Jussie Smollett and his Supporters
This cunt is desperately playing the victim card like I’ve never seen and why not? He has his dumb fuck fellow cunts supporting him for no other reason than his skin color and choice of cock holster.
This turd pusher has been fully exposed for the criminally racist cunt he is. His flailing and screeching in spite of his gig being up is bad enough, but now fellow cunts are coming out of the woodpile to lend open support. Most people would slink away in shame but this arrogant race baiter only doubles down. He expects the world to feel sorry for him because somehow his staged hate crime and being convicted for it make him a victim of racism.
The mental gymnastics are breathtaking!
To support this cunt is next-level cuntery. The blind reaction to scream “Racism!!” with every shred of evidence to the contrary tells us that there is NOT a desire to do away with racism. It’s too valuable and powerful to ever be done with it.
So we should never try to appease any of these cunts because there is no making them happy. Racism will never be allowed to die and false claims will always be used to threaten, shake down, cancel, or neutralize guilt.
On the good side, even casual observers will see this for what it is and hopefully the race card will loose it’s effectiveness.
May his career never recover and he reap every appropriate consequence for his horrible life choices.
I hope every appearance he makes will result in tanked ratings so he will be avoided like the plague.
FFS his sentence wasn’t any where near what it should be and probably because of fear of the accusation of “Raaaacism!!”
Fuck this unrepentant pillow biter and all who come to his defense!
Actress Taraji P Henson compares Jussie Smollet to Emmett Hill
Nominated by: Meat Curtains
Great cunting. This happens all the time. Jews drawing swastikas on synagogues, black women writing the N word in bathrooms, and this cunt staging a lynching. There obviously isn’t a racism problem in society otherwise these twats wouldn’t have to make it up. …not from whites anyway.
At least he will get lots of cock in prison.
Freedom for East Anglia.
A total cunt and the judge if within his powers should have thrown the whole fucking library at him. This Jackanory hate crime happened in Chicago which is one of the most dangerous cities in the world outside of a warzone, with most murder victims being black. The daft twat even recruited two enormous Nigerian body builders to act as the MAGA hat wearing homophobic white supremacists, the worst piece of casting since John Wayne played Genghis Khan.
You got modded LL, so I fixed your screen name for you. You’re welcome – NA.
Cheers NA.
The cunt did six days and they let him out pending an appeal. While he was there he played the mental elf card crying and moaning like a poof. Hold on, he is a poof so no acting there then.
His new career will be a professional victim of raaaaaaay-sism. There’s a lot of money in that game so he’ll be ok. He will also be able to satisfy what the judge called his “craving for attention.”
He’s the role model for every spoilt, rich white kid in America.
Since I joined the Navy as a lad, I have always been conviced q ueers were exhibitionists, (they were the noisest men at sea and insisted on letting you know what they were up to or wanted to get up to (and that was many decades ago – I am even more convinced of it decades later – from actor laddies like this piece of shit, through writers and politicians,there is this “hey look at me” quality in such men. Of course, the current fad for trannyism just exacerbates it. A desire to “come out” to mention their sexual proclivities in company at the drop of a hat. One of the Brighton MPs Peter Kyle was on the World At One a couple of months ago talking about Blair and he could’nt resist prefacing his remarks with “speaking as a gay man”. Why do It had fuck all to do with Blair or poofery in general.. Why do they thinbk we want to know? A pity they don’t all go in again – except this actor who I think has gone in for a stretch for wasting police time.
Society seems to love seeing itself as a victim – politicians tell them they are, and even the wealthiest poofter is more than happy to believe it. T his one goes a stage further than most by trying to pervert the course of justice. I am not in the least surprise – perhaps it was a trick he learned from little Owen Jones over here.
He could have got 3 years but he got a few days and even that is described as waycist.
As you say, some people don’t want racism to go away do they? Too convenient for some.
Another racist anti-white dark key.
They (the likes of Smollett) want white people dead. This is something that needs to be understood or we perish.
And no amount of knee bending will appease this movement, you fucking cucks (see Premier League etc).
Why else would he drum up something like this, other than to create more animosity towards white people than there already is? He also probably thought it would help his career – and didn’t give a fuck for the potential riots/anti white shite on his behalf.
I honestly think people like him are very dangerous (genocidal maniacs in fact) and should be executed.
I hope his career is over, but I somehow think he’ll be ‘forgiven’.
A monumental cunt, no doubt.
The poster boy for the Demonrats:
I wonder what he had to say about all those racist attacks on East Asians in America? I recall an elderly Thai gentleman getting beaten to death in an unprovoked attack.
He probably had the same to say (about whitey) as a lot of lefties did…until it was revealed almost all of these attacks were committed by dark key males.
Oh btw, slavery is still going strong in Africa too.
An attention seeking deranged mong.
This cunt and that NASCAR racing cunt Bubba Wallace really do need to be lynched. All they do is stir up racial hatred where there is none. Pair of cunts, and that’s swearing!
This lying cunts version of racism is a magical cloud that transports him to the invincible Burn Loot Murder palace.
There’s an awful lot of money in it for some very fortunate evil Dark Keys.
Even the ones not profiting directly from this criminal enterprise at least get to use The Racisms Card whenever they are confronted by the unpleasant consequences of their lifestyle/biology such as being thick as pigshit,an armed robber,drug dealer,terrorist or dinghy captain.
Anyhow fuck the lot of the squirming vermin.
I hope come cunt has spread his cheeks wide in the prison shower and given him a good fisting.
Total cunt.
Gaol is supposed to be a deterrent not an attraction.
Dirty little shit stabber.
When this story first broke I noticed even black people didn’t buy it.
See Dave Chapelle’s remarks on “juicy Smoolyet”
He and all who support him are a willfully ignorant cluster of racist cunts. I have a seething disgust and abhorance for these people not because of their skin color but because of their choice to go along with these lies.
May they find his body anally impaled on a bed post.
Fucking despicable piece of human garbage!!
Agreed, I do sometimes feel like all this blekness is actually making them more racist that were purported to be…
Perhaps our World Cup players could take the knee in his honour. The piece of shit.
I saw the nom and yes, I think there will be some token gesture (take two knees? Lol)
Obviously, only for the wimmins and the gays. The slaves can fuck off, it seems. Too big an issue to bring up, eh? Only honky does slavery, remember?
Of course, they won’t be using the World Cup to land lucrative sponsorship deals during the tournament. Will they turn now down those World Cup advertising deals with Gillette, Pepsi, Coke, MasterCard, Nike, Adidas, McDonald’s, Amazon et al?
Oh no, of course not, the fucking cunts.
I saw that mong Kane trying to justify the fact that they are going. One black dead criminal – self flagellation and knee taking. 6500 dead migrant workers in Qatar – no-one gives a fuck.
Whilst serving his six days did he become the wing bitch?
He hopes so, the fucking degenerate shit stabber.
I have never heard of this cunt and I couldn’t care less if he, his family and anyone who has ever spoken to them are sucked into a black hole and spat out as dog shit.
I wonder why Owen Jones was not given time for the same offence? He would love being the wing bitch, allegedly.
Oh dear. This lot really take the biscuit:
1. Jamaicans moaning to fuck about slavery. Other blacks were the slavers. Yes, we can give you compensation as long as you take back all the Jamaican criminal filth we have in the UK.
2. That silvery moon girl who was complaining about being searched for cannabis. Never mind child protection, is was about her being black
3. Fucking idiots in the Citizens Advice who want an “urgent investigation” into why silvery moons pay more in car insurance. Wonder why? Take your pick – they’re shit drivers, they live with other silveries and, hence, the rates of criminality are sky high.
For all the above, the unwritten saying is that it is all the fault of whitey. Well then, take responsibility for your own actions and you may find you get on in life.
Hehe, the ‘conversation’ needs to be had after Wills expressed sorrow for our despicable history in a speech in Jamaica.
The want reparations, ffs. One of the most dangerous countries on earth and they want us to give them money. Maybe we should ask for repatriation for all the Jamaican cunts who came here and caused nothing but trouble.
The judiciary both sides of the Atlantic is chock full of woke cunts desperate to hand over the world to the chinky cunts by tearing down the whole edifice on their own dumb fuck heads.
It’s a shame he got off easy on the prison front as I daresay, he would be right at home there. His fecal plumbing proclivities would allow him to thrive in that environment as he’s one of those very effeminate black males with the really high pitched voices that wash other dark-keys drawers in prison and does the twerking dance for the viewing pleasure of his other similarly inclined ‘brothas’ whose only objective is male anus.
Maybe they could cure him of his affliction by hooking him up to one of those electroshock machines that Mike Pence was talking about? They could zap him until he stops craving gentleman paste or they could give me the remote control and I would press the shock button until the cunt was blacker than Anneliese Dodds’ molars.
He is being compared to Emmett Till? Wow. That’s an insult to Till’s family who are still seeking justice, the FBI recently looked into the case again, one of the great miscarriages of justice of all time. Smollett’s premeditated actions were that of a deranged narcissist that caused anger and racial hatred to be stirred up. He should be a pariah in America like OJ Simpson, he should go and live elsewhere like Jamaica and live a quiet life, but he playing the victim and again stoking racial tension in America at at time when a cooling off period is needed. Some people have no shame, just pure egomania.
Off topic, Hebblethwaite, P . on £325,000+ is a gargantuan cunt.
Hobblethwaite, P…!!!
Your race card gas been declined, do you have another form of argument.
Jessica Smollet is a fuckin idiot.
Race shite aside,
the thick cunt and his wacky scheme fell apart almost within 48hrs.
The US plod were suspicious from the off,
And those twin bodybuilders he got to do it grassed him up without a fuss.
Hahahaha ?
The simple twat.
Not only is this guy a cunt, he is a fucking mental cunt.
He should be locked away in a dark room for EVER.
Now hes a proven liar id suggest anyone meeting Jussie covertly racially abuses him!
As youve now got a chance of getting off with it.
Whisper the N word in his ear
Do Chalkie White impressions when alone with him,
Pelt him with bananas.
No way anyone will believe him now!
Im in a room with him?
Im seeing how long I can kneel on his neck.
There actually are some serious legal issues associated with this case.
There is an issue of “double jeopardy”…meaning you can’t be tried for the same crime twice. This is expressly forbidden here in the states but while I am no lawyer, I don’t think it applies here. He was never tried the first time. He made a plea deal with a Soros backed and funded elected Prosecutor…(vile cunt Kim Foxx)…with the aid of Moochie Obama…through former Obama staffer Tina Tchen…so I don’t believe legal jeopardy attached.
Also there are legal cases pending by the 2 brothers he employed who are suing him and (I believe) one counter suit regarding defamation.
The truth is this smarmy little sword swallower and his race baiting friends and family will ride this publicity train for years.
Ill give it my best shot : https://youtu.be/9GB1tlMwxNU
Strangely the ginger tosser James o Brien is very quiet about this blek chutney ferret and the racist thugs that committed this foul deed, put both of them in a rotating oven, then oven again, then oven again..etc