still fucking at it.
Do these idiots think Africans lived in peace and harmony and left their front doors open to each other before ‘da white devil’ arrived?
Or were there warring tribes genociding, raping and enslaving the fuck out each other (and eating each other in some cases)?
Wokeism exists because it pleases our masters. Wokeism is applied in all establishments that would simply not exist if funding were withdraw. We ( collectively ) are funding these fuckers. Don’t go for the snakes tail, take its head!
Does colonial aggression include the English?? Welsh are cunts, language sounds like a scouse Arab.
Wales does have a history of slavery and colonialism. In the mines, ironworks, docks and on the land. Lives were hard, brutish and short. The cunts who came up with this nonsense need reminding of that.
Exactly. Industrial slavery. Those poor blighters might just as well have been chained up in the West Indies.
Spot on. I saw a tv programme about the railways in Wales and it was saying that when a branch line opened up to the coast, some of the miners came down and just stood on the shoreline, gobsmacked at seeing the sea as they were used to such long hours in the mines
This decolonisation bollox threatens to lay waste entire tracts of Western knowledge, history and culture. It’s a threat and the Government needs to do something to stop it NOW.
So many ghastly comments here, you foul racists.
If I had a pound for every racist comment I see here, some dark keys would probably come and steal it.
Remember, racism is a crime and crime is committed by the coloureds.
I think your all being a little too hard on Wales, we have to thank it for Catherine zeta Jones and erm….. that is all I can think of…
Cock-a-leekie soup and some proper mucky birds.
Once had a night out in Rhyl in my 20s.
They were literally launching themselves at me, fanny first. Right dirty bitches. I’m no Brad Pitt either.
But Doncaster (yes, not Wales) was still the worst (best?) for this after a stag do at the races. “I want your fucking cock” was a memorable line one lassy used on me before I even knew her name.
Classic ISAC anecdote, cheers CB!
Cock a leeekie soup? Fuck me what part of Wales was this?
Anything with leek in it must be Welsh.
It’s the law.
What about that opera singing bird? And the cuisine, sheep brains and seaweed, yum yum!
Ms Jenkins, I would. Fantastic set of lungs.
What these cunts have failed to appreciate in the narrow cul de sac of their stunted and unimaginative brains, is that by inventing the steam engine, Trevithick harnessed an immense power that helped unleash the industrial revolution.
This meant that machines could now do the jobs that previously had to be done by slaves and lackeys. It’s been estimated that a modern household would need the efforts of 50 slaves to produce the power we consume.
Trevithick and his like contributed to the decline of slavery, not it’s flourishing.
Very well said. It’s like a washing-machine museum going woke. “You’ve never seen whiter whites!”
You make an excellent point MMCM. However, I see all coal burning steam power as a slight against white women who prefer black cocks.
Also what is a Locomotive doing in a museum for ocean mammals?
“Maybe it’s because i’m Black,” is what that loco is thinking. ♠️
I also go by the nickname of ‘Sooty.’ Will that do?
Slavery, slavery, slavery….. fucking sick of hearing about it, it was over 200 years ago ffs, how much longer before it isn’t seen as our fucking ‘shame’.
I don’t give a fuck about the transatlantic slave trade, can’t turn the clock back, it happened so fucking live with it.
In the great scheme of things it was a drop in the ocean and the more all these apologists go on about it the more white people resent blacks.
It’s like Europe continuing to bang on about Germany because of Hitler, cancel Mercedes and Volkswagen because of connections to the Nazis
If, in the interests of the full story, these woke cunts also decide to highlight the West Africa Squadron & the 1500 (white) sailors & marines who lost their lives carrying out the interception & prevention of the Atlantic slave trade in the 1800s after Britain abolished slavery, I might listen to some of the shit about slaves they want to bang on about.
But that isn’t going to happen any time soon, because the only picture they want to paint is ‘whitey = bad’. Selective cunts.
Slavery is a fact of the human race, every race has used slavery in some form or other. Once again it’s only ever discussed out of context so eliminating any possibility of a proper debate.
Fuck em all
Dunno what they’re on about, mine get fed,clothed, housed and watered. As do I.
How about discipline MF? The Elder Cato of the Roman republic used to personally throttle his transgressors in front of the rest of them.
I get them to batter each other with hammers in a death match.
It’s not well known but I was a part time scene writer for Jungle Django unchained.
Why do the welsh insist on talking with Pakistani accents?
Its quite off-putting.